Why does the setting "MSBuild project build output verbosity" have no effect? - c++

I am having trouble finding relevant messages in a myriad of MSBuild output. It seems like a problem with my Visual Studio configuration: the build output verbosity behaves as if it is set to "Detailed", independent from what I have set in Tools → Options → Projects and Solutions → Build and Run → MSBuild project build output verbosity.
The issue is reproducable with a default C++ console application project:
The screenshot shows the application, the ouput verbosity settings and the unexpected output in the "Output" window.
I came across this problem in another project that has a significantly longer build time. When I open the settings window while the project is building, I can see that the setting has reset to "Detailed"
Do you have any idea why the setting does not have an effect or why it is overridden?
As written, the problem is project-independent and seems like an issue with my configuration. I already tried deleting the settings in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\... and %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\...
but Visual Studio manages to restore the settings from some history:

Are you using the same account to sign in vs on different computers? Maybe this cause the problem.
You can try to reset all settings under Tools > Import and Export Settings and try it again.


Eclipse CDT, CMAKE project: No C/C++ Build Menu Item

Thanks in advance for the help.
This is on Windows/MSYS2 (mingw64) Eclipse CDT Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0) Build id: 20190917-1200.
I have figured out how to run cmake in order to create an Eclipse compatible project file. I then got the project into Eclipse via I got this File->Open Project from File System. I can then make/build that file and create my executables. I do get a couple warnings regarding improper project path but the code all compiles without error.
However, I need to "connect" the cmake build directory (i.e. the project in Kicad) to my source code in order to edit and/or debug the changes I wish to make. Based on my research I believe I have to do this via the Project Properties C/C++ Build menu, however, this menu is not present. I believe I access this menu by selecting the project on the left and right clicking or alt-enter or from the top menu Project->Properties.
For some reason I can't do a screen grab on Eclipse but I pulled the image attached from the online help file: (https://help.eclipse.org/2019-06/index.jsp)
My "Project->Properties" menu looks similar in that it shows Resource, Builders, plus more things but there is no C/C++ Build entry: it just goes from Builders to C/C++ General.
I found this "solution" https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=508319 which seemed appropriate as I had installed the standalone debugger, however, uninstalling it had no effect.
Any suggestions?

Qt Application not running

I am trying to run a simple "Hello, world" console application but I am experiencing some errors when compiling that I am not familiar with. I have done a bit of research into similar problems with Qt but I haven't been able to find a solution. The closest solution I have come across was to change my Patch Command setting under:
Preferences -> Environment -> System -> Patch Command
usr/bin/xterm -e
However, when I try to do this it goes red indicating that I do not have this file.
Environment Preferences Window
The following image is a screenshot of what is displayed in the terminal window when attempting to compile my project.
Console Application Output
Any help on this problem would be much apprectiated! It is very frustrating having something like this hold me back!
Don't run your project in a terminal unless you actually select a working terminal, and that's all. The patch command is irrelevant in this anyway - it's not the terminal, but the patch command -- used to patch source code. You don't need it unless you explicitly use code patching. Go to Projects (Ctrl-5), click on the active Run configuration for your project, uncheck "Run in terminal", done.

Eclipse: Errors exist in active configuration of project "<project_name>"

Project has been build successfully, but I got following error message while debugging in "Error in Workspace" pop-up window.
Error in Workspace:
Errors exist in active configuration of project "<project_name>". Proceed with launch?
I am using following version of Eclipse.
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Version: Helios Service Release 2
I've imported this project as "C/C++ > Existing Code as Makefile Project".
Is anyone have any idea how to get rid of this error ?
Please let me know if I've missed something to mention here..
I meet the problem too, and now it is fixed simply by deleting the "Debug" or "Release" folder.These two folders ware build after compiling,but they seem not to refesh automaticaly.So I delete them and compile again,and fixed.
My environment is :eclipse neno 4.6.0,JDK 1.8.0_92 64 bit,c++ prject.
Just delete the Debug Folder and run it. This might allow the program to execute.
I had the same annoying problem, and I think I just found the solution:
go to the Problems tab
Right-click on Errors
Delete the errors
I had cppcheck errors that prevented me from running my programs without this warning. Removing them solved the problem. And building again does not make the popup come back.

Error D8022: Cannot Open xxx.rsp in TFS2012

I've been stuck with this error for a couple days now with one of our C++ products. This only occurs when I trigger the build in TFS.
Here are the details:
It is a VS2005 solution with a few C++ projects in it
We are using TFS2012 Update 3
MSBuild Platform is x86
Opening the solution in VS2005 and building does not generate this
Full error message, cl : Command line error D8022: cannot open
I've tried:
Changing the intermediate and output directories to point to
different locations
Changing project dependencies so projects are dependent on each other
Disabled parallel builds
Gave my build account admin rights
Any insight would be greatly appreciated! :)
After looking around the logs some more, it seems like the build isn't generating the .rsp files before attempting to locate them.
I noticed when building locally my log displays some warnings before it creates the .rsp file, while the build server lacks these warnings. They both should generate these warnings prior to the .rsp creation.
So my new question is, how do I resolve this race case?

Cannot add Custom Action in Visual Studio 2010 installer project

I converted a working project from Visual Studio 2008 to VS2010. The c++ solution builds a single executable and 3 DLLs, and a windows installer project.
After converting to VS2010, I received a build error "Unable to build custom action named 'Primary Output from xxxx (Active)' from project output group 'Primary Output' because the project output group does not have a key file."
I removed and re-added the output groups, then attempted to add a custom action. The executable output was not listed as a candidate for a custom action. I then noticed when I selected the executable "Primary Output" properties, that the "KeyOutput" property was set to (None) and was grayed out.
When revisiting the VS2008 version, the KeyOutput property was not grayed out. I found the error message on MSDN, with a useless fix:
"Remove the custom action and replace it with a custom action pointing to a project output group that has a key file."
Obviously the tech writer didn't know how to fix it either. Keep in mind the original build worked and installed correctly. I believe the root issue is why the KeyOutput property is disabled - but why? (When viewing "Outputs" it correctly shows the exe or dll in each project)
I had a similar problem and I figured out why the setup project could not find the key output files.
My project Output Directory was defined as $(SolutionDir)\bin\$(Platform). SolutionDir already has a trailing backslash so the \bin was placing a double backslash in the path. The project would build fine but the setup project couldn't resolve the key outputs. Setting the output to $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Platform)\ resolved the issue.
After further investigation, I found this is a bug in Visual Studio 2010.
If you specify an output name for a project that differs from the name of the project itself, it fails to do the right thing.
To reproduce this, change
Project properties->Linker->General->OutputFile from $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt) to be something like $(OutDir)foobar.exe
The project then changes the KeyOutput value to empty, and is not available for custom actions in installations. No workaround other than living with the default project naming convention.
Very late answer but hopefully it will save someone the 2 hours I spent banging my head on the wall with VS 2010 ( what an awful piece of software it is - slow to load and takes up 300 megs of working memory per devenv , and now this bug!!!!!????) here goes -
Roger Dunn was correct is saying that it is the Project properties->Linker->General->OutputFile that causes the problem - if you have something like $(OutDir)foobar.exe the custom action barfs , if you change it back to $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt) it works again!
The work around is to change the macro $(TargetName) to foobar and then user $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt) if you want custom name for your exe.
$(TargetName) can be changed at - Project properties->Configuration Properties->general->TargetName.
But what a waste of time this VS 2010.