How I extract number from text in Google Data Studio? - regex

I tried this but it's still showing null as you can see in the screen. Please help to solve this.

It can be achieved using the Calculated Field below which uses the REGEXP_EXTRACT function to extract the numbers and the CAST function to ensure that it's a Number field:
Google Data Studio Report and GIF to elaborate:


Excel formula error with multiple OR statements inside IF

I am trying to create an automated formula that reads the client initials from the cell and outputs a name for who is responsible for that client in another cell.
=IF(OR(A1="JL",A1="JP"), "John", "N/A",IF(OR(A1="RP",A1="RL",A1="RP"), "Doug", "N/A"))
But I get an error when I try to use this code, I am currently using Excel 2007
The error I get is
You've entered too many arguments for this function.
Is there a way to do this that gets around the error?
I have tried adjusting the comma locations and reducing the amount of brackets with no luck.
Or am I using the formula style wrong?

Google Sheets Data Validation not rejecting invalid input

I have a sheet where I control provided services with columns filled with execution and conclusion dates.
These columns have data validation for invalid dates and also, for the user not to input weekend days or holidays (which is listed on another page of the same spreadsheet). So it has to be custom formula validation.
Validation formula:
also tried
and also tried using INDIRECT("Holidays!$A:$A") on both options
***Column K has the data validation and Conclusion date is the input. Column J has execution dates. And row 1 has titles.
The problem:
data validation input rejection seems to work fine for the first couple of hours, sometimes a full day, but after this random period of time, it stops working. Actually it does work, but with the red flag, even though "Reject input" option is still checked.
My guess is that the problem resides on the reference being in another sheet, but I don't see any other way to do this, as including the holiday list to the main sheet would pollute it and hiding columns wouldn't be as practical since users update the list constantly.
Is there a way to make it work?
P.S. Conditional Formatting used to return error even when using INDIRECT for external reference but now Google seems to have fixed it.
Hope someone can help me.
custom formula for data validation:
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>6)*
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>7)*
custom formula for conditional formatting (valid green):
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>6)*
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>7)*
custom formula for conditional formatting (invalid red):
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>6)*
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>7)*
spreadsheet demo
I find the issue happens when the user is copying and pasting into the cell, instead of typing in, as part of a larger section of information. This breaks up the data validation into "pieces" because the copy and paste doesn't come with the data validation. I'm not sure if this is the case with you, but it may mean training users to copy and paste values only or only hard keying the information.

Google Data Studio RegExp_Match not matching textPayload dimension in log payload

I'm new to Google Data Studio, and currently stuck on the following problem.
I have some log data in BigQuery and I am trying to visualize some info out of my logs using Google Data Studio.
The problem is when I use REGEXP_MATCH on one specific dimension of my data, it cannot match the RegEx. When I use REGEXP_MATCH against any other dimension of my log data, it works without a problem.
I am wondering, whether that could be due to the long strings that I have in that specific dimension, or are there any other thoughts?
By the way, I am able to make changes to that dimension using REGEXP_REPLACE, but cannot even do REGEXP_MATCH against the text that REGEXP_REPLACE replaced in there.
I have been working around this for days now and any advise will be really appreciated.
I finally found out that REGEXP_EXTRACT works against that dimension. Then it's also possible to do REGEXP_MATCH on the output of REGEXP_EXTRACT with no problem.
I still don't know why REGEXP_MATCH does not work directly against that specific dimension, maybe due to long strings or some specific letters that I have in my data in that dimension or some other reason.

Excel Formula Calculations

I'm trying to add a spreadsheet editing function in my iOS app. I am using a gridview to display (not relevant to the question) and I am using LibXL to load the data into the view. That part all works very well but I have no way to calculate the formulas after a cell has been modified.
It appears that when I write a formula with LibXL it is not calculating the new value, just setting the formula value (a string). So when I try to read the number value from that cell it is still set to the last computed number (from excel).
Likewise, if I create cells with numbers and a formula cell to SUM them, it is never actually computed which reads a 0 number value until it's opened in Excel.
I was hoping LibXL was the silver bullet to my problem, but now I'm stuck with just the formula string value (i.e. "SUM(A1:b2)" ) and the last computed value.
I would love it if LibXL simply DID compute values and I just have it all wrong, but I can't see any documentation that says otherwise. If that's not the case are there any Obj-C, C, or C++ libraries that I can use to match the Excel Formula syntax and compute these values?
Just adding my previous comment as an answer:
Dave Delong's DDMathParser has the option to add custom functions, check it out here:

Number formatting in pivot table with Aspose.Cells

I am creating a pivot table in excel sheet by aspose.cells. I want the values to be formatted as Accounting, with a symbol, a comma and 2 decimal places. Is this possible with aspose.cells? Please suggest how to do this with Aspose.Cells and c#.
If you need Accounting number formatting for the PivotField, you may try to use the following numeric formatting using PivotField.Number attribute instead.
pivotTable.DataFields[0].Number = 43; //You may also try it with 44 if it suits your needs.
Alternatively you may try to use the following formatting string for NumberFormat custom attribute of PivotField. You may also check in MS Excel to get your desired custom strings to try with NumberFormat property.
_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(#_)
If you still face any confusion/issue, can you please share the sample Excel file in which you may manually set the desired number formatting for the Pivot Table fields in MS Excel, and share the file with us, so that we can test the scenario at our end.
Furthermore, can you please share the code/sample application with the template files (input, output and expected output file etc.). The files can also be shared in Aspose.Cells product support forum.
Please try using PivotField.NumberFormat property to specify his desired formatting, see the code segment below for reference:
//Specify the number formatting to the first data field added.
pivotTable.DataFields[0].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
Moreover, we also recommend you use our latest version of Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.4.0 in which we made some more enhancements regarding PivotTables.
PS, I am working as Support developer / Technical Evangelist at Aspose.