WSO2 Message Broker: Is it already possible to use MQTT? - wso2

Currently I'm interested in building a (small?) Internet of Things project. During research I found WSO2, an open source platform. I decided to use it and searched for developed projects. I found one decent project!
This project uses MQTT as communication protocol, Raspberry Pi<->Message Broker, and Message Broker<->Complex Event Manager.
My questions are the following:
1) Does the current version of the WSO2 Message Broker (v2.2.0) already support MQTT? Because I can't find documentation of this version supporting MQTT.
2) According to some references the WSO2 Message Broker v3.x.x will support MQTT, is that correct and when will this version be released?
3) Are there any other possibilities to use the WSO2 platform components in combination with the MQTT protocol?
4) Are there any other documented Internet of Things projects that use the WSO2 platform?

According to this article:
The WSO2 MB team was working on adding MQTT support; WSO2’s Co-Founder
and CTO Paul Fremantle used this for MQTT interop test at EclipseCon,
in San Francisco in March 2014, where he presented a talk. We decided
that MQTT was the ideal message protocol for devices due to its open,
less message overhead nature.
According to this article:
Upcoming WSO2 Message Broker (MB) 3.x.x release will be supporting
MQTT in addition to AMQP.
There is a relevant source code in this repository.

You could find more information on the WSO2 Message Broker architecture and capabilities through referring the article,
To answer to you questions,
MQTT will be supported from broker 3.0.0 version. and currently in RC stage. This will be released soon.
It provides seamless integration with other WSO2 products. i.e WSO2 CEP (Complex Event Processor), WSO2 ESB (Enterprise Service Bus).

Until released, you can use the Beta version of WSO2 Message Broker 3.0.0 which supports MQTT to test out your project.
WSO2 Message Broker 3.0.0 Beta
The 2.2.0 version does not support MQTT.
Furthermore, since all WSO2 products are based on OSGI concept, you can integrate any of features available from any WSO2 product.
Installing Features via the UI
But if you're looking some simple integration, try integrating WSO2 ESB with MB using MQTT.
WSO2 ESB MQTT Inbound Protocol


Unable to download WSO2 Business Process Server

When I Try to download WSO2 Process Server, It redirects me to API Manager.
The link is
Is the WSO2 Process Server deprecated?
WSO2 Business Process Server(BPS) is now deprecated and discontinued. But you can still use it. WSO2 BPS was merged to WSO2 Enterprise Integrator a couple of years back as a different runtime. So if you want to use BPS capabilities you can download WSO2 EI from here and start the Business Process Profile. You can read more about the BPS Profile here.
Yes, the product is not available now.
You can migrate to EI 6.6.0 if you are using WSO2 BPS 3.6.0 -
In the latest EI/MI versions do not come with the BPS solution.
It's best to migrate to Micro-integrator 4.1.0 and use the latest capabilities of the enterprise integration. Micro-integrator is the latest version of the WSO2 ESB platform. However, it does not support BPS capabilities as moving forward, WSO2 will continue to provide only the interprise integration capabilities through the platform and for some of the features such as Message Broker and BPS have been deprecated. For use cases on Message Broker and BPS, you need to integrate with 3rd party products such as Camunda (for BPS) and RabbitMQ (for Message Broker).

Is multitenancy supported in wso2 identity server v5.11 github releases or do I need a subscription for the same?

I am trying to utilise multitenancy feature in WSO2 by using github releases( I just wanted to understand if there are any limitations for the same between enterprise version downloaded from wso2 site and github releases.
WSO2 doesn't have an Enterprise Version of the product. Everybody uses the same base release and if you have a subscription you will be receiving product updates for bug fixes, improvements, security issues etc. Other than that there are no hidden features or limitations in the Opensource version.(Rarely some features are introduced as updates, in these cases you may not receive them) The subscription is for getting updates and getting support from WSO2.
You can read more about WSO2 subscription from here.
Adding to #YCR answer, yes, multi tenancy is supported in IS 5.11.0 and IS 6.0.0 and it was supported throughout IS 5.x series. Please see Tenant Management on WSO2 documentation.

WSO2 Application server Security option

I'm trying to build an application with a WSO2 Application server and Identity server.
the soap server which is based on Axis2 Framework needs to have WS-Trust based Authentication. For learning, I'm following this blog
At the 14th steps, I have to click on security but In latest WSO2 Application server I'm not able to find how to enable the Security feature.
I'm using 5.3.0 Version of Application Server
As you can see there is no link on Unsecured for HelloWorld Service.
I'm I missing anything?
All the WSO2 products based on carbon kernel 4.4.x doesn't contain QoS features. WSO2 AS 5.3.0 is based on kernel version 4.4.x and therefore it is not supported. You can use WSO2 Developer Studio in order to apply QoS features

WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 clustering with Oracle Coherence

Halo everybody (maybe Asela? :),
Can anyone guide me how can I implement Oracle Coherence as a Cache provider with WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 clustered using with WSO2 ELB?
I found some very useful links on that topic, from which I consider this one as a good start: Clustering Identity Server
But I cannot find a way how to find solution for changing Hazelcast cache provider for any other provider.
I also realized, WSO2 is not using javax.caching implementation from JDK (since it was introduced in 1.7 and later), it is using its own based on JSR-107 (from which JSR I suppose Java JDK JCache is originated.
This article shows, that there is a way, how to somehow implement user JSR 107 JCache, but I don't see it configured for whole Identity Server:
WSO2 Multi-tenant Cache: JSR-107 (JCache)
I'm expecting answer which will guide me, what to change or add (for instance to carbon core) and where to setup / configure those changes, to make them global used within WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0.
I hope it is relevant question and since this Carbon based platform is very rich and configurable, I hope this will be possible with some time invested.
Thank you in advance,
Coherence supports the real JCache APIs, so if WSO2 uses JCache, it should be easy to integrate Coherence!

AS2 protocol support in WSO2 ESB

Our client have recently decided to have WSO2 ESB as one of the integration platform in the system landscape. Here, we have lots of partners exchanging messages using AS2 service.
How can we provide AS2 service via ESB? Is there any support in WSO2 ESB for AS2 service or do we need to build this feature ourselves?
Thanks for your reply!
At the moment WSO2 ESB does not have any support for AS2. We can't predict about a certain timeline when this support will be available.
If you want, you can implement this by yourself. Basically, this will have to be implemented as a new transport for the ESB. AFAIK, you can get it done by WSO2 via sponsored development too.