Apexcharts: radar chart click event on xAxis label - apexcharts

SEE PICTURE I'm using apexcharts for displaying a radar chart. I want to trigger an event when the user clicks on one of the categories of the radar (see image), but the event doesn't seem to be triggered. I have read the documentation and used, between all the events, the xAxisLabelClick event, which seems to work for the other charts. Does anyone know how?
I have tried all the apexcharts events, but none of the work

Apparently it's a bug. I've just filled an issue.


Power BI Chart Formatting Issue

The chart legend doesnt fit in the vizualization. Therefore, pbi just adds a button.
Example: Button circled in red.
There is a way to remove this button and add a breakline ? So it can just keep going below.
Unfortunately, this is not possible. If you want more control over chart elements, I recommend using Deneb.

ChartJS doughnut - Multi line label with click event listener

I am using ChartJS library to render the doughnut chart. I have custom labels to show with the event listener. I tried by using chartjs-plugin-datalabels and chartjs-plugin-labels, but no luck maybe I am not an expert in CSS.
The final doughnut is should be like:
Can anyone have any other suggestions to solve this?

ChartJS: Show default tooltip onclick

I have a chart.js line chart displaying properly. When you hover over the y-axis gridlines, the tooltips display as they should.
I'm trying to convert this to function on a touchscreen, so there is no hover. Is there a way to add a simple parameter to make the tooltip show on both hover and onclick?
Note, I know I could add a custom tooltip and add all of that functionality - I'm trying to see if there's just a parameter I can add as I don't need a custom tooltip.
For Chart.js v2, you can specify those events at the root level of chart options.
options: {
events: ['click']
Just add "click" to your tooltipEvents list when specifying the options for the chart
tooltipEvents: ["mousemove", "touchstart", "touchmove", "click"],
In the fiddle below, I've removed all other events from the list except for click to give you an idea of how it will be like on a mobile
Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/8uobybv3/
For ChartJS version 2.8.0, you will need to add both the click and mouseout events to make the tooltip behave the desired way.
The click event would make the tooltip to appear when point is clicked and the mouseout event would hide the tooltip when the mouse pointer is moved outside of the chart canvas area which is the desired behavior.
Note: Without adding the mouseout event the tooltip would not hide even when the mouse is moved or clicked outside the chart canvas area.
options: {
events: ["click", "mouseout"],

MFC Print Preview 'Prev' button not enabling when used with Objective Grid from Rogue Wave - Stingray Studio

I have an MFC app that uses Rogue Wave's Stingray Studio Objective Grid to display a dialog with a grid in it. When doing a print preview, the grid uses the MFC print preview mechanism to generate the print preview dialog. On the dialog I see all the buttons you would expect, including next and previous, and zoom in and zoom out. I have more than one page worth of data in the grid and so I see a scroll bar on the right, the Next button is enabled and the previous button is disabled. If I click on the next button, the dialog advances the preview to the next page of the data, and I see the scroll bar move down accordingly, but the Prev button does not become enabled. I can use the scroll bar to scroll in both directions, but the 'Prev' button never becomes enabled and the Next button never disables when I reach the last page. I see a similar problem with the Zoom buttons. I can zoom in, but the zoom out button never enables so I can never zoom out anymore.
Has anyone seen this sort of behaviour before and know what causes it?
So it would seem that my problem boils down to the toolbar not getting messages to refresh itself. It should be getting a WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI whenever the preview invalidates itself, but it is not. A sample app I found is working correctly and it does get those messages. What I believe is happening in my situation is that My code is in a DLL for an app which I do not control, and when the app catches messages, it swallows certain ones, including this one. I was able to resolve the issue with a kludge. I find the preview window and in the OnPrint virtual function I send the message to it's toolbar. This works quite well, but it is not very pretty.

3D Pie Chart, Triggering a Tooltip on chart init

Is there anyway to trigger a mouseover event for a specific pie chart slice that will that slice's tooltip appear through the "ready" event?
My code right now is as follows:
google.visualization.events.addListener(google_chart, 'ready', function () {
google_chart.setSelection([{row: 0, column: null}]);
setSelection() doesn't appear to trigger the tooltip.
I am using Google charts on a mobile web app and want to avoid using legends so that the chart has the most amount of real estate possible.
I am afraid there is no way to trigger the built-in tooltip on init. However you can hook-up a custom tooltip component which triggers at startup.