How to delete the filtered rows using Xlwings? - xlwings

I am trying to delete filtered rows using xlwings.
I have filters like below
import xlwings as xw
filename = r"C:\Users\User\Xwlings\Input VAT_2021.12_rev.xlsx"
sht = xw.Book(filename)
sht.sheets['Vendor_code'].api.Range('A1:F1900').AutoFilter(Field:=3, Criterial:='TATA')
After filters like that, I want to delete the filtered rows.

Xlwings should delete the visible rows so after applying the filter, delete the range (from row 2 assuming headers) to the last row.
When the filter is removed those rows not matching the criteria should remain.
import xlwings as xw
filename = r"C:\Users\User\Xwlings\Input VAT_2021.12_rev.xlsx"
sht = xw.Book(filename)
sht.sheets['Vendor_code'].api.Range('A1:F1900').AutoFilter(Field:=3, Criterial:='TATA')
### Get the max row to delete to or use 1900.
last_row = sht.sheets['Vendor_code'].range(1,1).end('down').row
### Delete visible rows from 2 to the last row
sht.sheets['Vendor_code'].range("2:" + str(last_row)).delete()
### Remove the filter and only the rows hidden by the filter should now be left


Check if all dates in database (sqlalchemy) are between two distinct dates

If I have created a Dates column in flask sqlalchemy and also stored some dates in it, how can I check if each and every one of these dates are between to dates that I choose
There are lots of ways to accomplish this. Here's one example.
The goal is to select all rows that have a date outside your desired range. If the result set is empty, all rows have a valid date. For good measure, we'll include any rows that don't have a date value in our "bad rows" query.
from sqlalchemy import select, or_
with Session.begin() as session:
my_start_date = '2022-01-01'
my_end_date = '2022-01-31'
query = select(MyTable).where(
or_( < my_start_date, > my_end_date, == Null)
results = session.execute(query).all()
Now you can take a look at the results and see what's up.
you can use between in your orm or plain query:
with Session.begin() as session:
my_start_date = '2022-01-01'
my_end_date = '2022-01-31'
q = session.query(table_name).filter(,my_end_date))
select(table_name).where(, my_end_date))

Can I dynamically derive Dax Filters from "dissecting"a criteria field in my database?

I have a database table that contains records, where each record has a criteria attribute. This criteria attribute can hold anywhere between 1-n criteria that I'd like to apply as filters on a different table.
This looks something like:
but could also be only
What I'd like to do in DAX, is take that string and translate it into dynamic Filter attributes. So I somehow need to split the string based on ;;;, and then disect each section into the target (e.g. message[count]), the operator (e.g. ge --> >=) and the value (e.g. 5).
So in the end the following DAX snippet should be added to my Calculate 1 or more times:
example measure = CALCULATE(
--- line below should be dynamically injected
message[count] >= 5
I'm struggling with how to create a loop (is this even possible in PBI?), and then even with a single string... hoe to filter based on this.
You can try to build new table for splited message.
Table 2 =
var _splitby = ";;;"
var _string = SELECTCOLUMNS(ADDCOLUMNS(VALUES('Table'[message]),"pathx", SUBSTITUTE([message],_splitby,"|")),"pathx",[pathx])
var _generate = GENERATE(_string, GENERATESERIES(1, PATHLENGTH([pathx])))
var _GetVal = SELECTCOLUMNS(_generate, "Msg", PATHITEM([pathx], [Value]))
If you have always message.count:::ge::: like string at the end, you can follow these steps in Power Query-
Step 1: Duplicate you message column
Step-2: apply split on new duplicated column using string message.count:::ge::: and you will have a new column with last Numeric value from your original text.
Step-3: you can now apply filter on the new column.
Sample Output-

Python - Move the rows to new dataframe as Badrecord if DOB and Address1 and Address2 and PostCode have NULL

I am trying to move the rows with NULL values in all 4 columns DOB, Address1, address2 and Postcode to a new data frame and keep original datafarme with clean records
i have tried solving it by using the following code
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
BadRecords = Data.dropna(subset=['DOB','Address1','Address2','PostCode'], how='any')
The current code is printing the entire dataset. It should only filter the records where DOB, Address1, Address2 and postcode all 4 are NULLs
To get records with null values you can filter the original set like this:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, isnull
badRecords = Data.filter(isnull(col('DOB')) & isnull(col('Address1')) & isnull(col('Address2')) & isnull(col('PostCode')))
dropna function returns a new dataframe omitting rows with null values, so with that you can only get "good" records
goodRecords = Data.dropna(subset=['DOB','Address1','Address2','PostCode'], how='all')
Also notice that how='any' will drop rows with at least one of values null, so if you want to filter rows only when all of them are null, you need to use 'all' setting.

Find difference between two rows by usind Dax in Power BI

I have three column one is Id(ID is same) 2nd col is amount and third is date, I want difference between two rows(amount)
As you want to have the previous value of the date where the ID is equal, you can use the following:
Add a column,
Column4 =
var baseFilter = FILTER(DiffRows;DiffRows[Column1] = EARLIER(DiffRows[Column1]))
var selectDate = CALCULATE(LASTDATE(DiffRows[Column3]);baseFilter;
FILTER(baseFilter; DiffRows[Column3] < EARLIER(DiffRows[Column3])))
DiffRows[Column2] - CALCULATE(sum(DiffRows[Column2]);baseFilter;
FILTER(baseFilter; DiffRows[Column3] =selectDate))
First I create a basefilter to ensure the IDs are same.
Next I select the date whcih is the previousdate within the set of same ids
Last I use this date, to filter the correct value out of the rows.
End result:

Deleting Entire blank row in an existing Excel Sheet using Python

How to remove the entire blank row from the existing Excel Sheet using Python?
I need a solution which DOES NOT :
Include reading the whole file and rewriting it without the deleted row.
I achieved using Pandas package....
import pandas as pd
#Read from Excel
xl= pd.ExcelFile("test.xls")
#Parsing Excel Sheet to DataFrame
dfs = xl.parse(xl.sheet_names[0])
#Update DataFrame as per requirement
#(Here Removing the row from DataFrame having blank value in "Name" column)
dfs = dfs[dfs['Name'] != '']
#Updating the excel sheet with the updated DataFrame
If using memory is not an issue you can achieve this using an extra dataframe.
import pandas as pd
#Read from Excel
xl= pd.ExcelFile("test.xls")
dfs = xl.parse(xl.sheet_names[0])
df1 = dfs[dfs['Sal'] == 1000]
df1 = df1[df1['Message']=="abc"]
ph_no = df1['Number']
print df1
To delete an Excel row, say row 5, column does not matter so 1:
To delete a range of Excel rows, say row 5 to 20