I have created a template of my strapi app using yarn strapi generate:template temp command and got temp folder with a template folder and a template.json file, which I uploaded on github in a public repo. But when I try to create a new strapi app using this template I get the following error.
Creating files.
Error: ⛔️ Template installation failed: Command failed: npm view {repo_url} name version --silent
Can anyone tell me what is wrong here?
i have a site created with laravel 9.16.0 PHP 8.1.5, AdminLTE 3.2 and bootstrap, all was working fine.
i've decide to use Livewire for some stuff.
After installed it and modify the Adminlte.php file at config folder
i got an error after the user login in and he's redirected to home.blade.php :
InvalidArgumentException: No hint path defined for [adminlte].
git version shows that only 2 file have been change:
Any idea about this errro?
is there something else that need to bee added /setting
Add in composer.json:
require": {
"jeroennoten/laravel-adminlte": "3.*"
Then run the command:
composer update
I'm trying to create a application from a dockerfile in my Private Bitbucket repo, when I go through the web console to make it I've tried using both the SSH and HTTP url's and the ssl/user+pass secrets but its not detecting the Dockerfile in my repo.
I've also tried using the CLI to create it both on Windows and Ubuntu...
oc new-app git#bitbucket.org:mitch-user/myapp.git --context-dir src --source-secret bitbucketssl --strategy docker --name myapp
but I get the following
warning: Cannot check if git requires authentication.
W1126 11:17:56.680242 31748 dockerimagelookup.go:300] container image remote registry lookup failed: you may not have access to the container image "docker.io/library/base:latest"
error: only a partial match was found for "base": "openshift/jenkins-agent-base:latest"
The argument "base" only partially matched the following container image, OpenShift image stream, or template:
* Image stream "jenkins-agent-base" (tag "latest") in project "openshift"
Use --image-stream="openshift/jenkins-agent-base:latest" to specify this image or template
Has anyone seen this issue before? any help would be appreciated.
I'm trying to deploy a Node.js API with Elastic beanstalk.
I want to set the node command to start the app.
This is my nodecommand.config:
NodeCommand: "npm start"
This is my file structure:
Whenever I try to run eb deploy, I get this error:
2020-05-13 19:03:44 INFO Environment update is starting.
2020-05-13 19:03:48 ERROR "option_settings" in one of the configuration files failed validation. More details to follow.
2020-05-13 19:03:48 ERROR Unknown or duplicate parameter: NodeCommand
2020-05-13 19:03:48 ERROR Failed to deploy application.
ERROR: ServiceError - Failed to deploy application.
I just encountered this very same issue. Upon investigation I found that "NodeCommand" is the legacy way to run your application with custom commands.
I removed the ".ebextensions" directory and added a file called "Procfile" to my source directory.
Inside Procfile, try putting the following:
web: npm start
Make sure you update your repository with these changes if necessary before trying to deploy.
Hope this helps!
I used Procfile to deploy app
in Procfile
web: npm run deploy
In package.json, added new command deploy
"scripts": {
"deploy": "npm run build && npm run start"
For those who came here through Google, I had a similar problem and was getting this response:
ERROR: ServiceError - Configuration validation exception: Unknown or duplicate parameter: NodeVersion
After trying a lot of things I learned this is now legacy. I deleted that file and added a ProcFile at the root of my application (file name is case sensitive, there doesn't seem to be a required extension), with this line:
web: npm start
That error disappeared (to be replaced by a different one about role permissions, but any progress is good progress, right?).
I am new to ember.js.
While trying to get started in ember.js , it asked me install bower.
While doing $bower install i am getting the message.
bower ember-cli-test-loader#0.2.2SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN Request to https://bower.herokuapp.com/packages/ember-cli-test-loader failed: self signed certificate in certificate chain
Please help me to resolve this.
Create a .bowerrc file in your app's root directory and include the following JSON:
"directory": "bower_components/",
This will use the non-ssl version of heroku's bower repository.
Bower is deprecating their registry hosted with Heroku. http://bower.herokuapp.com/ Will not be accessible anymore or it might be down intermittently, therefore, forcing users to a new registry.
Users working on old bower versions can update the .bowerrc file with the following data.
"registry": "https://registry.bower.io"
.bowerrc file can be located at the same folder where bower.json and bower_components folder is located. If it is not present already, you can make one.
For references check the below links
I'm trying to deploy django project using AWS S3 and Pipeline. When I try to collectstatic, I get error:
pipeline.exceptions.CompilerError: b'/usr/bin/env: lessc: No such file or directory\n'
After typing which less, I get:
Could you help with fixing it?