Running pre-commit with a renamed version of git (.dotfiles setup) -

To manage my dotfiles I am following the approach outlined in (
In order not to confuse commits in the dotfiles with other commits, they do the following alias
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'
All classical git commands work than as a charm, e.g.
config status
config add .vimrc
config commit -m "Add vimrc"
config push
Because I like pre-commit a lot in my projects, I thought it would be nice to use it for the dotfiles as well. But this doesn't work out of the box. I assume because pre-commit is unaware, that it should use the alias.
Is there a possibility to configure pre-commit in such a way that it runs with this dotfile approach?
I tried to use pre-commit like in other projects and hoped it could work. Moreover, I searched a bit for possible solutions but didn't find any clues.
Output from trying to pre-commit install in
An error has occurred: FatalError: git failed. Is it installed, and are you in a Git repository directory?
Check the log at /home/martin/.cache/pre-commit/pre-commit.log
An error has occurred: FatalError: git toplevel unexpectedly empty! make sure you are not inside the .git directory of your repository.


git fork from certain tag version - requirements.txt

I want to fork one github project code, but not from master branch, but from older release.
Reason: I want to edit one place in the code in my fork version and put the url of this tag version into my requirements.txt so that
pip install -e git+https://git_url_to_my_form_in_this_tag_version
I found the tag version in github, but once I fork it, it is being forked from master and not from exactly that tag.
how can I do it?
Forking the repository clones the entire repository, not just the master branch. You can then checkout the tag you want to work on, make the required changes, and create a new tag.
# checkout the tag
git checkout tag_to_fork_from
# alternatively, create a new branch starting with the tag
git checkout -b mybranch tag_to_fork_on

Add an existing origin to a django project and pull the existing repo in it.

I am new to GIT hub version Controlling System.
I am working on a project which i downloaded as zip from GIT hub. It is not a git repository. What i want to do is that I want to make it a git repository and want to pull the existing git repository in it when issuing a git pull command.
I want to create my own Development Branch, develop code on local, push code to github, then do a pull request
Help will be highly appreciated.
Since you don't have any history of your changes to preserve I think your best bet is to clone the repo normally, and then copy your changes into that repository. Your question is a bit sparse on details, but something like the following should work
git clone <git hub project> <new folder on your system>
# maybe you can use a tag here for the SHA
cp -r <your existing directory> <your new git repository>
git status # abort if this step doesn't look right
git add # add all your changed files
git commit # commit your work
git rebase <main dev branch> # catch up

post_receive hook in git: how does it checkouts my non-git folder?

I am using webfaction for my web deployment.
I have a Django app at: webapps/django_app/project_name/
I have a Git repo at: webapps/git_app/repos/my_repo.git
my_repo.git is a bare repository. It is not a working directory.
whenever I push from my local development computer to the remote (webfaction --> my_repo.git), I want my django_app to get the pushed code.
I followed this post which works fine. But no explanation of how this works is given.
I have added these two lines in post_recieve hook in my_repo.git.
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/username/webapps/django/myproject git checkout -f
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/username/webapps/django/myproject git reset --hard
what does this two lines actually do?
Moreover, my Djangoapp folder is not a git repo. still whenever push is made to my_repo.git, Djangoapp gets updated. so how does it work?
When you are managing files locally with .git, you typically have two things:
Your git repository, which is contained in the .git directory, and
Your work tree, which is the set of files you are actually editing.
By default, the repository is a subdirectory of the work tree, but this is not a requirement. Setting the GIT_WORK_TREE environment variable directs git to use a different location for your checkout out files.
So the first line...
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/username/webapps/django/myproject git checkout -f asking git to check out the HEAD of the repository into /home/username/webapps/django/myproject.
The second line...
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/username/webapps/django/myproject git reset --hard
...makes sure that /home/username/webapps/django/myproject does not have any local changes. reset --hard discards any changes to files that are tracked by git. By "local changes" I mean any changes that you or someone else has made to files in this directory; ideally, there won't be any, but if there were some there, reset -f makes sure that the modified files are overwritten with the version of the file stored in the repository.
For more details on any of the commands listed here, try running git <command> --help for the man page, or see The Git Book.

How to get Travis-CI build_number within after_script command

How can one get the build_number (and other build metadata) from within the after_script command in Travis-CI?
What have been tried already:
The documentation on build configuration says this, in the IRC notification section:
You also have the possibility to customize the message that will be
sent to the channel(s) with a template:
- ""
- ""
- "%{repository} (%{commit}) : %{message} %{foo} "
- "Build details: %{build_url}"
You can interpolate the following variables:
repository: your GitHub repo URL.
build_number: build number.
branch: branch build name.
commit: shorten commit SHA
author: commit author name.
message: travis message to the build.
compare_url: commit change view URL.
build_url: URL of the build detail.
Trying to get this to work within an after_script command as below, did not work at all:
language: java
- git commit -a -m "Committed by Travis-CI build number: %{build_number}"
It behaved as if .travis.yml file was absent/invalid (even though it did pass the Travis-CI YAML validation here).
It seems as though this should be doable, but could not find any sample that does this.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
The string replacements you can do for IRC output only work there unfortunately. They're only meant to be used for notifications in general, to customize the output, but are currently only available for IRC.
There's still a way to get the current build number, by accessing the TRAVIS_JOB_ID environment variable. If you change your script to the following line, things should work as expected:
- git commit -a -m "Committed by Travis-CI build number: $TRAVIS_JOB_ID"
I use this in my deploy script:
git commit -am "Auto deploy from Travis CI build $TRAVIS_BUILD_ID"
More on Travis CI Documentation.

Why is git not pushing contents of a folder?

After copying a folder 'myapp' into to my working folder, I do the following to add it to my staging area:
git add .
and then commit the changes:
git commit
Then I push my changes to Heroku:
git push heroku master
So my folder, called 'myapp' is present on heroku, but the problem is that it's completely empty.
When I do the following,
git clone myapp myapp2
the folder clones properly on my local machine with all expected subcontents.
Does anyone know why the subfolders' contents are not being pushed to Heroku properly? What am I doing wrong?
To answer the questions below:
I am doing the git add . in my top level folder (the folder that contains folder myapp). Doing git status shows `no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Yes, myapp contains files/folders (my django project)
I deleted my .gitignore file because I placed my virtual environment in another place altogeher so it's no longer in my project folder so I don't think that's affecting it.
Ok, I seemed to have solved the problem. Somehow git got in a weird state. I don't really understand how, but for some reason it wasn't adding any of the files in the folder.
I simply copied that folder and gave it a new name, and then followed the exact same process I had been doing all along, and it finally uploaded properly.
By default, you cannot push changes to a checked-out branch of a repository. It usually causes major problems! Here is what usually happens:
$ git push heroku master
...error messages...
To heroku
! [remote rejected] master -> master (branch is currently checked out)
error: failed to push some refs to 'heroku'
Since you haven't mentioned any error messages, I'm assuming that you've added the following to your heroku repository configuration, or you're running a fairly old version of Git:
denyCurrentBranch = false
It sounds like you want to check out a fresh copy of the master branch whenever you push a new version to your heroku repository. That can be achieved with a post-receive hook. Create a file in your heroku repository .git/hooks/post-receive, and give it +x permissions.
while read oldrev newrev refname
if test "$refname" = refs/heads/master
( cd ..; GIT_DIR=.git; git reset --hard )
Now, whenever you push a new master branch to heroku, the hook will run and check out the new branch. There are better ways to do this kind of thing, but this is simple.
Summary: By default, when you push changes, it only changes the history but not the working tree. The assumption is that someone might be working on that tree, so doing anything to it could be destructive.