Add custom superset viz plugin to prod - apache-superset

I want to add my custom funnel chart to prod superset.
Following the documentation was easy, I can create the plugin and I can see it in dev-server. But how can I add this plugin to the prod version? I found one article where the author makes it through building new docker image of superset. Are there another variants?


How do I deploy bot created with Microsoft Bot Composer to AWS?

I've played with Microsoft Bot Composer and have checked the extensibility points but it looks like it is not possible to deploy the bot to other clouds.
Please confirm my assumption.
My goal is to achieve deploying without additional development if possible.
Deploying a Composer bot is somewhat more complicated than deploying an ordinary Bot Framework bot because the Composer bot is not stored anywhere in a deployable state. Composer must bundle your specific Composer project files together with the centralized Composer runtime in order to create a deployable package.
However, Composer does come with a way to convert your Composer project into an ordinary bot project that can be deployed just like any web app. This is called exporting (or ejecting) the runtime. You can find out how to do that here.
To export your bot runtime:
Navigate to the Project Settings page of your Composer and find the Custom runtime section.
From the Custom runtime section, toggle Use custom runtime then select Get a new copy of the runtime code.
In the pop-up window select C# and select Okay. A copy of your bot's runtime will be added to the bot's project folder and can
be accessed in the following directory: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Composer\bot\runtime.

change the UI of the WSO2 API Manager v3.0.0

I want to change the UI of the wso2 API manager.
I use product-am v3.0.0, carbon-apimgt v6.5.349, and nexus.
I'm add a <h4></h4> tag in /carbon-apimgt-6.5.349/features/apimgt/ and the change the font size in defaultheme.js file.
I change the default repository to and added configuration below:
then run the mvn clean deploy command.
but when build in product-am and run only font size changed and <h4></h4> tag not added.
issue in GitHub: this
API Manager 3.x UIs has two levels of customizations, in the basic level, You can change the UI themeing via defaulttheme.js file, which does not require to re-build the web app to make the changes effect. The limitation in this method is, You can only change the theming parameters which are pre-defined in the theme file. But still, there are quite a lot of theming capabilities in it.
The defaultTheme.js file in API Manager 3.0.0 is an extension of the Material-UI default theme file, Hence you can apply any customization which is allowed in material-ui theme structure.
In the second level customization or advanced customization, you can customize the behavior of the web app by overriding the React JS implementation. We have developed a webpack plugin to override the default React component implementation with extended or custom implementation when the user decided to add customization to their app. You can find the documentation for this advance customization here.
And also please note:
Modified the default React component implementation in the web apps are not recommended. By doing so it will be difficult to update the server through wso2 update manager (WUM), So that our recommendation is to use any of the above customization methods to customize the web apps according to your need.

Google Cloud ML Engine: Create new model version with prediction logging enabled

I have a model on ML engine and it doesn't have logging enabled. I wanted to create a new version of the same pickled model with onlinePredictionLogging=True.
How can I do this through the ML Engine GUI? All docs I've seen (e.g. are command-line based.
If I try to create a new version, I don't get to change the ModelResource that has the onlinePredictionLogging field...
It doesn't appear to be possible via Cloud Console (GUI). I will file a feature request.

Azure Resource Template for new api app resource

I want to create an Azure Resource Group template which includes the new api app resource. I say new since api apps have changed: App Service API Apps - What's changed
I tried this Create a Logic App plus API app using a template . Note: I don't want to create a logic app but this example also includes an api app. When I run this example I get a message: There is a new version of API Apps. Click here to learn more. So this is not the correct example. I can't find a better example.
Note: when I simply add "kind: apiapp" to the "Microsoft.Web/sites" resource, no apiapp is deployed, I also don't get an error.
So my question is how to create a new api with Azure Resource Templates.
I contacted MS for this, they helped me and now it's fixed. Their answer:
Have you installed the new Azure SDK version In that release (actually in 2.8.1 and beyond) we added “Export ARM Template” capability to the provisioning UI. So when you go to publish, then click the New button, you can export your ARM template. That way you’d be able to see exactly the right syntax for creating an API App.
So in VS create a web application, publish it to app service, check api app and then click the export button and you get the correct json.
See also:

TeamCity integration with Sitecore CMS

Is there any out-of-the-box feature available to integrate Sitecore CMS with TeamCity? I checked the list of runners available, but I don't seem to find any.
My customer has a ASP.NET project and uses Sitecore CMS for the website. I am trying to build a pipe to automatically trigger a build at a certain time of the week and deploy to Sitecore. Any help is appreciated.
Deploying Sitecore is much like deploying any standard .NET web application, except for the content.
I've written a blog post on automating your deployments with TeamCity and Team Development for Sitecore (TDS). You can ignore the TDS-specific information if you are looking just to push the code. However, if you plan on deploying content items immediately, TDS is helpful for that.
There is also a post by Jason Bert that covers using OctoDeploy with TeamCity and TDS for continuous deployment.
You may want to just start by setting up a standard .NET MSBuild step and then deploying the build of the code out to your site. That will get you started and then you can begin to tweak from there and choose which other tools will fit your needs.