Hello, I have this issue in PBI and I don't understand why ?
Someone can help me ?
Thank you
The error says you are using a function in a boolean condition.
E.g. [#DELTA_ORG_ACTUALS_METHOD_1], which looks like a measure (function) should be a column reference ('Table'[Column]).
I have a spreadsheet where I look if the data (website) already exist on the master sheet.
=if(countif(importrange("Spreadsheet Key","Leads!N:N"),K2)>0,"COMPANY EXISTS!","")
But the above formula is not dynamic enough. If there are companies with co.uk and on the master sheet if it's registered under .com, it won't show "COMPANY EXISTS!"
So I changed to the formula to look for works after before and after "." on a website.
=ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXEXTRACT(UNIQUE(SUBSTITUTE(importrange("Spreadsheet Key","Leads!N:N"),"www.","")), "([0-9A-Za-z-]+)\."))
But it's not working if I try to incorporate with if and countif.
=if(COUNTIF(ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXEXTRACT(SUBSTITUTE(importrange("Spreadsheet Key","Leads!N:N"),"www.",""), "([0-9A-Za-z-]+)\."),L2:L)>0,"Company Exist!",""))
It shows 'Wrong number of arguments to IF. Expected between 2 and 3 arguments, but got 1 arguments'
Can anyone help me out on where I am making the mistake?
Spreadsheet link- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1La3oOWiM5KpzRY0MLLEUQC25LzDuQlqTjgFp-VlS8Bo/edit#gid=0
Edited: Made a mistake beforehand, didn't specify on that cell its looking against
Your formula had a typo. You are not closing the Arrayformula and the Countif correctly (the array formula closing parenthesis should go before the , of the count if). So change this:
=if(COUNTIF(ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXEXTRACT(SUBSTITUTE(importrange("Spreadsheet Key","Leads!N:N"),"www.",""), "([0-9A-Za-z-]+)\."),L2:L)>0,"Company Exist!",""))
To this:
=if(COUNTIF(ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXEXTRACT(SUBSTITUTE(IMPORTRANGE("Spreadsheet Key","Leads!N:N"),"www.",""), "([0-9A-Za-z-]+)\.")),L3:L)>0,"Company Exist!","")
I hope this has helped you. Let me know if you need anything else or if you did not understood something. :)
"1bnz7Y_xVN9Jo80aCBBeMBMJBnMDHkbZQUWnmL20CRi8", "Leads!N:N"),
"www.", ), "([0-9A-Za-z-]+)\."))>0, "Company Exist!", )))
Please help. I'm trying to get the cell to return blank but I'm having trouble.
There's and error message when I include the last argument IF(AG2=""),"",0.
This alternative hasn't worked either =IF(ISBLANK(AG2),"",IF(AND($I2>1,AG2>=0.5),1,IF(AND($I2<1,AG2<0.5),1,0)))
I've also tried with using IFERROR to return blank rather than DIV/O which ruins my pivot table. Thanks so much
Your error was parenthetical.
In talend DI, tmap component, I need to pass value to target file from source when a another column value is not between 53 and 100 and another column value is not equal to "POOL".
I need to check these conditions. Can anyone help to solve this problem ?
In Filter section of target schema in tMap component, write
(row1.column2 > 53 && row1.column2 < 100) && (!row1.column3.equals("POOL"))
and assign row1.column1 to target schema column.
Hope this helps...
You can try like this....
arrange tmap settings as,
the condition in expression filter is
!(row1.newColumn >53 && row1.newColumn<100)&& (!row1.newColumn1 .equals("POOL"))
then u can get required result..
here i take the following as input..
then i got result as,
I am using postgres and I am trying to do a query along the lines of:
Foo.where("(bar > ?) OR (baz IN ?)", bar_min, baz_array)
the bar_min seems fine, But no matter what I try, I can't seem to find a correct way to pass the baz_array into the query
Try this I hope this will help.
Foo.where("bar > ? OR baz IN (?)", bar_min, baz_array)
Using arel table
foo = Foo.arel_table
I am trying to get the following statement to work.
=IF(N3=100, (=concatenate("Text",A3;)), "Result").
Keep on coming with an error.
Any ideas please?
Do this instead:
=IF(N3=100, concatenate("Text",A3), "Result")
you can simply do it like:
=IF(N3=100, "Text "&A3), "Result")