Unable to download WSO2 Business Process Server - wso2

When I Try to download WSO2 Process Server, It redirects me to API Manager.
The link is http://wso2.com/products/business-process-server
Is the WSO2 Process Server deprecated?

WSO2 Business Process Server(BPS) is now deprecated and discontinued. But you can still use it. WSO2 BPS was merged to WSO2 Enterprise Integrator a couple of years back as a different runtime. So if you want to use BPS capabilities you can download WSO2 EI from here and start the Business Process Profile. You can read more about the BPS Profile here.

Yes, the product is not available now.
You can migrate to EI 6.6.0 if you are using WSO2 BPS 3.6.0 - https://docs.wso2.com/display/EI660/Upgrading+from+WSO2+Business+Process+Server
In the latest EI/MI versions do not come with the BPS solution.

It's best to migrate to Micro-integrator 4.1.0 and use the latest capabilities of the enterprise integration. Micro-integrator is the latest version of the WSO2 ESB platform. However, it does not support BPS capabilities as moving forward, WSO2 will continue to provide only the interprise integration capabilities through the platform and for some of the features such as Message Broker and BPS have been deprecated. For use cases on Message Broker and BPS, you need to integrate with 3rd party products such as Camunda (for BPS) and RabbitMQ (for Message Broker).


Can use WSO2 4.1 APIM and WSO2 Analytics together

We are using WSO2 APIM 4.1 version and we are looking to configure APIM Analytics, can we use old WSO2 APIM Analytics together with 4.1 version without Choreo which is not available as free.
AFAIK you can't use the old APIM Analytics with the latest APIM version, but instead of Choreo you can use ELK Stack to push your analytics data. Have a look at this. At the same time, you can also write your own event publisher to publish Analytics to any external system.

Deploy and run BPMN processes with the Micro Integrator

The WSO2 documentation says that the functionality of the Enterprise Integrator is now included in the Micro Integrator and API Manager.
How do I deploy and run BPMN processes with the new system? I can't find any documentation on it and don't see where to add a BPMN process to the Integrator or where to work on HumanTasks.
For this you need the BPS profile of the Enterprise Integrator. But the BPS server is on maintenance mode and new features or development is not made on this. Therefore the Micro Integrator does not contain the features of the BPS profile.
If you want to use the BPS profile you will need to continue to use the EI (6.6.0 is the latest EI server)

How To Configure WSO2 API Manager version 4.0.0 with Analytics version 3.2.0?

WSO2 API Manager Version 4.0.0 is Working Fine With Choreo Analytics but Is there Any Way to Configure API Manager Version 4.0.0 with API-M Analytics Version 3.2.0?
No, this is not possible with API Manager 4.0.0.
The API Manager v4.0.0 has gone through a lot of architectural changes and the Handlers and implementations related to publishing Analytics Data to the APIM Analytics server have been removed. Therefore, with my understanding, it is not possible to achieve the same in the v4.0.0 environment.
With the API Manager 4.0 release, the API Analytics was completely revamped and offered as a cloud-based analytics solution to provide users with an unparalleled analytics experience. Therefore, integrating APIM Analytics 3.2.0 with APIM 4.0.0 is not a possible/advisable solution due to architectural constraints.

WSO2 EMM emm-agent-Android Agent compatibality with wso2 2.2.0

I am using wso2 emm version 2.2.0 and using EMM Agent Android version 3.0.3. Users complaint on frequent disconnect and require re enrollment. Sometimes reenrollment also fails. Is it advisable using a different version agent with EMM server? What is the implication on doing so?
No, it is not advisable to use incompatible versions of WSO2 client and server.
You can check compatibility in the documentation

WSO2 Message Broker: Is it already possible to use MQTT?

Currently I'm interested in building a (small?) Internet of Things project. During research I found WSO2, an open source platform. I decided to use it and searched for developed projects. I found one decent project!
This project uses MQTT as communication protocol, Raspberry Pi<->Message Broker, and Message Broker<->Complex Event Manager.
My questions are the following:
1) Does the current version of the WSO2 Message Broker (v2.2.0) already support MQTT? Because I can't find documentation of this version supporting MQTT.
2) According to some references the WSO2 Message Broker v3.x.x will support MQTT, is that correct and when will this version be released?
3) Are there any other possibilities to use the WSO2 platform components in combination with the MQTT protocol?
4) Are there any other documented Internet of Things projects that use the WSO2 platform?
According to this article:
The WSO2 MB team was working on adding MQTT support; WSO2’s Co-Founder
and CTO Paul Fremantle used this for MQTT interop test at EclipseCon,
in San Francisco in March 2014, where he presented a talk. We decided
that MQTT was the ideal message protocol for devices due to its open,
less message overhead nature.
According to this article:
Upcoming WSO2 Message Broker (MB) 3.x.x release will be supporting
MQTT in addition to AMQP.
There is a relevant source code in this repository.
You could find more information on the WSO2 Message Broker architecture and capabilities through referring the article,
To answer to you questions,
MQTT will be supported from broker 3.0.0 version. and currently in RC stage. This will be released soon.
It provides seamless integration with other WSO2 products. i.e WSO2 CEP (Complex Event Processor), WSO2 ESB (Enterprise Service Bus).
Until released, you can use the Beta version of WSO2 Message Broker 3.0.0 which supports MQTT to test out your project.
WSO2 Message Broker 3.0.0 Beta
The 2.2.0 version does not support MQTT.
Furthermore, since all WSO2 products are based on OSGI concept, you can integrate any of features available from any WSO2 product.
Installing Features via the UI
But if you're looking some simple integration, try integrating WSO2 ESB with MB using MQTT.
WSO2 ESB MQTT Inbound Protocol