Resource Hierarchy and Networking for a Google Cloud Organization with a single developer - google-cloud-platform

I have several projects in GCP which are publically accessible and will become commercial services. Since I found myself with many projects, I thought that I would try out the Google Cloud organization feature. However, I cannot complete the creation due to odd requirements.
Google puts forward a "Checklist" to set up Google Cloud for the organization. If I go under IAM & Admin -> Identity & Organization, the only option there is to go to the checklist to complete it. However, the checklist includes mandatory steps like creating VPCs and a certain Resource hierarchy, which are things that I don't need/want. I am the only developer and don't want to pay more for services that I don't use. I cannot remove these options. As such, the organization seems to be "unconfigured" from the point of view of Google.
At the same time, I'm wondering if it really changes anything and if there is any benefit for me to use an organization.
Edit: I am not following any documentation per se, as there is a quite detailed interactive "tutorial" which takes you through all the configuration steps directly on GCP. The problem is precisely that I cannot chose an option not in the tutorial for some steps. To give you an idea, see this blog post, specifically Step 5.


Google Cloud Platform: Mining cryptocurrencies

I received an email indicating that my Google Cloud Project have been suspended because I was supposedly mining cryptocurrencies.
My project is a tool like a Calculator and that issue surely isn't possible.
What could be happen?
In order to create a function I hired a programmer on UpWork and give him access to the GCP.
Well, it seems this developer has abused our trust and did something wrong.
What can I do?
Now the project is suspended and any section I try to go in the form "Appeal" appears.
I appealed but I have to wait Google to reply.
How can I check if my project have been used for these bad usages?
I want to cut services the developer could be used or so.
Unfortunately, you must wait for Google’s reply.
AS a recommendation you could review this information to determine if it is intended, Cryptocurrency mining is often an indication of the use of fraudulent accounts and payment instruments, and requires verification in order to mine cryptocurrency in the Cloud Security Help Center.
If you believe your project has been compromised, I recommend that you secure all your instances, which may require uninstalling and then reinstalling your project, you could follow the steps.
To better protect your organization from misconfiguration and access the best of Google's threat detection, you may consider enabling Security Command Center (SCC) for your organization. To learn more about SCC visit.

Using terraform to create development & production environments in two different google projects

I'd like to create a duplicate of my production environment to use as a development environment in Google Cloud with Terraform. It will include a kubernetes cluster, cloudSQL, cloud storage, etc.
I think it would be super helpful to have the dev env and prod env in separate Google Cloud Projects. This way I would have more clarity with billing and have more clear separation of concerns. However, Google has a tutorial that instead creates two clusters within the same project (Two VPC's, etc.).
Is it better to use a single project to host two different environments and will trying to use 2 separate projects cause any problems when trying to build this with Terraform?
I would be super appreciative for any advice or resources that would point me in the correct direction.
I'd also love any pointers from the Google cloud professionals out there regarding the pros and cons of hosting two separate environments on two google cloud projects, as opposed to forcing them both on one.
Thanks in advance!
This is a very broad question that depends on details and planning.
In general use different projects. It is a good practice to implement separation of responsibility and isolation of resources.
Regarding Terraform, I recommend using separate HCL, separate project directories, etc. Again for the same separation and isolation reasons.
Implement change tracking on the HCL. Use something like GitHub to track HCL source changes and to provide project history.
Billing. Use different Billing Accounts with different Payments Accounts even if you are using the same credit/payment card.
In summary, put a wall between development and production environments. To cross that wall requires deliberate actions.

What could have happened to my website files on my google cloud platform?

I was using google cloud platform to host a ckan based website. The website had a file library with about 5 gigs of documents. Our project got put on hold and I removed billing on the website about 8 months ago. Now we are trying to migrate the data, but when I look at the project in Google Cloud Platform, there are no compute instances, buckets or files under the various storage modules. I cannot find the 5gigs of files we uploaded and filed by various categories on the ckan website. What could have happened to them? I'm not very experience with this platform and a bit confused. Is there any way for me to recover my data?
As the GCP public documentation indicates, if your billing account remains invalid for a protracted period, some resources might be removed from the projects associated with your account. For example, if you use Google Cloud, your Compute Engine resources might be removed.
Removed resources are not recoverable, the best option you had was to review your case with tech support and have a more specific answer, I noticed that there isn't any way to recover resources 30 days later it had been removed, this is also described in Data deletion term, including existing copies.

Devops project management board in Google Cloud platform

Does the Google Cloud platform has the project management board like azure DevOps. If so please someone can provide the details
Right now there is no such thing in GCP. There are other tools but nothing related to Project Management. I think becuase in general terms, this would not add much to what GCP offers:
Platform as a service (PaaS).
Functions as a service (FaaS).
Containers as a service (CaaS).
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
Storage Services, Databases.
BigData services, Machine Learning Services.
Anyway, if you have a general idea of how you would like to work and which products you think it could interact with, you can file a Feature Request on the Public Issue Tracker with as much as details as possible.
I found this post named Google Project Management Doesn’t Exist… Now What? which you might find interesting.
I also found this about G Suite tips for project management. The most relevant could be:
Create dynamic project plans and Gantt charts in Sheets to manage your projects, assignments, and deadlines. Team members across the globe can update their progress directly in the spreadsheet so it's always up to date.

Google Cloud CDN - Can I choose distributions?

AWS allows users to choose CDN(CloudFront) distributions and I did find a documentation about it on their site.
However, on Google Cloud Platform(GCP), I did not find anything saying that users can choose which distributions they like.
I currently don't have a GCP account so I cannot test it myself due to some registration issue. So can anyone please tell me, is it possible to choose distributions? Since I'd like to exclude certain area while using.
I believe there is no geoblocking option in GCP. But there is price differentiation based in destination.