I'm using VSCode (Version 1.74.2) on a Windows system.
My project requires CMake (v 3.24) and a MSVC compiler.
I had MSVC 19.31 installed, which worked fine with VSCode and the CMake kits (automatically found).
Today I needed to upgrade MSVC to 19.34. Luckily this didn't cause any issues, except for the fact that VSCode doesn't find the compiler anymore.
Obviously I cleared any build-directories, so there were no remnants to the old compiler in CMake-files. And the compiler installation was verified with the developer command prompt.
I tried to scan for kits, "Visual Studio Professional 2022 Release - XXX" (XXX = [x86|x86_amd64|amd64_x86|amd64]) kits were found. I selected the "amd64" kit. Configuring resulted in:
[cmake] CMake Error at C:/Program Files/CMake-3.24.1/share/cmake-3.24/Modules/CMakeDetermineCCompiler.cmake:49 (message):
[cmake] Could not find compiler set in environment variable CC:
[cmake] cl.exe.
[cmake] Call Stack (most recent call first):
[cmake] CMakeLists.txt:9 (project)
[cmake] CMake Error: CMAKE_C_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage
[cmake] CMake Error: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage
[cmake] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
so obviously the compiler is not found.
I tried to delete the kits file and redo the scan. Adding the path in the C_Cpp > Default Compiler Path setting resulted in error.
Unable to resolve configuration with compilerPath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\Hostx64\x64". Using "cl.exe" instead.
Ah, yes I also rebooted the machine, started VS, closed and reopened VSCode (several times) - this stuff sometimes helps with Microsoft products, but not this time.
I'd be glad of any helpful comments.
This is an issue with configuration files for your project that you open with VS Code. The CMake plugin for VS Code works in a way that it creates a minimum of two special files for your project:
You are mainly interested in the c_cpp_properties.json file, this is an example file which I took from a different question that I answered:
"configurations": [
"name": "Mac",
"includePath": [
"defines": [],
"macFrameworkPath": [
"compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang",
"cStandard": "c17",
"cppStandard": "c++17",
"intelliSenseMode": "macos-clang-x64"
"version": 4
Yours will look similar.
You are interested in the element (usually at the bottom) called compilerPath.
Since you updated MSVC to a newer version you are still passing the wrong path here (I can tell you upgraded from 14.xxx).
By correcting the path to the newer version you will most likely fix your issue.
NOTE: You may need to update more of these variables (maybe even in both files). However this is where your issues stem from.
Introduction to the problem
I'm trying to create a MacOS app that prints a "Hello World" in C++ using Visual Studio 2022 (latest release 17.2.0) on Windows and the CMake template so I can connect remotely (using SSH) to the MacOS, I've been following this official Microsoft tutorial
Problem ocurred
The problem is that when I get to the installation step of CMake in MacOS I can't get it to recognize the version of MacOS installed since when I open the project in Windows I get this following message in the console:
1> Copying files to the remote machine.
1> Starting copying files to remote machine.
1> Finished copying files (elapsed time 00h:00m:00s:650ms).
1> CMake generation started for configuration: 'macos-debug'.
1> Found cmake executable at /Users/maria/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake.
1> The remote system does not have CMake 3.8 or greater. An infobar to automatically deploy CMake to the remote system will be displayed if you are building on a supported architecture. See https://aka.ms/linuxcmakeconfig for more info.
It also shows the following message above:
Supported CMake version is not present on 'remote address'. Install latest CMake binaries from CMake.org? Yes No
And when I press "yes", it says that I actually have cmake installed on the remote MacOS:
1> Copying files to the remote machine.
1> Starting copying files to remote machine.
1> Finished copying files (elapsed time 00h:00m:00s:650ms).
1> CMake generation started for configuration: 'macos-debug'.
1> Found cmake executable at /Users/maria/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake.
1> The remote system does not have CMake 3.8 or greater. An infobar to automatically deploy CMake to the remote system will be displayed if you are building on a supported architecture. See https://aka.ms/linuxcmakeconfig for more info.
CMake binary deployment to the remote machine started. CMake generation will continue automatically after deployment finishes.
CMake binary deployment to the remote machine failed: Installation directory '/Users/maria/.vs/cmake' already exists.
Solution attemps
I have tried to install CMake using brew (latest version available 3.23.1) and making sure that cmake was accessible directly from the MacOS terminal (included in PATH), I also tried doing the procedure following the official guide by installing the image .dmg by copying the "CMake.app" to "/Applications" and adding it to the path using the following command:
export PATH=/Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin:$PATH
And I even tried to install older versions of CMake (like 3.8.0 or 3.8.1) but the same thing still happened. The expected result is the same as the Microsoft guide shown here:
1> Copying files to the remote machine.
1> Starting copying files to remote machine.
1> Finished copying files (elapsed time 00h:00m:00s:650ms).
1> CMake generation started for configuration: 'macos-debug'.
1> Found cmake executable at /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake.
1> /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake -G "Ninja" DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_STRING="Debug" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
1> [CMake] -- Configuring done
1> [CMake] -- Generating done
1> [CMake] -- Build files have been written to: /Users/cti/.vs/CMakeProject90/out/build/macos-debug
1> Extracted CMake variables.
1> Extracted source files and headers.
1> Extracted code model.
1> Extracted includes paths.
1> CMake generation finished.
Does anyone know why this is happening or what could be the solution to this problem?
This seems to be a Visual Studio bug. You can keep track of it here.
It looks like Visual Studio always looks for CMake under local folder of currently connected via SSH user (i.e. ~/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake), no matter how you installed it. Then, when Visual Studio suggests to install it:
Supported CMake version is not present on ‘’. Install latest CMake binaries from CMake.org?
If you agree to do that, it actually rolls out it locally in the said folder. The binaries Visual Studio uses are broken and throws an error if you try to use it on the Mac machine locally:
$: ~/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake
zsh: exec format error: /Users/User/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake
That's why Visual Studio keeps struggling to find the working CMake binary. You can get it round by creating a symbolic link to the folder with working CMake binaries in place of the folder Visual Studio looks for them in:
$: rm -rf ~/.vs/cmake/bin
$: ln -s /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin ~/.vs/cmake/bin
At this point Visual Studio will be able to locate the CMake, but won't be able to locate the default compilers and generators:
1> /Users/User/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="Debug" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="/Users/User/.vs/CrossPlatform/out/install/macos-debug" /Users/User/.vs/CrossPlatform/CMakeLists.txt;
1> [CMake] CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Ninja". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.
1> [CMake] CMake Error: CMAKE_C_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage
1> [CMake] CMake Error: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage
The simplest way to fix that is just by running this command on the Mac machine. It will generate the cache Visual Studio can use then, however be advised that whenever this cache is invalidated for whatever reason (e.g. when switching between configurations), you will have to re-generate it again the same way. Another option is to specify all missing parameters explicitly (either via CMakeLists.txt or as command line arguments under cacheVariables property of CMakePresets.json)
I have finally solved the problem, I had to copy the files located within the CMake application: /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake to the location where Visual Studio was trying to find them, which in my case was: /Users/maria/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake
The version was not a problem since I tried it with the latest CMake version (3.23.1) and it worked. Finally I found a problem related to the lack of indication of the locations of the compilers for C++ and C for CMake and the location of Ninja, I simply specified it inside CMakePresets.json and I had no major problems:
"name": "macos-debug",
"displayName": "macOS Debug",
"generator": "Ninja",
"binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/out/build/${presetName}",
"installDir": "${sourceDir}/out/install/${presetName}",
"cacheVariables": {
"CMAKE_C_COMPILER": "/usr/bin/gcc",
"CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER": "/usr/bin/g++",
"CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM": "/usr/local/bin/ninja"
"condition": {
"type": "equals",
"lhs": "${hostSystemName}",
"rhs": "Darwin"
"vendor": {
"microsoft.com/VisualStudioRemoteSettings/CMake/1.0": {
"sourceDir": "$env{HOME}/.vs/$ms{projectDirName}"
I hope someone will find this a helpful solution when developing on MacOS with Visual Studio (on Windows)
I am trying to install few libraries that are required for cmake to build a project.
For successful build, cmake requires libuv and uWebSockets libraries to be installed:
I'm using MinGW gcc compiler (C:\msys64\mingw64) along with cmake.
However, during configuration cmake fails with the following errors:
[cmake] Not searching for unused variables given on the command line.
[cmake] CMake Error at examples/example1/CMakeLists.txt:14 (find_library):
[cmake] Could not find UV_LIB using the following names: uv
[cmake] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Now, I have downloaded the tar-balls from the above GitHub repo, but I am unable to understand where and how this is to be installed.
I'm trying to setup a C/C++ environment using CLion, but CMake isn't able to compile the test program:
C:\Users\corey\.CLion2016.3\system\cygwin_cmake\bin\cmake.exe -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" /cygdrive/c/Users/corey/ClionProjects/demo
-- The C compiler identification is MSVC 18.0.31101.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 18.0.31101.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/VC/bin/cl.exe
-- Check for working C compiler: /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/VC/bin/cl.exe -- broken
CMake Error at /cygdrive/c/Users/corey/.CLion2016.3/system/cygwin_cmake/share/cmake-3.6.2/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:61 (message):
The C compiler "/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio
12.0/VC/bin/cl.exe" is not able to compile a simple test program.
It fails with the following output:
Change Dir: /cygdrive/c/Users/corey/ClionProjects/demo/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
Run Build Command:"/cygdrive/c/D/dmd2/windows/bin/make.exe"
f CMakeFiles/cmTC_2a8fc.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/cmTC_2a8fc.dir/build
Error: 'f' not found
CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:2 (project)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/cygdrive/c/Users/corey/ClionProjects/demo/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/cygdrive/c/Users/corey/ClionProjects/demo/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
I'm running Windows 10 and VC 12.0 (Visual Studio 2013?). I've tried setting CLion up to use cygwin cmake instead of the built in version, and I've tried reinstalling all relevant tools, with no success.
Figured it out - missed it the first few times in the output - I have D lang DMD installed, which has it's own make.exe for whatever reason. CMake was selecting this make executable for whatever reason by default, rather than the one in cygwin. Either uninstalling DMD or manually configuring CMake to use the cygwin make fixes the issue.
We are having trouble compiling a project using CMake (v2.8.12) under Windows 7 64Bit using Visual Studio 2012. CMake gives us the following errors. We already tried starting Cmake from the Visual Studio Command Line using admin rights. There seems to have been a similar bug in CMake 2.8.11: http://www.cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=14440
CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:446 (execute_process):
execute_process given COMMAND argument with no value.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:48 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID_VENDOR)
C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCCompiler.cmake:131 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID)
CMakeLists.txt:2 (project)
The C compiler identification is unknown
CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:446 (execute_process):
execute_process given COMMAND argument with no value.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:48 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID_VENDOR)
C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCXXCompiler.cmake:127 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID)
CMakeLists.txt:2 (project)
The CXX compiler identification is unknown
CMake Warning at src/CMakeLists.txt:44 (message):
SWIG was not found. You will not be able to compile for C#.
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/Users/hci/laser_control/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "C:/Users/hci/laser_control/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
I had the same issue and fixed it running cmake as Admin
Those error messages
The C compiler identification is unknown
The CXX compiler identification is unknown
means CMake did find or assume a compiler but it wasn't able to compile a simple test program.
Take a look at CMakeFiles\CMakeError.log and check the error message there to see:
which compiler path/command line CMake did use
what the error message calling the compiler was
e.g. LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'kernel32.lib'
If you add --debug-trycompile to the cmake call CMake will even keep the files it has tried to test compile (so you can copy/paste/re-run the command line from the error log in your cmd shell).
The last time I had this problem ...
The last time I had this problem was when my Visual Studio 2012 Professional standard installation did not install any Windows SDK (the error log was showing an missing SDK header).
To verify your SDK installation e.g. check that you have any Resource Compiler installed. It should be in a path similar to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v[some version]\bin\RC.Exe
Since I was missing this - or more accurate any SDK - I installed Windows 8.1 SDK (since Visual Studio 2012 does target Windows 8.x) and voila my CMake was able again to compile the (test) programs.
Does Visual Studio 2012 include the full Windows SDK
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (project): No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found
I was getting the terminal output:
The C compiler identification is unknown
The CXX compiler identification is unknown
I checked the CMakeError.log output:
It showed the error:
warning MSB8003: The WindowsSDKDir property is not defined. Some build tools may not be found.
Going back to visual Studio I needed to install the Windows 10 SDK:
After installing the SDK and running cmake it showed:
Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.19041.0 to target Windows 10.0.18363.
The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.28.29334.0
The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.28.29334.0
And built successfully!
I had similar problem also, if you are using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, that might be because of update of KB2781514 is missing.
After I installed following update, CMake start to detect Visual Studio 2012 c/c++ compilers correctly.
I faced the same problem. Building and running a project from Visual Studio didn't work for me. However following worked for me:
Open command prompt for developers from Visual Studio tools.
Goto the directory where cmake.exe is present.
Run it.
Lets hope it works for you as well.
For some reason, deleting the build folder in my machine, solved the issue.
The cmake assume that you set g++ compiler path accurately.In case due any reason if it did't find compiler path{/usr/bin/g++} then it throw an error like:
**The CXX compiler identification is unknown**
So given step will short out this error:
Locate your compiler CXX path{for g++ path under Linux is :/usr/bin/g++}
Set the Compiler Path and export it configuration: PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH;export PATH
Export compiler like : export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-7
Here we assume that g++,cmake,build-essential install in your Linux system...!!
Same problem here with cmake 2.8.12 and visual studio 10. Cmake may not be able to find the compiler. I solved the problem by uninstalling latest version and installed cmake 2.8.10.
I just encounter with this issue, after I uninstalled some MS software.
I fixed it by repair visual studio 2012.
First go to [Control panel], then select visual studio and repair it,things will go right now.
Make sure you select the proper version of visual Studio.
For example, Visual Studio 2012 is version 11.
I had the same problem and I had to use the "File -> Delete Cache", since I accidentally configured CMake to use wrong visual studio version.
If you use CMake 3.4.0, try upgrading to a newer version. A bug concerning this was fixed relatively recently (see the bug report).
Make sure that you have installed Clang tools
open tools -> Get tools and features, select individual components, search cmake, then uninstall cmake and then re-install cmake, when complete, restart your computer.
I was seeing this on ubuntu - issue was cmake was assuming clang++ as c compiler.
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:52 (message):
The C compiler
To fix it, export C, C++ compiler paths:
export CC=/usr/bin/clang
export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
We are having trouble compiling a project using CMake (v2.8.12) under Windows 7 64Bit using Visual Studio 2012. CMake gives us the following errors. We already tried starting Cmake from the Visual Studio Command Line using admin rights. There seems to have been a similar bug in CMake 2.8.11: http://www.cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=14440
CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:446 (execute_process):
execute_process given COMMAND argument with no value.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:48 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID_VENDOR)
C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCCompiler.cmake:131 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID)
CMakeLists.txt:2 (project)
The C compiler identification is unknown
CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:446 (execute_process):
execute_process given COMMAND argument with no value.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:48 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID_VENDOR)
C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCXXCompiler.cmake:127 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID)
CMakeLists.txt:2 (project)
The CXX compiler identification is unknown
CMake Warning at src/CMakeLists.txt:44 (message):
SWIG was not found. You will not be able to compile for C#.
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/Users/hci/laser_control/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "C:/Users/hci/laser_control/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
I had the same issue and fixed it running cmake as Admin
Those error messages
The C compiler identification is unknown
The CXX compiler identification is unknown
means CMake did find or assume a compiler but it wasn't able to compile a simple test program.
Take a look at CMakeFiles\CMakeError.log and check the error message there to see:
which compiler path/command line CMake did use
what the error message calling the compiler was
e.g. LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'kernel32.lib'
If you add --debug-trycompile to the cmake call CMake will even keep the files it has tried to test compile (so you can copy/paste/re-run the command line from the error log in your cmd shell).
The last time I had this problem ...
The last time I had this problem was when my Visual Studio 2012 Professional standard installation did not install any Windows SDK (the error log was showing an missing SDK header).
To verify your SDK installation e.g. check that you have any Resource Compiler installed. It should be in a path similar to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v[some version]\bin\RC.Exe
Since I was missing this - or more accurate any SDK - I installed Windows 8.1 SDK (since Visual Studio 2012 does target Windows 8.x) and voila my CMake was able again to compile the (test) programs.
Does Visual Studio 2012 include the full Windows SDK
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (project): No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found
I was getting the terminal output:
The C compiler identification is unknown
The CXX compiler identification is unknown
I checked the CMakeError.log output:
It showed the error:
warning MSB8003: The WindowsSDKDir property is not defined. Some build tools may not be found.
Going back to visual Studio I needed to install the Windows 10 SDK:
After installing the SDK and running cmake it showed:
Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.19041.0 to target Windows 10.0.18363.
The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.28.29334.0
The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.28.29334.0
And built successfully!
I had similar problem also, if you are using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, that might be because of update of KB2781514 is missing.
After I installed following update, CMake start to detect Visual Studio 2012 c/c++ compilers correctly.
I faced the same problem. Building and running a project from Visual Studio didn't work for me. However following worked for me:
Open command prompt for developers from Visual Studio tools.
Goto the directory where cmake.exe is present.
Run it.
Lets hope it works for you as well.
For some reason, deleting the build folder in my machine, solved the issue.
The cmake assume that you set g++ compiler path accurately.In case due any reason if it did't find compiler path{/usr/bin/g++} then it throw an error like:
**The CXX compiler identification is unknown**
So given step will short out this error:
Locate your compiler CXX path{for g++ path under Linux is :/usr/bin/g++}
Set the Compiler Path and export it configuration: PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH;export PATH
Export compiler like : export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-7
Here we assume that g++,cmake,build-essential install in your Linux system...!!
Same problem here with cmake 2.8.12 and visual studio 10. Cmake may not be able to find the compiler. I solved the problem by uninstalling latest version and installed cmake 2.8.10.
I just encounter with this issue, after I uninstalled some MS software.
I fixed it by repair visual studio 2012.
First go to [Control panel], then select visual studio and repair it,things will go right now.
Make sure you select the proper version of visual Studio.
For example, Visual Studio 2012 is version 11.
I had the same problem and I had to use the "File -> Delete Cache", since I accidentally configured CMake to use wrong visual studio version.
If you use CMake 3.4.0, try upgrading to a newer version. A bug concerning this was fixed relatively recently (see the bug report).
Make sure that you have installed Clang tools
open tools -> Get tools and features, select individual components, search cmake, then uninstall cmake and then re-install cmake, when complete, restart your computer.
I was seeing this on ubuntu - issue was cmake was assuming clang++ as c compiler.
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:52 (message):
The C compiler
To fix it, export C, C++ compiler paths:
export CC=/usr/bin/clang
export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++