In ColdFusion do I add to the title tag from a document that is "Included"? - coldfusion

I have an index page that calls several includes using variables. Part of my site has an inventory section. I would like to insert the name of the inventory item into the title tag. From the index, I can tailor the title tag in the header to show the section and categories, but since the query for the individual item is in the included file, that variable doesn't exist yet when the index comes up. I tried to use the cfhtmlhead from the inventory page, but it neither adds to nor replaces the title that is called in the index.cfm page. Here is my code, but it doesn't work.
<cfhtmlhead text="<title>xxxx</title>"></cfhtmlhead>
I guess, I could pass the inventory item name in the URL, but most items have spaces in them and then I have to deal with that too.
cfhtmlhead doesn't seem to work when it is in cfincludes


OrchardCMS Replacement Tokens for Query Results displaying HTML tags instead rendering them

I am having problems understanding the token system for the output of query / projections.
If I leave the property as is it displays the text content with HTML formatting intact.
But I need to wrap it with a tag, the html tags get displayed as text.
Rewrite Results -> Rewrite output
<div class="collapse" id="toggle_{Content.Id}">
{Content.Fields.CaseStudy.ClientChallenge} </div>
I am trying to create a collapsible text area, I already have a button that hides/unhides the content.
Why is it displaying as text instead of rendering the tags properly.
I think this is because I don't know how replacement tokens work.
Another example problem is up one level on the edit Layout, I want to set the item class to work-item {Category}, Category being the name/title of a property, which I am using for grouping.
Right above the projection: I want to include some html that lists all the Categorys in a ul i.e. data-filter=".experiential" I have tried things like: work-item {Category} and work-item {Content.Fields.CaseStudy.Category}. Category is a "term" (?) from a taxonomy.
I feel like I am failing to understand how it all works.
Submitted as a bug
Will edit and post if it is fixed. In case anoyong else comes across this issue.

Querying Sitecore Content Item Data Fields With Spaces in Data Field Name

Please be gentle...I'm very new to Sitecore development.
So the following returns the value from any data field associated with a content long as the data field name has no spaces in it
#foreach($item in $genie.QueryPageItems("/sitecore/content/Sparklev2/articles/*"))
$item.Name - $item.Copyright - $item.Body Tag Css
and the method it is calling (written by another developer):
public List<PageItem> QueryPageItems(string query){
return (from item in Sitecore.Context.Database.SelectItems(query).ToList<Item>() select new PageItem(item)).ToList<PageItem>();
The above returns the name and the copyright fine, but not the body tag css values. I have wrapped body tag css in everything I could think of but cannot make this work. Am I missing something or is this just not possilbe
You need to escape special characters and space.
/sitecore/content/#Sparkle V2#/articles/*
On a separate note; it's gonna perform donkeys. But escaping is your answer.

How do I get the value of a WFFM field as a tag and output it in a Sitecore DMS report?

If I create a Web Forms For Marketers form with Analytics enabled I can choose to add each field as a tag to a Visitor. I can't see how to configure which tag they should be added to, or even what the tag is called by default (I'm assuming a tag with the field name is created).
I'd also like to know how to retrieve the tag data in a visit report (i.e. the one you'd get if you double clicked on a form submission in the Form Reports dialogue). I can see how to access plenty of inbuilt tags, but I can't find out how to fill these specifically from the form, and I cant see any fields in the report designer representing the field names I have.
Question 1: How to set the name of the tag
If you set the "Tag" checkbox on the form field, the Item Name (=field name) of the form field is used as tag name.
If you have database access, you can check the "VisitorTags" table on the analytics database to see which tags are written and how they are called.
Question 2: Retrieve Tag data in visit reports
In the VisitDetail report, the following inbuilt tags will be displayed if set:
First Name
Second Name
Full Name
Name your form fields accordingly and the values will be used in the report out of the box.
If you want to use custom tags in reports, have a look at the .mrt files in /sitecore/shell/Applications/Reports/. You will have to extend the report to use your own tags.
Example: Adding a custom tag to the VisitDetail report.
Extend the SQL Query to fetch tags in the /sitecore/system/Settings/Analytics/Reports SQL Queries/Visits Visitor Tags item. Add the line
, MAX(CASE WHEN [TagName] = 'SomeCustomTag' THEN [TagValue] ELSE NULL END) [SomeCustomTag]
Extend the VisitDetail.mrt, add a column with value SomeCustomTag to the VisitorTags section just like the predefined tags.
Use the value of your custom tag inside the report text by using {Visit.VisitorTagsRelation.SomeCustomTag}
I use a text editor to edit the .mrt files, but you can probably also do it in Reports Designer.

Orchard CMS: Creating bookmark for List item

We're creating a page in Orchard CMS using the 'List' Content Type. We want to add some hyperlinks at the top of the list, that will jump down the page to specific items in the list.
We specifically don't want to just link to the individual page for the list item, but jump down to where it is in the list, and because the list items are rendered using the same View part, we can't of course just hard code the bookmarks.
We've been customising the View Part in VS and know that the list item title is generated using the code:
And this generates < h1 > and < a > tags to wrap around the title like this:
< h1 shape-id="5" >< a href="/Orchard/Contents/Item/Display/36" shape-id="5" >Marketing< /a >< /h1 >
However, we can't find a way to get the Display() method to include a 'name=' clause which we can then use as the bookmark.
We've also tried adding a new tag just above the exiting code, e.g.:
< a name="#Model.Header" >< /a >
But of course the Model.Header is an object reference, and not some text, so this failed. After this we've got lost with various ways trying to find a property of the Model object to fetch the Title as text but couldn't.
There must be a way to overload the Display() method to get it to include the 'name=' clause, anyone got any ideas?
Model.Header is just a zone. What really renders the title is a shape that was added to that zone. You should really use Shape Tracing (part of the Designer Tools module) to understand what the hierarchy of shapes looks like. You don't need to "overload the display method". What you need is to override the template for the shape that is rendering the title (which is not Model.Header but something inside it).
You might want to read this: and this
<a name="#Model.Header.Items[0].Title" />
It's not pretty, but it worked for me when I dropped this in an alternate template for a biography content type I created (Views/Content-Bio.Summary.cshtml).
Based on Bertrand's suggestion, instead you can try:
<a name="#Model.Title" />
in your template alternate.

How do I change the template of the Mailchimp Wordpress widget?

I want to change how the form looks like and the labels on the fields of the form.
Login in as Admin and then, under the Plugins area in the sidebar, click Editor. There's a dropdown menu labeled "Select plugin to edit". Click that and select "MailChimp" and then click the "Select" button. The sidebar widget form is called mailchimp/mailchimp_widget.php
The form's code begins right after the first PHP block.
You can also edit the code directly by looking in the wordpress/wp-content/plugins/mailchimp/ directory. The translations are in the po sub-directory.
The trick with this template is that the fields are loaded from elsewhere. In order to change the label, you have to set the option of the fields in the PHP code. Each field is looped through and printed out automatically.
For example to change the "Email Address" label to read "Email" add the following code at the end of the first PHP block:
$mv[0]['name'] = 'Email';
This assumes that the first field that will be printed out is the Email Address field. You can do a var_dump to see what other options are available.
If you want to make more drastic changes to the form, remember that when the widget is updated, you'll have to make the changes again and merge them with the updated version.