Django testing, need fixtures for picture - django

So I'm doing some unittests on a particular Django app. When in a testing environment, I basically create a fresh database with my own data.
In a normal non-testing environment, I load up a page with a person's details. When this happens a signal is sent and it retrieves the person's picture (which is in a different app) and some other certain data (which is also in a different app).
So in my testing I have used fixtures to get all of the relevant data for the people who I create in the testing database. But I can't work out how to do this with the pictures...Can I create two lots of 'fixtures'?
The first test I am trying is ever so simple
resp = self.client.get(reverse('person_detail', kwargs={'id': 'blobby'}))
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
So 'person_detail' is a named url I have and it successfully gets the "other data" using the fixtures, but I somehow need it to get a picture as my test(s) fail with the message 'Pic matching query does not exist'. Even just giving all of my test database people a default picture would be great. Anyone got any ideas about how to approach this? The pictures are saved on file...

In your TestCase class, include a setUp() function that pulls in the pictures for everyone. (


Django - Is it possible to show loader until a start page is loaded?

My view function takes a long time until returning a template. So, I'd like to show something to a user while running the function.
Is it possible to show loader until a start page is loaded?
What's important is the loader should be shown when loading the first page after first visit of a user?
Thank you for reading my question.
You would have to fetch the page using JS. You could use something like Intercooler or PJAX which provides HTML attributes that show a spinning animation while loading the content via AJAX.
A better solution would be to make your page faster. There are several things you should consider:
Check that all Model fields that you are using for filtering or sorting have set db_index=True unless the tables are small (few hundred entries) or the fields are already unique or foreign/primary keys. Also check that your DB does sorting and merging in RAM not on disk (== the DB has enough RAM resources and has also the correct configuration to use it).
Sometimes, if you show a list of model instances you end up making separate DB requests per row if you access related models in your template. Again, check which statements your DB executes and have a look at Django's select_related, prefetch_related, values and values_list methods that can dramatically increase lookup performance. Make sure your template context contains all necessary data and only the necessary data (e.g. pageing, how much, or maybe you should consider a search index like SOLR or Elastic which can be integrated nicely via Django Haystack).
Load everything except heavy data at once in your main view, which also includes JS. The JS then uses AJAX to load the rest from a second Django view which returns an HTML snippet that your JS simply adds to the DOM.
It really depends on how comfortable you are with JS and how much you want to stick to HTML to make as much use of Django as possible (thinking of Django Forms for example). But first, tune your DB setup (disclaimer: I have written that article).
it's better to make a request with javascript to your Django endpoint, until you get a response back from your server you should show your loader, and when you get the response back successfully you should make display: none for loader and mak display: block for your loaded content
Create a function in and send JsonResponse. URL example: http://localhost:8000/somedata
Render any other HTMLlet's say it's index.html. URL example: http://localhost:8000/home
That index.html file need to have some JavaScript, let's say main.js
In main.js make a request to http://localhost:8000/somedata and fetch data. Use async javascript that way you can easily track fetched data or not

Where to collect data from the web in Rails 4 MCV

I'm building a rails application where I parse some html data on the web and then save it in my database, the data is saved in multiple models though. I'm currently doing that in the controller, but I'm not sure where I should do it in the MCV model!
You are doing it well, the work of the controllers is get the data from users, aply some logic and save it on database.
The model work is to ensure that data is correct and understanable and work as gateway between ruby classes and database tables.
Here you can find more information about MVC
In your case you're parsing data in your controller and this controller save data on multiple models, this is accepted, one controller is not obligated to interactue only with one model, if isn't, save data in the models with the same action will be impossible, a good practice is to choose this controller with wisdom :).

Managing UserContext in Django

Im using the following statement to set Language Option in my projects which works as expected.
request.session['django_language'] = "de"
This is fine with in View, but when the control goes to other files to connect to DB or external services how can I access it. I dont want to pass the request object through out all the application.
If something like UserContext/RequestContext where every request has to go-through it (Middleware) so that I can set it there and access it without help if request object.
I understand from the headline that you want to store the language per user.
It might be best to extend the user model and add a model field for preferred_language.

Need help setting up django-filetransfers

My setup is: Django 1.3/Python 2.7.2/Win Server 2008 R2/IIS 7.5/MS SQL Server 2008 R2. I am developing an application whose main function is to analyze uploaded files and produce a report.
Reading over the documentation for django-filetransfers, I believe this is a solution to a problem I've been trying to solve for a while (i.e. form-based file uploads completely block all Django responses until the file-transfer finishes...horror for even moderate-sized files).
The documentation talks about piping uploads to S3 or Blobstore, and that might be what I end up doing eventually, but during development I thought maybe I could just set up my own "poor-man's S3" on a server that I control. This would basically just be another Django instance (or possibly a simple ASP.NET app) whose sole purpose is to receive uploaded files. This sounds like it should be possible with django-filetransfers and would solve the problem of Django responsiveness (???).
But I am missing some bits of understanding how this works in general, as well as some specifics. Maybe an example will help: let's say I have MyMainDjangoServer and MyFileUploadServer. MyMainDjangoServer will serve the views, including the upload form. MyFileUploadServer will "catch" the uploaded files. My questions/confusion are as follows:
My upload form will contain additional fields beyond just the file(s) I understand correctly that MyMainDjangoServer will somehow still get that form data, minus the file data (basically: request.POST), and the file data gets shunted over to MyFileUploadServer? How does this work? Will MyMainDjangoServer still block during the upload to MyFileUploadServer?
I assume that what I would need to do on MyFileUploadServer is have a view/URL that handles the form request and sucks out the request.FILES data. What else needs to happen? What happens to the rest of the form data?
How would I set up my for this scenario? The django-filetransfers examples seem to assume either S3 or GAE/Blobstore but maybe I am missing some basics.
Any advice/answers appreciated...this is a confusing and frustrating area of Django for me.
"MyMainDjangoServer will somehow still get that form data, minus the file data (basically: request.POST), and the file data gets shunted over to MyFileUploadServer? How does this work? Will MyMainDjangoServer still block during the upload to MyFileUploadServer?"
I know the GAE Blobstore, presumably S3 as well, handles this by requiring you to give it a success_url. In your case that would be the url on MyMainDjangoServer where your file receiving view on MyFileUploadServer would re-post the non-files form data to once the upload is complete.
Have a look at the create_upload_url method here:
You need to recreate this functionality in some form (see below).
"How would I set up my for this scenario?"
You'd need to create your own filetransfers backend which would be a file with a prepare_upload function in it.
You can see the App Engine one here:
The prepare_upload method just wraps the GAE create_upload_url method mentioned above.
So in your you'd have something like:
PREPARE_UPLOAD_BACKEND = 'myapp.filetransfers_backend.prepare_upload'
(i.e. the import path to your prepare_upload function)
For the rest you can start with the ones provided by filetransfers already:
SERVE_FILE_BACKEND = 'filetransfers.backends.url.serve_file'
# if you need it:
PUBLIC_DOWNLOAD_URL_BACKEND = 'filetransfers.backends.url.public_download_url'
These rely on the file_field.url being set (see Django docs) and since your files will be on a separate server you probably need to look into writing a custom storage backend for Django too. (the S3 and GAE cases assume you're using the custom Django storage backends from here)

How do I set session variables at login using django-registration and auth?

I'm using django-registration to log users into my application. That part works fine. The part that I cannot figure out is how to set custom session variables when the user logs in. For instance, I'd like to populate variables containing UserProfile data as well as the output of a few other functions. Then I'd be able to use that information in subsequent views/templates.
If anybody can point me to a tutorial online or post some sample code, that would be great.
I'm using django 1.1 and Python 2.6
If you don't want persistent storage of user data (just additional session data) have a look at:
The sessions framework will most probably be already enabled if you use django.contrib.auth.
If you want persistent storage of additional user data (not only in a session, but in the database), you will store them in another "profile" model:
I realize #stefanw provided you an alternative solution, but to answer the original question:
Setting session data at login is difficult because the easiest place to set that data is in your view function, and the particular view function you'd want to modify is a part of the contrib.django.auth app.
So your options would be the following:
Create a small middleware class to set your session data.
Create a template tag or other bit of code than can be integrated into the login template or subsequent page that will set the data you want.
Write your own custom login view function (it's really quite easy, actually).
Happy django-ing!