How can I stop making Dev c++ junk files? - dev-c++

sdsdsd.1675068464 is junk file
Every time I run a program, I keep getting unwanted files. This file is exactly the same as the original file, but it adds an unknown number to the title and occurs regardless of my intention. How can I resolve this error?
My version is Dev-C++ 5.11
I tryed uncheck the box(Tools - Environment Options - Create backups when opening files)
but it still is


Xcode writing to file issue

I'm trying to help my son with a Programming C++ for Engineers course. I got him set up with Xcode 13.1 on his iMac but I've never used it myself. That was working great until his first assignment that required writing output to a file. We created a new Command Line Tool project and then used the File->New->File... option to create an Empty file. After doing so, selecting that file and looking at the info on the right side of the window shows that the Full Path is pointing to the directory where his main.cpp file is. Yet, when running his code nothing was being written to the file. I had assumed that just referencing the file name in his code would cause it to use a local reference and look in the same directory as main.cpp. After much Googling I found a reference that said to go to Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme... then select the Options tab in the window that opens and change the Working Directory from "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)" to the directory containing the main.cpp file. That got the programming working correctly. My questions are:
Is there a preference setting that would tell it to always use the current project directory so that we don't have to change this every time?
Where does "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)" point to?
What should we be doing differently?

Eclipse indexing file (.pdom) is 29GB - how to manage it

My project consists of thousands of C++ files and after many 'out of memory' from the indexer errors, I finally have it all indexed; it's now 29GB.
I have several questions/issue:
Once, when Eclipse crashed, it corrupted the .pdom and I had to restart the indexing. If I make a backup of the .pdom and move it to a diff folder, can I restore a corrupted indexer database by simply replacing the corrupted .pdom with the backed-up one?
In the folder .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.cdt.core, there are the following files
I may encounter more issues (like cache and speed of 'go to definition'). If so, I'll update this post

Changing name of application file (.C file)

I changed the name of an modified application to seperate it from the basic application. Lets say the .C file of the old application is "OldApplication.C" and of the new modified one is "NewApplication.C" Unfortunately, when trying to start the new modified application in terminal by typing "NewApplication" I get:
NewApplication: command not found
Two Question:
How can I make my new application executeable?
Can someone give me a brief overview about the files of a project/application and their functions?
greetings, streight
The mistake of this kind
make: * No rule to make target OldApplication.dep', needed byMake/linuxGccDPOpt/dependencies'. Stop.
often occurs in situation when the Makefile ceases to comply with the structure of the whole project.
In your case make script obviously trying to find the file that was renamed by you and therefore it fails with en error. I think that you should explore the structure of your Makefile and replace all the changed file names with its new versions.
Also you say the you are refused to launch your new executable, but what else could be expected since the project was not compiled?

Codeblocks cannot create output directory

I'm using Code::Blocks 12.11 in Widnows XP. I've been learning C++, so I haven't been working on any specific projects, just individual files. I'm trying to debug one of these files, but found from this question that I needed to be in a project in order to debug. So, I created a project for all of my C++ practice files. Now, when I try to debug (or run) the program, Code::Blocks gives me this error: "Can't create output directory bin\Debug.
When I remove the file from the project it still gives me this error. What can I do to try to fix this so that the program can run and debug?
Additional information:
In Settings>Compiler>Global Compiler Settings>Compiler Settings>Compiler Flags, I have enabled "Produce debugging symbols [-g]". This is something that a lot of other resources I've checked have mentioned.
Also, under Debug>Active Debuggers, I've tried using both debuggers, both of which produce the same error message.
Why don't you try to remove the entire project directory, create an empty project and then place the source files one by one into the project. Beware if you have a main() method in each of your source files.
Well, a friend of mine was getting the same error. So I decided to check it out.
I my case, the error was because of the account user name.
When I checked, the output directory while creating the file and the one in the error being shown, were different.
When I checked, I created an user account name with "$aaa$", and I got the same error.
and I noticed that the error was because of the "$" sign. (Probably).
So, I guess the problem is with the user name. Try changing the user name to something simple.

How to use printf in NS-2

I am trying to modify the NS-2 core code by adding a simple printf statement in the function Mac802_11::command. However, no matter how many times I add the line of code (printf("hello there!\n");) and then execute ./install, nothing comes up.
Is there any other requirement before the text is displayed? By the way, I am making use of NS-2.34 on an Ubuntu 11.04.
Go to the ns2.34 directory where your Makefile is located. Issue a make after you have made changes to the existing .cc file. Do NOT issue install.