Boost C++ UDP Socket stops receive after N packages - c++

I am sending udp packages from server to client. At the server side I split data into packages by 500 bytes, and sent to client. The client receives the packages and accumulate received data and deserializes an object.
The problem is that client receive 133 packages maximum and stops like nothing else was sent to socket, but server send whole object (1238 packages). And this problem exists in Windows only, but works perfectly under OSX.
Here is a server code sending packages:
// sends #buffer of size #length to #endpoint
// #buffer already contains a header, and the method splits #buffer into chunks and send it one by one
void server::send_package(char* buffer, int length, udp::endpoint endpoint){
if (length > BUFFER){
protocol::header header;
int dataLength = length - sizeof (header);
// copy header from buffer
memcpy(&header, buffer, sizeof(header));
header.isEnd = false;
int position = 0;
// allocate memory to collect data to send
char* data_to_send = new char[dataLength];
// copy data
memcpy(data_to_send, &buffer[sizeof(header)], dataLength);
header.totalPackages = dataLength/(BUFFER-sizeof (header));
// create chucks of data and send
while (position < dataLength){
int frame_size = BUFFER;
if (dataLength-position+sizeof (header) <= BUFFER) {
header.isEnd = true;
frame_size = dataLength-position+sizeof (header);
char* temp_buffer = new char[frame_size];
header.length = frame_size-sizeof(header);
// set the header of a chunk
memcpy(temp_buffer, &header, sizeof(header));
// set data to chunk
memcpy(&temp_buffer[sizeof (header)], &data_to_send[position], frame_size-sizeof(header));
// send chunk
socket->send_to(boost::asio::buffer(temp_buffer, frame_size), endpoint);
position += frame_size-sizeof(header);
} else {
socket->async_send_to(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, length), endpoint,
buffer, length)
Here is the client receives packages:
void connectionManager::handle_receive( const boost::system::error_code &error,
std::size_t size,
udp::endpoint* ep) {
if (size > 0) {
// _lock.try_lock();
protocol::header header;
memcpy(&header, &recv_buffer, sizeof(header));
logg("response from server received " + boost::asio::ip::address_v4(header.ip).to_string());
logg("received header:");
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "header.length = " << header.length;
udp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address_v4(header.ip), _server_port);
switch (header.command) {
case protocol::commands::server_instance_instruments_state_response: {
package_chain chain(size-sizeof(header));
memcpy(, &recv_buffer[sizeof(header)], size-sizeof(header));
// at Windows machine the last package is #133. But 1248 packages expected.
// WHY????...
int packs = (packages[].size());
if (header.isEnd) {
char* buf = getDataFromPackages(, header.length);
std::stringstream str;
str << buf;
boost::archive::text_iarchive ar(str);
instance_plugin_information* inst_inf;
inst_inf = new instance_plugin_information();
try {
ar & inst_inf;
if (onPluginStateResponse != nullptr) {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
// We will hang on this line when package #133 received.
I just don't understand what I am missing? Why client receives exactly 133 packages (133 x 500 bytes) and then drops?
I have changed the code in many ways, but with no luck. The last thing I added is
before I call start_receive() again, and the program hands on this line exactly when package #133 is received.
Please help. I am close to give up and become a pizza delivery guy.


Unable to find the reason for "Broken Pipe" error while sending continuous data chunks through Beast websocket

I am working on streaming audio recognition with IBM Watson speech to text web service API. I have created a web-socket with boost (beast 1.68.0) library in C++(std 11).
I have successfully connected to the IBM server, and want to send a 231,296 bytes of raw audio data to server in following manner.
"action": "start",
"content-type": "audio/l16;rate=44100"
<bytes of binary audio data 50,000 bytes>
<bytes of binary audio data 50,000 bytes>
<bytes of binary audio data 50,000 bytes>
<bytes of binary audio data 50,000 bytes>
<bytes of binary audio data 31,296 bytes>
"action": "stop"
Expected Result from IBMServer is :
{"results": [
{"alternatives": [
{ "confidence": xxxx,
"transcript": "call Rohan Chauhan "
}],"final": true
}], "result_index": 0
But I am not getting the desired result: rather the error says
"Broken pipe"
DataSize is: 50000 | mIsLast is : 0
DataSize is: 50000 | mIsLast is : 0
what : Broken pipe
DataSize is: 50000 | mIsLast is : 0
what : Operation canceled
DataSize is: 50000 | mIsLast is : 0
what : Operation canceled
DataSize is: 31296 | mIsLast is : 0
what : Operation canceled
Here is my code which is an adaptation of the sample example given in beast library.
class IbmWebsocketSession: public std::enable_shared_from_this<IbmWebsocketSession> {
char binarydata[50000];
std::string TextStart;
std::string TextStop;
explicit IbmWebsocketSession(net::io_context& ioc, ssl::context& ctx, SttService* ibmWatsonobj) :
mResolver(ioc), mWebSocket(ioc, ctx) {
TextStart ="{\"action\":\"start\",\"content-type\": \"audio/l16;rate=44100\"}";
TextStop = "{\"action\":\"stop\"}";
* Desc : Send start frame
void send_start(beast::error_code ec);
* Desc : Send Binary data
void send_binary(beast::error_code ec);
* Desc : Send Stop frame
void send_stop(beast::error_code ec);
* Desc : Read the file for binary data to be sent
void readFile(char *bdata, unsigned int *Len, unsigned int *start_pos,bool *ReachedEOF);
void IbmWebsocketSession::on_ssl_handshake(beast::error_code ec) {
return fail(ec, "connect");
// Perform the websocket handshake
ws_.async_handshake_ex(host, "/speech-to-text/api/v1/recognize", [Token](request_type& reqHead) {reqHead.insert(http::field::authorization,Token);},bind(&IbmWebsocketSession::send_start, shared_from_this(),placeholders::_1));
void IbmWebsocketSession::send_start(beast::error_code ec){
return fail(ec, "ssl_handshake");
bind(&IbmWebsocketSession::send_binary, shared_from_this(),placeholders::_1));
void IbmWebsocketSession::send_binary(beast::error_code ec) {
return fail(ec, "send_start");
readFile(binarydata, &Datasize, &StartPos, &IsLast);
if (!IsLast) {
ws_.async_write(net::buffer(binarydata, Datasize),
bind(&IbmWebsocketSession::send_binary, shared_from_this(),
} else {
void IbmWebsocketSession::on_binarysent(beast::error_code ec) {
return fail(ec, "send_binary");
bind(&IbmWebsocketSession::read_response, shared_from_this(), placeholders::_1));
void IbmWebsocketSession::readFile(char *bdata, unsigned int *Len, unsigned int *start_pos,bool *ReachedEOF) {
unsigned int end = 0;
unsigned int start = 0;
unsigned int length = 0;
// Creation of ifstream class object to read the file
ifstream infile(filepath, ifstream::binary);
if (infile) {
// Get the size of the file
infile.seekg(0, ios::end);
end = infile.tellg();
infile.seekg(*start_pos, ios::beg);
start = infile.tellg();
length = end - start;
if ((size_t) length < 150) {
*Len = (size_t) length;
*ReachedEOF = true;
// cout << "Reached end of File (last 150 bytes)" << endl;
} else if ((size_t) length <= 50000) { //Maximumbytes to send are 50000
*Len = (size_t) length;
*start_pos += (size_t) length;
*ReachedEOF = false;, length);
} else {
*Len = 50000;
*start_pos += 50000;
*ReachedEOF = false;, 50000);
Any suggestions here?
From boost's documentation we have the following excerpt on websocket::async_write
This function is used to asynchronously write a complete message. This
call always returns immediately. The asynchronous operation will
continue until one of the following conditions is true:
The complete message is written.
An error occurs.
So when you create your buffer object to pass to it net::buffer(TextStart) for example the lifetime of the buffer passed to it is only until the function returns. It could be that even after the function returns you the async write is still operating on the buffer as per the documentation but the contents are no longer valid since the buffer was a local variable.
To remedy this you could, make your TextStart static or declare that as a member of your class and copy it to boost::asio::buffer there are plenty of examples on how to do that. Note I only mention TextStart in the IbmWebsocketSession::send_start function. The problem is pretty much the same throughout your code.
From IBM Watson's API definition, the Initiate a connection requires a certain format which can then be represented as a string. You have the string but missing the proper format due to which the connection is being closed by the peer and you are writing to a closed socket, thus a broken pipe.
The initiate connection requires :
var message = {
action: 'start',
content-type: 'audio/l16;rate=22050'
Which can be represented as string TextStart = "action: 'start',\r\ncontent-type: 'audio\/l16;rate=44100'" according to your requirements.
Following on from the discussion in the chat, the OP resolved the issue by adding the code:
if (!IsLast ) {
ws_.async_write(net::buffer(binarydata, Datasize),
bind(&IbmWebsocketSession::send_binary, shared_from_this(),
else {
if (mIbmWatsonobj->IsGstFileWriteDone()) { //checks for the file write completion
} else {
Which from discussion stems from the fact that more bytes were being sent to the client before a file write was completed on the same set of bytes. The OP now verifies this before attempting to send more bytes.

How to send wchar_t string from C++ app to nodejs script

I have C++ service which sends whar_t strings to nodejs script. To send messages it uses IOCP WSASend. The problem is that pretty often nodejs can't receive (decode) those messages correctly. the message itself is a serialized json with SOH (\u0001) in front and "\r" at the end.
Message is pretty big and nodejs script receives at in chunks. It keeps concatenating the chunks until it finds "\r"
var pool = "";
socket.on('data', function (data) {
pool += Buffer.from(data.toString(), 'utf16le').toString();
var list = pool.split('\u0001');
for (var i in list) {
pool = '';
if (!list[i].length) {
if (list[i].substr(0, 1) != '{') {
if (list[i].substr(-1, 1) != '\r') {
pool = list[i];
var cmd = JSON.parse(list[i]);
So it receives the chunk, append to the existing string and checks if the end reached. Works well until the broken chunk comes. I wrote the chunks to the file to track and found out that the broken chunk looks like Chinese. I suspect that the chunk could be started from the odd byte and full message shifted one byte. Needless to say that the message end "\r" will never be found. And even if found never parsed properly.
OVERLAPPED structure I send with WSASend looks like that (need SmartBuffer because same message could be sent to many sockets):
typedef std::shared_ptr<wchar_t> SmartBuffer;
WSABUF m_wsabuf;
UCHAR m_type;
SOCKET m_socket;
DWORD bytes;
SmartBuffer m_buffer;
m_socket(s), m_type(t), bytes(0)
hEvent = NULL;
m_buffer = buf;
m_wsabuf.buf = (char*)m_buffer.get();
m_wsabuf.len = wcslen((wchar_t*)buf.get()) * sizeof(wchar_t);
How to send widechar messages from c++ to nodejs or receive in nodejs properly please?

Writing simple file-transfer program using boost::asio. Have major send\receive desync

I am learning boost::asio network programming and tried to make simple file transfer exercise, using blocking sockets, and so, stuck upon strange issue issue.
Server (receiver) loop is following:
while (true){
int bufSize{ static_cast<int>(pow(2, 18)) };
char* buf{ new char[bufSize] };
__int64 currPos{ 0 };
__int64 fileSize;
std::string fileName;
mSocket->receive(buffer(buf, bufSize)); // here we get pre-defined packet with XML
ParseDescXML(std::string{ buf }, &fileName, &fileSize); // and parse this XML, get name and size
std::ofstream ofs(mSavePath + fileName, std::ios::binary);
if (ofs.is_open()){
while (currPos != fileSize) {
if (bufSize > fileSize - currPos){
delete[] buf;
bufSize = fileSize - currPos;
buf = new char[bufSize];
mSocket->receive(buffer(buf, bufSize));
ofs.write(buf, bufSize);
currPos += bufSize;
std::cout << "SERVER " << currPos << std::endl;
delete[] buf;
slDebug("Receive completed"); // output some stuff, not related to issue
client (sender) loop is following:
mWorkerOccupied = true;
std::ifstream ifs(filePath, std::ios::binary);
if (!ifs.is_open()){
mWorkerOccupied = false;
return false;
mFileName = filePath.substr(filePath.find_last_of('\\') + 1, filePath.length());
mCurrPos = 0;
mFileSize = GetFileSize(&ifs);
std::string xmlDesc{ MakeXMLFileDesc(mFileName, mFileSize) }; // here we make XML description
int bufSize{ static_cast<int>(pow(2, 18)) };
char* buf{ new char[bufSize] };
mSocket->send(buffer(xmlDesc.c_str(), bufSize)); // and send it.
while (mCurrPos != mFileSize){
if (bufSize > mFileSize - mCurrPos){
delete[] buf;
bufSize = mFileSize - mCurrPos;
buf = new char[bufSize];
}, bufSize);
mSocket->send(buffer(buf, bufSize));
mCurrPos += bufSize;
std::cout << "CLIENT " << mCurrPos << std::endl;
delete[] buf;
mWorkerOccupied = false;
slDebug("SendFile completed");
All this stuff is running in parallels threads.
From my understanding it should be working this way:
Server thread runs servers and hangs, until incoming connection (working as expected, so I did not include this code here).
Client thread runs after some time and connects to server (working as expected)
Server waiting for first packet, contains XML (working as expected)
Client sends XML, server gets it (working as expected)
Client starts to send actual binary data, server get it. Here we have major problem.
I have a output of current position of file in both client and server loop.
I expect it to be something like:
CLIENT 228 // first we send some data
SERVER 228 // Server gets it and outputs the same file pos
But what I am actually getting - confuses me...
SERVER 499384320
SERVER 499646464
CLIENT 88604672
SERVER 499908608
CLIENT 88866816
SERVER 500170752
SERVER 500432896
SERVER 500695040
SERVER 500957184
Far more messages regarding receiving something by server, than client ones about sending. How it can be? Literally, looks like client sent only 80mb of data, while server already received 500mb of data... I thought, that server thread should wait on receive(), since I am using blocking socket, but this is strange. Could someone explain me, why I have this huge desync?
You're assuming that receive reads the entire buffer size at once, but it doesn't necessarily:
The receive operation may not receive all of the requested number of bytes. Consider using
the read function if you need to ensure that the requested amount of data is read before the
blocking operation completes
receive returns the amount of data read, you should change your code to something like:
size_t recvd = mSocket->receive(buffer(buf, bufSize));
ofs.write(buf, recvd);
currPos += recvd;

Cannot get response when using socket in C++.NET

I wrote two programs, one as server and another as client. The server is written in standard C++ using WinSock2.h. It is a simple echo server which means the server responds what it receives back to the client. I used a new thread for every client's connection, and in each thread:
Socket* s = (Socket*) a;
while (1) {
std::string r = s->ReceiveLine()
if (r.empty()) {
delete s;
return 0;
Socket is a class from here. The server runs properly and I've tested it using telnet, it works well.
Then I wrote the client using C++.NET (or C++/CLI), TcpClient is used to send and receive message from the server. The code is like:
String^ request = "test";
TcpClient ^ client = gcnew TcpClient(server, port);
array<Byte> ^ data = Encoding::ASCII->GetBytes(request);
NetworkStream ^ stream = client->GetStream();
stream->Write(data, 0, data->Length);
data = gcnew array<Byte>(256);
String ^ response = String::Empty;
int bytes = stream->Read(data, 0, data->Length);
response = Encoding::ASCII->GetString(data, 0, bytes);
When I run the client and tries to show the response message onto my form, the program halted at the line int bytes = stream->Read(data, 0, data->Length); and cannot fetch the response. The server is running and there's nothing to do with the network as they are all running on the same computer.
I guess the reason is that the data server responds with is less than data->Length, so the Read method is waiting for more data. Is that right? How should I solve this problem?
I think I've solved the problem... There are another two methods in the Socket class, ReceiveBytes and SendBytes, and these two methods will not delete the unused space in the bytes array. So the length of data back from the server will match that from the client, thus the Read method will not wait for more data to come.
std::string Socket::ReceiveLine() {
std::string ret;
while (1) {
char r;
switch(recv(s_, &r, 1, 0)) {
case 0: // not connected anymore;
// ... but last line sent
// might not end in \n,
// so return ret anyway.
return ret;
case -1:
return "";
// if (errno == EAGAIN) {
// return ret;
// } else {
// // not connected anymore
// return "";
// }
ret += r;
if (r == '\n') return ret;
i guess receiveline function of the server is waiting for an enter key '\n'.
just try with "test\n" string.
String^ request = "test\n";
// other codes....

How to properly delimit multiple images before sending them over a socket

let's say I need to send, for instance, five images from a client to a server over a socket and that I want to do it at once (not sending one and waiting for an ACK).
I'd like to know if there are some best practices or guidelines for delimiting the end of each one.
What would be the safest approach for detecting the delimiters and processing each image once in the server? (In C/C++ if possible)
Thanks in advance!
Since images are binary data, it would be difficult to come up with delimiter that cannot be contained in the image. (And ultimately confusing the receiving side)
I would advice you to create a header that would be placed at the beginning of the transmission, or at the beginning of each image.
An example:
struct Header
uint32_t ImageLength;
// char ImageName[128];
} __attribute__(packed);
The sender should prepend this before each image and fill in the length correctly. The receiver would then know when the image ends and would expect another Header structure at that position.
The attribute(packed) is a safety, that makes sure the header will have the same alignment even if you compile server and client with different GCC versions. It's recomended in cases where structures are interpreted by different processes.
Data Stream:
Image Data
Image Data
Image Data
You can use these function to send files (from client in java) to a server (in C). The idea is to send 4 bytes which indicates the file's size followed by the file content, when all files have been sent, send 4 bytes (all set to 0 zero) to indicate the end of the transfer.
// Compile with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
// path, if not empty, must be ended with a path separator '/'
// for example: "C:/MyImages/"
int receiveFiles(SOCKET sck, const char *pathDir)
int fd;
long fSize=0;
char buffer[8 * 1024];
char filename[MAX_PATH];
int count=0;
// keep on receiving until we get the appropiate signal
// or the socket has an error
while (true)
if (recv(sck, buffer, 4, 0) != 4)
// socket is closed or has an error
// return what we've received so far
return count;
fSize = (int) ((buffer[0] & 0xff) << 24) |
(int) ((buffer[1] & 0xff) << 16) |
(int) ((buffer[2] & 0xff) << 8) |
(int) (buffer[3] & 0xff);
if (fSize == 0)
// received final signal
return count;
sprintf(filename, "%sIMAGE_%d.img", pathDir, count+1);
fd = _creat(filename, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
int iReads;
int iRet;
int iLeft=fSize;
while (iLeft > 0)
if (iLeft > sizeof(buffer)) iReads = sizeof(buffer);
else iReads=iLeft;
if ((iRet=recv(sck, buffer, iReads, 0)) <= 0)
// you may delete the file or leave it to inspect
// _unlink(filename);
return count; // socket is closed or has an error
_write(fd, buffer, iRet);
The client part
* Send a file to a connected socket.
* <p>
* First it send the file size if 4 bytes then the file's content.
* </p>
* <p>
* Note: File size is limited to a 32bit signed integer, 2GB
* </p>
* #param os
* OutputStream of the connected socket
* #param fileName
* The complete file's path of the image to send
* #throws Exception
* #see {#link receiveFile} for an example on how to receive the file from the other side.
public void sendFile(OutputStream os, String fileName) throws Exception
// File to send
File myFile = new File(fileName);
int fSize = (int) myFile.length();
if (fSize == 0) return; // No empty files
if (fSize < myFile.length())
System.out.println("File is too big'");
throw new IOException("File is too big.");
// Send the file's size
byte[] bSize = new byte[4];
bSize[0] = (byte) ((fSize & 0xff000000) >> 24);
bSize[1] = (byte) ((fSize & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
bSize[2] = (byte) ((fSize & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
bSize[3] = (byte) (fSize & 0x000000ff);
// 4 bytes containing the file size
os.write(bSize, 0, 4);
// In case of memory limitations set this to false
boolean noMemoryLimitation = true;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(myFile);
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
if (noMemoryLimitation)
// Use to send the whole file in one chunk
byte[] outBuffer = new byte[fSize];
int bRead =, 0, outBuffer.length);
os.write(outBuffer, 0, bRead);
// Use to send in a small buffer, several chunks
int bRead = 0;
byte[] outBuffer = new byte[8 * 1024];
while ((bRead =, 0, outBuffer.length)) > 0)
os.write(outBuffer, 0, bRead);
To send the files from the client:
// The file name must be a fully qualified path
sendFile(mySocket.getOutputStream(), "C:/MyImages/orange.png");
sendFile(mySocket.getOutputStream(), "C:/MyImages/lemmon.png");
sendFile(mySocket.getOutputStream(), "C:/MyImages/apple.png");
sendFile(mySocket.getOutputStream(), "C:/MyImages/papaya.png");
// send the end of the transmition
byte[] buff = new byte[4];
mySocket.getOutputStream().write(buff, 0, 4);
catch (Exception e)
If you cannot easily send a header containing the length, use some likely delimiter. If the images are not compressed and consist of bitmap-stype data, maybe 0xFF/0XFFFF/0xFFFFFFF as fully-saturated luminance values are usually rare?
Use an escape-sequence to eliminate any instances of the delimiter that turn up inside your data.
This does mean iterating all the data at both ends, but depending on your data flows, and what is being done anyway, it may be a useful solution :(