Create a new column based on condition - informatica

I want to create a new column based on conditions.
The table look like this
Table with two authors from UK
I want to create a new column author_uk and country_uk with UK values
Table with new coilumn


If contain in DAX

I have a column which a couple of words about goods that are unique like (a pair of shoes, shoe, shoes) I want to create a new column and search for that column containing some words like this write Shoes in a new column. also, the text in the column is in Persian. How can I do it?
Hi, I have a column which a couple of words about goods that are unique like (a pair of shoes, shoe, shoes) I want to create a new column and search for that column containing some words like this write Shoes in a new column. also, the text in the column is in Persian. How can I do it?

Trying to replace data based on attributes from two other columns

I need to change the inventory category for a couple of account numbers and only for a couple of companies. The inventory category for these accounts are mapped based on the account number but need to be changed specifically just for two companies. I've tried to filter by the company number and then find/replace, which worked fine, but then I can't unfilter to bring back the rest of the companies. I can't change the category for just those account numbers because it is only different for just those two companies.
Lisa, Here's perhaps a simpler approach than where your current way is taking you.
If I begin with this table:
Then I add a column (Add Column -> Custom Column) with the following:
The formula uses an if statement to determine whether each row has a specific Account (Acct. 4) AND Company (Co. 8). If so, then 99 is returned as a new category value for that row of the new column. If not, then the original Inventory Category is returned as a value for that row of the new column. (Obviously, you would edit this formula accordingly, to support your account, company, and new inventory category values.)
Here's the result:
Then I could delete the original Inventory Category column and rename the remaining New Inventory Category column to Inventory Category.

How to add a new column with custom values, based on a WHERE clause from another table in PowerBi?

I am stuck while dynamically forming a new column based certain WHERE clause from another Table in PowerBi. To give more details, let's say I have a table with item numbers associated with a Customer Name. In another table, I have to add a new column, which will dynamically add the item numbers associated with a particular customer and append as a query parameter to a base url.
So, my first table looks like this:
The second table that I want is this:
The query parameter value in the URL, has to be dynamically based on a SELECT query with a WHERE clause and pick up the ItemNumbers using the Customer field which is common between both. So, how can this be done in PowerBi? Any help would be really appreciated :)
I have one table in my model "TableRol" if I want to summarize my Date as the string I can use CONCATENATEX;
URL = CONCATENATE(CONCATENATE("http:\\\parametersHere\getitem?='",CONCATENATEX(VALUES('TableRol'[Date]), 'TableRol'[Date],";")),"'")

Power BI : How to count occurrence of value from source table?

I have my data source something like below.
I need to show output in the report as below.
I tried using the unpivot column and getting something like this, how to count the occurrence value of each Business value.
Plot following mesure against Value column (from your unpivot table):
Business Occurance = COUNTROWS('your unpivot table')
We have to remove the Attribute column as the next step to Unpivot. Then my table should be looks like this.
Now create a new table with following Dax function, let's say the current table as Business Data (Your Unpivot table)
Occurrence Table = DISTINCT('Business Data')
Now end result table should look like this,
You can make use of this table for your table visual in the report.
Note: You can add n-number of rows and column into your source table and this logic will do magic to get the correct result.
I have marked two places first marked place you have to add Value column then click second marked place one dropdown value is open click count menu

SyncFramework: How to sync all columns from a table?

I create a program to sync tables between 2 databases.
I use this common code:
DbSyncScopeDescription myScope = new DbSyncScopeDescription("myscope");
DbSyncTableDescription tblDesc = SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Table", onPremiseConn);
My program creates the tracking table only with Primary Key (id column).
The sync is ok to delete and insert rows.
But updating don't. I need update all the columns and they are not updated (For example: a telephone column).
I read that I need to add the columns I want to sync MANUALLY with this code:
Collection<string> includeColumns = new Collection<string>();
includeColumns.Add(Last column);
And changing the table descripcion in this way:
DbSyncTableDescription tblDesc = SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Table", includeColumns, onPremiseConn);
Is there a way to add all the columns of the table automatically?
Something like:
Collection<string> includeColumns = GetAllColums("Table");
SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Table", onPremiseConn) will include all the columns of the table already.
the tracking tables only stores the PK and filter columns and some Sync Fx specific columns.
the tracking is at row level, not column level.
during sync, the tracking table and its base table are joined to get the row to be synched.