Devops project management board in Google Cloud platform - google-cloud-platform

Does the Google Cloud platform has the project management board like azure DevOps. If so please someone can provide the details

Right now there is no such thing in GCP. There are other tools but nothing related to Project Management. I think becuase in general terms, this would not add much to what GCP offers:
Platform as a service (PaaS).
Functions as a service (FaaS).
Containers as a service (CaaS).
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
Storage Services, Databases.
BigData services, Machine Learning Services.
Anyway, if you have a general idea of how you would like to work and which products you think it could interact with, you can file a Feature Request on the Public Issue Tracker with as much as details as possible.
I found this post named Google Project Management Doesn’t Exist… Now What? which you might find interesting.
I also found this about G Suite tips for project management. The most relevant could be:
Create dynamic project plans and Gantt charts in Sheets to manage your projects, assignments, and deadlines. Team members across the globe can update their progress directly in the spreadsheet so it's always up to date.


Resource Hierarchy and Networking for a Google Cloud Organization with a single developer

I have several projects in GCP which are publically accessible and will become commercial services. Since I found myself with many projects, I thought that I would try out the Google Cloud organization feature. However, I cannot complete the creation due to odd requirements.
Google puts forward a "Checklist" to set up Google Cloud for the organization. If I go under IAM & Admin -> Identity & Organization, the only option there is to go to the checklist to complete it. However, the checklist includes mandatory steps like creating VPCs and a certain Resource hierarchy, which are things that I don't need/want. I am the only developer and don't want to pay more for services that I don't use. I cannot remove these options. As such, the organization seems to be "unconfigured" from the point of view of Google.
At the same time, I'm wondering if it really changes anything and if there is any benefit for me to use an organization.
Edit: I am not following any documentation per se, as there is a quite detailed interactive "tutorial" which takes you through all the configuration steps directly on GCP. The problem is precisely that I cannot chose an option not in the tutorial for some steps. To give you an idea, see this blog post, specifically Step 5.

(Micro) Services dependencies and relations documentation

When you have so many services, let's say more than 50 services and you want to know the relation between services, for instance you want to know which services have hard dependency on each other and which have soft dependency on each other, meaning when a service goes down and doesn't function anymore which other services will not work.
Basically for providing a level of High availability and uptime (SLA) we also need this.
and also when a new person joins the team there should be some kind of documentation to see what services we have and how is the dependency tree.
what kind of relation they have ? just messaging through a message broker or direct requests ?
Are those services working in just test environment or prod environment ? or both ?
What tools and softwares are there to help us cover this.
I am just now also looking into this question. Especially modelling dependencies between services.
In my opinion you can go into two directions
Service Registry
Configuration Management DB
There are a lot of full blown Service Registries out there, which do are not only static documentation, but services als register themselves with the service registry and others can discover the service to user there automatically.
Eureka related to Netflix Open Source Stack (Netflix OSS)
For me the Service Registry option might be to complex and I am going into the the direction of a simple CMBD

What is the difference between 'SAS' and 'Salesforce'

I would be starting ft in one company, where i was been told that the application is developed using 'Sas' and 'salesforce'. What is the difference between two?
And which are recommended online resource which I can use to learn more about it.
SAS is software for statistical analysis. If your company/job description doesn't look like working with large sets of data & complex reporting that's probably not it.
They probably mean SaaS (Software as a Service) model, also known as "the cloud", cloud computing etc. You write the program (or use / modify existing one) but you don't buy servers, worry about network connection, electricity costs, load balancing (spikes in traffic will not cause your website to go down). Many apps operate in this model. Microsoft's Azure cloud (or even online wersions of MS Office). There's Siebel Oracle on Demand CRM, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP I think also has SaaS offering...
It's a big topic, I'm simplifying a lot here. And then there are Platform as a Service things too (PaaS) where they give you "just" the hosting etc but no base application to build on top of. You write everything you need from scratch and upload it. Think Heroku or Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Salesforce is "just" one more SaaS application. You start with base application & database, similar to all other clients in the world. You can install plugins to it (some free, some paid), configure it yourself, write custom code if your functionality is too complex... You can do a lot with just clicks & drag & drop but if you need to code stuff then JavaScript (for client-side) and Apex (for server-side) will be your friend. Apex is bit similar to Java.
Where to start... Trailhead is good source of self-paced trainings. You can sign up for a free Salesforce Developer Edition (has almost all features as the paid one but limited storage space), try to pass some courses... Or in SF help&training there should be tons of videos (actually in that link whole left menu "getting started with salesforce" might be good).

WSO2 / Mule vs OpenStack / CloudStack - what are the differences, similarities, benefits?

I've started my journey with cloud related technologies very recently. I'm trying to understand the basics as to be able to prepare the foundation for a basic cloud setup in my Internet of Things oriented company.
While browsing the Internet I've stumbled upon the following two groups of open source projects:
WSO2 / Mule / ...
OpenStack / CouldStack / Eucalyptus / ...
I'm trying to understand:
what kind of service do they offer? (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, other?)
what are the differences between them?
what do they have in common?
how do the play with other cloud related technologies like Amazon AWS?
which one would you recommend to get some basic experience and for some early proof-of-concept? (I'm looking for the easiest option first)
Cloud stack and Open stack are open source softwares designed to manage, deploy virtual machines and networks which can deliver cloud services. Mainly these provide Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). There are alot of comparisons on the internet on these two. So these softwares needs to be intalled on your hardware and maintain it and you provide a cloud service from it. When it comes Amazon AWS it is a readily available service where you don't do installations or maintain hardware, you just take service from them.
WSO2 and MuleSoft are different from above two and they are software platforms where several products(such as ESB). Both provide cloud platform facilities to deploye their products.
We cannot say which one to use but base on your requirements you may choose one or two (WSO2 products deployed on Amazon AWS or WSO2 products deployed on CloudStack VM's). Since you are willing to set up Internet of things, i think you may need to refer about products provided by above providers. Following source [1] will give you an idea about Iot platform setup by several free open source WSO2 products.

Help emulating Heroku, GAE, etc : Building a web service privately (PaaS)

I'm not the only one with this question, but haven't found a lot of information in my research so far, so help me out.
We are a small IT crowd in an organization. We're looking to build a small, private service that would emulate a heroku/gae workflow. The basics of this: deploy an app as a git repository, and have it scale in a 'cloud' environment. Basically, a platform as a service (Paas).
Pretend we are amateur PM's, programmers, and sysadmins tasked with this. What would you recommend? We know generally what is needed: some sort of routing, database, caching, authentication, etc. What other tools do we need?
We would prefer tools along a ruby/python/haskell/erlang dimension, on a linux/bsd stack, with postgres databases(couchdb or cassandra in the future). We are not touching anything in the ms/.net area, nothing on the JVM (We've looked at Steamcannon, but no; Scala and Clojure tools are not entirely out of the question). We have a basic grasp of bootstrapping a cloud (e.g. Eucalyptus) to build on. We have an understanding of the basics in server admin, and the physical infrastructure limitations aren't a factor right now.
We're not looking into why gaerokuyardspace is the best choice, a list of such services, why we should ditch our plans for one of these services, or an argument against this plan. For this situation the decision has been made that the cost to build privately is more attractive than the cost of deploying elsewhere. We already know why and how for these services. We're looking to emulate and build upon these for private needs.
A short list of tools to be expanded:
Basically, I'd like to generate a list of tools for building heroku/gae like service on a small, private, definitely experimental/toy level.
I don't know that it will meet all of your stated needs today, but you should take a look at Cloud Foundry from VMware. You can check the FAQ for the commercial project or look in to the Open Source version that you can host and manage yourself.
Some combination of Cloud Foundry (above) gitolite, and fabric
will probably do well for you. Any such solution will take some time to get right.
(Disclaimer: I'm a lead developer on the AppScale project)
AppScale is pretty much right up your alley, especially if you're looking to run Google App Engine apps in your own private cloud. It's open source, so grab it and extend it if there are other types of apps you want to support (and definitely commit it back to us if you do).