I am using S3 SRR to copy files from source bucket to destination bucket. I was able to successfully set it up. I need to add below two features now in this replication:
delete the file from source bucket once it is replicated in destination bucket.
change the file name in destination bucket. For ex: file name in source bucket is test_file.txt, I need to make it test_file_30Jan2023 as part of replication process in Destination bucket.
can someone please advise where I can find these options?
Both same-region-replication and cross-region-replication can only replicate files to another bucket. There is no functionality for deleting or renaming files.
Depending on your use case, you may be able to use lifecycle rules to delete your objects. However for more complex manipulations you will have to write custom logic, for example using S3 events/EventBridge and AWS Lambda.
I want to use the AWS S3 sync command to sync a large bucket with another bucket.
I found this answer that say that the files from the bucket synced over the AWS backbone and are not copied to the local machine but I can't find a reference anywhere in the documentation. Does anyone has a proof for this behavior? any formal documentation that explains how it works?
I tried to find something in the documentation but nothing there.
To learn more about the sync command, check CLI docs. You can directly refer to the section named -
Sync from S3 bucket to another S3 bucket
The following sync command syncs objects to a specified bucket and
prefix from objects in another specified bucket and prefix by copying
s3 objects. An s3 object will require copying if one of the following
conditions is true:
The s3 object does not exist in the specified bucket and prefix
The sizes of the two s3 objects differ.
The last modified time of the source is newer than the last modified time of the destination.
Use the S3 replication capability if you only want to replicate the data that moves from bucket1 to bucket2.
I have an S3 bucket with a bunch of zip files. I want to decompress the zip files and for each decompressed item, I want to create an $file.gz and save it to another S3 bucket. I was thinking of creating a Glue job for it but I don't know how to begin with. Any leads?
Eventually, I would like to terraform my solution and it should be triggered whenever there are new files in the S3 bucket,
Would a Lambda function or any other service be more suited for this?
From an architectural point of view, it depends on the file size of your ZIP files - if the process takes less than 15 minutes, then you can use Lambda functions.
If more, you will hit the current 15 minute Lambda timeout so you'll need to go ahead with a different solution.
However, for your use case of triggering on new files, S3 triggers will allow you to trigger a Lambda function when there are files created/deleted from the bucket.
I would recommend to segregate the ZIP files into their own bucket otherwise you'll also be paying for checking to see if any file uploaded is in your specific "folder" as the Lambda will be triggered for the entire bucket (it'll be negligible but still worth pointing out). If segregated, you'll know that any file uploaded is a ZIP file.
Your Lambda can then download the file from S3 using download_file (example provided by Boto3 documentation), unzip it using zipfile & eventually GZIP compress the file using gzip.
You can then upload the output file to the new bucket using upload_object(example provided by Boto3 documentation) & then delete the original file from the original bucket using delete_object.
Terraforming the above should also be relatively simple as you'll mostly be using the aws_lambda_function & aws_s3_bucket resources.
Make sure your Lambda has the correct execution role with the appropriate IAM policies to access both S3 buckets & you should be good to go.
Currently, my S3 bucket contains files. I want to create a folder for each file on S3.
Current -> s3://<bucket>/test.txt
Expectation -> s3://<bucket>/test/test.txt
How can I achieve this using the EC2 instance?
S3 doesn't have "folders" really, object names may contain / characters in them and that in a way emulates folders. Simply name your objects test/<filename> to achieve that. See the S3 docs for more.
As for doing it from EC2, it is no different from doing it from anywhere else (except, maybe, in EC2 you may be able to rely on an IAM profile instead of using ad-hoc credentials). If you've tried it and failed, maybe post a new question with more details.
If you have Linux you can try something like:
aws s3 ls s3://bucket/ | while read date time size name; do aws s3 mv s3://bucket/${name} s3://bucket/`echo ${name%.*}`/${name}; done
it does not depend upon EC2 instance. You can use aws cli from EC2 instance or some other source with putting desired path, for your case s3:///test/test.txt. you can even change the name of the file you are copying into s3 bucket even its extension if you want.
Does anyone know if it is possible to replicate just a folder of a bucket between 2 buckets using AWS S3 replication feature?
P.S.: I don't want to replicate the entire bucket, just one folder of the bucket.
If it is possible, what configurations I need to add to filter that folder in the replication?
Yes. Amazon S3's Replication feature allows you to replicate objects at a prefix (say, folder) level from one S3 bucket to another within same region or across regions.
From the AWS S3 Replication documentation,
The objects that you want to replicate — You can replicate all of the objects in the source bucket or a subset. You identify a subset by providing a key name prefix, one or more object tags, or both in the configuration.
For example, if you configure a replication rule to replicate only objects with the key name prefix Tax/, Amazon S3 replicates objects with keys such as Tax/doc1 or Tax/doc2. But it doesn't replicate an object with the key Legal/doc3. If you specify both prefix and one or more tags, Amazon S3 replicates only objects having the specific key prefix and tags.
Refer to this guide on how to enable replication using AWS console. Step 4 talks about enabling replication at prefix level. The same can be done via Cloudformation and CLI as well.
Yes you can do this using the Cross-Region Replication feature. You can replicate the object either in the same region or a different one. The replicated object in the new bucket will keep their original storage class, object name and object permissions.
However, you can change the owner to the new owner of the destination bucket.
Despite all of this, there are disadvantages of this feature:-
You cannot replicate objects which are present in the source bucket
before you create the replication rule using CRR. Only the ones
which are created after replication rule can be created.
You cannot use SSE-C encryption in replication.
You can do this with sync command.
You must grant the destination account the permissions to perform the cross-account copy.
What is the best way to copy contents of one S3 folder to another using boto3 python client ? I am trying to evaluate boto3 s3 client copy vs upload_file .
Is one more performance efficient over another ?
Under what scenarios one is preferred over another?
To copy an object in Amazon S3, you can use the copy_object() command.
This works:
In the same or different buckets
In the same or different regions
In the same or different accounts
The command is sent to the destination bucket, which then "pulls" the object from the source bucket. There is no need to download/upload the object, so it works fast and does not consume your bandwidth.
The only situation in which a download/upload might be preferable to a Copy might be where it is not possible to give both GET permissions on the source bucket and PUT permissions on the destination bucket for the same set of credentials.