Godot shader swap materials by world position on 3d mesh - glsl

I am trying to replicate something similar to this from Unity in Godot Engine with shaders, however, I am not able to find a solution. Calculating the position of the effect is the problem. How can I get the position in Godot, where I don't have access to the worlPos variable used in the video? A full code snippet of the shader would be really appreciated.
Currently, my shader code looks like this. ob_position is the position passed from the node.
shader_type spatial;
uniform vec2 ob_position = vec2(1, 0.68);
uniform float ob_radius = 0.01;
float circle(vec2 position, float radius, float feather)
return smoothstep(radius, radius + feather, length(position - vec2(0.5)));
void fragment() {
ALBEDO.rgb = vec3(circle(UV * (ob_position), ob_radius, 0.001) );

The video says:
Send the sphere position to the shader in script.
We can do that. First define an uniform:
uniform vec3 sphere_position;
And we can set it from code:
material.set_shader_param("sphere_position", global_transform.origin)
Since you need to set this every time the sphere moves, you can use NOTIFICATION_TRANSFORM_CHANGED which you enable by calling set_notify_local_transform(true).
Get the distance between the sphere and World Position.
To do that we need to figure out the world position of the fragment. Let us start by looking at the Fragment Build-ins. We find that:
VERTEX is the position of the fragment in view space.
CAMERA_MATRIX is the transform from view space to world space.
Yes, the naming is confusing.
So we can do this (in fragment):
vec3 pixel_world_pos = (CAMERA_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz;
You can use this to debug: ALBEDO.rgb = pixel_world_pos;. In general, output whatever variable you want to visualize for debugging to ALBEDO.
And now the distance is:
float dist = distance(sphere_position, pixel_world_pos);
Control the size by dividing by radius.
While we don't have direct translation for the code in the video… sure, we can divide by radius (dist / radius). Where radius would be a uniform float.
Create a cutoff with Step.
That would be something like this: step(0.5, dist / radius).
Honestly, I would rather do this: step(radius, dist).
Your mileage may vary.
Lerp two different textures over the cutoff.
For that we can use mix. But first, define your textures as uniform sampler2D. Then you can something like this:
float threshold = step(radius, dist);
ALBEDO.rgb = mix(texture(tex1, UV).rgb, texture(tex2, UV).rgb, threshold);
Moving worldspace noise.
Add one more uniform sampler2D and set a NoiseTexture (make sure to set its noise and make seamless to true), and then we can query it with the world coordinates we already have.
float noise_value = texture(noise_texture, pixel_world_pos.xy + vec2(TIME)).r;
Add worldspace to noise.
I'm not sure what they mean. But from the visual, they use the noise to distort the cutoff. I'm not sure if this yields the same result, but it looks good to me:
vec3 pixel_world_pos = (CAMERA_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz;
float noise_value = texture(noise_texture, pixel_world_pos.xy + vec2(TIME)).r;
float dist = distance(sphere_position, pixel_world_pos) + noise_value;
float threshold = step(radius, dist);
ALBEDO.rgb = mix(texture(tex1, UV).rgb, texture(tex2, UV).rgb, threshold);
Add a line to Emission (glow).
I don't understand what they did originally, so I came up with my own solution:
EMISSION = vec3(step(dist, edge + radius) * step(radius, dist));
What is going on here is that we will have a white EMISSION when dist < edge + radius and radius < dist. To reiterate, we will have white EMISSION when the distance is greater than the radius (radius < dist) and lesser than the radius plus some edge (dist < edge + radius). The comparisons become step functions, which return 0.0 or 1.0, and the AND operation is a multiplication.
Reveal object by clipping instead of adding a second texture.
I suppose that means there is another version of the shader that either uses discard or ALPHA and it is used for other objects.
This is the shader I wrote to test this:
shader_type spatial;
uniform vec3 sphere_position;
uniform sampler2D noise_texture;
uniform sampler2D tex1;
uniform sampler2D tex2;
uniform float radius;
uniform float edge;
void fragment()
vec3 pixel_world_pos = (CAMERA_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz;
float noise_value = texture(noise_texture, pixel_world_pos.xy + vec2(TIME)).r;
float dist = distance(sphere_position, pixel_world_pos) + noise_value;
float threshold = step(radius, dist);
ALBEDO.rgb = mix(texture(tex1, UV).rgb, texture(tex2, UV).rgb, threshold);
EMISSION = vec3(step(dist, edge + radius) * step(radius, dist));

The answer from Theraot was a lifesaver for me however, I also needed support for multiple positions, using arrays, uniform vec3 sphere_position[];
So I came up with this:
shader_type spatial;
uniform uint ob_position_size;
uniform vec3 sphere_position[2];
uniform sampler2D noise_texture;
uniform sampler2D tex1;
uniform float radius;
uniform float edge;
void fragment()
vec3 pixel_world_pos = (INV_VIEW_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz;
float noise_value = texture(noise_texture, pixel_world_pos.xy + vec2(TIME)).r;
for(int i = 0; i < sphere_position.length(); i++) {
float dist = distance(sphere_position[i], pixel_world_pos) + noise_value;
float threshold = step(radius, dist);
ALBEDO.rgb = mix(texture(tex1, UV).rgb, ALBEDO.rgb, threshold);
//EMISSION = vec3(step(dist, edge + radius) * step(radius, dist));


Resizing window cause my 2D Lighting to stretch

I am trying to implement a simple artificial 2D lighting. I am not using an algorithm like Phong's. However, I am having some difficulty in ensuring that my lighting do not stretch/squeeze whenever the window resize. Any tips and suggestions will be appreciated. I have tried converting my radius into a vec2 so that I can scale them accordingly based on the aspect ratio, however it doesnt work properly. Also, I am aware that my code is not the most efficient, any feedback is also appreciated as I am still learning! :D
I have an orthographic projection matrix transforming the light position so that it will be at the correct spot in the viewport, this fixed the position but not the radius (as I am calculating per fragment). How would I go about transforming the radius based on the aspect ratio?
void LightSystem::Update(const OrthographicCamera& camera)
std::vector<LightComponent> lights;
for (auto& entity : m_Entities)
auto& light = g_ECSManager.GetComponent<LightComponent>(entity);
auto& trans = g_ECSManager.GetComponent<TransformComponent>(entity);
if (light.lightEnabled)
light.pos = trans.Position;
glm::mat4 viewProjMat = camera.GetViewProjectionMatrix();
light.pos = viewProjMat * glm::vec4(light.pos, 1.f);
// Need to store all the light atrributes in an array
// Create a function in Render2D.cpp, pass all the arrays as a uniform variable to the shader, call this function here
glm::vec2 res{ camera.GetWidth(), camera.GetHeight() };
Renderer2D::DrawLight(lights, camera, res);
Here is my shader:
#type fragment
#version 330 core
layout (location = 0) out vec4 color;
#define MAX_LIGHTS 10
uniform struct Light
vec4 colour;
vec3 position;
float radius;
float intensity;
} allLights[MAX_LIGHTS];
in vec4 v_Color;
in vec2 v_TexCoord;
in float v_TexIndex;
in float v_TilingFactor;
in vec4 fragmentPosition;
uniform sampler2D u_Textures[32];
uniform vec4 u_ambientColour;
uniform int numLights;
uniform vec2 resolution;
vec4 calculateLight(Light light)
float lightDistance = length(distance(fragmentPosition.xy, light.position.xy));
//float ar = resolution.x / resolution.y;
if (lightDistance >= light.radius)
return vec4(0, 0, 0, 1); //outside of radius make it black
return light.intensity * (1 - lightDistance / light.radius) * light.colour;
void main()
vec4 texColor = v_Color;
vec4 netLightColour = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
if (numLights == 0)
color = texColor;
for(int i = 0; i < numLights; ++i) //Loop through lights
netLightColour += calculateLight(allLights[i]) + u_ambientColour;
color = texColor * netLightColour;
You must use an orthographic projection matrix in the vertex shader. Modify the clip space position through the projection matrix.
Alternatively, consider the aspect ratio when calculating the distance to the light:
float aspectRatio = resolution.x/resolution.y;
vec2 pos = fragmentPosition.xy * vec2(aspectRatio, 1.0);
float lightDistance = length(distance(pos.xy, light.position.xy));
I'm going to compile all the answers for my question, as I had done a bad job in asking and everything turned out to be a mess.
As the other answers suggest, first I had to use an orthographic projection matrix to ensure that the light source position was displayed at the correct position in the viewport.
Next, from the way I did my lighting, the projection matrix earlier would not fix the stretch effect as my light wasn't an actual circle object made with actual vertices. I had to turn radius into a vec2 type, representing the radius vectors along x and y axis. This is so that I can then modify the vectors based on the aspect ratio:
if (aspectRatio > 1.0)
light.radius.x /= aspectRatio;
light.radius.x /= aspectRatio;
I had posted another question here, to modify my lighting algorithm to support an ellipse shape. This allowed me to then perform the scalings needed to counter the stretching along x/y axis whenever my aspect ratio changed. Thank you all for the answers.

How to make normal map shader with limited range?

I have simple normal map shader for 7 lights and it work on entire screen. How the hell to make it work only on limited distance? I tried calculate distance between light and pixel, and simple 'if' if distance is to big but this don't work for me.
varying vec4 v_color;
varying vec2 v_texCoords;
uniform vec3 lightColor[7];
uniform vec3 light[7];
uniform sampler2D u_texture;
uniform sampler2D u_normals;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform bool useNormals;
uniform bool useShadow;
uniform float strength;
uniform bool yInvert;
uniform bool xInvert;
uniform vec4 ambientColor;
void main() {
// sample color & normals from our textures
vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords.st);
vec3 nColor = texture2D(u_normals, v_texCoords.st).rgb;
// some bump map programs will need the Y value flipped..
nColor.g = yInvert ? 1.0 - nColor.g : nColor.g;
nColor.r = xInvert ? 1.0 - nColor.r : nColor.r;
// this is for debugging purposes, allowing us to lower the intensity of our bump map
vec3 nBase = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
nColor = mix(nBase, nColor, strength);
// normals need to be converted to [-1.0, 1.0] range and normalized
vec3 normal = normalize(nColor * 2.0 - 1.0);
vec3 sum = vec3(0.0);
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i ){
vec3 currentLight = light[i];
vec3 currentLightColor = lightColor[i];
// here we do a simple distance calculation
vec3 deltaPos = vec3( (currentLight.xy - gl_FragCoord.xy) / resolution.xy, currentLight.z );
vec3 lightDir = normalize(deltaPos * 1);
float lambert = clamp(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 result = color.rgb;
result = (currentLightColor.rgb * lambert);
result *= color.rgb;
sum += result;
vec3 ambient = ambientColor.rgb * ambientColor.a;
vec3 intensity = min(vec3(1.0), ambient + sum); // don't remember if min is critical, but I think it might be to avoid shifting the hue when multiple lights add up to something very bright.
vec3 finalColor = color.rgb * intensity;
//finalColor *= (ambientColor.rgb * ambientColor.a);
gl_FragColor = v_color * vec4(finalColor, color.a);
my map editor screen
close-up of details
You need to measure the length of the light delta vector and use that to attenuate.
Right after the lightDir line, you can put something like this, but you'll have to adjust the FALLOFF constant to get the distance you want. FALLOFF must be greater than 0. As a starting point, a value of 0.1 will give you a light radius of about 4 units. Smaller values enlarge the radius. You might even want to define it as a parameter of each light (make them vec4s).
float distance = length(deltaPos);
float attenuation = 1.0 / (1.0 + FALLOFF * distance * distance);
float lambert = attenuation * clamp(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0);
This attenuation formula has a bell curve. If you want the curve to have a pointy tip, which is maybe more realistic (though probably pointless for 2D lighting), you can add a second parameter (which you can initially give a value of 0.1 and increase from there):
float attenuation = 1.0 / (1.0 + SHARPNESS * distance + FALLOFF * distance * distance);
Someone on this question posted this helpful chart you can play with to visually see how the parameters change the curve.
Also, don't multiply by an integer. This will cause the shader to fail to compile on some devices:
vec3 lightDir = normalize(deltaPos * 1); // The integer 1 is unsupported.

How to render a circular vignette with GLSL

I’m trying to achieve a circular vignette with GLSL, but the result is elliptical when the texture is rectangular. What is the correct way to make it square regardless of the texture size? The input texture size (resolution) can be both rectangular or square.
I tried a solution using the discard method, but this doesn't suit what I require, as I need to use smoothstep to get a gradient edge.
Current result:
GLSL shader:
varying vec2 v_texcoord;
uniform sampler2D u_texture;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
vec4 applyVignette(vec4 color)
vec2 position = (gl_FragCoord.xy / u_resolution) - vec2(0.5);
float dist = length(position);
float radius = 0.5;
float softness = 0.02;
float vignette = smoothstep(radius, radius - softness, dist);
color.rgb = color.rgb - (1.0 - vignette);
return color;
void main()
vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, v_texcoord);
color = applyVignette(color);
gl_FragColor = color;
You have to respect the aspect ration when you calculate the distance to the center point of the circular view:
float dist = length(position * vec2(u_resolution.x/u_resolution.y, 1.0));
Note, if you have a rectangular viewport, where the width is greater than the height, then a perfect circle is squeezed at it left and right to an ellipse, when the coordinates are transformed from view space the normalized devices space.
You must counteract this squeezing by scaling up the x axis of the distance vector.

Strange Voxel Cone Tracing Results

Im currently in the process of writing a Voxel Cone Tracing Rendering Engine with C++ and OpenGL. Everything is going rather fine, except that I'm getting rather strange results for wider cone angles.
Right now, for the purposes of testing, all I am doing is shoot out one singular cone perpendicularly to the fragment normal. I am only calculating 'indirect light'. For reference, here is the rather simple Fragment Shader I'm using:
#version 450 core
out vec4 FragColor;
in vec3 pos_fs;
in vec3 nrm_fs;
uniform sampler3D tex3D;
vec3 indirectDiffuse();
vec3 voxelTraceCone(const vec3 from, vec3 direction);
void main()
FragColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
FragColor.rgb += indirectDiffuse();
vec3 indirectDiffuse(){
// singular cone in direction of the normal
vec3 ret = voxelTraceCone(pos_fs, nrm);
return ret;
vec3 voxelTraceCone(const vec3 origin, vec3 dir) {
float max_dist = 1f;
dir = normalize(dir);
float current_dist = 0.01f;
float apperture_angle = 0.01f; //Angle in Radians.
vec3 color = vec3(0.0f);
float occlusion = 0.0f;
float vox_size = 128.0f; //voxel map size
while(current_dist < max_dist && occlusion < 1) {
//Get cone diameter (tan = cathetus / cathetus)
float current_coneDiameter = 2.0f * current_dist * tan(apperture_angle * 0.5f);
//Get mipmap level which should be sampled according to the cone diameter
float vlevel = log2(current_coneDiameter * vox_size);
vec3 pos_worldspace = origin + dir * current_dist;
vec3 pos_texturespace = (pos_worldspace + vec3(1.0f)) * 0.5f; //[-1,1] Coordinates to [0,1]
vec4 voxel = textureLod(tex3D, pos_texturespace, vlevel); //get voxel
vec3 color_read = voxel.rgb;
float occlusion_read = voxel.a;
color = occlusion*color + (1 - occlusion) * occlusion_read * color_read;
occlusion = occlusion + (1 - occlusion) * occlusion_read;
float dist_factor = 0.3f; //Lower = better results but higher performance hit
current_dist += current_coneDiameter * dist_factor;
return color;
The tex3D uniform is the voxel 3d-texture.
Under a regular Phong shader (under which the voxel values are calculated) the scene looks like this:
For reference, this is what the voxel map (tex3D) (128x128x128) looks like when visualized:
Now we get to the actual problem I'm having. If I apply the shader above to the scene, I get following results:
For very small cone angles (apperture_angle=0.01) I get roughly what you might expect: The voxelized scene is essentially 'reflected' perpendicularly on each surface:
Now if I increase the apperture angle to, for example 30 degrees (apperture_angle=0.52), I get this really strange 'wavy'-looking result:
I would have expected a much more similar result to the earlier one, just less specular. Instead I get mostly the outline of each object reflected in a specular manner with some occasional pixels inside the outline. Considering this is meant to be the 'indirect lighting' in the scene, it won't look exactly good even if I add the direct light.
I have tried different values for max_dist, current_dist etc. aswell as shooting several cones instead of just one. The result remains similar, if not worse.
Does someone know what I'm doing wrong here, and how to get actual remotely realistic indirect light?
I suspect that the textureLod function somehow yields the wrong result for any LOD levels above 0, but I haven't been able to confirm this.
The Mipmaps of the 3D texture were not being generated correctly.
In addition there was no hardcap on vlevel leading to all textureLod calls returning a #000000 color that accessed any mipmaplevel above 1.

OpenGL Computing Normals and TBN Matrix from Depth Buffer (SSAO implementation)

I'm implementing SSAO in OpenGL, following this tutorial: Jhon Chapman SSAO
Basically the technique described uses an Hemispheric kernel which is oriented along the fragment's normal. The view space z position of the sample is then compared to its screen space depth buffer value.
If the value in the depth buffer is higher, it means the sample ended up in a geometry so this fragment should be occluded.
The goal of this technique is to get rid of the classic implementation artifact where objects flat faces are greyed out.
I've have the same implementation with 2 small differencies
I'm not using a Noise texture to rotate my kernel, so I have banding artifacts, that's fine for now
I don't have access to a buffer with Per-pixel normals, so I have to compute my normal and TBN matrix only using the depth buffer.
The algorithm seems to be working fine, I can see the fragments being occluded, BUT I still have my faces greyed out...
IMO it's coming from the way I'm calculating my TBN matrix. The normals look OK but something must be wrong as my kernel doesn't seem to be properly aligned causing samples to end up in the faces.
Screenshots are with a Kernel of 8 samples and a radius of .1. the first is only the result of SSAO pass and the second one is the debug render of the generated normals.
Here is the code for the function that computes the Normal and TBN Matrix
mat3 computeTBNMatrixFromDepth(in sampler2D depthTex, in vec2 uv)
// Compute the normal and TBN matrix
float ld = -getLinearDepth(depthTex, uv);
vec3 x = vec3(uv.x, 0., ld);
vec3 y = vec3(0., uv.y, ld);
x = dFdx(x);
y = dFdy(y);
x = normalize(x);
y = normalize(y);
vec3 normal = normalize(cross(x, y));
return mat3(x, y, normal);
And the SSAO shader
#include "helper.glsl"
in vec2 vertTexcoord;
uniform sampler2D depthTex;
const int MAX_KERNEL_SIZE = 8;
uniform vec4 gKernel[MAX_KERNEL_SIZE];
// Kernel Radius in view space (meters)
const float KERNEL_RADIUS = .1;
uniform mat4 cameraProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 cameraProjectionMatrixInverse;
out vec4 FragColor;
void main()
// Get the current depth of the current pixel from the depth buffer (stored in the red channel)
float originDepth = texture(depthTex, vertTexcoord).r;
// Debug linear depth. Depth buffer is in the range [1.0];
float oLinearDepth = getLinearDepth(depthTex, vertTexcoord);
// Compute the view space position of this point from its depth value
vec4 viewport = vec4(0,0,1,1);
vec3 originPosition = getViewSpaceFromWindow(cameraProjectionMatrix, cameraProjectionMatrixInverse, viewport, vertTexcoord, originDepth);
mat3 lookAt = computeTBNMatrixFromDepth(depthTex, vertTexcoord);
vec3 normal = lookAt[2];
float occlusion = 0.;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_KERNEL_SIZE; i++)
// We align the Kernel Hemisphere on the fragment normal by multiplying all samples by the TBN
vec3 samplePosition = lookAt * gKernel[i].xyz;
// We want the sample position in View Space and we scale it with the kernel radius
samplePosition = originPosition + samplePosition * KERNEL_RADIUS;
// Now we need to get sample position in screen space
vec4 sampleOffset = vec4(samplePosition.xyz, 1.0);
sampleOffset = cameraProjectionMatrix * sampleOffset;
sampleOffset.xyz /= sampleOffset.w;
// Now to get the depth buffer value at the projected sample position
sampleOffset.xyz = sampleOffset.xyz * 0.5 + 0.5;
// Now can get the linear depth of the sample
float sampleOffsetLinearDepth = -getLinearDepth(depthTex, sampleOffset.xy);
// Now we need to do a range check to make sure that object
// outside of the kernel radius are not taken into account
float rangeCheck = abs(originPosition.z - sampleOffsetLinearDepth) < KERNEL_RADIUS ? 1.0 : 0.0;
// If the fragment depth is in front so it's occluding
occlusion += (sampleOffsetLinearDepth >= samplePosition.z ? 1.0 : 0.0) * rangeCheck;
occlusion = 1.0 - (occlusion / MAX_KERNEL_SIZE);
FragColor = vec4(vec3(occlusion), 1.0);
Update 1
This variation of the TBN calculation function gives the same results
mat3 computeTBNMatrixFromDepth(in sampler2D depthTex, in vec2 uv)
// Compute the normal and TBN matrix
float ld = -getLinearDepth(depthTex, uv);
vec3 a = vec3(uv, ld);
vec3 x = vec3(uv.x + dFdx(uv.x), uv.y, ld + dFdx(ld));
vec3 y = vec3(uv.x, uv.y + dFdy(uv.y), ld + dFdy(ld));
//x = dFdx(x);
//y = dFdy(y);
//x = normalize(x);
//y = normalize(y);
vec3 normal = normalize(cross(x - a, y - a));
vec3 first_axis = cross(normal, vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
vec3 second_axis = cross(first_axis, normal);
return mat3(normalize(first_axis), normalize(second_axis), normal);
I think the problem is probably that you are mixing coordinate systems. You are using texture coordinates in combination with the linear depth. You can imagine two vertical surfaces facing slightly to the left of the screen. Both have the same angle from the vertical plane and should thus have the same normal right?
But let's then imagine that one of these surfaces are much further from the camera. Since fFdx/fFdy functions basically tell you the difference from the neighbor pixel, the surface far away from the camera will have greater linear depth difference over one pixel, than the surface close to the camera. But the uv.x / uv.y derivative will have the same value. That means that you will get different normals depending on the distance from the camera.
The solution is to calculate the view coordinate and use the derivative of that to calculate the normal.
vec3 viewFromDepth(in sampler2D depthTex, in vec2 uv, in vec3 view)
float ld = -getLinearDepth(depthTex, uv);
/// I assume ld is negative for fragments in front of the camera
/// not sure how getLinearDepth is implemented
vec3 z_scaled_view = (view / view.z) * ld;
return z_scaled_view;
mat3 computeTBNMatrixFromDepth(in sampler2D depthTex, in vec2 uv, in vec3 view)
vec3 view = viewFromDepth(depthTex, uv);
vec3 view_normal = normalize(cross(dFdx(view), dFdy(view)));
vec3 first_axis = cross(view_normal, vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
vec3 second_axis = cross(first_axis, view_normal);
return mat3(view_normal, normalize(first_axis), normalize(second_axis));