How do I add the first and last value in a map reduce RavenDB index - mapreduce

When having a map reduce I would like to also include the first value of user current balance and last value of user balnce ordered by the date
from r in results
group r by new {r.Date, r.UserId} into g
select new
Date = g.Key.Date,
UserId = g.Key.UserId,
Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count),
** StartBalance = g.First(x=>x.Balance),
EndBalance = g.Last(x => x.Balance)**
I am expecting to get the first balance of the user when he just logged in to the game and also the last balance of the same player of the user at the end of the day.
Is this something possible?

This should work:
g.OrderyBy(x => x.Date).Select(x => x.Balance).FirstOrDefault()


DynamoDB - Get all items which overlap a search time interval

My application manages bookings of a user. These bookings are composed by a start_date and end_date, and their current partition in dynamodb is the following:
USER#1#BOOKINGS BOOKING#1 {s: '20190601', e: '20190801'}
[GOAL] I would query all reservations which overlap a search time interval as the following:
I tried to find a solution for this issue but I found only a way to query all items inside a search time interval, which solves only this problem:
I decided to make an implementation of it to try to make some change to solve my problem but I didn't found a solution, following you can find my implementation of "query inside interval" (this is not a dynamodb implementation, but I will replace isBetween function with BETWEEN operand):
import { zip } from 'lodash';
const bookings = [
{ s: '20190601', e: '20190801', i: '' },
{ s: '20180702', e: '20190102', i: '' }
const search_start = '20190602'.split('');
const search_end = '20190630'.split('');
// s:20190601 e:20190801 -> i:2200119900680011
for (const b of bookings) {
b['i'] = zip(b.s.split(''), b.e.split(''))
.reduce((p, c) => p + c.join(''), '');
// (start_search: 20190502, end_search: 20190905) => 22001199005
const start_clause: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < search_start.length; i += 1) {
if (search_start[i] === search_end[i]) {
start_clause.push(search_start[i] + search_end[i]);
} else {
const s_index = start_clause.join('');
// (end_search: 20190905, start_search: 20190502) => 22001199009
const end_clause: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < search_end.length; i += 1) {
if (search_end[i] === search_start[i]) {
end_clause.push(search_end[i] + search_start[i]);
} else {
const e_index = (parseInt(end_clause.join('')) + 1).toString();
const isBetween = (s: string, e: string, v: string) => {
const sorted = [s,e,v].sort();`sorted: ${sorted}`)
return sorted[1] === v;
const filtered_bookings = bookings
.filter(b => isBetween(s_index, e_index, b.i));`filtered_bookings: ${JSON.stringify(filtered_bookings)}`)
There’s not going to be a beautiful and simple yet generic answer.
Probably the best approach is to pre-define your time period size (days, hours, minutes, seconds, whatever) and use the value of that as the PK so for each day (or hour or whatever) you have in that item collection a list of the items touching that day with the sort key of the start time (so you can do the inequality there) and you can use a filter on the end time attribute.
If your chosen time period is days and you need to query across a week then you’ll issue seven queries. So pick a time unit that’s around the same size as your selected time periods.
Remember you need to put all items touching that day (or whatever) into the day collection. If an item spans a week it needs to be inserted 7 times.
Disclaimer: This is a very use-case-specific and non-general approach I took when trying to solve the same problem; it picks up on #hunterhacker 's approach.
Observations from my use case:
The data I'm dealing with is financial/stock data, which spans back roughly 50 years in the past up to 150 years into the future.
I have many thousands of items per year, and I would like to avoid pulling in all 200 years of information
The vast majority of the items I want to query spans a time that fits within a year (ie. most items don't go from 30-Dec-2001 to 02-Jan-2002, but rather from 05-Mar-2005 to 10-Mar-2005)
Based on the above, I decided to add an LSI and save the relevant year for every item whose start-to-end time is within a single year. The items that straddle a year (or more) I set that LSI with 0.
The querying looks like:
if query_straddles_year:
# This doesn't happen often in my use case
result = query_all_and_filter_after()
# Most cases end up here (looking for a single day, for instance)
year_constrained_result = query_using_lsi_for_that_year()
result_on_straddling_bins = query_using_lsi_marked_with_0() # <-- this is to get any of the indexes that do straddle a year
filter_and_combine(year_constrained_result, result_on_straddling_bins)

M & Power Query: How to use the $Skip ODATA expression within a loop?

Good afternoon all,
I'm trying to call all of the results within an API that has:
6640 total records
100 records per page
67 pages of results (total records / records per page)
This is an ever growing list so I've used variables to create the above values.
I can obviously use the $Skip ODATA expression to get any one of the 67 pages by adding the expression to the end of the URL like so (which would skip the first 100, therefore returning the 2nd page:$Skip=100
What I'm trying to do though is to create a custom function that will loop through each of the 67 calls, changing the $Skip value by an increment of 100 each time.
I thought I'd accomplished the goal with the below code:
Token = "Token",
BaseURL = "",
Path = "servicedesk/tickets/",
RecordsPerPage = 100,
CountTickets = Json.Document(Web.Contents(BaseURL,[Headers = [Authorization="Bearer " & Token],RelativePath = Path & "count"])),
TotalRecords = CountTickets[TotalRecords],
GetJson = (Url) =>
let Options = [Headers=[ #"Authorization" = "Bearer " & Token ]],
RawData = Web.Contents(Url, Options),
Json = Json.Document(RawData)
in Json,
GetPage = (Index) =>
let Skip = "$Skip=" & Text.From(Index * RecordsPerPage),
URL = BaseURL & Path & "?" & Skip,
Json = GetJson(URL)
in Json,
TotalPages = Number.RoundUp(TotalRecords / RecordsPerPage),
PageIndicies = {0.. TotalPages - 1},
Pages = List.Transform(PageIndicies, each GetPage(_))
I got all happy when it successfully made the 67 API calls and combined the results into a list for me to load in to a Power Query table, however what I'm actually seeing is the first 100 records repeated 67 times.
That tells me that my GetPage custom function which handles the $Skip value isn't changing and is stuck on the first one. To make sure the Skip index was generating them properly I duplicated the query and changed the code to load in the $Skip values and see what they are, expecting them all to be $Skip=0, what I see though is the correct $Skip values as below:
Image showing correct Skip values
It seems everything is working as it should be, only I'm only getting the first page 67 times.
I've made a couple of posts on other community site around this issue before but I realise the problem I was (poorly) describing was far too broad to get any meaningful assistance. I think now I've gotten to the point where I understand what my own code is doing and have really zoomed in to the problem - I just don't know how to fix it when I'm at the final hurdle...
Any help/advice would be massively appreciated. Thank you.
Edit: Updated following #RicardoDiaz answer.
// Define base parameters
Filter = "",
Path = "servicedesk/tickets/",
URL = "",
Token = "Token",
Limit = "100",
// Build the table based on record start and any filters
GetEntityRaw = (Filter as any, RecordStart as text, Path as text) =>
Options = [Headers=[ #"Authorization" = "Bearer " & Token ]],
URLbase = URL & Path & "?bearer=" & Token & "&start=" & RecordStart & "&limit=" & Text.From(Limit),
URLentity = if Filter <> null then URLbase & Filter else URLbase,
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(URLentity, Options)),
Result = Source[Result],
toTable = Table.FromList(Result, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error)
// Recursively call the build table function
GetEntity = (optional RecordStart as text) as table =>
result = GetEntityRaw(Filter, RecordStart, Path),
nextStart = Text.From(Number.From(RecordStart) + Limit),
nextTable = Table.Combine({result, #GetEntity(nextStart)}),
check = try nextTable otherwise result
resultTable = GetEntity("0")
As I couldn't test your code, it's kind of hard to provide you a concrete answer.
Said that, please review the generic code I use to connect to an api and see if you can find where yours is not working
EDIT: Changed api_record_limit type to number (removed the quotation marks)
// Define base parameters
api_url_filter = "",
api_entity = "servicedesk/tickets/",
api_url = "",
api_token = "Token",
api_record_limit = 500,
// Build the table based on record start and any filters
fx_api_get_entity_raw = (api_url_filter as any, api_record_start as text, api_entity as text) =>
api_url_base = api_url & api_entity & "?api_token=" & api_token & "&start=" & api_record_start & "&limit=" & Text.From(api_record_limit),
api_url_entity = if api_url_filter <> null then api_url_base & api_url_filter else api_url_base,
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(api_url_entity)),
data = Source[data],
toTable = Table.FromList(data, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error)
// Recursively call the build table function
fxGetEntity = (optional api_record_start as text) as table =>
result = fx_api_get_entity_raw(api_url_filter, api_record_start, api_entity),
nextStart = Text.From(Number.From(api_record_start) + api_record_limit),
nextTable = Table.Combine({result, #fxGetEntity(nextStart)}),
check = try nextTable otherwise result
resultTable = fxGetEntity("0"),
expandColumn = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(
List.Transform(Record.FieldNames(resultTable{0}[Column1]), each _)
Regarding this line:
Result = Source[Result],
Does the json return a field called result instead of data?

Google Sheets Search and Sum in two lists

I have a Google Sheets question I was hoping someone could help with.
I have a list of about 200 keywords which looks like the ones below:
**List 1**
Italy City trip
Italy Roundtrip
Italy Holiday
Hungary City trip
Czechia City trip
Croatia Montenegro Roundtrip
And I then have another list with jumbled keywords with around 1 million rows. The keywords in this list don't exactly match with the first list. What I need to do is search for the keywords in list 1 (above) in list 2 (below) and sum all corresponding cost values. As you can see in the list below the keywords from list 1 are in the second list but with other keywords around them. For example, I need a formula that will search for "Italy City trip" from list 1, in list 2 and sum the cost when that keyword occurs. In this case, it would be 6 total. Adding the cost of "Italy City trip April" and "Italy City trip June" together.
**List 2** Cost
Italy City trip April 1
Italy City trip June 5
Next week Italy Roundtrip 4
Italy Holiday next week 1
Hungary City holiday trip 9
I hope that makes sense.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
TEXTJOIN("|", 1, SORT(PROPER(A1:A), 1, 0)))), D1:D},
"select Col1,sum(Col2)
where Col1 is not null
group by Col1
label sum(Col2)''", 0))
You want to establish whether keywords in one list (List#1) can be found in another list (List#2).
List#2 is 1,000,000 rows long, so I would recommend segmenting the list so that execution times are not exceeded. That's something you will be able to establish by trial and error.
The solution is to use the javascript method indexOf.
Paraphrasing from w3schools: indexOf() returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string. If the value is not found, it returns -1. So testing if (idx !=-1){ will only return List#1 values that were found in List#2. Note: The indexOf() method is case sensitive.
function so5864274503() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var srcname = "source";
var tgtname = "target";
var sourceSheet = ss.getSheetByName(srcname);
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName(tgtname);
// get the source list
var sourceLR = sourceSheet.getLastRow();
var srcData = sourceSheet.getRange(1,1,sourceLR).getValues();
//get the target list
var targetLR = targetSheet.getLastRow();
var tgtlist = targetSheet.getRange(1,1,targetLR,2).getValues();
var totalcostvalues = [];
// start looping through the keywords (list 1)
for (var s = 0;s<srcData.length;s++){
var totalcost = 0;
var value = srcData[s][0]
// start looping through the strings (List 2)
for (var i=0;i<tgtlist.length;i++){
// set cost to zero
var cumcost = 0;
// use indexOf to test if keyword is in the string
var idx = tgtlist[i][0].indexOf(value);
// value of -1 = no match, value >-1 indicates posuton in the string where the key word was found
if (idx !=-1){
var cost = tgtlist[i][1]
cumcost = cumcost + cost;
totalcost = totalcost+cost
}//end of loop - list2
//Logger.log("DEBUG: Summary: "+value+", totalcost = "+totalcost)
}// end of loop - list1
//Logger.log(totalcostvalues); //DEBUG
I also got this one, but it's case sensitive a bit
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet1 = ss.getSheets()[0];
var sheet2 = ss.getSheets()[1];
var valuesSheet1 = sheet1.getRange(2,1, (sheet1.getLastRow()-1), sheet1.getLastColumn()).getValues();
var valuesCol1Sheet1 ={return r[0]});
var valuesCol2Sheet1 ={return r[1]});
var valuesSheet2 = sheet2.getRange(2,1, (sheet2.getLastRow()-1)).getValues();
var valuesCol1Sheet2 ={return r[0]});
for (var i = 0; i<= valuesCol1Sheet2.length-1; i++){
var price = 0;
var position = elt.toLowerCase().indexOf(valuesCol1Sheet2[i].toLowerCase());
if(position >-1){
price = price + valuesCol2Sheet1[index];

Retrieve values from an array - get "cannot call value of non-function type String"

I'm trying to retrieve a value from an array, based on an index parsed from a string of digits. I'm stuck on this error, and the other answers to similar questions in this forum appear to be for more advanced developers (this is my first iOS app).
The app will eventually look up weather reports ("MAFOR" groupings of 5 digits each) from a web site, parse each group and lookup values from arrays for wind direction, speed, forecast period etc using each character.
The playground code is below, appreciate any help on where I am going wrong (look for ***)
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
var str = "Hello, playground"
// create array for Forecast Period
let forecastPeriodArray = ["Existing conditions at beginning","3 hours","6 hours","9 hours","12 hours","18 hours","24 hours","48 hours","72 hours","Occasionally"]
// create array for Wind Direction
let windDirectionArray = ["Calm","Northeast","East","Southeast","South","Southwest","West","Northwest","North","Variable"]
// create array for Wind Velocity
let windVelocityArray = ["0-10 knots","11-16 knots","17-21 knots","22-27 knots","28-33 knots","34-40 knots","41-47 knots","48-55 knots","56-63 knots","64-71 knots"]
// create array for Forecast Weather
let forecastWeatherArray = ["Moderate or good visibility (> 3 nm.","Risk of ice accumulation (temp 0C to -5C","Strong risk of ice accumulkation (air temp < -5C)","Mist (visibility 1/2 to 3 nm.)","Fog (visibility less than 1/2 nm.)","Drizzle","Rain","Snow, or rain and snow","Squally weather with or without showers","Thunderstorms"]
// retrieve full MAFOR line of several information groups (this will be pulled from a web site)
var myMaforLineString = "11747 19741 13757 19751 11730 19731 11730 13900 11630 13637"
// split into array components wherever " " is encountered
var myMaforArray = myMaforLineString.components(separatedBy: " ")
let count = myMaforArray.count
print("There are \(count) items in the array")
// Go through each group and parse out the needed digits
for maforGroup in myMaforArray {
print("MAFOR group \(maforGroup)")
// get Forecast Period
var idx = maforGroup.index(maforGroup.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
var periodInt = maforGroup[idx]
print("periodInt is \(periodInt)")
// *** here is where I am stuck... trying to use the periodInt index value to retrieve the description from the ForecastPeriodArray
var periodDescription = forecastPeriodArray(periodInt)
print("Forecast period = (forecastPeriodArray(periodInt)")
// get Wind Direction
idx = maforGroup.index(maforGroup.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
var directionInt = maforGroup[idx]
print("directionInt is \(directionInt)")
// get Wind Velocity
idx = maforGroup.index(maforGroup.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
var velocityInt = maforGroup[idx]
print("velocityInt is \(velocityInt)")
// get Weather Forecast
idx = maforGroup.index(maforGroup.startIndex, offsetBy: 4)
var weatherInt = maforGroup[idx]
print("weatherInt is \(weatherInt)")
#shallowThought was close.
You are trying to access an array by its index, therefore use the array[index] notation. But your index has to be of the correct type. forecastPeriodArray[periodInt] therefore does not work since periodInt is not an Int as the name would suggest. Currently it is of type Character which does not make much sense.
What you are probably trying to achieve is convert the character to an integer and use that to access the array:
var periodInt = Int(String(maforGroup[idx]))!
You might want to add error handling for the case when the character does not actually represent an integer.

Database table not being updated

I have been struggling with this piece of code. Everything is being updated except my items table in the database. Need the sales part to be plus 1 each time someone makes a purchase.
$setQuery = '';
if($extended) {
$setQuery = " `status` = 'extended_buy', ";
UPDATE `items`
SET `sales` = `sales` + 1,
`earning` = `earning` + '".sql_quote($price)."'
WHERE `id` = '".intval($item['id'])."'
return true;
You will need to use Subquery for the same
It would be somewhat like this
SET sales = (From items where WHERE id = '".intval($item['id']) + 1,
You will need to pull its value and then Add it.
In other case you can pick it in variable and update it.