Rounding off of Value in Smart Narrative - powerbi

I generated a Smart Narrative visual but there are values eg. 10,111,238 and 1,289,652 the problem is the format I need is 10M and 1.3M instead. Is there a way where I can Round the value in this feature? Thank you!
I added the image for reference.... apology for editing my inquiry.
Hope you guys still help me with this. Thank you!

Step 1: Create a measure to apply the formatting you're wanting to do:
Million Format = FORMAT(SUM(tblValues[Value]),"#,##0,,.0M")
Step 2: Use that measure in a table or other visual to get 1 row, which can also be aggregated.
Step 3: Convert that visual to smart narrative, which picks up the formatted value


Maximum over 7 columns in Quicksight

I have a very simple problem, but unable to find a way to solve it in Quicksight.
I have data in the below form.I just want to compare the different columns(marks of different weeks) and print out the highest in a new column.
I have tried using the "Max" function, but seems like we can use it only for a specific column,
The output should look like:
Any help is appreciated.
I dont think that we can do aggregate functions across columns like in excel we can do max over range e.g. =max(c1:c5)
I have this work-around, given columns are not too many.
ifelse(marks_week1>marks_week5, marks_week1, marks_week5),
ifelse(marks_week4>marks_week5, marks_week4, marks_week5)),
ifelse(marks_week3>marks_week5, marks_week3, marks_week5), marks_week4))
, ifelse(marks_week2>marks_week3,
ifelse(marks_week2>marks_week5, marks_week2, marks_week5),
ifelse(marks_week4>marks_week5,marks_week4, marks_week5)),
ifelse(marks_week3>marks_week5,marks_week3, marks_week5),
Also posted on quicksight community as feature request or provide insight in case this exists already.

AWS Quicksight calculated fields gives incorrect result for simple division

I have a dataset with fields targeted and opens and I need to add calculated field opens per targeted which essentially means doing simple devision of those 2 values.
My calculated field is as follows
but then displaying simple table with values they are completely incorrect
If I try any other operator like + * etc calculations are correct.
I'm completely out of ideas on how to debug this. I've simplified the dataset to just columns of targeted and opens, can't get any simpler.
Had the same problem, I fixed it by wrapping the columns with the sum() function. Like this:
I think you need to make AWS understand that you are working with float numbers.
if still not working try also
it should give you the desired output (not tested, let me know if it doesnt work)

How I extract number from text in Google Data Studio?

I tried this but it's still showing null as you can see in the screen. Please help to solve this.
It can be achieved using the Calculated Field below which uses the REGEXP_EXTRACT function to extract the numbers and the CAST function to ensure that it's a Number field:
Google Data Studio Report and GIF to elaborate:

Too many arguments in my IF statement

I keep receiving an error message that my IF statement has too many arguments. I have used this formula in other excel workbooks and it has worked. Can anyone see what the problem is? Thank you for your help!
It seems that the error probably has to do with the limits of version you are using.
Since the formula contains fixed equivalences, I suggest to create a Define Name range then Vlookup cell AD2 to the table in order to obtain the related value:
This formula should work fine in Excel 2007 and later (I just tested it in 2010 with no issues). The maximum number of arguments allowed in a function in these versions is 255. For earlier versions of Excel though, the max is 30. Since you did not specify which version of Excel you are using, I cannot be 100% sure if this is the problem though but I suspect this is what is going on. I recommend you upgrade to a more current version of the software, but if that's not an option you could always break out the function among multiple cells (In particular, it's the 2nd nested if statement, with ~90 parameters that is causing this...).

Number formatting in pivot table with Aspose.Cells

I am creating a pivot table in excel sheet by aspose.cells. I want the values to be formatted as Accounting, with a symbol, a comma and 2 decimal places. Is this possible with aspose.cells? Please suggest how to do this with Aspose.Cells and c#.
If you need Accounting number formatting for the PivotField, you may try to use the following numeric formatting using PivotField.Number attribute instead.
pivotTable.DataFields[0].Number = 43; //You may also try it with 44 if it suits your needs.
Alternatively you may try to use the following formatting string for NumberFormat custom attribute of PivotField. You may also check in MS Excel to get your desired custom strings to try with NumberFormat property.
_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(#_)
If you still face any confusion/issue, can you please share the sample Excel file in which you may manually set the desired number formatting for the Pivot Table fields in MS Excel, and share the file with us, so that we can test the scenario at our end.
Furthermore, can you please share the code/sample application with the template files (input, output and expected output file etc.). The files can also be shared in Aspose.Cells product support forum.
Please try using PivotField.NumberFormat property to specify his desired formatting, see the code segment below for reference:
//Specify the number formatting to the first data field added.
pivotTable.DataFields[0].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
Moreover, we also recommend you use our latest version of Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.4.0 in which we made some more enhancements regarding PivotTables.
PS, I am working as Support developer / Technical Evangelist at Aspose.