kustomize overlay editor missing on website - kubectl

I remember there was an Interactive Tutorial/overlay editor on kustomize.io, but I can't find it anymore. What happend to it? And are there alternatives to generate on overlay file easily?


Control zoom in SAS Enterprise?

I'm using SAS Enterprise Guide 5.1.
My window looks like this:
The text is huge - I'd like to zoom out so I can see more of the code in my program (obviously this one is just a placeholder).
How can I control the level of zoom?
I tried using ctrl and the mouse-wheel. No luck. I've trawled through toolbar options and found nothing. The solution here requires changing Windows Settings - unfortunately that is not an option for me.
I don't think there's a dynamic zoom option. What I do is customize the font to make it smaller (and more aesthetically pleasing):
SAS Programs
Editor Options
gets you there, then select Lucida Console 9pt as your font, or whatever you find best for you.
Control-mouse wheel works as of Enterprise Guide 7.12, so ask your IT department for an upgrade!

Color dark scheme for ColdFusion/Dreamweaver?

Is there anyone out there who has a dark color scheme for Dreamweaver (CS6) that includes coldFusion Code?
I was not able to find any and changing the colors by hand is really painful
Would be great if you could share one.
There are colour files for Dreamweaver, but I haven't found any that actually work with Coldfusiun. You can follow this guides process. It is a manual process, but it will tell you exactly what to change and as indicated by the latest update at the bottom it does work in CS6.
Copying from link in case link dies. Do note that you will have to go to the link to download the links.
Close Dreamweaver
Browse to: %APPDATA%\Adobe\Dreamweaver 9\Configuration\CodeColoring
Rename the Colors.xml file to something different – say Colors2.xml (This will be the file you go back to if you don’t like the new colour scheme)
Download and extract the the zip at the end of this article to the location you opened at point 2.
Open Dreamweaver and go to Edit/Preferences/Code Colouring and change the default background colour to #003
As a side note. If you are only using Dreamweaver to write Coldfusion, maybe you should consider looking at CFEclipse. I've found it to be much better than Dreamweaver at writing Coldfusion. Also it's built on top of Eclipse. Which has a plugin to change the colouring. It's also easier to change it manually.

Find and Replace/Update links like Dreamweaver in other editors

I've been slowly weening myself off of Dreamweaver and using other editors like SublimeText and Espresso. But there are two features that are lacking in those editors that I still find the need to use Dreamweaver for:
1.) Find and Replace within entire current local site.
2.) Update links when a page is saved within another directory. For example, if you rename, or re-save a file that is open within another directory, Dreamweaver will ask you to update the links. This will then make sure that if the file is moved or saved to another directory it will update any links within the HTML for stylesheets, images, navigation, etc.
Does any know of any other apps or tools that might be able to accomplish those actions without having to crack open Dreamweaver?
Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The Sublime Text plugin 'Side Bar Enhancements' has Search/Replace entire project functionality. Doesn't handle update links across files (that i've found)
PHPStorm may handle the second question.

What is the simplest way to view results at WebStorm?

Suppose I have changed html file. What is the best way to view results? Am I able to view results right in IDE (WebStorm)? Or I have to open browser by using Alt-F2?
WebStorm doesn't have internal preview, so you need to verify the results in the browser. You can keep it running and just switch to the window and refresh the page, in WebStorm you can enable an option to save files automatically on frame deactivation.
Update: see also the new instant preview feature.
Still doesn't as, of 5.0.2, allow for in IDE browser windows, you you have to keep flipping back to browser to see changes, which is a tad sucky. No idea why they don't have this, its not exactly an unknown technique.

Eclipse CDT: How can I change background color of tooltip in editor?

I'm using eclipse for coding C++ and Java. When declaration or definition is shown, background is black. It happens only in C++ srouce file. I dont have this problem while editing Java source files.
I have installed Eclipse Color Theme. I'm not able to find where i can set background color of this window. I have been searching in General/Appearance/Colors and Fonts and C/C++/Editor/Syntax Coloring without result.
Switching to a clean workspace might help but I found the curprit if you want to manually edit it. Look in:
[my workspace]/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.prefs
and make it "true". Restart Eclipse. Of course this assumes that your system default background colour is not black.
I had this problem because I installed this plugin. I tried out the themes but when I decided on the original and swapped back to it the tool tips were broken in this fashion. Unfortunately the only way I managed to fix it was by "reinstalling" eclipse.