Prevent Replay attacks when client side NONCES aren't an option - web-services

I'm searching for an alternative to NONCES to prevent replay attacks.
My scenario:
I have implanted a ticket shop where you can buy tickets and to prevent two persons trying to buy the same ticket, I added a reservation system. So when you select the seats, a request to a reservation service is sent which stores the reservation for 10mins. Now my problem: How can I prevent that a potential attacker sniffs the reservation requests and replays it over and over again. This blocks the seats (and in the worst case ALL seats) infinitely.
As the ticket shop is open source, the code is available if necessary! Thank you already!

When someone else's facing the same kind of issue, here's what I did to solve the problem:
I added an optional (admins of the ticket shop can enable it) integration of reCAPTCHA. Once a seat is selected (and therefore needs to be reserved) the invisible captcha is executed and a client-side token is generated. This token is available for 2mins and sent to the back-end server, where it will be verified using the google API. When the token has already been used or timed out, the server sends an error to the client which will generate a new reCAPTCHA token and retries the request. Potential exploiters would need to generate such tokens on their own, which is - according to google - not possible.


How often am I allowed to contact PayPal API?

Right now I contact the PayPal API to check the subscription status everytime the user enters the profile settings, and each time a new access token is generated.
Is this considered a bad practice in production? Should I rather set a timer for 24 hours and check the subscription status only once a day to reduce the load on PayPal's end? Does this even matter?
And would it be better to somehow store a new access token in the .env everytime it expires (PayPal gives the duration)?
I just want to know if there are any limitations since [][1]
does not give any specific numbers.
This is a question for PayPal's support but something like 100 requests/minute per endpoint would seem safe. Caching the access token is always preferred, certainly--saves you an unnecessary API call.

Twilio REST Exception HTTP 429 error: Unable to create record: Too many requests

I have created an app in Django. Using Twilio Verify API (free trial) for OTP.
It's working fine but when a user try to get the OTP multiple times, Twilio creates an exception "HTTP 429 error: Unable to create record: Too many requests". After this I was not able to use this for the whole day even for different mobile number or device.
How to bypass this issue and precisely what is the reason behind this issue?
Twilio Developer Evangelist here. The Verify API has rate limits for sending SMS codes to the same phone number, ~5 requests within 10 minutes. I'm not sure why it wasn't working with a different phone number, though - let me know if you're still having issues after you try the below.
You're definitely not the first person to run into this issue, so I have a blog post that should answer the question: How to test Twilio Verify without getting rate limited
tl;dr your options include -
Complete a verification lifecycle by calling the Verification Check endpoint
Wait for the verification to expire (in 10 minutes)
I also recommend spinning up a Verification Testing Dashboard that will help you check/cancel a verification during development.
Here's another blog post about managing retry logic that's also designed to prevent hitting API rate limits:
This may have been solved by now but for anyone else it's possible that the free Twilio trial account has expired or used up it's allocated requests. This happened me as I had forgotten I was using a trial account in a test environment, and when tests started to fail this was the issue.
I encountered the same problem with email channel when a user tries to send verify api multiple times and gets this error. All other emails would get the same error, and nobody can get verified. This looks to me that one user gets rate limited and it could affect all other users.

How to lift the 100 user cap for OAuth to Google API for verified apps

Does anyone know why my app would have a 100 user cap, even though the Verification Status is "Published"? It says "the user cap will be in place until the app is verified by Google", but this is already the case. I would appreciate any insight.
The 100 users cap is a quota limit for unverified scope requests, it is applied when the application tries to obtain access to scopes that have not been approved for the project during the app verification process, see this. Since you're seeing this quota being actively used you should check whether the scopes requested by your application match the ones you submitted in the app verification status. In case there is a mismatch you would need to update the requested scopes and go through the verification process once again. Optionally you might also request a OAuth quota increase with this support form, but bear in mind there's no approval guarantee.
Finally, as Pievis pointed out this kind of inquiries would be better handled by Google Cloud Support team as they have the necessary information about your project to address your questions from end to end.

Trying to implement a passwordless authentication using Redis and random tokens

I want to implement a passwordless email based authentication (like in!), now I want to verify if this logic flow is secure or not:
User submits his email
Server generates a random token, sets to Redis a new value where the KEY is the token, the VALUE is the email or the corresponding user id, also make the key expires within an hour or some soon future value (within tens of minutes or hours), send a link including the token to the user email (i.e.{TOKEN})
User visits his inbox and press on that link
Server checks for {TOKEN} key, if it exists, authenticate the user and redirect to homepage, if not redirect to some error page.
Is this approach secure, is there something hidden I can't figure out yet?
Also Note that this method authenticate the user with only GET methods.
I use Django/Python, so if there is some package doing that, what is it?
Also is it relevant and secure for new user registrations/password-change/other user checks? Is there impact in case of DDoS attacks like making my server spam random emails, consuming the server using having a big Redis memory consumption in short time?
For token generation, I will use some value generated by random.SystemRandom().choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789')
long enough to be hard to guess ( 60-80 characters) and it is valid for a short time like I mentioned.
Yes, I have used it in production quite successfully at my company. However, the use case is a bit different, as we use it for inter-service authentication once user has logged in using the password.
Spamming of random email addresses using your service is quite a real possibility in this scheme and you would have to put in checks like Captcha etc. to ensure this does not happen.
For actual implementation refer to this link:
Is there a way to configure Django Rest Framework to store token information in Redis rather than the Database?

How cookies work?

I wanted to know the interactions of a browser (i.e. Firefox ) and a website.
When I submit my user name and password to the login form, what happens?
I think that website sends me some cookies and authorizes me by checking those cookies.
Is there a standard structure for cookies?
Also, how I can see the cookies of specific URL sent to my browser if I want to use that cookie?
Understanding Cookies
Cookies are given to a browser by the server. The browser reveals the cookies as applicable only to the domain that provided the cookie in the first place.
The data in the cookie allows the server to continue a conversation, so to speak. Without the cookie, the server considers the browser a first-time visitor.
Have a look at these to know about browser cookies
Understanding Browser cookies
Explanation via Pictures
Simple Explanation by Analogy (via a story)
Freddie works at the Government Taxation Office (IRS/HMRC/ATO/CBDT etc). He deals with millions of people who come to see him everyday. And he has a very poor memory.
In a World Without Cookies:
One day a customer walks in to Freddie's customer care desk:
Customer 1: "Good morning Freddie, so did you change my address like I asked you to?"
Freddie: "I'm sorry. I don't remember who you are? Who are you?"
Customer 1: "Dude, I spoke to you last Monday regarding this issue! How could you forget!"
Unfortunately, the HTTP protocol is stateless. There is no way Freddie (the server) can identify different customers (clients) apart from each other. He doesn't remember. He has a very short memory. There is a solution though:
The World WITH Coookies:
The customer walks in to see Freddie (his name is Brian), but this time, the customer gives Freddie his taxation office ID card:
Brian May: "Good morning Freddie, My name is Brian did you change my address like I asked you to?"
Freddie: "ah yes...hmmm......Brian May, Queen, Lead Guitarist, We Will Rock you......very interesting, I have your records here on my back end system.........let me bring up the records pertaining to your address........YES: I did in fact change your address. BTW since you gave me your ID that's all I need, you don't need to tell me your name is Brian May. Just give me your ID and I will be able to see that on my system".
Explanation of Analogy
You can think of a cookie as kinda like an ID card: if you identify yourself to the server, the server will remember who you are and will treat you accordingly:
e.g. it will remember what you've already ordered in your cart so far.
it will remember that you like reading your website in Tamil / Cantonese / Swahili etc.
it can (basically) identify who you are.
In this particular case, it is the Government Taxation Office who issues out the ID cards.
Granted the analogy is a little strained and very simplified but hopefully, it will help you understand and remember the underlying concept.
Usually the cookie contains a session id number. The id number is then connected to session data that is stored on the server. The usual process is then:
Send login form
Server checks username and password
If correct, the username is stored in a session file on the server, along with various other useful information about the user (if it's a site admin, moderator, userid and so on).
The server sends back a cookie containing an id number that identifies the session file
The browser sends the cookie with each request to that server, so the server can open the session file and read the saved data.
Usually the password is not sent more than once (at login in step 1).
It depends, because there are many scenarios and abilities of usage of cookies.
One of scenarios is:
User submits login form.
Website authorizes the user and set cookie visible in website domain with user name, password (i.e. MD5 hashed) and sometimes other information.
Cookie is sent with each request, which allows website to check if request is came from the authorized user.
For more details read Wikipedia article about cookies.
After logging , the request to server is sent. At server side, it checks the visitor's identification against an ID that identifies whether it is a new user or the older one.
If it determines it a new visitor,it then creates a cookie for it and sends it back in its response to browser. Cookie that is generated in response to Server has a name and unique identification is sent back to a user end. AT the user end ,after every visit to the same URL, browser rechecks cookie list and if it has the cookie for the same url , it is sent to server which identifies cookie ID and server shows the related history for this user then .
Cookies are small data packets that the Web Pages load on to the browser for various purposes.
Every time you re-visit a URL, the browser sends back a tiny package of this information back to the server which detects that you've returned to the page.
Cookies are the reasons that keeps you logged into sites so that you don't have to enter ID and password every time you visit the website.
Webmasters can use these cookies for monitoring the activity of Internet users.
Some sites use third-party cookie to track your Web habits for marketing purposes.
I found some information at this site that was really helpful to me and figure it might be of use: Webfundamentals - Cookies. It goes through what a cookie is, how they work, and the headers that are used to send them.
It says in summary that, cookies are pieces of information that are sent in HTTP requests inside the 'Set-Cookie' header from the server to the client/browser, or in the 'cookie' header in the client/browser to the server.
HTTP is stateless, meaning that one request to another has no knowledge of the state of the page you are browsing. Cookies were made to help address this issue, allowing users be 'known' by the site for as long as the cookie is set to be stored. By default cookies are stored until the client is closed, unless specified otherwise.