Where can I download prism template pack for visual studio 2019? Seems like all the links only support 2022 - templates

I currently have vs 2019 installed and I still haven't raised enough cash to purchase vs 2022. Please can I get a download link from an old source?
I tried downloading the file from csdn.net but it's almost impossible to create a free account. "https://download.csdn.net/download/sinat_36203916/16292210?spm=1001.2101.3001.6650.8&utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-download-2%7Edefault%7EBlogCommendFromBaidu%7ERate-8-16292210-blog-124120014.pc_relevant_3mothn_strategy_recovery&depth_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-download-2%7Edefault%7EBlogCommendFromBaidu%7ERate-8-16292210-blog-124120014.pc_relevant_3mothn_strategy_recovery&utm_relevant_index=12"

You can download lastest compatible VS2019 Prism Template Pack at this link https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery/publishers/BrianLagunas/vsextensions/PrismTemplatePack/2.3.0/vspackage


New licence to upgrade from VS 2017 to 2019

I have a monthly licence for VS 2017 Professional. I can't find anywhere that mentions if I need a new licence if I install VS 2019 Professional.
Can I install it, and transfer/use my 2017 licence on 2019?
thanks, Mark
Your Microsoft subscription is not limit you to specific version. All MS IDEs are available for download and install. So you could install VS2019.
On this page you can see
Visual Studio Professional IDE for individuals and small teams for PC and Mac
There is no version.
And of course you can every time download, install and enter your credentials. And if your license is incompatible with installed version you will be informed :)

Is it possible to target windows 10.0.14393 with C++/WinRT?

I would like to make an app for my Lumia stuck on Win 10.0.14393 (or 1609) using C++/WinRT. I've created a Blank app project with
Target platform version: 10.0.17134.0 and
Target platform min. version: 10.0.14393.
The project fails to compile with the following errors:
error C2039: 'DisconnectUnloadedObject': is not a member of 'winrt::BlankApp2::implementation::MainPageT'
error C2039: 'UnloadObject': is not a member of 'winrt::BlankApp2::implementation::MainPageT'
Is this a bug or intentional behavior? Please note, that setting any newer min. version results in successful build.
The latest version of C++/WinRT can support all versions of Windows 10, including 14393 and older versions as well.
Keep in mind that C++/WinRT is both a library and a language projection. The language projection provides access to Windows APIs targeting a given version of Windows. Each version introduces new APIs. So if you want to target a minimum version of Windows, you need to ensure that you limit yourself to the APIs available on that version of Windows. I would however recommend using the latest compiler and the latest Windows SDK as they include many bug fixes.
I suggest you use Visual Studio 2015 when targeting older C++/WinRT and Windows 10 updates. My impression is that most of those were delivered on top of Visual Studio 2015 with Visual Studio 2015 updates and Windows 10 SDK updates and C++/WinRT updates.
When using Visual Studio 2015 with C++/WinRT, you will need the latest update, Update 3. Check for updates and make sure that your copy of Visual Studio 2015 has the most recent updates. I was just using an install of Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise to recompile something that compiles fine with Visual Studio 2017 and found that I was missing tools and SDKs including for Win 10 SDK 10.0.14393 that were in the Update 3 which I had not yet installed.
You can also go to Programs and Feature from within Control Panel, look for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 in the list and then do a right mouse click and Change which will allow you to check what is installed and change anything.
Working with C++/WinRT over the last few months I have used both the Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition and the Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Edition.
I have seen differences when moving a solution from VS 2015 to VS 2017 that required me to review the Properties page of the solution. See also the discussion in synchronizing SDK with Windows 10 update and using WinRT with Standard C++
Working with the latest Windows 10 updates and VS 2017 works best for me because I am able to target the recent Windows 10 updates. However I have found that trying to target older Windows 10 updates with VS 2017 can be problematic.
I'm sorry that I can not be more specific. This whole area of C++/WinRT and Windows 10 updates has much more cowboy than I would like though it now seems to be settling down.
C++/WinRT is a template library that was originally an open source project on GitHub. My impression is that Microsoft has acquired it and it is now a standard product offering. I believe there was a significant rewrite of C++/WinRT at one time as the Visual Studio 2015 and then Visual Studio 2017 moved to implement more of the C++17 and proposed C++20 standards and the Technical Specifications for coroutines.
This seems to be an area still changing to some extent. However most of the changing was going on with VS 2015 and the early VS 2017 along with the SDKs. It seems to be pretty solid now with the latest updates.

Upgrading from visual studio 2017 community to Pro

I have been using the Community edition of Visual studio 2017 but now my office has purchased a Visual Studio 2017 Pro License key.
Is there a way in which I can upgrade using just the license key..?? without re-installing the software..?
I have tried following the steps in this Link
But I cant find the
License with a Product Key
NOTE: I have already signed in with my Microsoft account.
I have read this link
But it looks like the guy has already installed 2017 enterprise edition and then changed his license key.
We cannot upgrade VS 2017 from community to the Professional version, but we can keep those VS versions (community/professional/enterprise) on the same computer which is different with the previous VS versions, so you can download and install the VS professional 2017 without uninstall the existing VS community 2017.
BTW, the VS community 2017 is free and we can unlock it through sign in with the Microsoft account, but there have the license terms to check we have the freely use right or not, please check this and if not meet those requirements, please uninstall it.
I had this same concern at my job. My Visual Studio subscription was not available right away, but I wanted to start looking at code, so I installed Visual Studio 2022 Community.
Later, when I had access to my subscription, I removed Community using Visual Studio Installer and choosing More -> Uninstall. After that I logged on to the subscriber portal and downloaded and installed Professional.
Everything is working like normal now.

Is TFS 2013 compatible with Visual Studio 2017?

I am trying to connect to TFS 2013 with VS 2017 via c#. But I could not able to connect and I am getting WITdatastore32.dll is missing.
Can you someone please let me know is it possible to connect to TFS 2013 with VS 2017, if so, what are the steps to be followed?
You can try to install Team Explorer 2013 on your machine. After installation, you need to Browse... for the references here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies
Check the poster's answer in case Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.WITDataStore32.dll' (TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking)
Based on the official documentation, the combination of TFS 2013 and Visual Studio 2017 can count on high level of support. Later in the same article, you'll find the description of that term. In particular:
If you are using newer versions of Visual Studio against older versions of Team Foundation Server, you can similarly expect most features to be supported.
However, you should still consider upgrading the TFS instance on a regular basis, since the distance between VS and TFS versions will increase if you only upgrade VS, and thus the level of support will decrease. Take a look at the first image in this article to understand the upgrade path you should take.

Reporting Template (RDLC) not exists in Visual Studio 2017

Reporting template Component (RDLC) not exists to as New Item in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise.
How to resolve this?
I have tried by installing SQL Server Data Tools.
Previously it works for me in Visual Studio 2015.
There is a bug in the extension Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio that the ReportViewer shows up as a non-visual component.
Instead use the NuGet Package Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WinForms for each project that will use the ReportViewer. Part of the solution involves removing the ReportViewer from the toolbox after use and restarting Visual Studio before opening the next project/solution.
Please see this answer to a similar question for step by step details.
The RDLC editor for VS2017 is only available as a VSIX installer from the marketplace: Download
I have just used VS2015 to add the new item. All other stuff seems to be fine in VS2017 (bearing in mind that you installed the VSIX extension)