unable to get docker image for wso2 IS 6.0.0 - wso2

I was using public repo for wso2is i.e wso2/wso2is:5.10.0 however when I try to upgrade to 6.0.0 it does not let me pull the image. Looks like 6.0.0 is not on the public repo. How do I get 6.0.0, do we need to have active subscription to use the private wso2 ?

IS 6.0.0 docker image is available in the wso2 docker registry https://wso2.com/identity-and-access-management/install/docker/get-started/. You need to have the wso2 account to get the U2 updated IS 6.0.0 docker image. If you want to build a docker image from an open-source distribution, you can build it locally by providing the product. You can check out this readme for further information. https://github.com/wso2/docker-is/tree/master/dockerfiles/ubuntu/is

Looks like this is not been pushed to docker hub. You can simply build it using the docker file here[1]
[1]. https://github.com/wso2/docker-is/blob/6.0.x/dockerfiles/ubuntu/is/Dockerfile


Wso2 mi dashboard create docker image

I am able to run my mi dashboard, (i'm using v4.0.1.17 as it allows me to replace the default H2 database), successfully on Windows. I now want to create a docker image for the same version, but I cannot find it's release in the official GitHub repositories. I tried vainly to build an image for provided version and then replaced the zipped directory with my own one, but it didn't work. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.
You can get the updated docker image for MI Dashboard from the WSO2 Private Docker registry. The page wso2mi-dashboard contains a list of all the docker images released with the update tag.
In your case to pull the v4.0.1.17 you can use the following command,
docker pull docker.wso2.com/wso2mi-dashboard:
Note that you need to log in to docker.wso2.com with the WSO2 subscription credentials before pulling the image
docker login docker.wso2.com

Set up customized Jwt Grant Handler when using Helm installation of WSO2 Api Manager 3.x

I have developed a custom JWTBearerGrantHandler which is packaged as a jar. In a bare metal WSO2 deployment I would add that jar into repository/components/lib and setup the relevant class in repository/resources/conf/default.json:
"oauth.grant_type.jwt_bearer.grant_handler": "xxx.MyJWTBearerGrantHandler",
However I want to deploy WSO2 API Manager in Kubernetes using the provided Helm chart (https://github.com/wso2/kubernetes-apim/tree/master/advanced/am-pattern-1). In this case, how can I add my custom handler?
Both changes, adding JAR and configuration(repository/resources/conf/default.json) can be done by building a Docker image. In this case, the base image would be the WSO2 provided Docker image for WSO2 API Manager and you can use Docker COPY Dockerfile instruction to add JAR + configuration file into the Docker image. Once the image is built and pushed to a private registry, please refer to the image via values.yaml.
Another way of adding the JAR file, assuming the JAR file is remotely accessible, is downloading the JAR using an Init container. Please have a look at how the MySQL connector is getting downloaded using init container.
If the given configuration is changing often, it is best to apply it via a
K8s Configmap. To add repository/resources/conf/default.json as a Configmap, please have a look at an existing configuration mount

How to Run WSO2 Streaming Integrator Editor

I installed WSO2 Streaming Integrator using Docker Container. There is no word about how to install the editor in this tutorial but I need to have WSO2 SI editor.
please give some points about how to install editor for developing Siddhi application.
Currently, a docker image is not available for the SI tooling distribution. You can use the Zip Archive of Streaming Integrator tooling from here to create a docker image.

The correct order to rebuild the WSO2 repositories on my local computer

I want to rebuild the WSO2 EI from source code on Git repository. But I do not know how to start this job. I have already sent an email to dev#wso2.org to get advice for along time. But I have not received any information from them yet.
I also downloaded and rebuilt the carbon-commons repository tag that was used for the WSO2 AS 5.3.0 release successfully. But I do not know what is the tag of WSO2 EI from the carbon repository?
(following this reference link: https://docs.wso2.com/display/Carbon4411/Working+with+the+Source+Code)
Could you give me some advice to do this job quickly ?
You can build the EI pack by cloning product-ei repository from the Github and checkout to the relevant tag. All WSO2 related dependencies are hosted in WSO2 nexus repository. Therefore you don't need to build dependent repositories. You can build EI project without running test cases by simply running "mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true".
If you need to do a code change for dependent repository, then you can do the necessary changes in relevant dependent repository and build the repositories in following order.
For example, If you need to do a code change to the Synapse, first you need to build the Synapse. Then build Carbon-mediation project with updated Synapse version. Finally build EI with latest synapse and carbon-mediation version.

Wso2 CEP - on docker

Im trying to build a docker image of Wso2 CEP on a linux VM.
I failing in the ./build.sh script and I get the following error meassage
Docker version should be equal to or greater than 1.10.0 to build WSO2 Docker images. Found 17.03.0-ce
How can I solve the docker version issue?
thank you
The docker version validating logic used in scripts are not compatible with latest docker version.
You can comment the following line in common/scripts/docker-build.sh file to skip the validation.
# validateDockerVersion "${docker_version}" "${min_required_docker_version}"