Connect Salesforce to Postman - postman

In the quick connection test, there's no response since I could not send any request through the "GET Limit" collection. I can't authenticate with Salesforce.
I tried installing the Postman Desktop Agent but it didn't work.


Authentication and websockets

I'm doing this -
Load single page application - an apollo client is initialised with a websocket and http link. This happens when the user is logged out, let's say.
The user then logs in without a page reload. The graphql response now contains the session cookie.
Problem - whilst subsequent http requests include the session cookie the websocket connection does not.
How do people solve this problem?
I'm guessing either make all communication with the server via websockets, or, create a new apollo client upon successful sign in and use this for subscriptions.
This is for a chat app. I'm using http and websockets at the moment.

Google Says Postman is unsecure and therefore will not allow API connections

I am trying to test out some Google OAuth2 connections, starting with a "Get a New Access Token" request.
when I click Request Token, It takes me to the google sign in page:
I go through that, then put in my password. Once Complete, Google Squawks:
Is there a setting in POSTMAN that will allow me to execute this Correctly?

Dialogflow caches webhook request session

I am using Dialogflow V1 with Django as the webhook target. The trouble I am having is that one of the Dialogflow servers somehow caches the cookie/sessionid and sends to the webhook every time, which is wrong.
In one of the webhook calls, my server creates a new user and logs in the user which in turn writes sessionid to the request cookie. Somehow the session/cookie will be cached by that particular DialogFlow server, and that server always sends the same sessionid/cookie to the webhook. With the sessionid, Django auto-login the request with the same user, which causes problems.
I tried the flowing ways to remove the cached cookie, but all failed
unset cookies
logout user: logout(request)
try to find a config in Dialogflow
Interestingly, only that particular server sends the wrong request, which causes our chat breaks intermittently.

WSO2 - Fails to redirect when the session is timed out

I have created an custom authentication endpoint, like https://www.custom-auth.localpc, which is being redirect to by WSO2 when i try to login which is working.
However, when I submit the loging with a sessionkey which has expired already, WSO2 replies with a 302 that redirects to http://localhost:9443/https://www.custom-auth.localpc?loginStatus=true.
How can I set a new redirect when this time-out happens? Or send back to the custom authentication endpoint, with an error preferably.

PHONEGAP/WP8: FileTransfer not sending session cookies

The server I'm using sends the session id with a http-only cookie.
To make this working on WP8, I already enabled cookies in the internet explorer settings of the device. This works well for all my AJAX-requests.
But now i have to download a file from the server, therefore I'm using the file-transfer plugin, but i always get HTTP Status 401 - Http Request not attached to a session
Is there any way to fix this issue, so that the cookie header containing the JSESSIONID is sent with the download request?