How to merge these tables? - sas

I have the following code with me. It outputs 3 tables in the "results" section. Third table in the "results" section has the names of the variables along
with other details such as type, length, etc. I need to combine this third table for each of these data sets so that finally, I just have one table which has the names (and type, length, etc.) of all the variables that are there there in all of these tables.
Basically, my goal is to merge all the third tables in the "Results" section so as to get all this information in just one table.
Help would be appreciated. Thank you.
libname a meta library="abc" metaout=data;
data list;
infile datalines4 dlm='|';
format table $32.;
input table;
data _null_;
set list;
call execute('
proc contents data=a.'||strip(table)||';

All this information is already available in dictionary.columns and sashelp.cvcolumn metadata tables. No need to jump hoops like this.
data want;
set sashelp.vcolumn;
where libname = 'SASHELP';


SAS dropping more than 400 columns during proc transpose?? (I do not want it to drop these columns)

I have some code that reads in some data and then transposes it. However, when I tranpose the data, the resulting dataset is missing over 400 columns that were in the input dataset. I have never seen this happen before and can't find any information online as to why this would happen. Any help is much, much appreciated!
The input dataset (mydata) has 716 unique entries in the column "MyCol1". This is the column that becomes the column header in the transposed dataset. The ttransposed dataset has only 269 columns!
libname in "\\folder1\folder2";
data mydata;
set in.mydata; run;
PROC SORT DATA=mydata nodupkey;
BY MyCol3 MyCol4;
BY MyCol3 MyCol4;
ID MyCol1;
VAR MyCol2;
OK update for anybody else who may have this error: during my proc sort statement I was accidentally deleting a bunch of rows.
You should include MYCOL1 in the BY statement of the PROC SORT. Otherwise only one of the MYCOL1 values will exist per group.
But you probably need to keep the NODUPKEY as duplicate values of MYCOL1 per group will cause trouble for the PROC TRANSPOSE as you cannot make two new variables with the same name.
PROC SORT DATA=mydata nodupkey;
BY MyCol3 MyCol4 MyCol1;
BY MyCol3 MyCol4;
ID MyCol1;
VAR MyCol2;

SAS Selecting the most recent dataset in a lib automatically

i am working with a library that is updated every month or so, and i need a way to select the most recent dataset each month, i tried two methods that would show me the latest table, one that makes a table ordering from the modified date
proc sql;
create table tables as
select memname, modate
from dictionary.tables
where libname = 'SASHELP'
order by modate desc;
and one that gives me just the latest modified one
proc sql;
select memname into> latest_dataset
from dictionary.tables
where libname='WORK'
having crdate=max(crate);
%put &=latest_dataset;
and i would like to put these latest datasets in a table, but i don't know how, or if there is another easier way to do this, i am still very much new to SAS programming so i'm lost, any help is appreciated.
Use Proc APPEND to put the latest data set into a table. You are essentially accumulating rows.
Use SQL :INTO to obtain (place into a macro variable) the libname.memname of the data set that should be appended.
The task of determining the newest data set and appending it to a base table is also in a macro so the the code can be easily rerun in the example.
%macro append_newest;
%local newest_table;
proc sql noprint;
select catx('.', libname, memname) into :newest_table
from dictionary.tables
where libname = 'WORK'
and memtype = 'DATA'
having crdate = max(crdate);
%put NOTE: &=newest_table;
create view newest_view as
select "&newest_table" as row_source length=41, *
from &newest_table
proc append base=work.master data=newest_view;
* create an empty for accumulating new observations;
data work.master;
length row_source $41;
set one (obs=0);
set sashelp.class;
where name between 'A' and 'E';
data work.two;
set sashelp.class;
where name between 'Q' and 'ZZ';
data work.three;
set sashelp.class;
where name between 'E' and 'Q';
Will produce this master table that accumulates the little pieces that come in day by day.
You would want additional constraints such as a unique key in order to prevent appending the same data more than once.

SAS equivalent to R’s is.element()

It’s the first time that I’ve opened sas today and I’m looking at some code a colleague wrote.
So let’s say I have some data (import) where duplicates occur but I want only those which have a unique number named VTNR.
First she looks for unique numbers:
data M.import;
set M.import;
by VTNR;
if first.VTNR=1 then unique=1;
Then she creates a table with the duplicated numbers:
data M.import_dup1;
set M.import;
where unique^=1;
And finally a table with all duplicates.
But here she is really hardcoding the numbers, so for example:
data M.import_dup2;
set M.import;
where VTNR in (130001292951,130100975613,130107546425,130108026864,130131307133,130134696722,130136267001,130137413257,130137839451,130138291041);
I’m sure there must be a better way.
Since I’m only familiar with R I would write something like:
import_dup2 <- subset(import, is.element(import$VTNR, import_dup1$VTNR))
I guess there must be something like the $ also for sas?
To me it looks like the most direct translation of the R code
import_dup2 <- subset(import, is.element(import$VTNR, import_dup1$VTNR))
Would be to use SQL code
proc sql;
create table import_dup2 as
select * from import
where VTNR in (select VTNR from import_dup1)
But if your intent is to find the observations in IMPORT that have more than one observation per VTNR value there is no need to first create some other table.
data import_dup2 ;
set import;
by VTNR ;
if not (first.VTNR and last.VTNR);
I would use the options in PROC SORT.
Make sure to specify an OUT= dataset otherwise you'll overwrite your original data.
/*Generate fake data with dups*/
data class;
set sashelp.class sashelp.class(obs=5);
/*Create unique and dup dataset*/
proc sort data=class nouniquekey uniqueout=uniquerecs out=dups;
by name;
/*Display results - for demo*/
proc print data=uniquerecs;
title 'Unique Records';
proc print data=dups;
title 'Duplicate Records';
Above solution can give you duplicates but not unique values. There are many possible ways to do both in SAS. Very easy to understand would be a SQL solution.
proc sql;
create table no_duplicates as
select *
from import
group by VTNR
having count(*) = 1
create table all_duplicates as
select *
from import
group by VTNR
having count(*) > 1
I would use Reeza's or Tom's solution, but for completeness, the solution most similar to R (and your preexisting code) would be three steps. Again, I wouldn't use this here, it's excess work for something you can do more easily, but the concept is helpful in other situations.
First, get the dataset of duplicates - either her method, or proc sort.
proc sort nodupkey data=have out=nodups dupout=dups;
by byvar;
Then pull those into a macro list:
proc sql;
select byvar
into :duplist separated by ','
from dups;
Then you have them in &duplist. and can use them like so:
data want;
set have;
if not (byvar in &duplist.);
data want;
set import;
where VTNR in import_dup1;

How to obtain the number of records of a dataset in SAS

I want to count the number of records in a dataset in SAS. There is a function the make this thing in a simple way? I used R ed for obtain this information there was the length() function. Morover I need the number of record to compute some percetages so I need this value not in a table but in a value that can be used for other data step. How can I fix?
Thanks in advance
Here is another solution, using SAS dictionaries,
proc sql;
select nobs into: num_obs
from dictionary.tables
where libname = "WORK" and memname = "A"
It is easy to get the size of many datasets by modifying the above code,
proc sql;
create table test as
select memname, nobs
from dictionary.tables
where libname = "WORK" and memname like "A%"
data _null_;
set test;
call symput(memname, nobs);
The above code will give you the sizes of all data sets with name starting with "a" in the temporary/work library.
Assuming this is a basic SAS table that you've created, and not modified or appended to, the best way is to use the meta data held in a dataset (the Number of tries is held in a piece of meta data called "nobs"), without reading through the dataset its self and place it in a macro variable. You can do this in the following way:
Data _null_;
If i = 0 then set DATASETTOCOUNT nobs= mycount;
Call symput('mycount', mycount);
%put &mycount.;
You will now have a macro variable that contains the number of rows in your dataset, that you can call on in other data steps using &mycount.

Drop a range of variables in SAS

I currently have a dataset with 200 variables. From those variables, I created 100 new variables. Now I would like to drop the original 200 variables. How can I do that?
Slightly better would be, how I can drop variables 3-200 in the new dataset.
sorry if I was vague in my question but basically I figured out I need to use --.
If my first variable is called first and my last variable is called last, I can drop all the variables inbetween with (drop= first--last);
Thanks for all the responses.
As with most SAS tasks, there are several alternatives. The easiest and safest way to drop variables from a SAS data set is with PROC SQL. Just list the variables by name, separated by a comma:
proc sql;
alter table MYSASDATA
drop name, age, address;
Altering the table with PROC SQL removes the variables from the data set in place.
Another technique is to recreate the data set using a DROP option:
data have;
set have(drop=name age address);
And yet another way is using a DROP statement:
data have;
set have;
drop name age address;
Lots of options - some 'safer', some less safe but easier to code. Let's imagine you have a dataset with variables ID, PLNT, and x1-x200 to start with.
data have;
array x[200];
do _t = 1 to dim(x);
data want;
set have;
*... create new 100 variables ... ;
*option 1:
drop x1-x200; *this works when x1-x200 are numerically consecutive;
*option 2:
drop x1--x200; *this works when they are physically in order on the dataset -
only the first and last matter;
*Or, do it this way. This would also work with SQL ALTER TABLE. This is
the safest way to do it.;
proc sql;
select name into :droplist separated by ' ' from dictionary.columns
where libname='WORK' and memname='HAVE' and name not in ('ID','PRNT');
proc datasets lib=work;
modify want;
drop &droplist.;
If all of the variables you want to drop are named so they all start the same (like old_var_1, old_var_2, ..., old_var_n), you could do this (note the colon in drop option):
data have;
set have(drop= old_var:);
data want;
set have;
drop VAR1--VARx;
Would love to know if you can do this by position.
Definitely works with variable names separated by double dash (--).
I have some macros that would allow this here
You could run that whole set of macros, or just run list_vars(), is_blank(), num_words, find_word, remove_word, remove_words , nth_word().
Using these it would be:
%let keep_vars = keep_this and_this also_this;
%let drop_vars = %list_vars(old_dataset);
%let drop_vars = %remove_words(&drop_vars , &keep_vars);
data new_dataset (drop = &drop_vars );
set old_dataset;
/*stuff happens*/
This will keep the three variables keep_this and_this also_this but drop everything else in the old dataset.