Djoser is ignoring my Authenitcation Token - django

I set up djoser and DRF's TokenAuthentication. It works perfectly for registering users, and i get a valid token returned. When I try to access /users/me or /token/logout with header:
Authorization: Token {token} (and the token itself in the body for good measure) I get the response Error 403: "Authentication credentials not provided."
I've tried making the request through axios and postman.
I made other accounts and tried their keys but I get the same result.
I've looked on the djoser docs but there is no help there, nor anywhere else, because it seems no one else has this issue.



How does Djoser JWT login flow works

So I've been trying to use Djoser JWT and I don't know how to login in it. As far as I know you create a request with your login credentials to this url /jwt/create/ and get the access and refresh token and maybe get the user object from /users/me/. This is where I got stuck, where do I go from here?
You correctly understood the first step of the process. Basically, you can now:
Add the access token in the header of your next requests.
This will transparently authenticate the user thanks to the Simple JWT plugin and you will be able to access him with the usual request.user in the views.
Refresh the access token each time you get a 401 response.
The access token is supposed to be short-living for security concerns and a 401 response from the server indicates that the one your are using is expired. So you have to get a new one by sending the refresh token to the token/refresh/ API and, then, make your request again.
You can read this article if you need more detailed explanations about this process or JWT.

Why can't I retrieve user data from Djoser user endpoint

So I'm testing my djoser url endpoints from djoser almost every endpoints worked but I cant get the user from /users/me/, I'm using JWT and and here's my postman headers
I got the JWT from the login process but it still returns an error as displayed in the screenshot
and my server also says
Forbidden: /auth/users/me/
[04/Jul/2021 02:10:28] "GET /auth/users/me/ HTTP/1.1" 403 58
what's causing this error?
P.S tell me if you need more info
The problem is your Authorization field. You're using JWT, but acutally you should Bearer.
Change your authorization field to Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN. Naturally, change ACCESS_TOKEN for a valid access token.
Let us know if it has solved your problem.

Django Rest Framework - React - Unable to login immediately after logout

This is very strange. I have a react front end and a django backend with djangorestframework and django-allauth for authentication. Everything works fine from Postman. But in the browser when I successfully sign in, successfully sign out, and then try to sign in again, I get a 401 unauthorized error. The correct user credentials are sent to the server just as the first successful time, yet a 401 error. However, after I refresh the browser then I am able to sign in normally again. I use jwt for authentication and I append the token to the authorization header before sign out. I even tried clearing out the authorization header after a successful sign out but to no avail. It is the same problem with my react native front end. I don't know if this is a react or a django problem. Please does anyone have any idea what the problem might be? Thanks.
The problem solved! I appended the Token to the authorization header like so:
request.headers['Authorization'] = Token ${token}
Except when signing out, every other request did not require the authorization header to be set as above. So after sign out, the authorization header becomes:
request.headers.Authorization = Token null
That null value of the token would make every request after sign out "Unauthorized". So to solve this, I had to set the Authorization header for every request when there is token and then delete the Authorization from the header object when there is no token like so:
delete request.headers.Authorization

Aws Cognito no refresh token after login

I'm using Amazon Cognito for authorization of my app.
I'm using the authorization code flow. I can successfully get my token on /oauth2/authorize?...
But I can't seem to successfully get access_token, id_token and refresh_token using the POST to /oauth2/token with the Content type header: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and body:
When I make this call I get the following error json:
Client id is correct and client app has no secret.
Anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong?
By taking a closer look a #MikePatrick's request I figured it out. I was sending a wrong parameter
instead of
Note to self: Half of software bugs are caused by typos

Sending CSRF Tokens via Postman

I'm trying to test my web server's login with Postman. First, I send a GET request to my login url, and I get a CSRF token as a cookie. Then, I make a POST request to that login page, with my username, password, and CSRF token.
My problem is, when I do this in Postman, I get a 403 forbidden error when I try to make that POST request to login. I'm copying the CSRF token received and putting it as one of the POST parameters, and I'm using a valid username and password. Is there anything I'm overlooking here?
You need to set it as a header in the request, not in the body. X-CSRFToken is the key and the value is CSRF token from the cookie. This will work if you are using an API framework like Tastypie or Django Rest Framework.
If you are authenticating without an API layer you would need to actually attach the cookie or create one with the CSRF token. This post explains it.
Try installing the Postman Interceptor Extension on GoogleChrome. It worked for me.
Works for me :
Set in Postman Header :
KEY : Authorization
Value : Token "Your token"