This is used theme / web template? [closed] - templates

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Closed last month.
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Hello everyone and my respected Masters, I have just been interested in the world of websites and themes but I have one problem with "what do they use or the name of the theme / template?"
I've been using whatcms and wptheme and everything is blocked by cloudflare and also asked the Website Owner and no response. does anyone know the names of the themes/templates they use?
I'm trying to create a novel translation website for my own pleasure and as a hobby, and I expect to be like one of the websites above (I mean the theme or template) because it looks very good in my eyes and is very friendly.

The theme is called Novel if that helps at all. For future reference, you can find a WP theme by checking the source code; follow the steps on this link:,Plugins%20folder%20under%20WP%2DContent.


Django vs Opencart, etc [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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What are advantages of using Django instead E-commerce/CMS systems on php?
I want to make an e-commerce site for a clothing store with Django, but I'm interested to know why should I use the framework
Your code can use Python-libraries. That is an advantage, because there are Python-libraries for just about everything immaginable. Especially if you want to build your own analytics, because there are many data-science libraries written in or for Python.
Also on a more subjective level Python's syntax is nicer than PHP's, but that's just an opinion.
Edit: you might be interested in

Web frontend designer [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to learn web development and I did take some Django courses. I would like to know is there some kind of "Frontend Designer" (some think similar to wordpress) that can create templates like html etc. which are easy to use for Django developer? Or are there some kind of "Frontend Designer" that are more optimized for Django?
Many many thank in advance.
You can use Django as a backend for Apis and I would highly recommend using Frontend framework/Library like React/Vue.
I know you want an easy solution for frontend like WordPress (drag & drop ) but I don't think there is such a thing which you can customize with liberty and according to your ease and have your full control over it.
Plus, there are tons of themes and components available for React/Vue Or these libraries have a strong community.
You can use simple HTML with bootstrap, jquery.
They too have tons of themes available.

Is there a readily available solution for displaying a cookie consent GDPR compliant message on a MediaWiki website? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I guess the question is self explanatory. In case no readily solutions are available, which would be the easiest way to implement the message (except from editing MediaWiki's skins and adding the code, which would possibly require redoing the job after upgrades)?
There's an extension, CookieWarning, which does exactly that. It shows a message to a new user, that the site uses cookies, which can be acknowledged by clicking "OK". You can also optionally configure a link ("More information"), which can lead to a full Cookie Policy document on your site (it can be a link somewhere in the Wiki or an external page as well).
You can, if you want, change the text that is showed to users by editing the interface message cookiewarning-info (
Disclaimer: My answer might be opinionated, as I'm one of the authors of this extension.

Open Source alternative to lablife [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for an Open Source alternative to SAAS provided by website. Main purpose of the service is to automate daily tasks for life science laboratory.
This service was free and nice to use, but when the original company developing this service
was bought by BioData they kind of decided to kill and replace it with a new service called labguru. Apparently, a new service has a lot of functionality missing or just bad.
That's why I am on a search for an alternative solution. So if you are familiar with what this software does - and if there are any known alternatives, I would be very grateful for any of your tips.
Check out I'm one of the founders. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Open Source Platform for Subscription-based Web service? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Looking for a LAMP-based platform for subscription-based Web service that I can easily hack to fit my needs, which one would you recommend based on the following criteria:
Install base
Support community
Availability of plugins/add-ons
Correctness of Design (i.e. no need
to hack core files to add a plugin)
Feel free to add other criteria.
Wikipedia has a great comparison table of web service frameworks. This could be a good starting point:
Your best bet may be to go with a CMS and use a subscription plugin.