Wso2 mi dashboard create docker image - wso2

I am able to run my mi dashboard, (i'm using v4.0.1.17 as it allows me to replace the default H2 database), successfully on Windows. I now want to create a docker image for the same version, but I cannot find it's release in the official GitHub repositories. I tried vainly to build an image for provided version and then replaced the zipped directory with my own one, but it didn't work. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.

You can get the updated docker image for MI Dashboard from the WSO2 Private Docker registry. The page wso2mi-dashboard contains a list of all the docker images released with the update tag.
In your case to pull the v4.0.1.17 you can use the following command,
docker pull
Note that you need to log in to with the WSO2 subscription credentials before pulling the image
docker login


unable to get docker image for wso2 IS 6.0.0

I was using public repo for wso2is i.e wso2/wso2is:5.10.0 however when I try to upgrade to 6.0.0 it does not let me pull the image. Looks like 6.0.0 is not on the public repo. How do I get 6.0.0, do we need to have active subscription to use the private wso2 ?
IS 6.0.0 docker image is available in the wso2 docker registry You need to have the wso2 account to get the U2 updated IS 6.0.0 docker image. If you want to build a docker image from an open-source distribution, you can build it locally by providing the product. You can check out this readme for further information.
Looks like this is not been pushed to docker hub. You can simply build it using the docker file here[1]

Set up customized Jwt Grant Handler when using Helm installation of WSO2 Api Manager 3.x

I have developed a custom JWTBearerGrantHandler which is packaged as a jar. In a bare metal WSO2 deployment I would add that jar into repository/components/lib and setup the relevant class in repository/resources/conf/default.json:
"oauth.grant_type.jwt_bearer.grant_handler": "xxx.MyJWTBearerGrantHandler",
However I want to deploy WSO2 API Manager in Kubernetes using the provided Helm chart ( In this case, how can I add my custom handler?
Both changes, adding JAR and configuration(repository/resources/conf/default.json) can be done by building a Docker image. In this case, the base image would be the WSO2 provided Docker image for WSO2 API Manager and you can use Docker COPY Dockerfile instruction to add JAR + configuration file into the Docker image. Once the image is built and pushed to a private registry, please refer to the image via values.yaml.
Another way of adding the JAR file, assuming the JAR file is remotely accessible, is downloading the JAR using an Init container. Please have a look at how the MySQL connector is getting downloaded using init container.
If the given configuration is changing often, it is best to apply it via a
K8s Configmap. To add repository/resources/conf/default.json as a Configmap, please have a look at an existing configuration mount

Hyperledger fabric make peer not running

On Windows, inside Vagrant, I am trying to run make peer in /opt/gopath/src/
I am getting the following error:
Instead of giving the command:
make peer
Try these :
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-membersrvc:latest
to pull the latest images published by the Hyperledger fabric project from DockerHub.
It says latest tag is not found for the base image. Looks like a Fabric bug at that point of time, and I reckon that this issue would have got solved by now.
If not, pull the image yourself manually. And tag it yourself as latest
For E.g,
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-baseimage:x86_64-0.1.0
docker tag hyperledger/fabric-baseimage:x86_64-0.1.0 hyperledger/fabric-baseimage:latest

How to edit docker file of the image which is pulled from registry?

I have pulled one image from registry.
I am able to see image using following command :
$docker images
But I am not able to edit its Dockerfile.
You can grab the dockerFile from -> search the image you want,
Download it make your modification and build it, or run the image downloaded and make your modification, commit it and push it on your docker hub account.
Hope this will help you.

Getting Started with EC2 Container Registry

This is giving me a headache.
Here's what I've done so far
Created an EC2 Virtual Server Instance, and its running
Installed the AWS CLI
Installed Docker on my EC2 Virtual Server after I SSH'd into it
So looking at the docs it tells you how to build an image. Now comes my confusion.
Question 1: So am I right by assuming that one basically have an option to a) build an image off your host or b) pull an image created by others from Docker Hub?
Question 2: If I'm right about Question #1 then what am I building an image ** off of** if I am not pulling one from docker hub? with the AWS docs here?
Question 3: then I see a whole different route I can take, using Docker Compose, so I'd use that instead of all this above? This is so confusing.
EC2 Container Registry – Now Generally Available
So again, here, it tells you to install docker on the Host. Then immediately jumps into "create an image". Create an image off what, that host's OS? I don't get it, I guess that's what it means OR I can pull an image from Docker Hub and not go this route?
Same here, it's talking about creating a docker image, what off the Host?
Or..maybe I'm not understanding what "image" means but I assume going this route, instead of pulling a Docker image from Docker Hub that I'm creating an image off my EC2 virtual Instance?
A1: No. You can't build an image off your host.
You can create an new image according to your requirement like which Operating Sytem (Ubuntu, Fedora), Stack(LAMP, LEMP) and many other things.
Or you can pull an image which will be pre-configured with all the packages like Wordpress Stack image, Magento stack image, Bitnami image which you can pull from docker-hub.
A2: As I have mentioned earlier you can build an image of any operating system you want(Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian) but not off the host.
You just need to pull image from docker-hub. e.g docker pull ubuntu will pull mininmal image of Ubuntu-14.04. And if you need specific version of Ubuntu
like Ubuntu-12.04 version e.g docker pull ubuntu:12.04 will pull minimal image of Ubuntu-12.04
A3: Docker-compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container docker applications. docker-compose conatins a compose file
in which you can configure your application services.
And finally Amazon EC2 Container Registry is little bit different thing. The Idea is the same as docker but Amazon is providing
this as a EC2 Container Service with many other functionality which docker doesn't have right now.
Hope it hepls:-)