Fullfillment URL Test Issue - app-actions

I am updating a fullfillment URL in my Google Action, but when I try to test it in the Alpha channel, the change I made seems to not be reflected and the old fullfillment URL is still working. I tested it on a real device and simulator.
How can I actually test my new fullfillment URL? Can I test it on a device?


Django/Vue braces added to request method after logout

I have a basic user management project that I'm using off of which to scaffold other projects. It is a Vue CLI 3 front end and Django/Django REST Framework/Django REST Auth back end. The project I'm posting here uses sqllite but it can relatively easily be converted to another db.
Here is the link to the full repo for anyone who is willing to download to try to replicate my issue: https://github.com/JVP3122/user-project
I'm having a very strange problem in that when I log out of the site and then try to log back in directly from the same page it seems that axios is adding the payload to the beginning of the request method.
For example, in the images found in the post I put up in Imgur (https://imgur.com/a/bEsx662) the user name is simply "test" with the password "password", and when I try to log back in after logging out the subsequent login attempt is no longer a POST route, but instead a {}POST route. If I try again, the route becomes a {"USERNAME":"TEST","PASSWORD":"PASSWORD"}POST method.
I've tried looking at the config in the axios request interceptor, looking at the dispatch method in the rest_framework source code, and I can't figure out what is going on or how to solve this. It's a small bug that doesn't take away from the rest of the functionality, but it's a bug nonetheless.
Any help would be appreciated.
Did you try:
setting up new project (npm reinstall, clear npm cache etc..)
using axios.post instead of custom made HTTP object
I don't see anything in the backend that could interrupt the request and customise method as described in the original post.
Hopefully one of these two options above will resolve it.
Responded in your issue axios/axios#1994.

How to use react-router and Django templates

I am pretty sure I am not the first one to stumble on this problem. But somehow I am unable to find any relevant resources out there.
Here is my issue, I have a backend in Django and my front completely written in Reactjs- React Router - Redux (nice combo right).
when entering the url webhost.com/, django provides me with a page with links to a bundle that is my whole react application and different stylesheets
The problem arise when I want to refresh a page, the browser still tries to query the server even though a route exists in my react-router configuration.
I had a look at the answer here (catch-all option) React-router urls don't work when refreshing or writting manually , but I don't quite understand it and I am afraid to have a new redux state everytime Django will provide the user with a new page.
You can setup up a wildcard url pattern that will render the same view that gets rendered when a request is sent to webhost.com. I don't know if that's going to retain your store though.

Coded UI Test and Firefox 35.0.1 Issue

I'm trying to use microsoft coded ui tests with firefox. This was NOT an issue until Firefox 35.0.1 came out.
Skip to the bottom if you want to know the issue more than the why am I doing it this way:
Why I'm not using Selenium:
With Selenium, when Firefox launches a web driver, it loses it's previous states/cookie settings. I could of course import a cookie. The problem is that if I have multiple users running the test, they'd either have to set up individual lines of code to import their own specific cookie from their own path. This could become a dangerous game if a user decides to use someone elses cookie.
Why I'm using Coded UI Tests:
Certain applications I am running work exclusively with IE and others work exclusively with Firefox. Since I can't record the instances in IE with selenium, I have to should utilize a coded ui test anyway. I could of course also use watin. But at some point, why run Selenium, and watin when I can instead JUST use a coded ui test. Additionally, when going to the url for login with a coded ui test, FF is setup to save my password and cookie. therefore, the user can save their own password/cookie on each machine and just change the input for username which comes via excel spreadsheet. Everyone gets their own test, and no security issues.
The issue:
Since Coded UI tests don't recognize Firefox as a browser, it recognizes Firefox as a windows application. Therefore, edits and buttons in firefox are considered WinEdit and WinButton for firefox while internet explorer uses HtmlEdit and HtmlButton.
When Firefox put out an update, the coded ui test stopped recognizing certain objects in the firefox window. When trying to manually highlight objects/words with the test builder, it puts the blue box at the head of the web page instead of over what I'm clicking selecting. When hardcoding things to select, it doesn't recognize them. Is anyone aware of a workaround for this issue?
Recording on Firefox/Chrome is not supported by Coded UI. You can record your test in IE and Play it across Firefox/Chrome using Selenium components for Coded UI Cross Browser Testing which can be found here https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/11cfc881-f8c9-4f96-b303-a2780156628d

Django testing, need fixtures for picture

So I'm doing some unittests on a particular Django app. When in a testing environment, I basically create a fresh database with my own data.
In a normal non-testing environment, I load up a page with a person's details. When this happens a signal is sent and it retrieves the person's picture (which is in a different app) and some other certain data (which is also in a different app).
So in my testing I have used fixtures to get all of the relevant data for the people who I create in the testing database. But I can't work out how to do this with the pictures...Can I create two lots of 'fixtures'?
The first test I am trying is ever so simple
resp = self.client.get(reverse('person_detail', kwargs={'id': 'blobby'}))
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
So 'person_detail' is a named url I have and it successfully gets the "other data" using the fixtures, but I somehow need it to get a picture as my test(s) fail with the message 'Pic matching query does not exist'. Even just giving all of my test database people a default picture would be great. Anyone got any ideas about how to approach this? The pictures are saved on file...
In your TestCase class, include a setUp() function that pulls in the pictures for everyone. (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/overview/)

pyfacebook #facebook.require_login() decorator causing constant auth_token refresh

First time using pyFacebook. I've literally copied the example application and put it up onto my server. I've created an FB app and now when I try to load the app basically what happens is that the browser keeps refreshing. I noticed in the url (for example)
Keeps refreshing with the auth_token changing. If I remove the #facebook.require_login() decorator then the page displays without a problem.
Help please.
I've just noticed that it only does this when I select IFrame and not FBML within my app settings. I have fbml templates which don't work. I know have normal html templates which work on the website but when I select IFrame I get that constant loop (changing url with blank white screen)
Ok so after weeks of pain the problem I was having was that Facebook updated it's entire API. This broke python based apps that were based on that. Like PyFacebook.
I now use fandjango and this it's new, has a great developer and nice documentation.
The problem is most probably somewhere in facebook/init.py, around line 1742
if not params:
if request.method == 'POST':
params = self.validate_signature(request.POST)
if not params: #was else
iframe makes POST call, but auth_token is GET variable.. though if validate_signature fails (params still None) go to GET validation. Also I commented out the return in auth_token checks as suggested in pyfacebook issue tracker.