How to locate letters with DrawText() in MFC? - mfc

DrawText automatically breaks line when inputting text.
In single line I can use GetOutputTextExtent to locate a single letter. But with automatic line break I can't get the exact text of a single line. So I can't locate a letter (to be exact where the cursor is).
I have no experience in text editor in MFC-related programming.


Delete every other line in Visual Studio Code regardless of content

A colleague has inserted duplicates for ~1200 entries into our database. They have sent me a text file containing both the originals and copies in alternating lines of CSV text. I've opened that up in VS Code with the goal of converting the lines representing duplicates into DELETE statements targeting our database. No line is truly identical to another—every two is a pair in which the data is the same other than the row ID.
I have found Stack Overflow entries for removing every other line when the line is empty, or when every other line is an exact copy of the previous line. I have not found an entry this scenario in which the lines have a difference. E.g. I tried using (.*)\n\1 w/ $1\n from another SO entry, which seems to target truly duplicate lines.
So how do I use VS Code to delete every other line regardless of content?
You can achieve this using Replace-All UI in regex mode.
Press command-F or control-F
Expand the arrow on the left of the Find display
Press the ".*" so that it's highlighted
Enter this for Find (top text field in the Find UI): (.*\n)(.*)\n (basically select two lines but save the contents of the first line in the regex system)
Enter this for Replace (following text field in the find UI): $1 (take the line saved from the Find regex and re-insert it)
Hit the Replace All button
Here's a similar SO question

Why is tkinter Text not adding color?

I am trying to add a background, foreground color to a word in the Text widget , it inserts the text but without the color.
Why is that happening?
Here is the part of code I am using:
for line in decoded.splitlines() :
if name in line :
conversation.tag_add(line, "1.0", "1.4" )
conversation.tag_config(line, background="yellow", foreground="blue")
"decoded" is a string, and name is the word. I'm looking for in the string which I defined in the beginning of script.
I want it to color the line if the variable name is in it but I cant seem to do that.
The index you give to tag_add is an absolute index. Even though you are looping over all the lines, you're only ever adding highlighting to the first four characters of the text widget over and over and over.
The other problem is that you're giving a very unusual tag name. You're using a tag named after the contents of the entire line (ie: if the line of text is "hello, world", you're creating a tag named "hello, world"). It actually is probably safe, but it's highly unusual. Tag names normally are simple strings like "bold" or "highlight" or something like that. If you're truly wanting a unique tag for every line, I recommend a simple incrementing name/number like "tag-1", "tag-2", etc.

Move insertion point to the beginning of the blank line between paragraphs MS Word

I often need to translate a document in MS Word and I do it paragraph by paragraph, the translation text follows each individual paragraph of the original text. What I need is a keyboard shortcut to move the insertion point to the blank space after the following paragraph I need to translate, i.e to move the cursor from the end of the red colored text in the picture to the blank space after the following paragraph ending with "..and call it a day"
Ctrl+Down Arrow shortcut in Word places the insertion point at the beginning of every following paragraph, while I need it placed at the beginning of the blank line above it so I can immediately start typing.
I am looking for a Word shortcut key, regex expression or an autohotkey script that could perform this task, it would come handy to me in doing translation in MS Word.
Thank you for the help!
On MCL's suggestion I've created a simple Autohotkey script to solve the problem, combining Word keyboard shortcuts into one. I also added a code from another script which sets dark red color of the text which is being typed into the original document to make the contrast with the default text color of the original. This is a convenient option for translators which also allows saving only the translated text by using Find function in Word, and removes the need for any further editing of the translated document. Here's the script:
#IfWinActive ahk_class OpusApp
Send ^{Down}
Send ^{Down}
Send ^{Left}
Send {Enter}
oWord := ComObjActive("Word.Application") ; MS Word object
wdColorDarkRed = 128
oWord.Selection.Font.Color := wdColorDarkRed

CRichEditCtrl OnUpdate(): how to know the start and end positions when a paste is received?

I'm using a CRichEditCtrl to edit a computer language, and on every change to it I'm calling SetSelectionCharFormat on the current line of text (as reported by LineFromChar(-1)) to highlight the syntax. (EG: comments in green, section headings in a bigger font, compilation errors in red, etc.) Note this language doesn't have multi-line features such as a C comment where typing /* on one line makes following lines part of a comment too; for any given character change I only need to change the color of the current line.
It all looks like its working fine.
However there are some weird issues. One is, when multiple lines of text is selected from somewhere else, and pasted. My OnUpdate() is called but is naively assuming that the only line that potentially needs re-formatting is the one returned by LineFromChar(). That suffices when the user is typing character by character, but it means that after receiving a multi-line paste, the program only reformats the last line of the pasted text. How can it know where the start of the insert was?
OnUpdate is called inside the Paste operation.
It should be possible to subclass the RTF control and to intercept the WM_PASTE message. If WM_PASTE is not used internally it might be possible to use EM_PASTESPECIAL. If even tis message isn't sent, you have to interecept the Ctrl+V that causes the paste Operation.
Than you can determine the starting position of the paste operation.
Spy++ might be helpful to determine the message flow in the RTF control.

Vim: Inter-String Line Breaking

Consider the three lines shown below.
std::ostringstream ss;
cc::write(ss, "Error parsing first magic byte of header: expected 'P', but got '{0}'.", c);
return io_error{ss.str()};
The second line automatically breaks because it exceeds the text width (&tw), but it does so unsatisfactorily for two reasons:
When the line breaks on a string, the procedure is a little more complicated than usual. Vim needs to close the string literal at the end of the broken line, and add a string literal at the beginning of the newly-created line. But it would be awkward for the line to be broken in the middle of a word, so Vim needs to back up until it finds the end of a word boundary, such that adding a " character after it would not exceed the text width. If it can find no such word boundary, then the entire string needs to be begun on the next line.
When the line breaks in the middle of a string, I do not want any indentation to be inserted at the beginning of the proceeding line.
Are there are any native features of Vim or plugins that I can use to get behaviors (1) and (2), or do I have to write my own plugin?
To have this special line breaking behavior both with auto-format and gq, you have to write a custom 'formatexpr' that takes this into account.
I'm not aware of any existing plugin, but maybe you find something to get you started on