I have tried to use xpdf source code into a MFC application to convert pdf to text. The code sample is taken from their site (or repository):
int Pdf2Txt(std::string PdfFile, std::string TxtFile) const
GString* ownerPW, *userPW;
UnicodeMap* uMap;
TextOutputDev* textOut;
TextOutputControl textOutControl;
GString* textFileName;
int exitCode;
char textEncName[128] = "";
char textEOL[16] = "";
GBool noPageBreaks = gFalse;
GBool quiet = gFalse;
char ownerPassword[33] = "\001";
char userPassword[33] = "\001";
int firstPage = 1;
int lastPage = 0;
GBool tableLayout = gFalse;
double fixedPitch = 0;
GBool physLayout = gFalse;
GBool simpleLayout = gFalse;
GBool simple2Layout = gFalse;
GBool linePrinter = gFalse;
GBool rawOrder = gFalse;
double fixedLineSpacing = 0;
double marginLeft = 0;
double marginRight = 0;
double marginTop = 0;
double marginBottom = 0;
GBool clipText = gFalse;
GBool discardDiag = gFalse;
GBool insertBOM = gFalse;
exitCode = 99;
// read config file
globalParams = new GlobalParams("");
if (textEncName[0])
if (textEOL[0])
if (!globalParams->setTextEOL(textEOL))
fprintf(stderr, "Bad '-eol' value on command line\n");
if (noPageBreaks)
if (quiet)
// Set UNICODE support
// get mapping to output encoding
if (!(uMap = globalParams->getTextEncoding()))
error(errConfig, -1, "Couldn't get text encoding");
goto err1;
// open PDF file
if (ownerPassword[0] != '\001')
ownerPW = new GString(ownerPassword);
ownerPW = NULL;
if (userPassword[0] != '\001')
userPW = new GString(userPassword);
userPW = NULL;
PDFDoc* doc = new PDFDoc((char*)PdfFile.c_str(), ownerPW, userPW);
if (userPW)
delete userPW;
if (ownerPW)
delete ownerPW;
if (! doc->isOk())
exitCode = 1;
goto err2;
// check for copy permission
if (! doc->okToCopy())
error(errNotAllowed, -1, "Copying of text from this document is not allowed.");
exitCode = 3;
goto err2;
// construct text file name
textFileName = new GString(TxtFile.c_str());
// get page range
if (firstPage < 1)
firstPage = 1;
if (lastPage < 1 || lastPage > doc->getNumPages())
lastPage = doc->getNumPages();
// write text file
if (tableLayout)
textOutControl.mode = textOutTableLayout;
textOutControl.fixedPitch = fixedPitch;
else if (physLayout)
textOutControl.mode = textOutPhysLayout;
textOutControl.fixedPitch = fixedPitch;
else if (simpleLayout)
textOutControl.mode = textOutSimpleLayout;
else if (simple2Layout)
textOutControl.mode = textOutSimple2Layout;
else if (linePrinter)
textOutControl.mode = textOutLinePrinter;
textOutControl.fixedPitch = fixedPitch;
textOutControl.fixedLineSpacing = fixedLineSpacing;
else if (rawOrder)
textOutControl.mode = textOutRawOrder;
textOutControl.mode = textOutReadingOrder;
textOutControl.clipText = clipText;
textOutControl.discardDiagonalText = discardDiag;
textOutControl.insertBOM = insertBOM;
textOutControl.marginLeft = marginLeft;
textOutControl.marginRight = marginRight;
textOutControl.marginTop = marginTop;
textOutControl.marginBottom = marginBottom;
textOut = new TextOutputDev(textFileName->getCString(), &textOutControl, gFalse, gTrue);
if (textOut->isOk())
doc->displayPages(textOut, firstPage, lastPage, 72, 72, 0, gFalse, gTrue, gFalse);
delete textOut;
exitCode = 2;
goto err3;
delete textOut;
exitCode = 0;
// clean up
delete textFileName;
delete doc;
// uMap->decRefCnt();
delete globalParams;
// check for memory leaks
return exitCode;
So far, so good. But this code isn't thread safe: if I am trying run this code inside a multi-threading code, it crashes:
// TextOutputDev.cc
if (uMap->isUnicode())
lreLen = uMap->mapUnicode(0x202a, lre, sizeof(lre)); // <-- crash
Why ? Because there is a variable, globalParams, which is deleted in the last lines of the function, and it's common for all threads:
delete globalParams;
And globalParams it's an extern global variable from GlobalParams.h (part of xpdf code):
// xpdf/GlobalParams.h
// The global parameters object.
extern GlobalParams *globalParams;
How can I do this function thread safe ? Because the "problem variable" it's inside xpdf source code, not in mine ...
P.S. To sum up things, globalParams it's declared in xpdf code, and it's cleaned in my (client) code.
The xpdf source code could be seen here:
Try restructuring your code as shown below. I have moved the GlobalParams initialization code into a separate function. This function should be called (once) during initialization, or before starting the threads that call Pdf2Txt(). And of course the GlobalParams instance shouldn't be destroyed because it can be used by multiple threads. It won't hurt your app to keep it memory, it's one object anyway and not really large - well, it contains many int and bool member variables, but these do not take up much space, and quite a few string* variables (initially null or emtpy I guess), so it's just a few KB at most.
bool InitGlobalParams()
UnicodeMap* uMap;
char textEncName[128] = "";
char textEOL[16] = "";
GBool noPageBreaks = gFalse;
GBool quiet = gFalse;
// read config file
globalParams = new GlobalParams(""); // <-- Maybe add some checking code here?
if (textEncName[0])
if (textEOL[0])
if (!globalParams->setTextEOL(textEOL))
fprintf(stderr, "Bad '-eol' value on command line\n");
if (noPageBreaks)
if (quiet)
// Set UNICODE support
// get mapping to output encoding
if (!(uMap = globalParams->getTextEncoding()))
error(errConfig, -1, "Couldn't get text encoding");
return false;
return true;
int Pdf2Txt(std::string PdfFile, std::string TxtFile) const
GString* ownerPW, *userPW;
TextOutputDev* textOut;
TextOutputControl textOutControl;
GString* textFileName;
int exitCode;
char ownerPassword[33] = "\001";
char userPassword[33] = "\001";
int firstPage = 1;
int lastPage = 0;
GBool tableLayout = gFalse;
double fixedPitch = 0;
GBool physLayout = gFalse;
GBool simpleLayout = gFalse;
GBool simple2Layout = gFalse;
GBool linePrinter = gFalse;
GBool rawOrder = gFalse;
double fixedLineSpacing = 0;
double marginLeft = 0;
double marginRight = 0;
double marginTop = 0;
double marginBottom = 0;
GBool clipText = gFalse;
GBool discardDiag = gFalse;
GBool insertBOM = gFalse;
exitCode = 99;
// open PDF file
if (ownerPassword[0] != '\001')
ownerPW = new GString(ownerPassword);
ownerPW = NULL;
if (userPassword[0] != '\001')
userPW = new GString(userPassword);
userPW = NULL;
PDFDoc* doc = new PDFDoc((char*)PdfFile.c_str(), ownerPW, userPW);
if (userPW)
delete userPW;
if (ownerPW)
delete ownerPW;
if (! doc->isOk())
exitCode = 1;
goto err2;
// check for copy permission
if (! doc->okToCopy())
error(errNotAllowed, -1, "Copying of text from this document is not allowed.");
exitCode = 3;
goto err2;
// construct text file name
textFileName = new GString(TxtFile.c_str());
// get page range
if (firstPage < 1)
firstPage = 1;
if (lastPage < 1 || lastPage > doc->getNumPages())
lastPage = doc->getNumPages();
// write text file
if (tableLayout)
textOutControl.mode = textOutTableLayout;
textOutControl.fixedPitch = fixedPitch;
else if (physLayout)
textOutControl.mode = textOutPhysLayout;
textOutControl.fixedPitch = fixedPitch;
else if (simpleLayout)
textOutControl.mode = textOutSimpleLayout;
else if (simple2Layout)
textOutControl.mode = textOutSimple2Layout;
else if (linePrinter)
textOutControl.mode = textOutLinePrinter;
textOutControl.fixedPitch = fixedPitch;
textOutControl.fixedLineSpacing = fixedLineSpacing;
else if (rawOrder)
textOutControl.mode = textOutRawOrder;
textOutControl.mode = textOutReadingOrder;
textOutControl.clipText = clipText;
textOutControl.discardDiagonalText = discardDiag;
textOutControl.insertBOM = insertBOM;
textOutControl.marginLeft = marginLeft;
textOutControl.marginRight = marginRight;
textOutControl.marginTop = marginTop;
textOutControl.marginBottom = marginBottom;
textOut = new TextOutputDev(textFileName->getCString(), &textOutControl, gFalse, gTrue);
if (textOut->isOk())
doc->displayPages(textOut, firstPage, lastPage, 72, 72, 0, gFalse, gTrue, gFalse);
delete textOut;
exitCode = 2;
goto err3;
delete textOut;
exitCode = 0;
// clean up
delete textFileName;
delete doc;
// uMap->decRefCnt();
// Do NOT delete the one and only GlobalParams instance!!!
//delete globalParams;
// check for memory leaks
return exitCode;
The above code may not even compile (I modified it with a text editor, not really tested it) so please make any changes that may be required. It is quite expected that the xpdf functions do not modify the globalParams object (it's "read-only" for them) so this code has a good chance to work. Btw there is a #if MULTITHREADED directive in the GlobalParams class definition (GlobalParams.h) containing 3 mutex objects in its block. The implementation code (GlobalParams.cc) locks a mutex to access the GlobalParams members, so this may cause some threads to wait a little, although I can't tell how much (one would have to thoroughly examine the code, which is a small "project" in itself). You can try testing it.
Of course the concerns expressed by #KJ above still apply, running many such threads in parallel could overload the system (although i'm not sure if xpdf uses multiple threads to process a single PDF, could one help please, how is it configured?), esp if you are running this on a server do not allow too many concurrently-running conversions, it may cause other processes to slow down. It may also cause I/O bottleneck (disk and/or network), so experiment with few threads initially and check how it scales up.
I'm currently trying to develop snmpManager in my embedded device(linux OS). This device should communicate with another device's snmpAgent. Well, my code working good for snmpV2c also my snmp packets show in wireshark pcap. But when i try snmpV3 packets snmp_synch_response(session, requestPdu, &responsePdu) func return STAT_ERROR Btw snmpV2c was returning STAT_SUCCESS My code is shown in below, i created snmp session for v2 and v3.
snmp_session *snmptypes::fCreateSession(QString IP)
struct snmp_session session;
session.peername = strdup(IP.toAscii());
static const char* v3_passphrase = "blablabl";
session.retries = 2;
session.timeout = 1000000;
session.engineBoots = 0;
session.engineTime = 0;
QString engineID = "0000000c000000007f000001";
session.contextEngineID = reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(strdup(engineID.toAscii()));
/*memory allocated by strdup() will be freed by calling snmp_close() */
if(SnmpMainWidget::activeWaveForm == SnmpMainWidget::snmpv2c)
session.version = SNMP_VERSION_2c;
const char *str;
QString path = "user";
QByteArray ba;
ba = path.toLatin1();
str = ba.data();
session.community = const_cast<unsigned char*>(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(str));
session.community_len = path.length();
session.retries = 2;
session.timeout = 1000000;
else if (SnmpMainWidget::activeWaveForm == SnmpMainWidget::snmpv3)
session.version = SNMP_VERSION_3;
session.securityName = strdup("blabl");
session.securityNameLen = strlen(session.securityName);
session.securityModel = USM_SEC_MODEL_NUMBER;
session.securityLevel = SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHNOPRIV;
session.securityAuthProto = usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol;
// session.securityAuthProtoLen = sizeof (usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol) / sizeof (oid);
session.securityAuthProtoLen = USM_AUTH_PROTO_MD5_LEN;
session.securityPrivProto = usmNoPrivProtocol;
session.securityPrivProtoLen = USM_PRIV_PROTO_NOPRIV_LEN;
session.securityAuthKeyLen =USM_AUTH_KU_LEN;
if (generate_Ku(session.securityAuthProto,session.securityAuthProtoLen,(u_char *) (v3_passphrase),
&session.securityAuthKeyLen) != SNMPERR_SUCCESS)
qWarning()<<"ERROR KODU"<<generate_Ku(session.securityAuthProto,session.securityAuthProtoLen,(u_char *) (v3_passphrase),
snmp_log(LOG_ERR,"Error generating Ku from authentication pass phrase. \n");
struct snmp_session* openedSession = snmp_open(&session);
if(openedSession == nullptr)
snmp_sess_perror(reinterpret_cast<const char*>("No Ack!"), openedSession);
qWarning()<<"Error while Session opening! FILE:"<<__FILE__<<"LINE:"<<__LINE__;
qDebug()<<"creating session is succeed!";
return openedSession;
Session is creating successfully. no problem so far. Let's continue, then i create pdu like shown below,
snmp_pdu *snmptypes::fCreatePDU(tsPDUvariables PDUvariables)
// qDebug()<<"nrepeaters"<<PDUvariables.nrepeaters;
// qDebug()<<"mrepeaters"<<PDUvariables.mrepetitions;
struct snmp_pdu* requestPdu;
oid requestOid[MAX_OID_LEN];
size_t requestOidLength = MAX_OID_LEN;
snmp_parse_oid(static_cast<const char*>(PDUvariables.OID.toAscii()), requestOid, &requestOidLength);
switch (PDUvariables.msgType) {
case snmpGet:
requestPdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET);
if (SnmpMainWidget::activeWaveForm == SnmpMainWidget::snmpv3){
requestPdu->version = SNMP_VERSION_3;
requestPdu->securityName = strdup("user");
requestPdu->securityNameLen = strlen(requestPdu->securityName);
requestPdu->securityLevel = SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHNOPRIV;
requestPdu->securityModel = USM_SEC_MODEL_NUMBER;
snmp_add_null_var(requestPdu, requestOid, requestOidLength);
//there are some other case like set,getbulk but don't need to focus these.get enough for now.
qDebug()<<"creating PDU is succeed!";
return requestPdu;
Finally I'm using snmpget func. for send snmp packet to dedicated IP;
Problem occure right here, snmpv2 snmpStatus return success but snmpv3 reutn error. There for snmpv3 packet doesn't appear on wireshark and also doesn't send. I cant understand what am i wrong in V3 while V2 was working well.
bool snmptypes::fSnmpGet(QString IP,QString OID)
const char PACKET_HEADER_BYTE = 4;//4Byte = SOH + len/256 + len%256 + EOH
struct snmp_session* session = fCreateSession(IP);
tsPDUvariables PDUvariables;
PDUvariables.OID = OID;
PDUvariables.msgType = snmpGet;
struct snmp_pdu* requestPdu = fCreatePDU(PDUvariables);
struct snmp_pdu* responsePdu = nullptr;
if(requestPdu != nullptr && session != nullptr)
int snmpStatus = snmp_synch_response(session, requestPdu, &responsePdu);
if(snmpStatus == STAT_SUCCESS)
if( responsePdu->errstat == SNMP_ERR_NOERROR and responsePdu->errstat == SNMP_ERR_NOERROR)
/* SUCCESS: Print the result variables */
struct variable_list *snmpVariables;
for(snmpVariables = responsePdu->variables; snmpVariables; snmpVariables = snmpVariables->next_variable)
{ qDebug()<<"fSnmpGet"<<__LINE__;
print_variable(snmpVariables->name, snmpVariables->name_length, snmpVariables);
for(snmpVariables = responsePdu->variables; snmpVariables != nullptr; snmpVariables = snmpVariables->next_variable)
QString strOID;
for(size_t i =0; i<snmpVariables->name_length;i++)
strOID.append(QString::number( snmpVariables->name[i]));
unsigned int OIDLen = static_cast<unsigned int> (strOID.length());
qDebug()<<"OID_Length:"<< static_cast<unsigned int> (OIDLen);
unsigned int paramLen = static_cast<unsigned int> (snmpVariables->val_len);
unsigned int txDataLen = 5+OIDLen + paramLen;
int totalTxDataLen = txDataLen+PACKET_HEADER_BYTE;
unsigned char *outMessBuff = static_cast<unsigned char *>(malloc(totalTxDataLen));
unsigned char *dataBuff = static_cast<unsigned char *>(malloc(txDataLen));
dataBuff[0] = snmpReqResponse;
dataBuff[1] = static_cast<unsigned char>(OIDLen/256 );
dataBuff[2] = static_cast<unsigned char>(OIDLen%256) ;
dataBuff[3] = static_cast<unsigned char>(paramLen/256) ;
dataBuff[4] = static_cast<unsigned char>(paramLen%256 );
if(OIDLen > 0)
if(paramLen > 0)
totalTxDataLen = SnmpMainWidget::IPC.prepareIPCmessage(outMessBuff, dataBuff, static_cast<int>(txDataLen));
SnmpMainWidget::IPC.sendIpcMessageToQt(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(outMessBuff),static_cast<unsigned int>(totalTxDataLen)); // reinterpret_cast bit of dangerous should be good test !!
SnmpMainWidget::IPC.PrintPacketInHex("SNMP-->QT :",outMessBuff, static_cast<unsigned int>(totalTxDataLen));
if(snmpStatus == STAT_SUCCESS)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in packet\nReason: %s\n", snmp_errstring(responsePdu->errstat));
else if(snmpStatus == STAT_TIMEOUT)
fprintf(stderr, "Timeout: No response from %s.\n", session->peername);
printf("snmp get requestPdu->command: %d\n", requestPdu->command);
printf("snmp get errstat: %s\n", snmp_errstring(requestPdu->errstat));
printf("snmp get errindex: %s\n", snmp_errstring(requestPdu->errindex));
fprintf(stderr, "session->s_errno %d,session->s_snmp_errno %d \n", session->s_errno, session->s_snmp_errno);
return false;
return true;
I'm just solving the problem. When I checked the internet I realize missing init_snmp("snmpapp"); function in my code. After adding init snmp, v3 set get message is send perfectly.
snmp_session *snmptypes::fCreateSession(QString IP)
struct snmp_session session;
session.peername = strdup(IP.toAscii());
Maybe it would be a useful answer for people who will have the same problem.
I have two methods that I call in InitInstance:
void CMeetingScheduleAssistantApp::DetectCommandLineSwitches()
LPWSTR* szArglist = nullptr;
int iNumArgs = 0;
szArglist = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &iNumArgs);
if (iNumArgs > 0 && szArglist != nullptr)
for (int iArg = 0; iArg < iNumArgs; iArg++)
CString strArg(szArglist[iArg]);
int iDelim = strArg.Find(_T("="));
if (iDelim != -1)
CString strParamName = strArg.Left(iDelim);
CString strParamValue = strArg.Mid(iDelim + 1);
if (strParamName.CollateNoCase(_T("/lang")) == 0)
(LPCTSTR)GetProgramPath(), (LPCTSTR)strParamValue.MakeUpper());
if (!PathFileExists(m_strPathLanguageResourceOverride))
m_strPathLanguageResourceOverride = _T("");
// Free memory allocated for CommandLineToArgvW arguments.
void CMeetingScheduleAssistantApp::DetectFileToOpenFromFileExplorer()
CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
m_bOpenFileFromFileExplorer = false;
m_strFileToOpenFromFileExplorerPath = _T("");
if (PathFileExists(cmdInfo.m_strFileName))
m_bOpenFileFromFileExplorer = true;
m_strFileToOpenFromFileExplorerPath = cmdInfo.m_strFileName;
Each parses the command line in a different way:
CommandLineToArgvW / GetCommandLine
I don't want to combine the methods as they are doing distinct tasks. But is it possible to adjust the logic so that I only parse the command line once?
I'm currently working on a project that involves bringing information back from devices plugged in via true usb. To solve this, I'm attempting to use libusb in my C++ project. I'm on Windows 10, using C++ and QT Creator with QT version 5.2.1. I can get the vendor ID and product ID of my device with .idVendor and idProduct. However, my serial number is returning as 0 with .iSerialNumber. I'll post my code below and hopefully someone can help me figure out what I'm missing or suggest another library for me to try. Thanks!
bool CPumpFinder::pollTrueUSB(boolean &deviceFound, Device &newDevice)
boolean usbFound = FALSE;
boolean accuCheckFound = FALSE;
AccuGuideCom *acc = new AccuGuideCom();
libusb_device **devs; //pointer to pointer of device, used to retrieve a list of devices
libusb_context *ctx = NULL; //a libusb session
int r; //for return values
ssize_t cnt; //holding number of devices in list
r = libusb_init(&ctx); //initialize a library session
if(r < 0) {
return 1;
libusb_set_debug(ctx, 3); //set verbosity level to 3, as suggested in the documentation
cnt = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &devs); //get the list of devices
if(cnt < 0) {
ssize_t i; //for iterating through the list
for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
printdev(devs[i], usbFound, accuCheckFound); //print specs of this device
if(usbFound == TRUE)
if(accuCheckFound == TRUE)
newDevice.displayName = "ACCU-CHEK GUIDE";
newDevice.vendorID = accuVID;
newDevice.productID = accuPID;
newDevice.serial = accuSerial;
deviceFound = TRUE;
libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1); //free the list, unref the devices in it
libusb_exit(ctx); //close the session
return deviceFound;
boolean CPumpFinder::printdev(libusb_device *dev, boolean &usbFound, boolean
&accuChekFound) {
libusb_device_descriptor desc;
int r = libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc);
if (r < 0) {
return usbFound;
uint16 vID = (uint16)desc.idVendor;
uint16 pID = (uint16)desc.idProduct; //desc.iSerialNumber
//#define ACCUCHEK_GUIDE_VENDORID (uint16)0x173A
//#define ACCUCHEK_GUIDE_PRODUCTID (uint16)0x21D5
if((vID == 5946) & (pID == 8661))
accuPID = pID;
accuVID = vID;
//Do serial?
accuSerial = "Test";
write_text_to_log_file("we did it");
accuChekFound = TRUE;
usbFound = TRUE;
if(usbFound == TRUE)
libusb_config_descriptor *config;
libusb_get_config_descriptor(dev, 0, &config);
const libusb_interface *inter;
const libusb_interface_descriptor *interdesc;
const libusb_endpoint_descriptor *epdesc;
for(int i=0; i<(int)config->bNumInterfaces; i++) {
inter = &config->interface[i];
for(int j=0; j<inter->num_altsetting; j++) {
interdesc = &inter->altsetting[j];
for(int k=0; k<(int)interdesc->bNumEndpoints; k++) {
epdesc = &interdesc->endpoint[k];
if(accuChekFound == TRUE)
return accuChekFound;
return usbFound;
return usbFound;
My current project has 2 dll's, one called Engine and another called Graphics. The Engine links to the graphics. And then the main program with links to both, but uses the Engine.
In some functions like this:
typedef const char* ce_safechar;
AssimpIntegration::GetData(ce_safechar pFile, ...
this error pops up: _pFirstBlock == pHead, just after i exited the function.
I have seen many different issues and it all seems to point at strings.
How can I avoid such behavior?
Full Function if needed:
FMESH_DATA AssimpIntegration::GetData(ce_safechar pFile, bool convLeftHanded, int maxSM)
// Create an instance of the Importer class
Assimp::Importer importer;
// And have it read the given file with some example post processing
// Usually - if speed is not the most important aspect for you - you'll
// probably to request more post processing than we do in this example.
int cls = 0x0;
if (convLeftHanded)
cls = aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded;
const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile( pFile, aiProcess_GenNormals | aiProcess_FindInstances | aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace | cls | aiProcess_Triangulate );
// If the import failed, report it
if (!scene)
char* error = (char*)importer.GetErrorString();
CE_ERROR(error, "Assimp Error");
// Now we can access the file's contents.
Group<MESH_STRUCT> Vertices;
Group<DWORD> indices;
///////////////////////////////////PROCESS MESH///////////////////////////////////////////
if (scene->HasAnimations())
aiAnimation *anim = scene->mAnimations[0];
aiVector3D position = anim->mChannels[0]->mPositionKeys[i].mValue;
key.position = D3DXVECTOR3(position.x, position.y, position.z);
D3DXVECTOR3 norms;
float tanx, tany, tanz;
float bitanx, bitany, bitanz;
FOREACH (scene->mNumMeshes)
if (i >= maxSM)
aiMesh *mesh = scene->mMeshes[i];
indices.group.clear(); //dafuck?
if (mesh->HasPositions())
for (int v = 0; v != mesh->mNumVertices; v++)
norms = D3DXVECTOR3(0,0,0);
if (mesh->HasNormals())
norms = D3DXVECTOR3(mesh->mNormals[v].x,mesh->mNormals[v].y,mesh->mNormals[v].z);
tanx = tany = tanz = 0;
bitanx = bitany = bitanz = 0;
if (mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents())
tanx = mesh->mTangents[v].x; tany = mesh->mTangents[v].y; tanz = mesh->mTangents[v].z;
bitanx = mesh->mBitangents[v].x; bitany = mesh->mBitangents[v].y; bitanz = mesh->mBitangents[v].z;
tanx, // TANGENTS
for (int b = 0; b < mesh->mNumBones; b++)
if (b > 4)
float weight = 0.0f;
for ( int w = 0; w < mesh->mBones[b]->mNumWeights; w++)
if (mesh->mBones[b]->mWeights[w].mVertexId == v)
weight = mesh->mBones[b]->mWeights[w].mWeight;
Vertices.back().bWeight[b] = weight;
if (mesh->HasTextureCoords(0))
Vertices.back().U = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][v].x;
Vertices.back().V = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][v].y;
for (int f = 0; f != mesh->mNumFaces; f++)
for (int index = 0; index != mesh->mFaces[f].mNumIndices; index++)
// Set the required textures
const aiMaterial* pMaterial = scene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex];
if (pMaterial->GetTextureCount(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE) > 0) {
aiString Path;
if (pMaterial->GetTexture(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &Path, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == AI_SUCCESS) {
std::string FullPath = Path.data;
if (FullPath.find("\\") != string::npos)
FullPath = FullPath.substr(FullPath.find_last_of("\\")+1, FullPath.length() - (FullPath.length() - FullPath.find_last_of("\\")-1));
else if (FullPath.find("/") != string::npos)
FullPath = FullPath.substr(FullPath.find_last_of("/")+1, FullPath.length() - FullPath.find_last_of("/")-1);
string rFile = pFile;
string spFile = std::string(pFile);
if (spFile.find("\\") != string::npos)
rFile = spFile.substr(0, spFile.find_last_of("\\")+1);
rFile = spFile.substr(0, spFile.find_last_of("/")+1);
FullPath = rFile + FullPath;
data.scene = scene;
return data;
You are using STL objects as parameters and/or return types of the functions/methods you are exporting on your DLL.
Example: You return FMESH_DATA. This class/struct has STL objects inside, as we can see via line:
The thing here is: It's not a good idea to have STL stuff being exported or imported via DLLs. It requires the caller of your DLL to use the same CRT of the objects that are created in the DLL.
But if you really wanna do that, you may change the Runtime Library of your projects (all of them) to multi-threaded (/MD). Then you will be able to use STL safely across the cliend and the DLL.
I am searching how to open archive from memory buffer using minizip.
I found ioapi_mem_c.zip from their page http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html.
I can't understand how to use it. Can some one give me an example?
I solved my problem for unziping:
I added this function to unzip.c
extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpenBuffer (const void* buffer, uLong size)
char path[16] = {0};
zlib_filefunc64_32_def memory_file;
uLong base = (uLong)buffer;
sprintf(path, "%x+%x", base, size);
return unzOpenInternal(path, &memory_file, 0);
And made some changes in ioapi_mem.c:
void fill_memory_filefunc64_32 (pzlib_filefunc_def)
zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zopen32_file = fopen_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zopen64_file = fopen_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zread_file = fread_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zwrite_file = fwrite_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->ztell32_file = ftell_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zseek32_file = fseek_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zseek64_file = NULL;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zclose_file = fclose_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zerror_file = ferror_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.opaque = NULL;
I hope this will help someone who will have the same problem.
And Here is simple class implementation how to use it:
void ZipArchiveImpl::OpenArchive()
ASSERT(!mInited, "Already opened.");
if ((mFileMode == FM_READ))
if (mArchiveName.size() == 0)
u32 sz = mFile->GetFileSize();
mFile->Read(mUnzBlock.Data(), mUnzBlock.GetSizeInBytes());
mUnzHandle = unzOpenBuffer(mUnzBlock.Data(), mUnzBlock.GetSizeInBytes());
mUnzHandle = unzOpen(mArchiveName.c_str());
if (!mUnzHandle) return;
else if (mFileMode == FM_WRITE)
mZipHandle = zipOpen(mArchiveName.c_str(), 0);
if (!mZipHandle) return;
mInited = true;
IFile* ZipArchiveImpl::OpenRead(const std::string& name)
if (IsExist(name))
ZipFileInfo info = mFileMap.find(name)->second;
MemoryBlock block(1);
int res = unzGoToFilePos(mUnzHandle, &info.filePosInfo);
if (UNZ_OK != res)
return false;
// open the current file with optional password
if (mArchivePassword != "")
res = unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(info.zipFileHandle, mArchivePassword.c_str());
res = unzOpenCurrentFile(info.zipFileHandle);
if (UNZ_OK != res)
return false;
// read uncompressed data
int readResult = unzReadCurrentFile(info.zipFileHandle, block.Data(), info.uncompressedSize);
// close the file
res = unzCloseCurrentFile(info.zipFileHandle);
if (UNZ_OK != res)
return false;
if (info.uncompressedSize == readResult)
return ROBE_NEW MemoryFile(block.Data(), info.uncompressedSize);
return NULL;
return NULL;
IFile* ZipArchiveImpl::OpenRead(u32 id)
ASSERT0(mFileNames.size() > id);
if (IsExist(mFileNames[id]))
return OpenRead(mFileNames[id]);
return NULL;
void ZipArchiveImpl::FillMap()
s32 walkRes = unzGoToFirstFile(mUnzHandle);
unz_file_info info;
while (UNZ_OK == walkRes)
// get info about current file
char currentFileName[512];
s32 fileInfoRes = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(mUnzHandle, &info, currentFileName, sizeof(currentFileName), 0, 0, 0, 0);
std::string name = std::string(currentFileName);
InitInfo(name, &info);
walkRes = unzGoToNextFile(mUnzHandle);
if (UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE != walkRes)
void ZipArchiveImpl::InitInfo(const std::string& name, unz_file_info* info)
ZipFileInfo zfi;
mFileMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, ZipFileInfo>(name, zfi));
mFileMap[name].zipFileHandle = mUnzHandle;
int res = unzGetFilePos(mFileMap[name].zipFileHandle, &mFileMap[name].filePosInfo);
mFileMap[name].uncompressedSize = info->uncompressed_size;
char lastsymbol = name[name.size() - 1];
if (lastsymbol == '/' || lastsymbol == '\\')
mFileMap[name].type = ZFT_DIR;
mFileMap[name].type = ZFT_FILE;
if (mInited)
if (mUnzHandle) unzClose(mUnzHandle);
if (mZipHandle) zipClose(mZipHandle, 0);
bool ZipArchiveImpl::IsExist(const std::string& name)
return (mFileMap.find(name) != mFileMap.end());
void ZipArchiveImpl::SaveFileToZip(const std::string& path, IFile* file)
const u32 DefaultFileAttribute = 32;
MemoryBlock block(1);
file->Read(block.Data(), block.GetSizeInBytes());
zip_fileinfo zinfo;
memset(&zinfo, 0, sizeof(zinfo));
zinfo.internal_fa = 0;
zinfo.external_fa = DefaultFileAttribute;
::boost::posix_time::ptime pt = ::boost::posix_time::from_time_t(time(0));
std::tm ptm = ::boost::posix_time::to_tm(pt);
zinfo.dosDate = 0;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_year = ptm.tm_year;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_mon = ptm.tm_mon;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_mday = ptm.tm_mday;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_hour = ptm.tm_hour;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_min = ptm.tm_min;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_sec = ptm.tm_sec;
zipOpenNewFileInZip(mZipHandle, path.c_str(), &zinfo, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Z_DEFLATED, Z_BEST_SPEED);
zipWriteInFileInZip(mZipHandle, block.Data(), block.GetSizeInBytes());
unsigned long ZipArchiveImpl::GetFileAttributes(const std::string& filePath)
unsigned long attrib = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
attrib = ::GetFileAttributes(filePath.c_str());
struct stat path_stat;
if (::stat(filePath.c_str(), &path_stat) == 0)
attrib = path_stat.st_mode;
return attrib;
added this function to unzip.c
extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpenBuffer(const void* buffer, uLong size)
zlib_filefunc_def filefunc32 = { 0 };
ourmemory_t *punzmem = (ourmemory_t*)malloc(sizeof(ourmemory_t));
punzmem->size = size;
punzmem->base = (char *)malloc(punzmem->size);
memcpy(punzmem->base, buffer, punzmem->size);
punzmem->grow = 0;
punzmem->cur_offset = 0;
punzmem->limit = 0;
fill_memory_filefunc(&filefunc32, punzmem);
return unzOpen2(NULL, &filefunc32);
Looking at the code in the link, there is no obvious way to pass a memory buffer. Save your memory buffer as a file, unzip it.
Or you could implement your own zlib_filefunc_def variant that operates on a lump of memory instead of a file. I don't think that is very hard to do.
Checkout the nmoinvaz fork of minizip: To unzip from a zip file in memory use fill_memory_filefunc and supply a proper ourmemory_t structure
zlib_filefunc_def filefunc32 = {0};
ourmemory_t unzmem = {0};
unzmem.size = bufsize;
unzmem.base = (char *)malloc(unzmem.size);
memcpy(unzmem.base, buffer, unzmem.size);
fill_memory_filefunc(&filefunc32, &unzmem);
unzOpen2("__notused__", &filefunc32);