Why is the hash map get returning nil after passing through the hash map as a function argument? - clojure

I am very new to clojure so this may have a simple fix. I have two examples of code that I can't seem to find the difference in why one works and the other doesn't. The first is:
(defn example []
(def demokeys (hash-map "z" 1 "b" 2 "a" 3))
(println demokeys)
(println (get demokeys "b")))
which is from https://www.tutorialspoint.com/clojure/clojure_maps_get.htm. This works the way I expect it to, with it printing the hash map and then a 2 on the next line.
The second example is:
(defn bill-total [bill]
(println bill)
(println (get bill "b"))
(println "sometext")
(bill-total[(hash-map "z" 1 "b" 2 "a" 3)])
which prints the hashmap, then nil, then sometext. Why does it not correctly print the 2 as it does in the previous example?

First of all, don't use def within defn unless you need dynamic runtime declarations (and even then, you should probably reconsider). Instead, use let for local bindings.
As to your main question, you have wrapped the map in a vector, with those [] here: (bill-total [...]). When calling a function, you don't need to repeat its arguments vector's brackets - call it just like you call println or hash-map, because they're also just regular functions.
So in the end, it should be (bill-total (hash-map "z" 1 "b" 2 "a" 3)).
As a final note, there's rarely a need to explicitly use hash-map, especially when you already know the keys and values. So, instead of (hash-map ...) you can use the map literal and write {...}, just like in {"z" 1, "b" 2, "a" 3} (I used commas here just for readability since Clojure ignores them).


clojure - trouble destructing map inside macro

I'm a newbie in clojure, so please bear with me.
Writing a macro as so:
`(let [query# (:query-params ~'+compojure-api-request+)
options# (select-keys query# [:sort-by :from :to])])
First line of the let block destructures a query-params from http request - which produces this structure:
{sort-by billing-account/name, from 0, to 10, payment-due , payment-method , search }
And the trouble is with the second line - it returns an empty map when I use select-keys, however when I say for example (first query#) - the output looks like this: [sort-by billing-account/name]
Could anyone please explain why the select-keys does not work?
P.S. Tried (get query# :from) & (:from query#) - no luck there as well.
Keys were strings, not keywords - therefore using strings as keys works just fine.
By the way, you can also destructure string keys with :strs:
(let [m {"sort-by" "billing-account/name",
"from" "0",
"to" "10",
"payment-due" nil,
"payment-method", "search"}
{:strs [sort-by from to payment-due payment-method]} m]
(println sort-by from to payment-due payment-method))
;;=> billing-account/name 0 10 nil search
See https://clojure.org/guides/destructuring for a full description of the destructuring syntax.
I think you are confused by the differences between keywords, symbols and strings. In your comment you say that they're symbols, but in your edit you say they're strings.
You should read up on the difference:
in Clojure, why have Strings, Keywords AND Symbols?
Why does Clojure have "keywords" in addition to "symbols"?
The idiomatic thing is to usually prefer using keywords as map keys, although stuff that comes from the internet (json, http headers, etc) is sometimes all strings.
To answer your question directly, the keys passed to select-keys need to be equal (using the = function) to the ones in the map, so in this case they need to be the same type.
;; For example
(select-keys {'foo 1 'bar 2} ['foo]) ;=> {foo 1}
(select-keys {:foo 1 :bar 2} [:foo]) ;=> {:foo 1}
(select-keys {"foo" 1 "bar" 2} ["foo"]) ;=> {"foo" 1}
Also I question the need for this to be a macro, is there a reason that a plain function won't work?

appending values in a global map in clojure

I declared a map in clojure using
(def finalMap {})
I am appending values to it inside a function using assoc but they are not appending, the map is remaining empty. I think it is due to immutability, can I in some way make a global map mutable.The function is a recursive one and I am appending values each time the function is called.
(defn func [arg1 arg2]
;(map append inside let)
(dorun (for [i (range 0 index)]
(func(arg1 arg2))))))
Can you help me with the correct way to do this?
If you want a mutable map then you should create an atom:
(def final-map (atom {}))
Also normally you would use assoc to add more key value pairs to it. However you will need to use swap! just to be able to call assoc:
(swap! final-map assoc :a "a value")
This will add a key/value pair where the key is the keyword :a and the value is the String "a value".
It might be good to view some other examples of using assoc. Realise that in the code above assoc is being called with the old value of final-map as its first argument, and returning the new value of final-map.

How to iterate and merge a function results in clojure?

Not sure how to phrase the question, but, I'm just playing around with the twitter api and clojure as a part of my wanting to learn clojure.
I am not sure what the clojure way of approaching this problem
I am trying to get first 5 tweets of all my followers. I can get the list of followers with the api, and I have a list of follower screen_name. Now, I have a function to get latest 5 tweets from a user. In C#, I would just declare a List<object> and add tweets to it inside a for loop. Clojure doesn't quite work that way.. so here's what I'm trying to do:
(defn get-tweets
{:text (str "I am " follower)
:favs 0})
(defn get-all-followers-tweets
(let [followers ["a" "b" "c"]
followers-tweets (map #(get-tweets %) followers)]
These are just mockups, but, you get the idea. Now, twitter returns something like this: [{:text "ssd" :fav 1} {:text "fed" :fav 2}]
so when I call get-all-followers-tweets, I get this:
(({:text "I am a", :favs 0}
{:text "I am b", :favs 0}
{:text "I am c", :favs 0}))
I don't know why the data is in 2 brackets, and I'm guessing it has something to do with map but, I just need the :text property from all collections.
doing (get response :text) or (get-in response [:text]) returns nil (assume response is the collection)
So, How do I get all the :text from the collection? Am I approaching this right? I tried (doseq [f followers] (get-tweets f)) and for but they seem very unnatural for getting just all the tweets.
What's the ideal clojure way of doing this?
Your get-tweets fn is returning a series of multiple maps, as a vector. You are then mapping that function over your followers, producing a sequence of sequences of maps. That's why there are two brackets - the outer sequence corresponds to the list of followers and each inner sequence is all the tweets from one follower grouped together.
I think the simplest approach if you're fine with discarding the identity of the authors is to use flatten, a function for unravelling nested sequential data structures to get just the items. That will give you just a sequence of maps without any grouping. You can then map :text over them to get just the texts.
(defn get-all-followers-tweets
(let [followers ["a" "b" "c"]
followers-tweets (map get-tweets followers)]
(flatten followers-tweets)))
(map :text (get-all-followers-tweets))
Maybe a more general solution is to consider mapcat, which stands for map-then-concat. It's the go-to approach when you have
a series of data items with some sort of internal structure.
that you want to "unpack" so that each produces one or more of the items you actually want.
It does this by mapping the given function over the outer items to produce a bunch of sequences and then concatenates all those sequences into one. But in this case our "unpacking function" is itself map so I don't think this approach is necessarily clearer here. That just makes it a little difficult to keep the different levels in mind:
(mapcat (partial map :text) (get-all-followers-tweets))

Mapping over a vector performing side-effects

I am attempting to iterate over a vector of "lines" in Clojure. Essentially, it looks like:
[{:start {:x 1 :y 3 :z 4}, :end {:x 3 :y 7 :z 0}}, ...]
I would like to apply a function that prints each of these "lines" onto a new line, ala:
(map #(println %) vector-of-lines)
but that doesn't appear to call the function. Should I not be using the "map" function in this instance?
(dorun (map println vector-of-lines))
dorun forces the evaluation of the lazy sequence, but also discards the individual results of each of item in the sequence. This is perfect for sequences that are purely for side-effects which is exactly what you want here.
map is lazy and won't realize results unless you ask for them. If you want to perform a side effect for each element in a sequence, and don't care about the return value, use doseq:
;; returns nil, prints each line
(doseq [line vector-of-lines]
(println line))
If you do care about the return value, use (doall):
;; returns a sequence of nils, prints each line
(doall (map println vector-of-lines))
To add to Justin's answer, doseq is a macro, and thus carries with it all the limitations of macros.
I would write a foreach function that internally uses doseq.
user=> (defn foreach [f xs] (doseq [x xs] (f x)))
user=> (foreach println [11 690 3 45])
Since Clojure 1.7 there is run! which does what you want. The naming of this method may be related to the workaround with dorun and map. Be careful with using map for such occasions. Suppose that you make another call to map inside your function that you passed in. That will require walking the sequence as well. Thus, you will need to use dorun twice.

Clojure apply vs map

I have a sequence (foundApps) returned from a function and I want to map a function to all it's elements. For some reason, apply and count work for the sequnece but map doesn't:
(apply println foundApps)
(map println rest foundApps)
(map (fn [app] (println app)) foundApps)
(println (str "Found " (count foundApps) " apps to delete"))))
{:description another descr, :title apptwo, :owner jim, :appstoreid 1235, :kind App, :key #<Key App(2)>} {:description another descr, :title apptwo, :owner jim, :appstoreid 1235, :kind App, :key #<Key App(4)>}
Found 2 apps to delete for id 1235
So apply seems to happily work for the sequence, but map doesn't. Where am I being stupid?
I have a simple explanation which this post is lacking. Let's imagine an abstract function F and a vector. So,
(apply F [1 2 3 4 5])
translates to
(F 1 2 3 4 5)
which means that F has to be at best case variadic.
(map F [1 2 3 4 5])
translates to
[(F 1) (F 2) (F 3) (F 4) (F 5)]
which means that F has to be single-variable, or at least behave this way.
There are some nuances about types, since map actually returns a lazy sequence instead of vector. But for the sake of simplicity, I hope it's pardonable.
Most likely you're being hit by map's laziness. (map produces a lazy sequence which is only realised when some code actually uses its elements. And even then the realisation happens in chunks, so that you have to walk the whole sequence to make sure it all got realised.) Try wrapping the map expression in a dorun:
(dorun (map println foundApps))
Also, since you're doing it just for the side effects, it might be cleaner to use doseq instead:
(doseq [fa foundApps]
(println fa))
Note that (map println foundApps) should work just fine at the REPL; I'm assuming you've extracted it from somewhere in your code where it's not being forced. There's no such difference with doseq which is strict (i.e. not lazy) and will walk its argument sequences for you under any circumstances. Also note that doseq returns nil as its value; it's only good for side-effects. Finally I've skipped the rest from your code; you might have meant (rest foundApps) (unless it's just a typo).
Also note that (apply println foundApps) will print all the foundApps on one line, whereas (dorun (map println foundApps)) will print each member of foundApps on its own line.
A little explanation might help. In general you use apply to splat a sequence of elements into a set of arguments to a function. So applying a function to some arguments just means passing them in as arguments to the function, in a single function call.
The map function will do what you want, create a new seq by plugging each element of the input into a function and then storing the output. It does it lazily though, so the values will only be computed when you actually iterate over the list. To force this you can use the (doall my-seq) function, but most of the time you won't need to do that.
If you need to perform an operation immediately because it has side effects, like printing or saving to a database or something, then you typically use doseq.
So to append "foo" to all of your apps (assuming they are strings):
(map (fn [app] (str app "foo")) found-apps)
or using the shorhand for an anonymous function:
(map #(str % "foo") found-apps)
Doing the same but printing immediately can be done with either of these:
(doall (map #(println %) found-apps))
(doseq [app found-apps] (println app))