Auto-fill forms with the reference of one field - django

I am developing a website in django. I am new to django and python and need help.
I have many fields on the website and if I fill one field (ex:customer id), I want rest other fields to autocomplete from the data in the database I have.
Any help is appreciated.Thankyou...
The website looks like in the image

You may require ajax to fetch the data for that specific customer(after the user inserts data into the field) and populate the fields with the data fetched from the backend.


How can i make models in django with form input

I Want to make a backend service website, for that I am working in django and want to make django models but with form input,
if a user create a table in my frontend I want to create a table or model in data base how can i do it?
Hello stackies ,
I Want to make a backend service website, for that I am working in django and want to make django models but with form input,
if a user create a table in my frontend I want to create a table or model in data base how can i do it?
No, you cannot create models dynamically because this would require migrations to apply the changes.
I'd recommend that you store your customer information in a structured JSON, that you can store in a PostgreSQL field, for example. Or you can jump to a document-based database, such as MongoDB.

How to auto-refresh the templates(or better views) whenever data is updated in models?

I am working on a project which sends data to django server using POST request (not through web browser) and updates data on models.
My templates just runs through all the data in models and print it in a table.
The problem here is that I've to manually refresh my page to get the updated data.
I want my page to auto-update the data entered into models.
I'm very new to django, so is there a way to achieve this?
(I'll post the codes if needed)

How do I take user input and then sum/add to the database in django

I am trying to get the user input and add to the database.
A user is going to type an integer, then this is to be added to the current value in the database. It's like sending money to someone via online banking.
Assuming you want to use Django's ORM, you will need to define a model. In your model you will have fields that define the data items to store. After you've had Django's tool setup the database, you can create instances of your model saving them with the save method of your model instance.
This probably seems like a lot of hand waving, and it is. What you should do is work through the Django tutorial as it will answer your questions. The tutorial is at the Django documentation site.

Add other elements than fields in Django forms

I'm using Django to set up a website, where users can add spatial informations associated with ecological datasets. I'm using leafletjs to display pins on the map, where datasets have been sampled.
The solution I have now, is to have users write lat/lon as fields. On the other hand, there is an example on the leaflet website where clicking on the map will display the coordinates, and that is much more user friendly. So I'd like to have this + a javascript to fill the lat/lon position, in the form rendered by Django.
Is there any chance I can put that in a Django form, or must I write the form in HTML?
In this case, I would use an AJAX form to post entries in the back end, and upon submission recall the entries and write it out as JSON. Django has native functionality for all of this.
Here is a recent SO example: How to submit form without refreshing page using Django, Ajax, jQuery?

form from multiple models

I need to create a form where the rows are a list of users and the columns are all the user's permissions. The models are the default django User's and django Permission's models.
How can I do this things? Are there a way to do by django forms or I must do manually with django and js?
If you just want to view this data, extract the relevant information (User and Permission instances), and then generate a table using django templates. Django intentionally does not 'bless' any css or js frameworks, so you are required to do the html yourself (using tools of your choosing).
Forms aren't going to help you here I don't think. I advise you to draw up what it is you want to see, and start figuring out what the html is going to need to look like. Forms in django are simply a mechanism for passing data between django and the user. You are free to render them how you wish.