Django and Africa's Talking API - django

I am quite new to this and am trying to develop a software system in django which uses the Africa's Talking API for airtime and data topups. I would be very happy to find one who knows how to do this and could help me walk through how to do it.
thanks in advance.


How to create API in WSO2 using Eclipse Java EE

I am really new in services and mainly in WSO2 and i am having some little problems to finish the tutorial of the link: ''.
I need of this tutorial to learn about the use of the tool and because of my boss asked me for.
My problem is, i was able to create the server, i had to create locally, but stopped in the part: 'Sending requests to WSO2 EI', in the item 3, my API simply don't appears. I already tried to restart the server and review the tutorial, but every-time i brake in this part.
I really need help and really want learn. If anyone could help me, i would stay very grateful. Thank you everyone
PS: Remembering that i haven't use any code to come where i come, just tried for the way that the tutorial taught.
I was able to solve my problem. The reason I had this problem was because I wasn't packaging the artifacts correctly. Once I learned how to package the artifacts, the API showed just right.

Implementing Chat with us functionality in my Ruby on Rails website

I want to implement chat with functionality for my website. Not chat application which allows chatting among the users. User can chat to the website only. Exactly like Amcat livechat. How do I achieve this? Any suggestions please. I have googled a lot. But got only ideas and tutorials for chat application only.
Your best bet is probably to find an off-the-shelf solution that provides some kind of widget that you drop in to your site. Building this kind of thing yourself is usually a bad idea.

Want to learn Restful api, don't know where to start

I'm android developer I'm making app with simple login and sending and receiving messages and pictures. Searching on internet making me really confuse. I don't know where to start and what to use. There are many ways to make and many libraries like node.js php phalcon, mvc, ruby sinatra etc. I just want to where should i start and what should i use.
Because you mentioned Android, Java has many options for creating RESTful backends. Dropwizard is fairly straight-forward and comes with its own built-in server, which means you won't have to worry about setting that up yourself. Play is another good option. There's a bit of a learning curve with it, but once you figure it out, it has a lot of tools out of the box that help you make REST APIs.
Here's the documentation for Play:
P.S. - This question is likely to get flagged as not being the right fit for SO. You'll probably still get replies, but asking for opinions is something that people will try to discourage you from doing.

Writing first RESTFul Webservice and Client

Guys I almost spent a day on googling to find step by step tutorial for writing my first RESTFul service. No Luck
My environment is as follow
JDK 1.7
JBoss 713
Eclipse Indigo
Any pointer will be helpful. Thanks
Thank you. Though "RESTFul Java with JAX-RS" is quite old and lot of things evolved current past, gives good insight on the concepts. As Surya explained you need to go though multiple resources to get a good understanding on REST. What's the best source for learning how to create RESTful APIs in Java?
DropWizard provides end-end easy solution to write and deploy REST Services. Really impressive.

Can anybody comment on django-wapi?

Aside for a few user guides found at I have not managed to find much about WAPI.
I was wondering if anyone has had an experience using WAPI and django to create a web api?
I'm a little intimidated by the amount of magic these frameworks seem to do.
Are there any other good alternatives to creating a web api in python?
Here is a decent guide to the django WAPI for building a restful API: