AnyLogic - dynamic schedule for resourcePool cast from Integer to TimeUnits - casting

I refer to the following SOW post and the answer of Stuart Rossiter.
I thought it was right to open a new thread about this, as the problem can be looked at a little differently after all these years. Now I get the following error: "The method create_ShiftChange(double, TimeUnits) in the Main type is not applicable for the arguments (int, Integer)."
As I noted in my comment from Stuart Rossiter's solution, I believe the function create_ShiftChange(...) had different input arguments a few years ago.
The cast from getTimeoutToNextValue() to double is not a problem. However, the cast of the second argument getNextValue() from Integer to TimeUnits presents me with a challenge.
Does anyone have a solution for my problem or do I have to look for a detour, since the "old" create_ShiftChange(...) also has a different meaning due to the other input arguments? Thanks for the help!

There hasn't been a change in the create_* functions (methods) for dynamic events. There are two forms:
One where you explicitly specify the time units for when it should be scheduled (so with 2 initial arguments of type double and TimeUnits). TimeUnits is a Java enum (effectively what an AnyLogic option list is under the covers) with values like TimeUnits.MINUTE; auto-complete will show you the alternatives.
One where you implicitly assume the time units of the model as a whole, as in its properties (so with 1 initial argument of type double).
The dynamic event in question has a single int argument (i.e., its 'event-specific' data comprises just an integer), so the relevant create_* function variants have this as their final argument (i.e., they have 3 and 2 arguments respectively).
In your case, you are not using a dynamic event with a single argument (otherwise the method create_ShiftChange(double, TimeUnits) it's complaining about wouldn't exist — it would be create_ShiftChange(double, TimeUnits, int) instead) and, since you've called it with two integers, the compiler (incorrectly) assumes you were trying to use the 2 argument form, hence the error message.
So either add the argument to the dynamic event or, if in your case you're using a different set of arguments (or no arguments) for your dynamic event, change accordingly.

You simply need to type TimeUnits. (note the dot!) and then use code-complete. This shows you all the options you have available, choose the one you need.
Background: This is an enum defined by AnyLogic to be used for time units. When you see things like that, always type it out and try code-complete


Order of Parameters to a function

Suppose I have a function in C++ which is taking multiple parameters so what should be the order of parameters.
class Date
//heavy class
func(int, std::string, Date, ...)
Just curious is there any convention to pass parameters depending upon datatype.
I got this link in stackoverflow, but still want to check if there any more info on this -
Conventions for order of parameters in a function
No there isn't.
Note that C++ doesn't even specify the order in which function parameters are evaluated and passed to the function, although the evaluation of arguments is sequenced. So writing something like func(cheap_function_that_might_throw_an_exception(), expensive_function()) may not necessarily be an optimisation.
Your best bet is to be consistent in your application.

Default arguments vs overloads, when to use which

In Kotlin there are two ways to express an optional parameter, either by specifying default argument value:
fun foo(parameter: Any, option: Boolean = false) { ... }
or by introducing an overload:
fun foo(parameter: Any) = foo(parameter, false)
fun foo(parameter: Any, option: Boolean) { ... }
Which way is preferred in which situations?
What is the difference for consumers of such function?
In Kotlin code calling other Kotlin code optional parameters tend to be the norm over using overloads. Using optional parameters should be you default behavior.
Special cases FOR using defaulted values:
As a general practice or if unsure -- use default arguments over overrides.
if you want the default value to be seen by the caller, use default values. They will show up in IDE tooltips (i.e. Intellij IDEA) and let the caller know they are being applied as part of the contract. You can see in the following screenshot that calling foo() will default some values if values are omitted for x and y:
Whereas doing the same thing with function overloads hides this useful information and just presents a much more messy:
using default values causes bytecode generation of two functions, one with all parameters specified and another that is a bridge function that can check and apply missing parameters with their defaulted values. No matter how many defaulted parameters you have, it is always only two functions. So in a total-function-count constrained environment (i.e. Android), it can be better to have just these two functions instead of a larger number of overloads that it would take to accomplish the same job.
Cases where you might not want to use default argument values:
When you want another JVM language to be able to use the defaulted values you either need to use explicit overloads or use the #JvmOverloads annotation which:
For every parameter with a default value, this will generate one additional overload, which has this parameter and all parameters to the right of it in the parameter list removed.
You have a previous version of your library and for binary API compatibility adding a default parameter might break compatibility for existing compiled code whereas adding an overload would not.
You have a previous existing function:
fun foo() = ...
and you need to retain that function signature, but you also want to add another with the same signature but additional optional parameter:
fun foo() = ...
fun foo(x: Int = 5) = ... // never can be called using default value
You will not be able to use the default value in the 2nd version (other than via reflection callBy). Instead all foo() calls without parameters still call the first version of the function. So you need to instead use distinct overloads without the default or you will confuse users of the function:
fun foo() = ...
fun foo(x: Int) = ...
You have arguments that may not make sense together, and therefore overloads allow you to group parameters into meaningful coordinated sets.
Calling methods with default values has to do another step to check which values are missing and apply the defaults and then forward the call to the real method. So in a performance constrained environment (i.e. Android, embedded, real-time, billion loop iterations on a method call) this extra check may not be desired. Although if you do not see an issue in profiling, this might be an imaginary issue, might be inlined by the JVM, and may not have any impact at all. Measure first before worrying.
Cases that don't really support either case:
In case you are reading general arguments about this from other languages...
in a C# answer for this similar question the esteemed Jon Skeet mentions that you should be careful using defaults if they could change between builds and that would be a problem. In C# the defaulting is at the call site, whereas in Kotlin for non-inlined functions it is inside of the (bridge) function being called. Therefore for Kotlin it is the same impact for changing hidden and explicit defaulting of values and this argument should not impact the decision.
also in the C# answer saying that if team members have opposing views about use of defaulted arguments then maybe don't use them. This should not be applied to Kotlin as they are a core language feature and used in the standard library since before 1.0 and there is no support for restricting their use. The opposing team members should default to using defaulted arguments unless they have a definitive case that makes them unusable. Whereas in C# it was introduced much later in the life cycle of that language and therefore had a sense of more "optional adoption"
Let's examine how functions with default argument values are compiled in Kotlin to see if there's a difference in method count. It may differ depending on the target platform, so we'll look into Kotlin for JVM first.
For the function fun foo(parameter: Any, option: Boolean = false) the following two methods are generated:
First is foo(Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V which is being called when all arguments are specified at a call site.
Second is synthetic bridge foo$default(Ljava/lang/Object;ZILjava/lang/Object;)V. It has 2 additional parameters: Int mask that specifies which parameters were actually passed and an Object parameter which currently is not used, but reserved for allowing super-calls with default arguments in the future.
That bridge is called when some arguments are omitted at a call-site. The bridge analyzes the mask, provides default values for omitted arguments and then calls the first method now specifying all arguments.
When you place #JvmOverloads annotation on a function, additional overloads are generated, one per each argument with default value. All these overloads delegate to foo$default bridge. For the foo function the following additional overload will be generated: foo(Ljava/lang/Object;)V.
Thus, from the method count point of view, in a situation when a function has only one parameter with default value, it's no matter whether you use overloads or default values, you'll get two methods. But if there's more than one optional parameter, using default values instead of overloads will result in less methods generated.
Overloads could be preferred when the implementation of a function gets simpler when parameter is omitted.
Consider the following example:
fun compare(v1: T, v2: T, ignoreCase: Boolean = false) =
if (ignoreCase)
internalCompareWithIgnoreCase(v1, v2)
internalCompare(v1, v2)
When it is called like compare(a, b) and ignoreCase is omitted, you actually pay twice for not using ignoreCase: first is when arguments are checked and default values are substituted instead of omitted ones and second is when you check the ignoreCase in the body of compare and branch to internalCompare based on its value.
Adding an overload will get rid of these two checks. Also a method with such simple body is more likely to be inlined by JIT compiler.
fun compare(v1: T, v2: T) = internalCompare(v1, v2)

C++11 Avoiding Redundant Return Type in specific Situation

Ok, thanks everyone who has looked at this. I've recreated the exact scenario for easy viewing at the link below, so I'll just comment out the original text I had as it wasn't clear.
In the comment section I show calling make_some(32, std::string{"hi"}) without specifying the Data type declaration for the call. I realize this seems insane and way above my expected use case, automatically inferring the composite type (inferring I wanted Data, based on the int/string) based on the arguments wasn't necessary, or a good idea.
The compiler is right. There's just no relation given between T and Args. Hence, it cannot determine what QueryResult<T> means.
What you apparently expect is that the return type of somefn forces T to be int, int. That's obviously not possible for two reasons: T denotes a single type, and there's just no mechanism by which the return statement somehow affects the template instantiation of make_some.
Have you tried using auto as type declaration?
Also decltype (variable_here) variable_to_inherit_type; sets the type of the second variable to that of the first variable. You might be able to first set the type the same as the incoming variable using this.
I am not sure if this will work in your case but let me know if it helps!

How to read number of arguments - c++

Usually in my code I need to use specific functions for various variables i.e.
object->SetStatus("var1",1); object->SetAddress("var1",&var1);
object->SetStatus("var2",1); object->SetAddress("var2",&var2);
object->SetStatus("var3",1); object->SetAddress("var3",&var3);
My idea is to use a function that will do this automatically by calling it, i.e.
To achieve that I have to solve 3 issues
I need to read the number of arguments when calling function()
I need to parse somehow the argument names inside the code
Since the variables are not of the same type, I need to find a way to make function() type "transparent"
Since I am newbie in c++ coding, I tried to search fo something similar, but I couldn't find anything.
Any help, advice or remark is more than welcome!
There are multiple ways to do so. One way is make a Base class and all your variable type will inherit from this base class. Then pass a map<string,Base> as an argument to you function. name of variable will be key and value will be actual variables. Iterate through the map and set and assign values to methods.
You could consider some variadic template, if coding in C++11 or C++14. There is considerable literature about that subject (e.g. this tutorial), which is a bit tricky (so explaining it here is not reasonable). Read also about parameter pack
You could also use C style varargs using <cstdarg>
Perhaps std::initializer_list could be useful too.

Is there a standard way of determining the number of va_args?

I'm experimenting with variable arguments in C++, using va_args. The idea is useful, and is indeed something I've used a lot in C# via the params functionality. One thing that frustrates me is the following excerpt regarding va_args, above:
Notice also that va_arg does not determine either whether the retrieved argument is the last argument passed to the function (or even if it is an element past the end of that list).
I find it hard to believe that there is no way to programmatically determine the number of variable arguments passed to the function from within that function itself. I would like to perform something like the following:
void fcn(int arg1 ...)
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, arg1);
int numRemainingParams = //function that returns number of remaining parameters
for (int i=0; i<numRemainingParams; ++i)
//do stuff with params
To reiterate, the documentation above suggests that va_arg doesn't determine whether the retrieved arg is the last in the list. But I feel this information must be accessible in some manner.
Is there a standard way of achieving this?
I find it hard to believe that there is no way to programmatically determine the number of variable arguments passed to the function from within that function itself.
Nonetheless, it is true. C/C++ do not put markers on the end of the argument list, so the called function really does not know how many arguments it is receiving. If you need to mark the end of the arguments, you must do so yourself by putting some kind of marker at the end of the list.
The called function also has no idea of the types or sizes of the arguments provided. That's why printf and friends force you to specify the precise datatype of the value to interpolate into the format string, and also why you can crash a program by calling printf with a bad format string.
Note that parameter passing is specified by the ABI for a particular platform, not by the C++/C standards. However, the ABI must allow the C++/C standards to be implementable. For example, an ABI might want to pass parameters in registers for efficiency, but it might not be possible to implement va_args easily in that case. So it's possible that arguments are also shadowed on the stack. In almost no case is the stack marked to show the end of the argument list, though, since the C++/C standards don't require this information to be made available, and it would therefore be unnecessary overhead.
The way variable arguments work in C and C++ is relatively simple: the arguments are just pushed on the stack and it is the callee's responsibility to somewhat figure out what arguments there are. There is nothing in the standard which provides a way to determine the number of arguments. As a result, the number of arguments are determined by some context information, e.g., the number of elements referenced in a format string.
Individual compilers may know how many elements there are but there is no standard interface to obtain this value.
What you could do instead, however, is to use variadic templates: you can determine very detailed information on the arguments being passed to the function. The interface looks different and it may be necessary to channel the arguments into some sort of data structure but on the upside it would also work with types you cannot pass using variable arguments.
No, there isn't. That's why variable arguments are not safe. They're a part of C, which lacks the expressiveness to achieve type safety for "convenient" variadic functions. You have to live with the fact that C contains constructions whose very correctness depends on values and not just on types. That's why it is an "unsafe language".
Don't use variable arguments in C++. It is a much stronger language that allows you to write equally convenient code that is safe.
No, there's no such way. If you have such a need, it's probably best to pack those function parameters in a std::vector or a similar collection which can be iterated.
The variable argument list is a very old concept inherited from the C history of C++. It dates back to the time where C programmers usually had the generated assembler code in mind.
At that time the compiler did not check at all if the data you passed to a function when calling it matched the data types the function expected to receive. It was the programmer's responsibility to do that right. If, for example, the caller called the function with a char and the function expected an int the program crashed, although the compiler didn't complain.
Today's type checking prevents these errors, but with a variable argument list you go back to those old concepts including all risks. So, don't use it if you can avoid it somehow.
The fact that this concept is several decades old is probably the reason that it feels wrong compared to modern concepts of safe code.