AWS elasticbeanstalk hooks: postdeploy works, predeploy doesn't - amazon-web-services

I am using an ebs app on linux 2 platforms, and I need to clone a directory during deployment to get configfiles for my app.
I did a predeploy hook so that the files are there when the app starts after deployment: /.platform/hooks/predeploy/01_import
After deployment in a predeploy hook, the files are not there.
When I run the exact same script in a postdeploy hook, the files are there.
So the command works, I see the predeploy hook is running (I see the echo text in the log), but the files are not present. Anyone knows why?
mkdir /var/app/current/config
echo Adding github in known hosts
ssh-keyscan -H >> /home/webapp/.ssh/known_hosts
echo Done Adding github in known hosts
echo deleting old flows
echo cloning
git -c core.sshCommand="ssh -i /etc/pki/tls/certs/githubKey" clone -b dev --single-branch <mygithub> /var/app/current/config
echo done cloning

In predeploy stage, the new code is deployed to /var/app/staging, not /var/app/current.
/var/app/current is actually overwritten by staging if the new staging deployment is successful.
So in predeploy, I've cloned to staging instead, and it works.
This is not well documented in AWS docs; this helped me.


Elastic BeanStalk app deploy post hook not executing my command

I recently was able to get my Laravel app deployed using codepipeline on Elastic Beanstalk but ran into a problem. I noticed that my routes where failing because of php.conf Nginx configuration. I had to add a few lines of code to EB's nginx php.conf file to get it to work.
My problem now was that after every deployment, the instance of the application I modified the php.conf file was destroyed and recreated fresh. I wanted a way to dynamically update the file after every successful deployment. I had a version of the file I wanted versioned with my application and so wanted to create a symlink to that file after deployment.
After loads of research, I stumbled on appDeploy Hooks on Elastic Beanstalk that runs post scripts after deployment so did this
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo mkdir /var/testing1
sudo ln -sfn /var/www/html/php.conf.example /etc/nginx/conf.d/elasticbeanstalk/php.conf
sudo mkdir /var/testing
sudo nginx -s reload
And this for some reason does not work. The symlink is not created so my routes are still not working..
I even added some mkdir so am sure the commands in that script runs, none of those commands ran because none of those directories where created.
Please note that if I ssh into the ec2 instance and run the commands there it works. That bash script also exists in the post directory and if I manually run in on the server it works too.
Any pointers to how I could fix this would be helpful. Maybe I am doing something wrong too.
Now I have gotten my scripts to run by following this. However, the script is not running. I am getting an error
2020/06/28 08:22:13.653339 [INFO] Following platform hooks will be executed in order: [01_myconf.config]
2020/06/28 08:22:13.653344 [INFO] Running platform hook: .platform/hooks/postdeploy/01_myconf.config
2020/06/28 08:22:13.653516 [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [RunPostDeployHooks]. Stop running the command. Error: Command .platform/hooks/postdeploy/01_myconf.config failed with error fork/exec .platform/hooks/postdeploy/01_myconf.config: permission denied
I tried to follow this forum post here to make my file executable by adding to my container command a new command like so:
command: "chmod +x .platform/hooks/postdeploy/"
I am still running into the same issue. Permission denied
Sadly, the hooks you are describing (i.e. /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy) are for Amazon Linux 1.
Since you are using Amazon Linux 2, as clarified in the comments, the hooks you are trying to use do not apply. Thus they are not being executed.
In Amazon Linux 2, there are new hooks as described here and they are:
prebuild – Files here run after the Elastic Beanstalk platform engine downloads and extracts the application source bundle, and before it sets up and configures the application and web server.
predeploy – Files here run after the Elastic Beanstalk platform engine sets up and configures the application and web server, and before it deploys them to their final runtime location.
postdeploy – Files here run after the Elastic Beanstalk platform engine deploys the application and proxy server.
The use of these new hooks is different than in Amazon Linux 1. Thus you have to either move back to Amazon Linux 1 or migrate your application to Amazon Linux 2.
General migration steps from Amazon Linux 1 to Amazon Linux 2 in EB are described here
Create a folder called .platform in your project root folder and create a file with name 00_myconf.config inside the .platform folder.
Open 00_myconf.config and add the scripts
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo mkdir /var/testing1
sudo ln -sfn /var/www/html/php.conf.example /etc/nginx/conf.d/elasticbeanstalk/php.conf
sudo mkdir /var/testing
sudo nginx -s reload
Commit your changes or reupload the project. This .platform folder will be considered in each new instance creation and your application will deploy properly in all the new instances Amazon Elastic beanstalk creates.
If you access the documentation here and scroll to the section with the title "Application example with extensions" you can see an example of the folder structure of your .platform folder so it adds your custom configuration to NGINX conf on every deploy.
You can either replace the entire nginx.conf file with your file or add additional configuration files to the conf.d directory
Replace conf file with your file on app deploy:
Add configuration files to nginx.conf:

Why won't my AWS CodeDeploy run my script after deployment?

I am using CodeDeploy to deploy my applications to EC2 instances created by an Auto Scaling Group.
The applications deploy fine and are moved to their correct file mapped locations, however my AfterInstallation script is never executed. I can see in the logs that it tries to make the script executable and passes that stage, but it never gets executed.
Here is my appspec.yml
version: 0.0
os: linux
- source: /
destination: /opt/lobby
- location:
timeout: 30
runas: root
Here is the script
nohup nodejs lobby.js &
echo "finished"
I do not see the echo printed nor do I see any processes running related to lobby.js. I can verify that this script works by typing ./ after the deployment and this works fine. This hook should do this for me though.
This needs to be a background task as I will be running multiple applications in this script but only one is displayed now just to get it working.
I have referred to and tried replacing AfterInstall with ValidateService and AfterAllowTraffic (but I'm not using a LoadBalancer)
Why is my AfterInstallation script not getting called, or so it seems?
AfterInstall: AfterInstall script contains the tasks need to be executed after installing the Application.
Example of BeforeInstall script:
cd /home/ubuntu/production/weone-backend
sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /home/ubuntu/production
sudo NODE_ENV=production nohup nodejs app.js > /dev/null 2> /dev/null < /dev/null &
In the above script, we are changing the ownership of our application folder
& starting application process.
Note: Use “/dev/null 2> /dev/null < /dev/null &” to get out of nohup shell automatically, else your CodeDeploy would get stuck at AfterInstall event.

Fetching Tags in Google Cloud Builder

In the newly created google container builder I am unable to fetch git tags during a build. During the build process the default cloning does not seem to fetch git tags. I added a custom build process which calls git fetch --tags but this results in the error:
Fetching origin
git: '' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
# cloudbuild.yaml
openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$ENC_TOKEN" -in -out -
git config --global url.https://${CI_USER_TOKEN}
pushd vendor
git submodule update --init --recursive
docker build -t$COMMIT_SHA -f /workspace/installer/docker/ui/Dockerfile .
docker build -t$COMMIT_SHA -f /workspace/installer/docker/auth/Dockerfile .
This worked for me, as the first build step:
- name:
args: [fetch, --depth=100]
To be clear, you want all tags to be available in the Git repo, not just to trigger on tag changes? In the latter, the triggering tag should be available IIUC.
I'll defer to someone on the Container Builder team for a more detailed explanation, but that error tells me that they used gcloud to clone the Google Cloud Source Repository (GCSR), which configures a Git credential helper named as such. They likely did this in another container before invoking yours, or on the host. Since gcloud and/or the gcloud credential helper aren't available in your container, you can't authenticate properly with GCSR.
You can learn a bit more about the credential helper here.

Perform actions on server after CircleCI deployment

I have a Django project that I deploy on a server using CircleCI. The server is a basic cloud server, and I can SSH into it.
I set up the deployment section of my circle.yml file, and everything is working fine. I would like to automatically perform some actions on the server after the deployment (such as migrating the database or reloading gunicorn).
I there a way to do that with CircleCI? I looked in the docs but couldn't find anything related to this particular problem. I also tried to put ssh user#my_server_ip after my deployment step, but then I get stuck and cannot perform any action. I can successfully SSH in, but the rest of the commands is not called.
Here is what my ideal circle.yml file would look like:
branch: develop
- rsync --update ./requirements.txt user#server:/home/user/requirements.txt
- rsync -r --update ./myapp/ user#server:/home/user/myapp/
- ssh user#server
- workon myapp_venv
- cd /home/user/
- pip install -r requirements.txt
I solved the problem by putting a file on the server, and putting this line on the circle.yml:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_myhost user#server ''
It executes the instructions in the file, which is exactly what I wanted.

Elastic Beanstalk .ebextensions config file not getting deployed with git aws.push

I've linked a git branch to my Elastic Beanstalk environment and using git aws.push it deploys correctly.
I've now added a .extensions directory which contains a config script which should be creating a couple of directories. However, nothing appears to be happening.
I understand that the .extensions directory should be copied across to the ec2 instance as well but I'm not seeing it.
I've checked eb-tools.log and it's not mentioned in the upload.
Is there something additional that's required?
The script contains:
command: mkdir /tmp/cache
command: mkdir /tmp/cache/items
command: chmod -R 644 /tmp
You can find the run logs for this at /var/log/cfn-init.log.
In here I could see that the mkdir commands had worked initially but subsequently failed as the directory already existed.
Turns out that eb extensions run commands in alphabetical order so I had to change the commands to:
From this point on it worked fine.
Something else that was confusing me is that the .ebextensions directory in my local git repo was not appearing on the target instance directory. this is because once it's been run it will delete the directory.
Double check that your local script file has a .config extension. I was having a similar problem because my local file was called .ebextensions/01_stuff.yaml and it was fixed once I renamed it to .ebextensions/01_stuff.config.