How update or uninstall GStreamer on macOS? - gstreamer

There are no instructions on the GStreamer site about how to update to the latest version or just uninstall it on macOS. Even googling comes up with basically nothing. How do I do it? Is it sufficient to simply delete the whole /Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework folder? And then reinstall the latest version? That would be just guesswork which a regular user should not be doing.
Thanks for reading and answering if you can--


How do I install an older version of Crystal Lang?

The documentation explains how to install the newest version, but I need a specific (older) version. Could someone help me with the best way to accomplish that?
The official deb & rpm repositories don't provide the previous Crystal releases. We know we want to improve that at some point in time, but it's not happening yet.
If you're on macOS/using Homebrew, you can try installing a Homebrew formula's old version. There might be a similar procedure in Linuxbrew. And I'm not sure about Arch's situation.
Official Docker images go as far as 0.13, in case that helps.
And you can always install Crystal from a .tar.gz published on the repository's Releases page. Just pick the version you prefer instead of the latest.
Don't forget that, the older the Crystal version, the less supported it'll be.

Cannot get started with Vpython

I am a new to python. I am have installed Python27 and Vpython on my windows 64-bit W8.1 laptop.
The python version was Py27 32-bits and Vpython 32-bits. After installation I thought I could directly run an example program from the VIDLE (File -> Open -> bounce). But I realized there is lot more to install to get this working.
So I googled the errors and found that I has to install Numpy and WxPython which I was able to complete successfully. But now I have this error shown below
"The Polygon module is not installed,
so the text and extrusion objects are unavailable.
The ttfquery and/or FontTools modules are not installed,
so the text object is unavailable."
I googled for this but was not able to arrive at anything.
Should I install Polygon module, FontTools and ttfquery module?
I was not able to fond a proper link to do any of the above. Kindly help me out. I have a hit a wall.
Hopefully was able to solve the issue.
The problem was with the way how I installed Vpython. I should have accidentally selected "custom installation" instead of "full installation".
Also the version of numpy that comes with default set-up did not support for me. Hence I used the pip to update the version and now everything is up and running.
I am able to get the example programs to work.
Also the 64-bit version is not working still. So its always safe to stick on to 32-bit version even if your machine is 64-bit
You're working with an older version of VPython that is no longer supported. See the first page of

No matter what I do, my environment can't see libjpeg for Pillow on OSX 10.10 with Virtualenv

I've been researching this for hours. I can't seem to get it to work.
The issues is that I'm on OSX10.10, running Python 3.3. Everything worked great on 10.9.
I'm not even sure how to test it. I've done just about every step that has been suggested. Making new symlinks, linking and unlinking with Homebrew. Doing a custom install.
I'm just stuck. Anyone been able to sort this out?
In summary, I've uninstalled Pillow (and therefore PIL) and then installed the libjpeg files. Then I reinstalled Pillow with PIP.
This issue is that the gist for Homebrew install Python 3.3 isn't working right. When I upgraded to Python 3.4 everything worked fine.
Recommend looking at this gist to revise and see what can be done to address this if you need 3.3

Install qt-creator doesn't run

I'm trying to install qt-creator on my computer (windows 8.1). I have this installation qt-windows-opensource-5.1.1-mingw48_opengl-x86-offline but when I run it, nothing happens. The installation process won't start. I have tried installing qt-windows-opensource-5.1.1-msvc2012-x86_64-offline which installs fine but the compiler is not stable. What should I do?
Just found the solution. Turns out the installation file was corrupted. i download the same version from a different mirror and worked just fine. Thank you all for your comments and answers

Installing PostgreSQL and pyscopg2 on Snow Leopard

I'm still a complete beginner in the field of web development and I'm trying to set up the Django environment. I'm reading "the definitive guide to django" to start my practice.
I'm running Snow Leopard (10.6.2) on a macbook 2.1GHz. It came with Python 2.6.1. Since Snow Leopard cam with Python 2.6.1 preinstalled, so I didn't do any extra set up. Maybe it needs more setup, please let me know. But I've ran it, and it works.
I installed django straight right from the book. I've ran it, and so far it works.
The Database configuration is the one stifling me.
I tried installing MySQL with MySQLdb module for python, but it had complications with the difference between 32 & 64 bit architecture (either mysql had 64 and python had 32 OR vice versa; Either way, I couldn't figure it out). I've read many forums and tinkered with it for hours, still couldn't fix it and I just gave up.
So I tried the next best thing (or so I thought), Let's try to set up Postgre instead. So, I went to the official Postgre website and picked the Mac OS X installment package. I download it, extract it, and all it had was an ".app" installer and a "README". I ran the installer, blah blah blah, I followed the instruction, it did this, it did that. At the end, apparently Postgre is installed.
I didn't feel completely sure if it was installed, so I searched around the internet for some answers. Well, I found the official documentation for installing Django for Mac, but the steps to install
Postgre was completely different. Maybe the ".app" installer did most of the configuration listed in those steps, I don't know.
Then I went to the terminal and type in:
psql -V
(to check which version of Postgre I just installed)
sudo -u postgres pg_ctl start
(to run the database)
'psql' or 'pg_ctl' commands could not be found. To me, this is kind of saying Postgre was not installed or there are some setup I still need to do.
So I started looking at the first steps of installing Postgre from the given instruction by Django (link above). From the instruction it says to edit the '~/.profile', even after unhiding all the files and directories, I still can't find it under my user directory.
At this point I'm just kind of frustrated and don't know where to go. I was wondering if I can get some direction/tips/howto/anythingreallyatthispoint.
I can't really install psycopg2 until I have Postgre running, but from the looks of it, it doesn't look so bad to install it (or so I hope).
Many Many thanks in advance for any help ^_^
If you're just getting started, I would try sqlite first. It's file based, so there is almost no configuration. Later, if you want to upgrade to a real database, then it won't be any harder than what you're attempting now.
the easiest way to install these apps would be via macports ( in my experience, the installation was fast and clean. the geodjango installation documentation has a good section on this:
I suspect the only problem you are having is not setting path. Add this to your ~/.bash_profile:
export PATH=/Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin:$PATH
Now you should be able to run the command line tools like psql.
I just spent a couple hours going through multiple different walkthroughs. This was the one that eventually worked:
first install postgress with the dmg:
then follow this tutorial:
then put this in terminal export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.3/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
And I'm pretty sure those were the important parts of what I did..
if you get errors try sudo pip uninstall psycopg2 then sudo pip install psycopg2
if you keep getting errors about ".... something < 10.4", reinstall pip. I think I used something like brew install python to update python... if you don't have homebrew, get it. I'm pretty sure that's what got rid of that error.. it may have been a manual install of pip3 though.
Sorry this is all over the place, it should get you a bit closer though. At least, if you (like me) have had none of the other tutorials work.