Dependent component can't be instantiated in AbstractModel with Pyomo >= 5.7.3 - pyomo

The following code does work on Pyomo 5.7.0, but does not work on Pyomo 5.7.3 and above anymore. The Error is "ValueError: Error retrieving immutable Param value (battery.n_time_steps)" (full traceback at the end) when trying to build the time_steps set.
import pyomo.environ as pyo
def test_param_pyomo5_7():
def create_battery():
block = pyo.Block()
block.n_time_steps = pyo.Param(within=pyo.NonNegativeIntegers, doc='Number of time steps')
block.time_steps = pyo.RangeSet(1, block.n_time_steps, doc='Time steps')
return block
def create_model() -> pyo.AbstractModel:
model = pyo.AbstractModel()
model.battery = create_battery()
return model
data = {
None: {
'battery': {
'n_time_steps': {None: 24},
model = create_model()
instance = model.create_instance(data=data)
The full traceback is:
..\..\opt\Miniconda3\envs\tesca_optimizer\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in create_instance
instance.load( data,
..\..\opt\Miniconda3\envs\tesca_optimizer\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in load
..\..\opt\Miniconda3\envs\tesca_optimizer\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in _load_model_data
self._initialize_component(modeldata, namespaces, component_name, profile_memory)
..\..\opt\Miniconda3\envs\tesca_optimizer\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in _initialize_component
..\..\opt\Miniconda3\envs\tesca_optimizer\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in construct
obj.construct(data.get(name, None))
..\..\opt\Miniconda3\envs\tesca_optimizer\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in construct
return base.construct(self, data)
..\..\opt\Miniconda3\envs\tesca_optimizer\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in construct
args = tuple(value(arg) for arg in args)
..\..\opt\Miniconda3\envs\tesca_optimizer\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in <genexpr>
args = tuple(value(arg) for arg in args)
pyomo\core\expr\numvalue.pyx:153: in pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.value
pyomo\core\expr\numvalue.pyx:138: in pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.value
..\..\opt\Miniconda3\envs\tesca_optimizer\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in __call__
return self[None]
..\..\opt\Miniconda3\envs\tesca_optimizer\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in __getitem__
return self._getitem_when_not_present(index)

There was an inconsistency in how blocks were initialized from dictionary data in Pyomo<5.7.2, which was fixed in 5.7.2 (PR #1703). The correct data dictionary requires "indices" for all components (even scalar components). Your data dictionary is missing the None key (implicit index) for the data associated with the scalar Block battery. The following data dictionary will work in recent versions of Pyomo:
data = {
None: {
'battery': {
None: {
'n_time_steps': {None: 24},


how to fix make_response error by adding mimetype to json data ty pe in Flask

I am trying to make slurm-web code working.
in, there is a def sinfo() method which reads as follows:
#app.route('/sinfo', methods=['GET', 'OPTIONS'])
#crossdomain(origin=origins, methods=['GET'],
headers=['Accept', 'Content-Type', 'X-Requested-With', 'Authorization'])
def sinfo():
# Partition and node lists are required
# to compute sinfo informations
partitions = get_from_cache(pyslurm.partition().get, 'get_partitions')
nodes = get_from_cache(pyslurm.node().get, 'get_nodes')
# Retreiving the state of each nodes
nodes_state = dict(
(node.lower(), attributes['state'].lower())
for node, attributes in nodes.iteritems()
# For all partitions, retrieving the states of each nodes
sinfo_data = {}
for name, attr in partitions.iteritems():
for node in list(NodeSet(attr['nodes'])):
key = (name, nodes_state[node])
if key not in sinfo_data.keys():
sinfo_data[key] = []
# Preparing the response
resp = []
for k, nodes in sinfo_data.iteritems():
name, state = k
partition = partitions[name]
avail = partition['state'].lower()
min_nodes = partition['min_nodes']
max_nodes = partition['max_nodes']
total_nodes = partition['total_nodes']
job_size = "{0}-{1}".format(min_nodes, max_nodes)
job_size = job_size.replace('UNLIMITED', 'infinite')
time_limit = partition['max_time_str'].replace('UNLIMITED', 'infinite')
# Creating the nodeset
nodeset = NodeSet()
map(nodeset.update, nodes)
'name': name,
'avail': avail,
'job_size': job_size,
'time_limit': time_limit,
'nodes': total_nodes,
'state': state,
'nodelist': str(nodeset),
# Jsonify can not works on list, thus using json.dumps
# And making sure headers are properly set
return make_response(json.dumps(resp), mimetype='application/json')
apache error log says that
return make_response(json.dumps(resp), mimetype='application/json')
TypeError: make_response() got an unexpected keyword argument 'mimetype'
I am using flase 1.0.2 and wondering what makes this error.
First, you'll need to indent that return so that it happens at the end of sinfo(). Then you can simplify by writing
from flask import jsonify
def sinfo():
return jsonify(resp)

Python Twisted sending large a file across network

I am trying to send a file across the network using Twisted with the LineReceiver protocol. The issue I am seeing is that when I read a binary file and try to send the chunks they simply don't send.
I am reading the file using:
import json
import time
import threading
from twisted.internet import reactor, threads
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
from twisted.internet import protocol
MaximumMsgSize = 15500
trySend = True
connectionToServer = None
class ClientInterfaceFactory(protocol.Factory):
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return WoosterInterfaceProtocol(self._msgProcessor, self._logger)
class ClientInterfaceProtocol(LineReceiver):
def connectionMade(self):
connectionToServer = self
def _DecodeMessage(self, rawMsg):
header, body = json.loads(rawMsg)
return (header, json.loads(body))
def ProcessIncomingMsg(self, rawMsg, connObject):
# Decode raw message.
decodedMsg = self._DecodeMessage(rawMsg)
self.ProccessTransmitJobToNode(decodedMsg, connObject)
def _BuildMessage(self, id, msgBody = {}):
msgs = []
fullMsgBody = json.dumps(msgBody)
msgBodyLength = len(fullMsgBody)
totalParts = 1 if msgBodyLength <= MaximumMsgSize else \
int(math.ceil(msgBodyLength / MaximumMsgSize))
startPoint = 0
msgBodyPos = 0
for partNo in range(totalParts):
msgBodyPos = (partNo + 1) * MaximumMsgSize
header = {'ID' : id, 'MsgParts' : totalParts,
'MsgPart' : partNo }
msg = (header, fullMsgBody[startPoint:msgBodyPos])
jsonMsg = json.dumps(msg)
startPoint = msgBodyPos
return (msgs, '')
def ProccessTransmitJobToNode(self, msg, connection):
rootDir = '../documentation/configs/Wooster'
exportedFiles = ['consoleLog.txt', 'blob.dat']
params = {
'Status' : 'buildStatus',
'TaskID' : 'taskID',
'Name' : 'taskName',
'Exports' : len(exportedFiles),
msg, statusStr = self._BuildMessage(101, params)
for filename in exportedFiles:
with open (filename, "rb") as exportFileHandle:
data ='base64')
params = {
ExportFileToMaster_Tag.TaskID : taskID,
ExportFileToMaster_Tag.FileContents : data,
ExportFileToMaster_Tag.Filename : filename
msgs, _ = self._BuildMessage(MsgID.ExportFileToMaster, params)
for m in msgs:
def lineReceived(self, data):
threads.deferToThread(self.ProcessIncomingMsg, data, self)
def ConnectFailed(reason):
print 'Connection failed..'
reactor.callLater(20, reactor.callFromThread, ConnectToServer)
def ConnectToServer():
print 'Connecting...'
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
endpoint = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, 'localhost', 8181)
deferItem = endpoint.connect(factory)
netThread = threading.Thread(, kwargs={"installSignalHandlers": False})
factory = ClientInterfaceFactory()
protocol = ClientInterfaceProtocol()
while 1:
if connectionToServer == None: continue
if trySend == True:
protocol.ProccessTransmitJobToNode(None, None)
trySend = False
Is there something I am doing wrong?file is sent, it's when the write is multi part or there are more than one file it struggles.
If a single write occurs then the m
Note: I have updated the question with a crude piece of sample code in the hope it makes sense.
_BuildMessage returns a two-tuple: (msgs, '').
Your network code iterates over this:
msgs = self._BuildMessage(MsgID.ExportFileToMaster, params)
for m in msgs:
So your network code first tries to send a list of json encoded data and then tries to send the empty string. It most likely raises an exception because you cannot send a list of anything using sendLine. If you aren't seeing the exception, you've forgotten to enable logging. You should always enable logging so you can see any exceptions that occur.
Also, you're using time.sleep and you shouldn't do this in a Twisted-based program. If you're doing this to try to avoid overloading the receiver, you should use TCP's native backpressure instead by registering a producer which can receive pause and resume notifications. Regardless, time.sleep (and your loop over all the data) will block the entire reactor thread and prevent any progress from being made. The consequence is that most of the data will be buffered locally before being sent.
Also, your code calls LineReceiver.sendLine from a non-reactor thread. This has undefined results but you can probably count on it to not work.
This loop runs in the main thread:
while 1:
if connectionToServer == None: continue
if trySend == True:
protocol.ProccessTransmitJobToNode(None, None)
trySend = False
while the reactor runs in another thread:
netThread = threading.Thread(, kwargs={"installSignalHandlers": False})
ProcessTransmitJobToNode simply calls self.sendLine:
def ProccessTransmitJobToNode(self, msg, connection):
rootDir = '../documentation/configs/Wooster'
exportedFiles = ['consoleLog.txt', 'blob.dat']
params = {
'Status' : 'buildStatus',
'TaskID' : 'taskID',
'Name' : 'taskName',
'Exports' : len(exportedFiles),
msg, statusStr = self._BuildMessage(101, params)
You should probably remove the use of threading entirely from the application. Time-based events are better managed using reactor.callLater (your main-thread loop effectively generates a call to ProcessTransmitJobToNode once hundred times a second (modulo effects of the trySend flag)).
You may also want to take a look at as a better way to manage large amounts of data with Twisted.

Error when calling Chapel from Python using PyChapel

I am trying to get Chapel to return an integer to Python. I'd like to call it with python
import os
from pych.extern import Chapel
currentloc = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
#Chapel(sfile=os.path.join(currentloc + '/response.chpl'))
def flip_bit(v=int):
return int
if __name__=="__main__":
u = 71
w = flip_bit(u)
And response.chpl
proc flip_bit(v: int) :int {
v = -v;
return v;
This returns the error
/tmp/temp-7afvL9.chpl:2: In function 'flip_bit':
/tmp/temp-7afvL9.chpl:3: error: illegal lvalue in assignment
g++: error: /tmp/tmpvmKeSi.a: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 15, in <module>
w = flip_bit(u)
File "/home/buddha314/.virtualenvs/pychapel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pych/", line 212, in wrapped_f
raise MaterializationError(self)
pych.exceptions.MaterializationError: Failed materializing ({'anames': ['v'],
'atypes': [<type 'int'>],
'bfile': None,
'dec_fp': '/home/buddha314/pychapel/tmp/response.chpl',
'dec_hs': '7ecfac2d168f3423f7104eeb38057ac3',
'dec_ts': 1502208246,
'doc': None,
'efunc': None,
'ename': 'flip_bit',
'lib': '',
'module_dirs': [],
'pfunc': <function flip_bit at 0x7fa4d72bd938>,
'pname': 'flip_bit',
'rtype': <type 'int'>,
'sfile': '/home/buddha314/pychapel/tmp/response.chpl',
'slang': 'chapel',
'source': None}).
Based on Lydia's response, I did
proc flip_bit(v: int) :int {
var w: int;
w = -v;
return w;
And that worked! WOO-HOOO!!!!
Based on Brad's comments, this also works
proc flip_bit(in v: int) :int {
return -v;
Perhaps he can add a comment on benefits of each approach.
It looks like your issue is that you're trying to modify the argument before returning it. Chapel's default argument intent for integers is const in ( see the Chapel spec, section 13.5 ), which means it can't be modified within the body of the function and is a copy of the value passed to it. If you store the result in a local variable and return that instead, that should solve your compilation failure and give you the behavior you desire.

Dll load failed, in python 2.7 running on windows 8.1

I'am using Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Identity Based Signature scheme for my final year project for getting encryption keys
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import *
from charm.engine.util import *
debug = False
class IBSig():
def __init__(self, groupObj):
global group
group = groupObj
def dump(self, obj):
ser_a = serializeDict(obj, group)
return str(pickleObject(ser_a))
def keygen(self, secparam=None):
g, x = group.random(G2), group.random()
g_x = g ** x
pk = { 'g^x':g_x, 'g':g, 'identity':str(g_x), 'secparam':secparam }
sk = { 'x':x }
return (pk, sk)
def sign(self, x, message):
M = self.dump(message)
if debug: print("Message => '%s'" % M)
return group.hash(M, G1) ** x
def verify(self, pk, sig, message):
M = self.dump(message)
h = group.hash(M, G1)
if pair(sig, pk['g']) == pair(h, pk['g^x']):
return True
return False
def main():
groupObj = PairingGroup('../param/d224.param')
m = { 'a':"hello world!!!" , 'b':"test message" }
bls = IBSig(groupObj)
(pk, sk) = bls.keygen(0)
sig = bls.sign(sk['x'], m)
if debug: print("Message: '%s'" % m)
if debug: print("Signature: '%s'" % sig)
assert bls.verify(pk, sig, m)
if debug: print('SUCCESS!!!')
if __name__ == "__main__":
debug = True
when I am implementing it in python the code was not able to find the module named pairing though I have added Charm module to my library.Getting error like
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Sailesh\Desktop\", line 1, in <module>
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import *
File "C:\Python27\lib\charm\toolbox\", line 2, in <module>
from charm.core.math.pairing import serialize
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
I have taken the code from
Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Identity Based Signature code and downloaded the module charm from charm module link. Let me know where is the error or whether the
problem is with the module. I cant figure out what is the problem. Thanks in advance.
Try the 0.43 version directly fron github:

flask + wtforms nameerror

flask + wtforms
Hello, I have some problems with the transfer of data into a form
def edit_comment(n):
idlist = str(n)
if (r.exists('entries:%s' %idlist) != True):
return abort(404)
if 'user_id' not in session:
return abort(401)
if (g.user['group_access'] == '1'):
return abort(403)
form = EditForm(idlist)
return render_template('edit_comment.html',idlist = idlist, r = r, form = form)
class EditForm(Form):
edit_title = TextField("Title",validators = [Required()] ,default =r.hget('entries:%s' %idlist, 'title'))
edit_text = TextAreaField("Text",validators = [Required()],default =r.hget('entries:%s' %idlist, 'text'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 129, in <module>
class EditForm(Form):
File "", line 130, in EditForm
edit_title = TextField("Title",validators = [Required()] ,default =r.hget('entries:%s' %idlist, 'title'))
NameError: name 'idlist' is not defined
here there are clear problems with data transmission. tried to pass through the constructor, but so far No results
You need to set the default value on the EditForm instance. Right now it' set at import time - clearly not what you want, even if the variable was defined. Actually, you don't even need the default field for it - just set it directly:
form = EditForm() = r.hget('entries:%s' % idlist, 'title') = r.hget('entries:%s' % idlist, 'text')
return render_template('edit_comment.html', idlist=idlist, r=r, form=form)
Note: Usually it's a good idea to have your view function to have a structure similar to this:
form = EditForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
# do whatever should be done on submit, then redirect somewhere
return redirect(...)
elif request.method == 'GET':
# Populate the form with initial values = ... = ...
return render_template(..., form=form)
That way whatever the user entered is preserved in case the validation fails, but if he opens the form for the first time it's populated with whatever default data (e.g. the current values from your db) you want.