How can i make models in django with form input - django

I Want to make a backend service website, for that I am working in django and want to make django models but with form input,
if a user create a table in my frontend I want to create a table or model in data base how can i do it?
Hello stackies ,
I Want to make a backend service website, for that I am working in django and want to make django models but with form input,
if a user create a table in my frontend I want to create a table or model in data base how can i do it?

No, you cannot create models dynamically because this would require migrations to apply the changes.
I'd recommend that you store your customer information in a structured JSON, that you can store in a PostgreSQL field, for example. Or you can jump to a document-based database, such as MongoDB.


How can I implement authentication in Django

I am new to Django.
I am going to build simple register and login fullstack application by using React and Django.
My problem is when I received register request with form data.
Is it ok to create custom table for users?
I am going to create another table related to user table.
So in that case, there must be id in the users.
That's why I am going to create custom table.
Please help me it is good practice.
You can abstract from AbstractBaseUser and then you can customise the user model and to specify it in your settings file.
Please see the django documentation here:
In Django you can link between multiple table by different relationships depends on what you want like:
And by default when you create a model django create a pk field it is ID for table, you can make another field as a primary key for model
When you use one of those relationships django by default use model id to link between them
and you can also create a custom user model to use it
Good luck

Do I have to use Django Models to use the API?

We are migrating our intranet application and have decided to choose the Django framework. We control all of our database via source control and managed scripts, so we do not use the migrate feature to create tables for us. Views and Tables can change, all business logic is held in the database.
I want to make Django API endpoint which is basically select * from my_table_or_view; and Django can return a JSON response with the column names and values. Some database tables have close to 100 columns each so I don't want to write out each and every field name and type just to return a query. What happens if we add another column to the view - will I have to update it in Django as well? What if I change the column type - will my application fail as well?
The frontend is written in VueJS - it makes a request to the API endpoint and should use the columns selected in the frontend, obviously if I remove a column it will break but I don't want to have to add the column in the django framework even if it is not used.
I've read the raw SQL queries section of the docs but i'm not sure where this applies to. Does this logic sit in the views section?
I've tried directing a URL endpoint in to a custom class in but not sure this is correct, does this logic need to be in a serializer?
I'd like the simplest method possible, potentially not using models, just raw SQL is fine.
One option for you is to sync your db to django models every time you change your schema and then use it normally, both ORM and raw SQL queries would be possible.
There's a function called inspectdb that does that natively, here is a reference to it

is there any way can i use the Django for existing database? if yes how to use models?

I am working on already existing data on relational database. Now question is that how to build models and how to update the tables with new data coming from user (technically django forms)?
Django natively supports creating models for and working with existing data. From the documentation:
Integrating Django with a legacy database
Django will still need to create several of its own tables, but will adapt to use your existing tables. From the doc, you can auto-create models like this:
python inspectdb >
You'll need to determine whether you want to manage updates to the table structure, but that's getting into details that will be specific to your project.

Auto-fill forms with the reference of one field

I am developing a website in django. I am new to django and python and need help.
I have many fields on the website and if I fill one field (ex:customer id), I want rest other fields to autocomplete from the data in the database I have.
Any help is appreciated.Thankyou...
The website looks like in the image
You may require ajax to fetch the data for that specific customer(after the user inserts data into the field) and populate the fields with the data fetched from the backend.

How do I take user input and then sum/add to the database in django

I am trying to get the user input and add to the database.
A user is going to type an integer, then this is to be added to the current value in the database. It's like sending money to someone via online banking.
Assuming you want to use Django's ORM, you will need to define a model. In your model you will have fields that define the data items to store. After you've had Django's tool setup the database, you can create instances of your model saving them with the save method of your model instance.
This probably seems like a lot of hand waving, and it is. What you should do is work through the Django tutorial as it will answer your questions. The tutorial is at the Django documentation site.