Aws Cognito no refresh token after login - amazon-web-services

I'm using Amazon Cognito for authorization of my app.
I'm using the authorization code flow. I can successfully get my token on /oauth2/authorize?...
But I can't seem to successfully get access_token, id_token and refresh_token using the POST to /oauth2/token with the Content type header: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and body:
When I make this call I get the following error json:
Client id is correct and client app has no secret.
Anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong?

By taking a closer look a #MikePatrick's request I figured it out. I was sending a wrong parameter
instead of
Note to self: Half of software bugs are caused by typos


Djoser is ignoring my Authenitcation Token

I set up djoser and DRF's TokenAuthentication. It works perfectly for registering users, and i get a valid token returned. When I try to access /users/me or /token/logout with header:
Authorization: Token {token} (and the token itself in the body for good measure) I get the response Error 403: "Authentication credentials not provided."
I've tried making the request through axios and postman.
I made other accounts and tried their keys but I get the same result.
I've looked on the djoser docs but there is no help there, nor anywhere else, because it seems no one else has this issue.

Postman 403 Token Issue

I am trying to get request with endpoint after successful login.
I achieved to be login and take the token but I could not take the list with this token. I am using postman. Whenever I click the url link i sent with token i can see the valid json with my safari.
"message": "Forbidden"
what i sent
How can I send and successfully take this request from postman ? Also I couldnt understand why postman don`t allow this like safari.
I tried your endpoint and got no error.

aws - How to login cognito in Postman using POST request

I am trying to login cognito through Postman by POST request following the below site,
in order to get the id token from response.
But it seems I am doing it by the wrong way, what is the correct way to do it?

oAuth JWT resulting in Invalid Argument Error (400)

I'm trying to enable account linking on my google action using oAuth2 code grant flow.
Unfortunately my linking fails in the last step. I think that I'm not returning the result of my /token endpoint correctly back to google.
I can see this response of a 400 error in my console after getting redirect to my actions page (/authorize worked fine):
Request URL:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "\u003ceye3 title='/OpenIdConsumerService.ValidateOpenId, INVALID_ARGUMENT'/\u003e APPLICATION_ERROR;apps_auth/OpenIdConsumerService.ValidateOpenId; \u003ceye3 title='INVALID_ARGUMENT'/\u003e OpenAuth::INPUT_ERROR: ;AppErrorCode=13;StartTimeMs=1602166359350;tcp;Deadline(sec)=59.962523136;ResFormat=UNCOMPRESSED;Originator=traffic-prod;Tag=\u0002cloud_project_number\u0003744920882961\u0002IncomingMethod\u0003/OAuthIntegrationsService.GetTokenForService\u0002cidc\u00032;ServerTimeSec=1.00669508;LogBytes=256;Non-FailFast;EffSecLevel=privacy_and_integrity;ReqFormat=UNCOMPRESSED;ReqID=2d3a46fa4ab8370e;GlobalID=c34268105821e185;Server=[2002:ab3:7310::]:4155",
This is the body I send back to google for /token (I guess this results in the error above):
Is the structure of the body correct? I think it's because of the jwt-token but when I decode it manualy everything looks fine.
Any help appreciated!
Thank you
Unfortunately my linking fails in the last step. I think that I'm not returning the result of my /token endpoint correctly back to google.
Just a quick note that your access/refresh tokens are opaque to Google. You are handing over these credentials for Google to pass back to you in future requests. What these tokens mean, and how they are determined to be valid, is up to your OAuth server implementation.
See the OAuth account linking guide for more details.
This is the body I send back to google for /token
The fields scope and refresh_token_expires_in are not parameters Google expects in your token exchange responses, so this is likely where the INVALID_ARGUMENT error is coming from. A basic token response to Google should looking something like this:
The expires_in field refers to the access token and when Google should use the refresh token to request a new access token.
If you want to expire or rotate your refresh tokens, you can do that as well. However, you can't tell Google when a refresh token will "expire". To rotate refresh tokens, you have to pass back the new token the next time Google requests a new access token, such as:
See the OAuth implementation guide for more details on the fields in the requests and responses.

Alexa Request Customer contact Access Denied

I am observing a very weird behavior in Requesting Customer Contact information, email in my skill's case.
I have implemented the exact same way as mentioned in the documentation. I have provided the permission in the skill's permission tab (for email). I have granted the permission in the app and from the code, I am calling the following REST API for fetching email id of the user by passing Bearer token (consent token in permissions object received in JSON input)
But the weird thing is, that recently, I am getting this response
{'code': 'ACCESS_DENIED', 'message': 'Authentication failure with
I have been recently facing this issue that sometimes the API is working fine but sometimes, it is not and I am receiving the above errors.
Can anyone help please?
I am calling the following REST API for fetching email id of the user
by passing Bearer token (consent token in permissions object received
in JSON input)
According to this doc, consentToken has been deprecated, you should use apiAccessToken instead.
Important: Requests from Alexa may also include a consentToken within
session.user.permissions and context.System.user.permissions. This
property is deprecated. Existing skills that use consentToken continue
to work, but the context.System.apiAccessToken property should be used
Thus, accessToken = this.event.context.System.apiAccessToken.
Also, double-check your header: {"Authorization": "Bearer " + apiAccessToken}, make sure you have a space between Bearer and apiAccessToken.