In C++, we can allocate heap memory for a dynamic array, but how can we initialize it if it's a read only array? Here is an example:
const char* str = new char[3];
After operating this statement, the system seems to initialize variable str with garbage value implicitly which means i cannot change its value since it has a constant qualifier. So how can i creat a constant string in heap memory and intialize it explicitly?
If i want to creat a object in heap memory, i need a pointer to the object. But if it's constant, i cannot even change it with the pointer after its creation in heap memory. So it became a vicious circle for me.
You can start with char * modify the array, then convert it to const char *:
char *str = new char[3];
// str[i] = ...
const char *cstr = str;
But unless you're trying to practice dynamic memory management, none of this should be necessary. Just use std::string or std::vector<char>.
Your operator new call doesn't allocate const memory. It gets converted to const when you assign it to the variable. The solution is to make a temporary variable that's not const, write the data to it and then finally convert it to a const pointer:
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
std::unique_ptr<const char[]> PutBytesOntoHeap(const char* data, size_t size)
std::unique_ptr<char[]> result(new char[size]);
memcpy(result.get(), data, size);
return result;
In current c++ avoid calling new/delete explicitly, only use it internally in datastructures (and even then std::make_unique is prefered). So use std::vector (or alternatively std::string/std::string_view)
#273K Also note most C++ books (teachers, online material) are out of date.
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<char> str{ 'a', 'b', 'c' }; // this will do the memory allocation for you
// for local use (when a legacy api needs a pointer, otherwise don't use)
const char* ptr =;
return 0;
// std::vector goes out of scope
// will free the allocated memory (so you can't forget to call delete[])
if it's constant, i cannot even change it with the pointer after its creation in heap memory
const char* str = new char[3];
you actually create a non-const char array and assign it to a const char*. You could just assign it to a char* instead, make the changes you want and then return a const char*. Example:
auto str = []() -> const char* {
char* rv = new char[3];
rv[0] = '1';
rv[1] = '2';
rv[2] = '\0';
return rv;
how can i creat a constant string in heap memory and intialize it explicitly?
You use new const char[] with an initializer:
auto str = new const char[3]{'1', '2', '\0'};
A helper function could look like this:
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
template <std::size_t N>
auto make_const_cstring(const char (&s)[N]) {
return [&]<std::size_t... Is>(std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
return new const char[N]{s[Is]...};
int main() {
auto str = make_const_cstring("Hello world");
std::cout << str << '\n';
delete[] str;
If you want to use an array after the function that created it returns, allocate that array in the heap, not in the run-time stack. Expression new T[size] allocates a new array with size variables in it, each of type T. Remember that an array is treated just like a pointer to the first thing in the array. So expression new int[25] has type int*. Statement
int* A = new int[25];
allocates a new array of 25 ints and stores a pointer to the first one into variable A.
The size can be given by any expression that yields an integer. For example, if you already have an integer variable called n that currently holds 50, then
double* B = new double[n];
allocates an array of 50 doubles.
I am writing a function which requires an array to be created at runtime. The array will be of small size so I am not worried about unsafe code, however, I want to write 'proper' code. As such I am considering three alternatives:
char array[len];
char array = new char(len);
std::vector array(len);
Using Compiler Explorer to compare them with -O3.
The results were as such:
12 instructions, 0 calls to new
21 instructions, 1 call to new
118 instructions, 2+ calls to new
Am I missing an optimisation for std::vector<> or is the 'proper' c++ way slower or have I entirely missed a way of coding this?
edit: I forgot to delete the heap-allocated array
Test code:
code 1:
#include <string.h>
void populate_array(char* arr);
int compute_result(char* arr);
int str_to_arr(const char* str)
auto len = strlen(str);
char array[len];
return compute_result(array);
code 2:
#include <string.h>
void populate_array(char* arr);
int compute_result(char* arr);
int str_to_arr(const char* str)
auto len = strlen(str);
char* array = new char[len];
auto result = compute_result(array);
delete[] array;
return result;
code 3:
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
void populate_array(std::vector<char> arr);
int compute_result(std::vector<char> arr);
int str_to_arr(const char* str)
auto len = strlen(str);
std::vector<char> array(len);
return compute_result(array);
There are a few issues in the code, that may be leading you astray in the comparison.
new char(len) allocates a single char, initialized with the value len. You'd be after new char[len] to allocate len chars. There should be a matching delete [], too.
The std::vector<char> object is passed to populate_array by value, making a copy (and consequently not actually populating the array you want), and similarly for compute_result. These copies will engender new allocations. Passing by reference would be appropriate here.
Without using a custom allocator, std::vector will value-initialize all its elements. Effectively, it means that every element in this vector is set to zero. This is not performed by new char[len].
VLAs are not part of C++, but may be provided as an extension. While in this instance, for small len, the compiler has the option of allocating the space for the array on the stack, they are probably best avoided because of their non-standard nature; even in C, they are not required to be supported.
I am trying to solve a coding question that requires the results be returned using a given struct. The struct is defined as:
struct Answer
const char* const* lastNames;
unsigned numberOfPeople;
Where the lastNames is a pointer to last names that are each terminated by a non-alpha char. I can not seem to find any way to convert the vector of strings that I am using to compile all the last names into a variable that I can assign to lastNames. I have tried making a single string with all the last names and assigning it with c_str() like so:
Ans->lastName = allNames.c_str(); but this gives me an error. Due to the limitations of the question I am unable to change the struct variable to anything else. How can I assign a string to a const char* const*
The structure being used effectively uses a C-style approach to defining a variable sized array of pointers to char (with const sprinkled over it). You’ll need storage for both the array of char const* as well as the entities pointed to. Here is how you could build it from a std::vector<std::string>:
std::vector<std::string> strings = somehow_compute_the_strings();
std::vector<char const*> array;
for (std::string const& s: strings) {
Answer answer = {, array.size() };
Of course, you can’t return answer without the pointer inside pointing to stale data: you’d need to keep the two std::vectors alive. Potentially these two objects could be made members of an object the function is called on. To actually return an object of type Answer without a place to hold on to the std::vectors you could allocate the relevant entities and accept that the result will yield a memory leak unless the caller can clean the result up.
You can't just cast stuff. struct Answer is expecting a char**, so you are going to have to build it and keep it valid as long as the struct Answer is in use. At least they were kind enough to let us know they don't intend to modify it or mess with cleaning up the memory, since it takes "const char * const *".
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>
typedef std::vector<std::string> VectorOfStrings_type;
struct Answer
const char* const* lastNames;
unsigned numberOfPeople;
class AnswerWrapper
// construct and maintain memory so the pointers in the Answer struct will be valid
char ** lastNames;
unsigned int numberOfPeople;
AnswerWrapper(const VectorOfStrings_type &input){
numberOfPeople = input.size();
// create the array of pointers
lastNames = static_cast<char**>(
malloc(numberOfPeople * sizeof(char*))
// create each string
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfPeople; ++i){
const std::string &name = input[i];
// allocate space
lastNames[i] = static_cast<char*>(
malloc(name.size() + 1)
// copy string
strncpy(lastNames[i],, name.size());
// add null terminator
lastNames[i][name.size()] = '\0';
operator Answer (){
return Answer{ lastNames, numberOfPeople };
// critcally important, left as an exercise
void SomeFunctionWhichUsesAnswer(Answer a){
// presumably you have some legacy C code here
// but here's a quick and easy demo
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a.numberOfPeople; ++i)
std::cout << a.lastNames[i] << std::endl;
int main() {
// Here is your vector of strings
VectorOfStrings_type myData { "custom formatted data goes here", "and more here", "and again" };
// You must construct a buffer for the "Answer" type, which must remain in scope
AnswerWrapper temp{ myData };
// AnswerWrapper is currently in scope, so inside this function, the pointers will be valid
Also, I noticed that the strings in Answer are not referred to as null terminated. That is a separate issue you can take care of.
A const member variable can only be assigned in the constructor.
if you can add to the struct, define a constructor, and use the : lastname(value) syntax; or use the struct Answer myVar{value,number}; initialization, right where you declare your instance.
Another - ugly, dangerous, and frowned upon - alternative is a cast: (char**) lastname = value;, or in C++ syntax reinterpret_cast<char**>(lastname) = value.
If someone is teaching you either of those approaches, change the teacher.
I have a library function that requires an array of four pointers as parameter: f(unsigned char* data[4]), and I have an array of smart pointers in my code: std::unique_ptr<unsigned char> myArray[4].
Is there a way to use the smart pointers with this library function ?
I have already tried this but it gives me a segfault: f(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char **>(myArray[0].get()));
std::array<unsigned char* , 4> arr = { myArray[0].get(),myArray[1].get(),myArray[2].get(),myArray[3].get() };
Your cast is wrong. You are casting the unsigned char * pointer that is stored in the 1st array element. You would need to cast the address of the element itself:
f(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char **>(&myArray[0]));
Or even cast the array itself:
using puchar = unsigned char *;
However, these only work because std::unique_ptr is designed to have no more storage overhead than a raw pointer. But it is undefined behavior to use these solutions. The correct solution is to simply copy the pointers to another array, eg:
unsigned char* myArrayOfPtrs[] = { myArray[0].get(), myArray[1].get(), myArray[2].get(), myArray[3].get() };
unsigned char* myArrayOfPtrs[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
myArrayOfPtrs[i] = myArray[i].get();
#include <algorithm>
unsigned char* myArrayOfPtrs[4];
std::transform(std::begin(myArray), std::end(myArray), std::begin(myArrayOfPtrs),
[](auto &p) { return p.get(); }
If you are sure that your unique_ptr will not be out of scope and want it to retain ownership of the associated pointers you can use char* a[] = {myArray[0].get(), myArray[1].get(), myArray[2].get(), myArray[3].get()} on each pointer in the array and create an array of regular pointers.
The unique_pointers retain ownership of the char* resource and if they go out of scope the unique_ptr destructor will free the pointers.
If you want to release ownership you can use the release() method on the unique_ptrs and this will allow you to safely convert to a regular pointer and ensure that the unique_ptr going out of scope will not deallocate the underlying char* resource.
Say I have this:
int x;
int x = (State Determined By Program);
const char * pArray[(const int)x]; // ??
How would I initialize pArray before using it?
Because the initial size of the Array is determined by user input
Size of dynamically created array on the stack must be known at compile time.
You can either use new:
const char* pArray = new char[x];
delete[] pArray;
or better to use std::vector instead (no need to do memory management manually):
vector<char> pArray;
You cannot initialize an array at compile-time if you are determining the size at run-time.
But depending on what you are trying to do, a non-const pointer to const data may provide you with what you're going for.
const char * pArray = new const char[determine_size()];
A more complete example:
int determine_size()
return 5;
const char * const allocate_a( int size )
char * data = new char[size];
for( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
data[i] = 'a';
return data;
int main()
const char * const pArray = allocate_a(determine_size());
//const char * const pArray = new char[determine_size()];
pArray[0] = 'b'; // compile error: read-only variable is not assignable
pArray = 0 ; // compile error: read-only variable is not assignable
delete[] pArray;
return 0;
I do agree with others that a std::vector is probably more what you're looking for. If you want it to behave more like your const array, you can assign it to a const reference.
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<char> data;
const std::vector<char> & pArray = data;
pArray[0] = 'b'; // compile error: read-only variable is not assignable
The example you provided attempts to build the array on the stack.
const char pArray[x];
However, you cannot dynamically create objects on the stack. These types of items must be known at compile time. If this is a variable based on user input then you must create the array in heap memory with the new keyword.
const char* pArray = new char[x];
However, not all items need to be created on the heap. Heap allocation is normally a lot slower then stack allocation. If you want to keep your array on the stack you could always use block based initialization.
#define MAX_ITEMS 100
const char pArray[MAX_ITEMS]
It should be noted that the second option is wasteful. Because you can not dynamically resize this array you must allocate a large enough chunk to hold the maximum number of items your program could create.
Finally, you can always use data structures provide by C++. std::vector is such a class. It provides you a good level of abstraction and item are stored in contingent memory like an array. As noted by one of the other answers you should use the resize option once you know the final size of your vector.
std::vector<char> pArray;
The reason for this is every time you add an element to a vector, if it no longer has enough room to grow, it has to relocate all items so they can exist next to one another. Using the resize method helps prevent vector from having to grow as you add items.
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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
C++ deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
I want to pass a string via char* to a function.
char *Type = new char[10];
Type = "Access"; // ERROR
However I get this error:
error: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
How can I fix that?
If you really want to modify Type:
char *Type = new char[10];
strcpy( Type, "Access" );
If you don't want to modify access:
const char *Type = "Access";
Please note, that, however, arrays of char in C and in C++ come with a lot of problems. For example, you don't really know if the call to new has been successful, or whether it is going to throw an exception. Also, strcpy() could surpass the limit of 10 chars.
So you can consider, if you want to modify type later:
std::string Type = "Access";
And if you don't want to modify it:
const std::string Type = "Access";
... the benefit of using std::string is that it is able to cope with all these issues.
There are a couple of things going on here.
char *Type = new char[10];
This create a char* pointer named Type and initializes it to point to the first element of a newly allocated 10-element array.
Type = "Access"; // ERROR
This assignment doesn't do what you think it does. It doesn't copy the 6-character string "Access" (7 characters including the terminating '\0') to the array you just created. Instead, it assigns a pointer to the first element of that array into your pointer Type. There are two problems with that.
First, it clobbers the previous value of Type. That 10-character array you just allocated now has nothing pointing to it; you can no longer access it or even deallocate it. This is a memory leak.
This isn't what the compiler is complaining about.
Second, a string literal creates a statically allocated const array ("statically allocated" meaning it exists for the entire execution of your program). Type is not declared with a const qualifier. If the compiler allowed you to point Type to the string "Access", you could use that pointer to (attempt to) modify it:
Type = "Access";
Type[0] = 'a'; // try to change the string to "access"
The purpose of const is to prevent you from modifying, or even attempting to modify, things that are read-only. That's why you're not allowed to assign a non-const pointer value to a const pointer object.
Since you're programming in C++, you're probably better off using std::string.
I want to pass a string via char* to a function.
Here is how you can pass a string via char* to a function (note the required const keyword in the function signature.)
#include <iostream>
void f(const char* p) {
std::cout << p << "\n";
int main() {
But, what if you are invoking an existing function, and cannot modify its signature?
If you have some external guarantee that the function will not write through its argument pointer,
#include <iostream>
void f(char* p) {
std::cout << p << "\n";
int main() {
If, on the other hand, the function might write to the string, then you'll need to allocate space for the string:
#include <iostream>
void f(char* p) {
std::cout << p << "\n";
int main() {
// Allocate read-write space on the heap
char *p = new char[strlen("Access"+1)];
// Copy string to allocated space
strcpy(p, "Access");
delete p;
#include <iostream>
void f(char* p) {
std::cout << p << "\n";
int main() {
// Allocate read-write space on the stack
char arr[] = "Access";
But, the best course by far is to avoid the whole pointer mishegas:
#include <iostream>
void f(const std::string& p) {
std::cout << p << "\n";
int main() {
You've got a basic operations problem here, not a coding issue.
When you want to change the contents of a C char array, you do not use the assignment operator. That will instead change the value of the underlying pointer. Ick.
Instead you are supposed to use the C string library routines. For instance, strcpy (Type, "Access"); will copy the string literal "Access" into your character array, with its all-important trailing nul character.
If you are using C++ (as your tags indicate), you should probably be using std::string instead of arrays of char. Assignment works they way you are expecting there.