Oracle APEX - hyperlink shown as text on a static region - oracle-apex

I have a static region and I want to set it to some text with a hyperlink. Text comes from the database - returned by a function.
So I added a page item (P1_LINK_TEXT) to the page and added a computation to my page item that is set to PL/SQL expression:
The region Header Text to &P1_LINK_TEXT.
It works great, except the hyperlink displayed as is - Click here
instead of displaying the link. I made sure that Attributes->Settings->Output As is set to HTML but still, the hyperlink is not displayed correctly. What am I doing wrong?

Use the escape filter to ensure html characters are not escaped. To display the item as html use this notation:


Oracle Apex How to display page item as url

I have a page item which stores URL.
How do i change its type to URL so that the link becomes clickable.
As of now, there is page subtype url, but setting it doesn't make any difference.
Apex 21.1
A text field is an html input element, that will display text only, you probably could write some javascript to open whatever is in the page item in an url but that is confusing functionality. What should happen if the user clicks in the input element ? Should it open the link or should the user be editing the value ?
This is a possibility.
Create a page item on your page, say P1_URL
Add the following in the "Post Text" attribute of the page item (style it to your own preference):
<span class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Add a dynamic action on change of the element P1_URL with a true action of "Execute Javascript Code" and the following code:
$("#myurl").attr("href", apex.item( "P13_URL" ).getValue())
Check "Fire on Initialization" for the true action.
That is all there is to it, now when you add something in the page item P1_URL and click the link, it will open the that url in a new window.
UPDATE: Technique for read only text field.
For a read only text field, the input element is hidden and an additional span element is rendered with an the page item name as id, suffixed by _DISPLAY. The trick is to grab the content of that span element and add an anchor with attributes. This can be done with an onload dynamic action:
Create a page item on your page, say P1_URL, set it to "Read-Only: Always"
Add a dynamic action on Page Load with a true action of "Execute Javascript Code" and the following code:
let itemVal = $("#P1_URL_DISPLAY").text()
$("#PP1_URL_DISPLAY").html(`<a href='${itemVal}' target='_blank'>${itemVal}</a>`)
Make sure that when you copy this, the quotes are exactly the same: the outer quotes are backticks, those are needed for the ES6 syntax.
Note: check the page documentation for the subtype url - it explains exactly what it does.

Can one of the fields in a Drupal webform be Wysiwyg HTML field?

I want to have a field in a Drupal Webform where users can input some formatted HTML (tables, headers, etc.) Is there a way to do that?
The form element is called "Text format." This sounds like a format selector of some kind, but it's actually a text element. If you set it to "Basic HTML," for example, the CKEditor WYSYWIG loads.
The image below is an example (the 'field' labeled Notes/URL(s)). If users wish to enter HTML directly, the code view button in the toolbar allows for that.
Here's what the initial page of the webform config looks like for this element...

ORACLE APEX: Getting the value from page item and use it to another page item

I have two forms:
first one:
with items:
and the second form:
with items:
I open the second form from the first one and i want to put the value of P5000_QTY to the second page item P5001_QTY.
How can i do that?
Thank you
One option is to create a button which - when pushed - redirects to another page in this application. When you click on the "Target" (in "Behavior" properties section), you can tell Apex to:
navigate to page 5001
set item P5001_QTY to value &P5000_QTY. Note leading ampersand & and trailing dot .
And that's it ...
If it isn't a button but a branch, the principle is the same - using the Link Builder you'd do exactly the same.

Use the title= HTML attribute with RMarkdown

I am trying to understand if it is possible to insert the HTML title= attribute (not necessarily inside an <abbr> tag) within an RMarkdown document (e.g. a blog post written through blogdown)
From W3C: the title attribute specifies extra information about an element. The information is most often shown as a tooltip text when the mouse moves over the element.
The <abbr title="World Health Organization">WHO</abbr> was founded in 1948.
Couldn't find anything regarding using in in RMarkdown tho
You can write raw HTML in Markdown. However, if you are using Hugo >= v0.60.0, raw HTML will be ignored by default. You need to set an option in your config file to enable it:
unsafe= true

OrchardCMS Replacement Tokens for Query Results displaying HTML tags instead rendering them

I am having problems understanding the token system for the output of query / projections.
If I leave the property as is it displays the text content with HTML formatting intact.
But I need to wrap it with a tag, the html tags get displayed as text.
Rewrite Results -> Rewrite output
<div class="collapse" id="toggle_{Content.Id}">
{Content.Fields.CaseStudy.ClientChallenge} </div>
I am trying to create a collapsible text area, I already have a button that hides/unhides the content.
Why is it displaying as text instead of rendering the tags properly.
I think this is because I don't know how replacement tokens work.
Another example problem is up one level on the edit Layout, I want to set the item class to work-item {Category}, Category being the name/title of a property, which I am using for grouping.
Right above the projection: I want to include some html that lists all the Categorys in a ul i.e. data-filter=".experiential" I have tried things like: work-item {Category} and work-item {Content.Fields.CaseStudy.Category}. Category is a "term" (?) from a taxonomy.
I feel like I am failing to understand how it all works.
Submitted as a bug
Will edit and post if it is fixed. In case anoyong else comes across this issue.