Migrate Secrets from SecretManager in GCP - google-cloud-platform

Hi I have my secrets in Secretmanager in one project and want to know how to copy them or migrate them to other project.
Is there a mechanism to do it smoothly.

As of today there is no way to have GCP move the Secret between projects for you.
It's a good feature request that you can file here: https://b.corp.google.com/issues/new?component=784854&pli=1&template=1380926

edited according to John Hanley's comment
I just had to deal with something similar myself, and came up with a simple bash script that does what I need. I run Linux.
there are some prerequisites:
download the gcloud cli for your OS.
get the list of secrets you want to migrate (you can do it by setting up the gcloud with the source project gcloud config set project [SOURCE_PROJECT], and then running gcloud secrets list)
then once you have the list, convert it textually to a list in
format "secret_a" "secret_b" ...
the last version of each secret is taken, so it must not be in a "disabled" state, or it won't be able to move it.
then you can run:
$(gcloud config set project [SOURCE_PROJECT])
declare -a secret_array=("secret_a" "secret_b" ...)
for i in "${secret_array[#]}"
SECRET_VALUE=$(gcloud secrets versions access "latest" --secret=${SECRET_NAME})
echo $SECRET_VALUE > secret_migrate
$(gcloud secrets create ${SECRET_NAME} --project [TARGET_PROJECT] --data-file=secret_migrate)
rm secret_migrate
what this script does, is set the project to the source one, then get the secrets, and one by one save it to file, and upload it to the target project.
the file is rewritten for each secret and deleted at the end.
you need to replace the secrets array (secret_array), and the project names ([SOURCE_PROJECT], [TARGET_PROJECT]) with your own data.
I used this version below, which also sets a different name, and labels according to the secret name:
$(gcloud config set project [SOURCE_PROJECT])
declare -a secret_array=("secret_a" "secret_b" ...)
for i in "${secret_array[#]}"
SECRET_VALUE=$(gcloud secrets versions access "latest" --secret=${SECRET_NAME})
echo $SECRET_VALUE > secret_migrate
$(gcloud secrets create ${SECRET_NAME} --project [TARGET_PROJECT] --data-file=secret_migrate --labels=environment=test,service="${i}")
rm secret_migrate

All "secrets" MUST be decrypted and compiled in order to be processed by a CPU as hardware decryption isn't practical for commercial use. Because of this getting your passwords/configuration (in PLAIN TEXT) is as simple as logging into one of your deployments that has the so called "secrets" (plain text secrets...) and typing 'env' a command used to list all environment variables on most Linux systems.
If your secret is a text file just use the program 'cat' to read the file. I haven't found a way to read these tools from GCP directly because "security" is paramount.
GCP has methods of exec'ing into a running container but you could also look into kubectl commands for this too. I believe the "PLAIN TEXT" secrets are encrypted on googles servers then decrypted when they're put into your cluser/pod.


How to reset or start from scratch aws cdk configrations?

I have recently start using aws cdk as a newbie. so i ran lot of commands that i had no idea about.
now i want to remove all settings like env variables i created or profiles and start from scratch. what should in un install to achieve that?
I'm not totally sure what you're trying to reset but here's a few suggestions that might help:
Remove Deployed CDK Stacks
cdk destroy stack_name
Note: You'll have to do this for every stack you've deployed. This can also be done through "CloudFormation" in the AWS dashboard in your browser.
Remove CLI Settings
As per https://docs.amazonaws.cn/en_us/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-files.html
To remove a setting, use an empty string as the value, or manually delete the setting in your config and credentials files in a text editor.
aws configure set cli_pager ""
Remove Profiles
Unsure if you can do this easily through the CLI but you can just manually remove them from your config files. There are only two config files and they can be found using https://docs.amazonaws.cn/en_us/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-profiles.html
~/.aws/credentials (Linux & Mac) or %USERPROFILE%.aws\credentials (Windows)
~/.aws/config (Linux & Mac) or %USERPROFILE%.aws\config (Windows)
If you need more specific help on how to undo something then please provide an example of what exactly you ran that you would like to undo.

Environment variables with AWS SSM Run Command

I am using AWS SSM Run Command with the AWS-RunShellScript document to run a script on an AWS Linux 1 instance. Part of the script includes using an environment variable. When I run the script myself, everything is fine. But when I run the script with SSM, it can't see the environment variable.
This variable needs to be passed to a Python script. I had originally been trying os.environ['VARIABLE'] to no effect.
I know that AWS SSM uses root privileges and so I have put a line exporting the variable in the root ~/.bashrc file, yet it still can not see the variable. The root user can see it when I run it myself.
Is it not possible for AWS SSM to use environment variables, or am I not exporting it correctly? If it is not possible, I'll try using AWS KMS instead to store my variable.
Security is important, hence why I don't want to just store the variable in the script.
SSM does not open an actual SSH session so passing environment variables won't work. It's essential a daemon running on the box that's taking your requests and processing them. It's a very basic product: it doesn't support any of the standard features that come with SSH such as SCP, port forwarding, tunneling, passing of env variables etc. An alternative way of passing a value you need to a script would be to store it in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, and have your script pull the variable from the store.
You'll need to update your instance role permissions to have access to ssm:GetParameters for the script you run to access the value stored.
My solution to this problem:
set -o allexport; source /etc/environment; set +o allexport
-o allexport enables all variables in /etc/environment to be exported. +o allexport disables this feature.
For more information see the Set builtin documentation
I have tested this solution by using the AWS CLI command aws ssm send-command:
"commands": [
"set -o allexport; source /etc/environment; set +o allexport",
"echo $TEST_VAR > /home/ec2-user/app.log"
I am running bash script in my SSM command document, so I just source the profile/script to have env variables ready to be used by the subsequent commands. For example,
"runCommand": [
". /tmp/setEnv.sh",
"echo \"myVar: $myVar, myVar2: $myVar2\""
You can refer to Can a shell script set environment variables of the calling shell? for sourcing your env variables. For python, you will have to parse your source profile/script, see Emulating Bash 'source' in Python

Can I provide AWS credentials via mounted directory to local Docker container built by sbt-native-packager

We have some docker images we build with sbt-native-packager that need to interact with AWS services. When running them outside of AWS, we need to explicitly provide credentials.
I know we can explicitly pass environment variables containing the AWS credentials. Doing this complicates keeping our credentials secret. One option is to provide them via the command line, typically storing them into our shell history (yes I know this can be avoided by adding a space to the start of the command, but that is easy to forget) and putting them at higher risk of accidental copy/paste sharing. Alternatively, we can provide them via an env-file. But this exposes us to possibly checking them into version control or pushing them to another server unintentionally.
We've found that the ideal practice is to mount our local ~/.aws/ directory into the running user's home directory for the docker container. However, our attempts at getting this to work with the sbt-native-packager images have been unsuccessful.
One unique detail for sbt-native-packager images (compared to our others) is they are build using docker's ENTRYPOINT instead of CMD to start the application. I don't know if this has bearing on the problem.
So the question: Is it possible to provide AWS credentials to a docker container created by sbt-native-packager by mounting the AWS credentials folder via command line parameters at startup?
The problem I was running into was related to permissions. The .aws files have very restricted access on my machine, and the default user within the sbt-native-packager image is daemon. This user does not have access to read my files when mounted into the container.
I am able to obtain the behavior I desire by adding the following flags to my docker run command: -v ~/.aws/:/root/.aws/ --user=root
I was able to discover this by using the --entrypoint=ash flag when running to look at the HOME environment variable (location to mount the /.aws/ folder) and attempting to cat the contents of mounted folder.
Now I just need to understand what security vulnerabilities I'm opening myself up to by running docker containers in this way.
I'm not entirely sure why mounting ~/.aws would be a problem - typically it could be related to read permissions on that directory and the different UID between the host system and the container.
That said, I can suggest a couple of workarounds:
Use an environment variable file instead of explicitly specifying them in the command line. In docuer run, you can do this by specifying --env-file. To me this sounds like the most simple approach.
Mount a different credentials file and provide the AWS_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to specify it's location.

passing aws creds to kitchen ec2 command line

I am trying to do chef cookbook development via Jenkinsfile pipeline. I have my jenkins server running as a container (using jenkinsci/blueocean image). As one of the stages, I am trying to do aws configure and then run kitchen test. For some reason with below code, I am getting unauthorized operation error. For some reason, my AWS creds are not sent properly to .kitchen.yml (No need to check IAM creds, because they have admin access)
stage('\u27A1 Verify Kitchen') {
steps {
sh '''mkdir -p ~/.aws/
echo 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...' >> ~/.aws/credentials
echo 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=...' >> ~/.aws/credentials
cat ~/.aws/credentials
KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML=.kitchen.yml /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/kitchen list
KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML=.kitchen.yml /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/kitchen test'''
Is there anyway, I can pass AWS creds here. Also .kitchen.yml no longer supports passing AWS creds inside the file. Is there someway I can pass creds on command i.e. .kitchen.yml access_key=... secret_access_key=... /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/kitchen test
Really appreciate your help.
You don't need to set KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML=.kitchen.yml, that's already the primary config file.
You probably want to be using a Jenkins credential file, not hardcoding things into the job. But that said, the reason this isn't working is because the AWS credentials file is not a shell script, which is the syntax you're using there. It's an INI/TOML file and is paired with a similar config file that shares a similar structure.
You should probably just be using the environment variable support in kitchen-ec2 via the withEnv pipeline helper method or similar things for integrating with Jenkins managed credentials.

Deploy app from CircleCI with

I'm looking to automatically deploy my app once we release a new version. We use CircleCI, so firing these commands shouldn't be a big deal.
cf login -a https://api.lyra-836.appcloud.swisscom.com -u myuser -p seret
cf push myapp
However I don't want to expose my personal credentials (Passeport acount) into our git repository. Is it possible to generate an API key for that purpose?
How do you handle that? I might also need to ssh into the instance to fire some migrations scripts after the deployment, same goes there.
Currently Swisscoms Application cloud does not offer technical accounts but you can create an additional account easily. Then add it to your org/space as developer and it should be able to fulfill your needs.
CircleCI documentation has a section about handling secrets: Using CircleCI Environment Variables
Setting environment variables for all commands without adding them to
Occasionally, you’ll need to add an API key or some other secret
as an environment variable. You might not want to add the value to
your git history. Instead, you can add environment variables using the
Project settings > Environment Variables page of your project.
This documentation describes how to store encrypted stuff within your VCS.
If you prefer to keep your sensitive environment variables checked
into git, but encrypted, you can follow the process outlined at