Power BI Chart Formatting Issue - powerbi

The chart legend doesnt fit in the vizualization. Therefore, pbi just adds a button.
Example: Button circled in red.
There is a way to remove this button and add a breakline ? So it can just keep going below.

Unfortunately, this is not possible. If you want more control over chart elements, I recommend using Deneb.


Apexcharts: radar chart click event on xAxis label

SEE PICTURE I'm using apexcharts for displaying a radar chart. I want to trigger an event when the user clicks on one of the categories of the radar (see image), but the event doesn't seem to be triggered. I have read the documentation and used, between all the events, the xAxisLabelClick event, which seems to work for the other charts. Does anyone know how?
I have tried all the apexcharts events, but none of the work
Apparently it's a bug. I've just filled an issue.

Power bi Visual behaving odd for text box and icon

I am designing a Power bi Report where i need format my icon and textbox something like below mention image.
But when i am trying to achieve this only icon is visible but the text box is coming as grey as below mentioned image.
would anyone please help me to achieve my goal. can share additional details if anyone required.
I am assuming you added the Text box via Home > Text box.
Select the text in the Text Box, then click the dropdown by the A in the toolbar to set the color of the font.
The background color is in the Formatting Pane. Here's what it looks like with the new Formatting Pane as of the November 2021 release:

Add an option for the user to edit the legend on Map Box in Power Bi

In the Map Box app on Power Bi app there is an option for a Legend but unfortunately the legend can't be edited showing legend. As a user, I would like to have the option to edit the legend by changing the number of entries from 6 measures to a number specified by the user, change the background of the legend, change the font color, size and type.
Is this possible to add these edits for users?
At the moment, there is no ability to customize the legend with the Mapbox visual for Power BI, however, in future updates, you will be able to change the font color and size, as well as position the legend at the top, bottom, left, or right of the visual.

In chart.js , change color of chart by clicking button

In chart.js, is it possible to change the color of a chart (theme) by clicking a button?
Let's say I have buttons named 'dark mode', 'light mode' when I click 'dark mode' button, the chart color changes to dark color.
I can't find any example of it by googling.
You can make a new chart or update your chart with the new colors in the options or in your dataset. There's no function with changes all colors to a dark mode, you have to change all colors on your own.
I can't give you all the possible color options, there's simply too many. Just look at the docs or maybe here for a few examples. You can for sure change e.g. all the dataset and background colors.

How to add a text box in Chart.JS

I have created a simple Bar Chart in Chart.JS and all looks good. I now need to add a text box to the chart with rounded corners such as in the example below
I have tried the annotation plugin, but that only seems to add boxes and lines, not text. I don't want to overwrite defaults as I have several charts on my page, and only this one is to contain the text.
Is this possible?