I am trying to get the Minimum and Maximum Temperatures from Apple's WeatherKit to make a complication in my Weather app but Apple's Developer Documentation does not show how to get the value and nobody has asked this question before.
Here is the code I tried but didn't work:
Text("L: \(weather.currentWeather.lowTemperature) H: \(weather.currentWeather.highTemperature)")
// Text("L: \(Minimum Temperature) H: \(Maximum Temperature)")
Here is what I expected(i hardcoded this):
You get it with DayWeather
var highTemperature: Measurement<UnitTemperature>
var lowTemperature: Measurement<UnitTemperature>
You can get it with .daily
let daily = try await service.weather(for: newYork, including: .daily)
I use Oracle APEX (v22.1) and on a page I created a (line) chart, but I have the following problem for the visualization of the graphic:
On the y-axis it is not possible to show the values in the format 'hh:mi' and I need a help for this.
Details for the axis:
x-axis: A date column represented as a string: to_char(time2, 'YYYY-MM')
y-axis: Two date columns and the average of the difference will be calculated: AVG(time2 - time1); the date time2 is the same as the date in the x-axis.
So I have the following SQL query for the visualization of the series:
SELECT DISTINCT to_char(time2, 'YYYY-MM') AS YEAR_MONTH --x-axis,
AVG(time2 - time1) AS AVERAGE_VALUE --y-axis
FROM users
GROUP BY to_char(time2, 'YYYY-MM')
ORDER BY to_char(time2, 'YYYY-MM')
I have another problem to solve it in another way: I am not familiar with JavaScript, if the solution is only possible in this way. Because I started new with APEX, but I have seen in different tutorials that you can use JS. So, when JS is the only solution, I would be happy to get a short description what I must do on the page.
(I don't know if this point is important for this case: The values time1 and time2 are updated daily.)
On the attributes of the chart I enabled the 'Time Axis Type' under Settings
On the y-axis I change the format to "Time - Short" and I tried with different pattern like ##:## but in this case you see for every value and also on the y-axis the value '01:00' although the line chart was represented in the right way. But when I change the format to Decimal the values are shown correct as the line chart.
I also tried it with the EXTRACT function for the value like 'EXTRACT(HOUR FROM AVG(time2 - time1))|| ':' || EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM AVG(time2 - time1))' but in this case I get an error message
So where is my mistake or is it more difficult to solve this?
ROUND(TRUNC(avg(time2 - time1)/60) + mod(avg(time2 - time1),60)/100, 2) AS Y
will get close to what you want, you can set Y Axis minimum 0 maximum 24
then 12.23 means 12 hour and 23 minutes.
So I recently downloaded the yahoo_finance API and its version 1.4.0. I got it a few days ago, and the .get_historical() was working fine. Now however, it doesn't. Heres what its doing:
import yahoo_finance as yf
print apple.get_historical('2016-02-15', '2016-04-29')
The error I get is:YQLResponseMalformedError: Response malformed. Is there a bug in the API or am I forgetting something?
The Yahoo Stock Price API doesn't work anymore, which a lot of modules are based on, unfortunately.
Alternatively, you could use Google's API
q=1101 is the stock quote
x=TPE is the exchange (List of Exchanges here: https://www.google.com/googlefinance/disclaimer/ )
i=86400 interval in seconds (86400 sec = 1 day)
p=3d data since how long ago
f= fields of data (d=date, c=close, h=high, l=low, o=open, v=volume)
Data would look like this:
a1496295000 is the Unix timestamp of first row of data
the second row 1 is the interval offset from first row (offset 1 day)
I was wondering either it is possible in the QCustomPlot library to change display format of the data on one of the axis. In my application on the X axis I have time in seconds and I would like to display the steps in HH:MM:SS instead. As an alternative I am thinking of changing the display only from seconds to minutes to hours depending on the X lenght and updating the label from Time [s] to [min] to [hour]. But I would avoid that if its possible to do it the way I described. I Would appreciate all help!
When using:
My timeline starts from hour 1 instead of 0:
Is there a way to fix this?
You can use setTickLabelType() and setDateTimeFormat:
The format string is built according to the the format string of QDateTime::toString().
// Создаем формат отображения дискретных отсчетов времени захвата мгновенного курса судна
QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTickerDateTime> dateTicker(new QCPAxisTickerDateTime);
// Установка формата отображения времени захвата мгновенного курса судна
// Передаем вектор подписей в график
I'm trying to use the Neo4j 2.1.5 regex matching in Cypher and running into problems.
I need to implement a full text search on specific fields that a user has access to. The access requirement is key and is what prevents me from just dumping everything into a Lucene instance and querying that way. The access system is dynamic and so I need to query for the set of nodes that a particular user has access to and then within those nodes perform the search. I would really like to match the set of nodes against a Lucene query, but I can't figure out how to do that so I'm just using basic regex matching for now. My problem is that Neo4j doesn't always return the expected results.
For example, I have about 200 nodes with one of them being the following:
( i:node {name: "Linear Glass Mosaic Tiles", description: "Introducing our new Rip Curl linear glass mosaic tiles. This Caribbean color combination of greens and blues brings a warm inviting feeling to a kitchen backsplash or bathroom. The colors work very well with white cabinetry or larger tiles. We also carry this product in a small subway mosaic to give you some options! SOLD OUT: Back in stock end of August. Call us to pre-order and save 10%!"})
This query produces one result:
MATCH (p)-->(:group)-->(i:node)
WHERE (i.name =~ "(?i).*mosaic.*")
> Returned 1 row in 569 ms
But this query produces zero results even though the description property matches the expression:
MATCH (p)-->(:group)-->(i:node)
WHERE (i.description=~ "(?i).*mosaic.*")
> Returned 0 rows in 601 ms
And this query also produces zero results even though it includes the name property which returned results previously:
MATCH (p)-->(:group)-->(i:node)
WITH i, (p.name + i.name + COALESCE(i.description, "")) AS searchText
WHERE (searchText =~ "(?i).*mosaic.*")
> Returned 0 rows in 487 ms
MATCH (p)-->(:group)-->(i:node)
WITH i, (p.name + i.name + COALESCE(i.description, "")) AS searchText
RETURN searchText
SotoLinear Glass Mosaic Tiles Introducing our new Rip Curl linear glass mosaic tiles. This Caribbean color combination of greens and blues brings a warm inviting feeling to a kitchen backsplash or bathroom. The colors work very well with white cabinetry or larger tiles. We also carry this product in a small subway mosaic to give you some options! SOLD OUT: Back in stock end of August. Call us to pre-order and save 10%!
Even more odd, if I search for a different term, it returns all of the expected results without a problem.
MATCH (p)-->(:group)-->(i:node)
WITH i, (p.name + i.name + COALESCE(i.description, "")) AS searchText
WHERE (searchText =~ "(?i).*plumbing.*")
> Returned 8 rows in 522 ms
I then tried to cache the search text on the nodes and I added an index to see if that would change anything, but it still didn't produce any results.
CREATE INDEX ON :node(searchText)
MATCH (p)-->(:group)-->(i:node)
WHERE (i.searchText =~ "(?i).*mosaic.*")
> Returned 0 rows in 3182 ms
I then tried to simplify the data to reproduce the problem, but in this simple case it works as expected:
MERGE (i:node {name: "Linear Glass Mosaic Tiles", description: "Introducing our new Rip Curl linear glass mosaic tiles. This Caribbean color combination of greens and blues brings a warm inviting feeling to a kitchen backsplash or bathroom. The colors work very well with white cabinetry or larger tiles. We also carry this product in a small subway mosaic to give you some options! SOLD OUT: Back in stock end of August. Call us to pre-order and save 10%!"})
WITH i, (
i.name + " " + COALESCE(i.description, "")
) AS searchText
WHERE searchText =~ "(?i).*mosaic.*"
> Returned 1 rows in 630 ms
I tried using the CYPHER 2.1.EXPERIMENTAL tag as well but that didn't change any of the results. Am I making incorrect assumptions on how the regex support works? Is there something else I should try or some other way to debug the problem?
Additional information
Here is a sample call that I make to the Cypher Transactional Rest API when creating my nodes. This is the actual plain text that is sent (other than some formatting for easier reading) when adding nodes to the database. Any string encoding is just standard URL encoding that is performed by Go when creating a new HTTP request.
"description":"Introducing our new Rip Curl linear glass mosaic tiles. This Caribbean color combination of greens and blues brings a warm inviting feeling to a kitchen backsplash or bathroom. The colors work very well with white cabinetry or larger tiles. We also carry this product in a small subway mosaic to give you some options! SOLD OUT: Back in stock end of August. Call us to pre-order and save 10%!",
"name":"Linear Glass Mosaic Tiles",
"MATCH (p:project { id: { p01 } })
CREATE UNIQUE (p)-[:MATERIAL]->(:materials:group {name: \"Materials\"})-[:MATERIAL]->(m:material { p02 })"
If it is an encoding issue, why does a search on name work, description not work, and name + description not work? Is there any way to examine the database to see if/how the data was encoded. When I perform searches, the text returned appears correct.
just a few notes:
probably replace create unique with merge (which works a bit differently)
for your fulltext search I would go with the lucene legacy index for performance, if your group restriction is not limiting enough to keep the response below a few ms
I just tried your exact json statement, and it works perfectly.
inserted with
curl -H accept:application/json -H content-type:application/json -d #insert.json \
-XPOST http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/commit
"description":"Introducing our new Rip Curl linear glass mosaic tiles. This Caribbean color combination of greens and blues brings a warm inviting feeling to a kitchen backsplash or bathroom. The colors work very well with white cabinetry or larger tiles. We also carry this product in a small subway mosaic to give you some options! SOLD OUT: Back in stock end of August. Call us to pre-order and save 10%!",
"name":"Linear Glass Mosaic Tiles",
"MERGE (p:project { id: { p01 } })
CREATE UNIQUE (p)-[:MATERIAL]->(:materials:group {name: \"Materials\"})-[:MATERIAL]->(m:material { p02 }) RETURN m"
MATCH (p)-->(:group)-->(i:material)
WHERE (i.description=~ "(?i).*mosaic.*")
name: Linear Glass Mosaic Tiles
id: lsF3BxzFdn0kj
description: Introducing our new Rip Curl linear glass mosaic tiles. This Caribbean color combination of greens and blues brings a warm inviting feeling to a kitchen backsplash or bathroom. The colors work very well with white cabinetry or larger tiles. We also carry this product in a small subway mosaic to give you some options! SOLD OUT: Back in stock end of August. Call us to pre-order and save 10%!
object: material
What you can try to check your data is to look at the json or csv dumps that the browser offers (little download icons on the result and table-result)
Or you use neo4j-shell with my shell-import-tools to actually output csv or graphml and check those files.
Or use a bit of java (or groovy) code to check your data.
There is also the consistency-checker that comes with the neo4j-enterprise download. Here is a blog post on how to run it.
java -cp 'lib/*:system/lib/*' org.neo4j.consistency.ConsistencyCheckTool /tmp/foo
I added a groovy test script here: https://gist.github.com/jexp/5a183c3501869ee63d30
One more idea: regexp flags
Sometimes there is a multiline thing going on, there are two more flags:
multiline (?m) which also matches across multiple lines and
dotall (?s) which allows the dot also to match special chars like newlines
So could you try (?ism).*mosaic.*
I have written a python 2.7 script to retrieve all my historical data from Xively.
Originally I wrote it in C#, and it works perfectly.
I am limiting the request to 6 hour blocks, to retrieve all stored data.
My version in Python is as follows:
requestString = 'http://api.xively.com/v2/feeds/41189/datastreams/0001.csv?key=YcfzZVxtXxxxxxxxxxxORnVu_dMQ&start=' + requestDate + '&duration=6hours&interval=0&per_page=1000' response = urllib2.urlopen(requestString).read()
The request date is in the correct format, I compared the full c# requestString version and the python one.
Using the above request, I only get 101 lines of data, which equates to a few minutes of results.
My suspicion is that it is the .read() function, it returns about 34k of characters which is far less than the c# version. I tried adding 100000 as an argument to the ad function, but no change in result.
Left another solution wrote in Python 2.7 too.
In my case, got data each 30 minutes because many sensors sent values every minute and Xively API has limited half hour of data to this sent frequency.
It's general module:
for day in datespan(start_datetime, end_datetime, deltatime): # loop increasing deltatime to star_datetime until finish
while(True): # assurance correct retrieval data
response = urllib2.urlopen('https://api.xively.com/v2/feeds/'+str(feed)+'.csv?key='+apikey_xively+'&start='+ day.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")+'&interval='+str(interval)+'&duration='+duration) # get data
raise # try again
cr = csv.reader(response) # return data in columns
print '.'
for row in cr:
if row[0] in id: # choose desired data
f.write(row[0]+","+row[1]+","+row[2]+"\n") # write "id,timestamp,value"
The full script you can find it here: https://github.com/CarlosRufo/scripts/blob/master/python/retrievalDataXively.py
Hope you might help, delighted to answer any questions :)