Generate a Real list from a Int list in SML - sml

Hello every body im training some SMLs and im creating a code to get deviation of a int list . in the process of it , i need to get a Real list out of some numbers in a int list , which it doesnt let me get them. heres my code :
fun mean [] = 0.0
| mean (first::rest) =
fun sum [] = 0
| sum (x::xs) = x + sum xs
fun counter [] = 0
| counter (y::ys) = 1 + counter ys
Real.fromInt (sum (first::rest)) / Real.fromInt (counter (first::rest))
fun deviation [] = 0.0
| deviation (first::rest) =
fun diff (x::xs) = (x - mean (x::xs)) :: diff xs;
diff (first , first::rest) + deviation rest
the problem is here :
fun diff (x::xs) = (x - mean (x::xs) ) :: diff xs;

diff is a recursive function, but the base case is never defined. When you try to run diff on an empty list, you will get a pattern match error.
You also define diff to accept a list, but you call it with a tuple.
You define diff as returning a list, given that you are using ::, but then you use addition on the result of that function, which will not work.
Improving mean
You can simplify your sum and counter functions with folds.
fun mean [] = 0.0
| mean lst =
val sum = foldl op+ 0 lst
val counter = foldl (fn (_, c) => c + 1) 0 lst
Real.fromInt sum / Real.fromInt counter
But this requires iterating the entire list twice, when both pieces of information can be ascertained at the same time.
fun sumLen(lst) =
foldl (fn (x, (sum, len)) => (sum+x, len+1)) (0, 0) lst
mean can now be implemented as:
fun mean(lst) =
val (sum, len) = sumLen(lst)
Real.fromInt sum / Real.fromInt len
To get the differences from the mean for a list, you need only use map.
fun diffs(lst) =
val m = mean(lst)
map (fn x => Real.fromInt x - m) lst
Consider evaluating the following.
diffs [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
The result is:
[~3.5, ~2.5, ~1.5, ~0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
From there you can use map and Math.pow to square those differences, foldl to sum them, divide by the length of the list, and then Math.sqrt to get the standard deviation.


How to compute the average of a list of a special record in OCaml?

Lets say we have a record which defines students:
type student = {
name : string;
age : int;
grades : (float) list;
And safe them in a list like this:
let studentlist = [ {name="alex"; age=7; grades=[1.;2.;3.]} ;
{name="bianca"; age=6; grades=[1.;1.;2.]} ];;
My aim is to compute the grade average of a special student which I choose per age, I select the student with the function search:
let search a lst = List.find( fun {age;_} -> a = age)lst
And compute the average with the help-functions , named sum, length and finally avr :
let rec sum lst =
match lst with
| [] -> 0.0
| h :: t -> h +. sum t
let length lst = float_of_int (List.length lst);;
let avr lst = sum lst /. length lst;;
I don't know how to combine those functions to compute the average properly!
Most of what you've done seems to work. For instance, search works.
utop # search 7 studentlist;;
- : student = {name = "alex"; age = 7; grades = [1.; 2.; 3.]}
If you want to access the grades field of that record, use . for record access.
utop # (search 7 studentlist).grades;;
- : float list = [1.; 2.; 3.]
Now that you have a list of float values, finding the sum or average of them should be easy by passing that value as an argument to the relevant function you've already defined.
Bear in mind that when you use List.find in search, if you search for an age that is not present, you will get a Not_found exception that you will want to handle.
As an aside, note that your avr function iterates over the list twice. Once to compute the sum, and ocne to compute the length.
It is possible to computer the sum, the length, and the average in a single pass. We can use a fold to do this. First off, we can define a basic left fold:
let rec foldl f init lst =
match lst with
| [] -> init
| x::xs -> foldl f (f init x) xs
Consider using this to compute the length of a list:
foldl (fun i _ -> i + 1) 0 [1.; 2.; 3.]
When evaluated:
foldl (fun i _ -> i + 1) 0 [1.; 2.; 3.]
foldl (fun i _ -> i + 1) (0 + 1) [2.; 3.]
foldl (fun i _ -> i + 1) (1 + 1) [3.]
foldl (fun i _ -> i + 1) (2 + 1) []
But we can pass a tuple of values to foldl, building up the length, sum, and average as we go.
utop # let (len, sum, avg) = foldl
(fun (len, sum, avg) x ->
let sum = sum +. x in
let len = len + 1 in
let flen = float_of_int len in
(len, sum, sum /. flen))
(0, 0., 0.)
[1.; 2.; 3.];;
val len : int = 3
val sum : float = 6.
val avg : float = 2.

F# Splitting a list

I am new to F# & tuples and I am trying to split a list into three lists of tuples using recursion and matching.
For example, a list of [1; 2; 3] would return:
l1 = [1]
l2 = [2]
l3 = [3]
l1 = [1;2;3]
l2 = [4; 5]
l3 = [6; 7]
So far my code starts out as
let rec split x =
match x with
| _ -> [], [], []
I'm not sure where to start when inserting elements into each list.
The most basic approach would be to walk over the list, process the rest of it recursively and then append the current element to one of the three returned lists. You will need to add an extra parameters i to the function to keep track of how far in the list you are (and then use this to determine where should the current elemnt go). The general structure in the most basic form is:
let split l =
let length = List.length l
let rec loop i l =
match l with
| [] ->
// Empty list just becomes a triple of empty lists
[], [], []
| x::xs ->
// Process the rest of the list recursively. This
// gives us three lists containing the values from 'xs'
let l1, l2, l3 = loop (i + 1) xs
// Now comes the tricky bit. Here you need to figure out
// whether 'x' should go into 'l1', 'l2' or 'l3'.
// Then you can append it to one of them using something like:
l1, x::l2, l3
// Walk over the list, starting with index 'i=0'
loop 0 l
What to do about the tricky bit? I do not have a solution that works exactly as you wanted, but the following is close - it simply looks whether i is greater than 1/3 of the length or 2/3 of the length:
let split l =
let length = List.length l
let rec loop i l =
match l with
| [] -> [], [], []
| x::xs ->
let l1, l2, l3 = loop (i + 1) xs
if i >= length / 3 * 2 then l1, l2, x::l3
elif i >= length / 3 then l1, x::l2, l3
else x::l1, l2, l3
loop 0 l
This will always create groups of length / 3 and put remaining elements in the last list:
split [1..3] // [1], [2], [3]
split [1..4] // [1], [2], [3; 4]
split [1..5] // [1], [2], [3; 4; 5]
split [1..6] // [1; 2], [3; 4], [5; 6]
You should be able to adapt this to the behaviour you need - there is some fiddly calculation that you need to do to figure out exactly where the cut-off points are, but that's a matter of getting the +/-1s right!
There is a function for that in the List module.
You can test it easily in F# interactive (fsi).
let input = [1;2;3];;
let output = List.splitInto 3 input;;
val it : int list list = [[1]; [2]; [3]]
So it returns a list of lists.
If you want to do it by hand, you can still use other list functions (which might be good exercise in itself):
let manualSplitInto count list =
let l = List.length list
let n = l / count
let r = l % count
[(List.take (n+r) list)]
(List.unfold (fun rest ->
match rest with
| [] -> None
| _ -> let taken = min n (List.length rest)
Some (List.take taken rest, List.skip taken rest))
(List.skip (n+r) list))
Here, List.unfold does the iteration (recursing) part for you.
So, if you really want to train working with recursive functions, you will end up writing your own List.unfold replacement or something more tailored to your concrete use case.
let pedestrianSplitInto count list =
let l = List.length list
let n = l / count
let r = l % count
let rec step rest acc =
match rest with
| [] -> acc
| _ ->
let taken = min n (List.length rest)
step (List.skip taken rest) ((List.take taken rest) :: acc)
List.rev (step (List.skip (n+r) list) [List.take (n+r) list])
Please observe how similar the implementation of function step is to the lambda given to List.unfold in manualSplitInto.
If you also do not want to use functions like List.take or List.skip, you will have to go even lower level and do element wise operations, such as:
let rec splitAtIndex index front rear =
match index with
| 0 -> (List.rev front, rear)
| _ -> splitAtIndex (index - 1) ((List.head rear) :: front) (List.tail rear)
let stillLivingOnTreesSplitInto count list =
let l = List.length list
let n = l / count
let r = l % count
let rec collect result (front,rear) =
match rear with
| [] -> (front :: result)
| _ -> collect (front :: result) (splitAtIndex n [] rear)
let x = splitAtIndex (n+r) [] list
collect [] x |> List.rev
If you know it will always be triplets then this should work.
let xs = [1..7]
let n = List.length xs
let y = List.mapi (fun i x -> (x, 3 * i / n)) xs
List.foldBack (fun (x, i) (a,b,c) -> match i with 0 -> (x::a,b,c) | 1 -> (a,x::b,c) | 2 -> (a,b,x::c)) y (([],[],[]))

(sml) I want to count the number of corresponding values in the list

I would like to know the number of cases in which 1 dollar can be expressed in 1,5,10,20,50 cents.
For example, the count(100,[50,25]) is:
Because 50 * 1 + 25 * 2, it = 3:int is printed.
However, in my code, only the front part of the list is printed, so even if I count (100,[50,25]), it = 2:int is printed.
In other words, My code is not taking advantage of the whole list.
How do I solve this?
SML coin count function:
fun count(x,[]) = 0
| count (x,y::ys) =
let val cnt = 0
in if y*2 = x then cnt+2
else if y*4 = x then cnt + 4
else if y*10 = x then cnt + 10
else if y*10 = x then cnt + 10
else if y*20 = x then cnt + 20
else count(x-y,ys)
Consider what happens as you evaluate your test expression of count (100, [50, 25]).
cnt is 0, y is 50, and ys is [25].
y times 2 does equal 100, so it returns cnt+2 which is 2. Nothing further happens.
When it comes to recursion, remember than the parameter list to a function is your means of communication. It seems like cnt is something that should be passed as a parameter so you can update it between recursive calls.
With count(x, []) = 0 you already have an exit point that will stop the recursion.
Edit: Based on comments, it looks like you're trying to figure out how many times each value in a list goes into a value x.
So the end result of your recursive function isn't a single integer. It's a list of integers. Or better yet, of tuples containing the value to look for, and the number of times it goes into x.
So if the list is empty, the result is obvious.
fun count(x, []) = []
It's an empty list. Otherwise, we need to append something onto a list.
fun count(x, []) = []
| count(x, y::ys) =
(y, x div y) :: count(x, ys)
Of course, we also have functions like map that basically do this for us.
fun count(x, lst) = (fn y => (y, x div y)) lst

Square numbers in list and then add them up

I am trying to create a function that squares the numbers of an ML list and then adds those numbers up
fun sqsum(lst) = map (fn x => x*x) lst;
What I have there takes a list and returns a list of the square of each number but I can't figure out the adding part.
You could solve one sub-problem at a time and compose the result:
val sq = map (fn x => x*x)
val sum = foldl (fn (x, result) => x + result) 0
val sqsum = sum o sq
Or you could fuse the map and the foldl together:
val sqsum = foldl (fn (x, result) => x*x + result) 0
Or you could write this function with a recursive definition:
fun sqsum (x::xs) = x*x + sqsum xs
| sqsum [] = 0
And eventually improve it to be tail-recursive:
fun sqsum L =
let fun f (x::xs) result = f xs (x*x + result)
| f [] result = result
in f L 0 end
Even though higher-order list combinators like map and foldl are immensely useful and improve the readability of code once you get used to them, solving introductory exercises using manual recursion is very valuable to the learning process; after all, map and foldl are built this way.

Haskell - List Error

I'm trying to iterate a list and square all the number and add them together
sumsq (x:xs) =
let total = 0
loop length(x:xs) (x:xs) total
loop 0 (x:xs) = return ()
loop n (x:xs) total =
sq = ((x:xs)!!n)^2
total = total + sq
loop ((n-1) (x:xs) total)
But I'm getting parse error in loop. Where am I going wrong?
Also is there a better way to do this?
First of all - you miss spaces! It is significant.
Second, you forget in from let ... in. We could not use in in do-notation:
sumsq (x:xs) =
let total = 0 in
loop length(x:xs) (x:xs) total
Third, you do not use x and xs form (x:xs) :
sumsq xs =
let total = 0 in
loop (length xs) xs total
And we unite our length xsin one block. It is fourth.
Fifth, we have 3, not 2 arguments for loop:
loop 0 xs total = return total
Sixth, (!!) work from 0, but you use it from 1, so (xs !! (n -1)) is right
Seventh, you don't need to use monad, just recursion. So, get rid from return and do
Eighth. you have infinite recursive total = total + smth
Ninth, we can't use arguments as tuple, so, you final working result is :
sumsq xs =
let total = 0 in
loop (length xs) xs total
loop 0 xs total = total
loop n xs total = loop (n-1) xs total1
sq = (xs !! (n -1)) ^2
total1 = total + sq
If we are talking about complexity, it is not good - O(n^2) as it is mentioned in comments : for each element we seek this element.
We could simplify our loop function and get rid of n argument:
loop [] total = total
loop (x:xs) total = loop xs total1
sq = x ^ 2
total1 = total + sq
and our sumsq function we write:
sumsq xs = loop xs 0
This is an implementation much easier function sumsq = sum. map (^ 2)
If I understood you correctly, you could simply do this with map and sum:
Prelude> let myFun = sum . map (^2)
Prelude> myFun [1, 2, 3]
Or with foldl1 and lambda:
Prelude> let myFun' = foldl1 (\s x -> s + x^2)
Prelude> myFun' [1, 2, 3, 4]
Surely something like this would be the usual approach?
sumSquared :: [Integer] -> Integer
sumSquared [] = 0
sumSquared (x:xs) = (x * x) + sumSquared xs
Or you could do this even more succinctly with foldr, or sum and map (like #soon's answer)
The do must be more indented than the word loop.
Apart from that, you don't need do (or return) at all here, unless you can answer the question which monad this is for?
There are more problems with your code. One of the most severe is this:
You don't seem to know what "pattern matching" is, nor what it is good for. You really want to learn about it, otherwise you can't write any good programs.