Inkscape Scripting Transform Functions - inkscape

I am trying to use inkscape from the command line (reference page). Their examples work, however, when I try to use transform-, specifically transform-grow and transform-translate I get the errors:
parse_actions: could not find action for: “transform-grow”
parse_actions: could not find action for: “transform-translate”
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Inkscape version: 1.2.1 (2022-07-14)
Example action: inkscape --query-id=path1234 input.svg --actions=“transform-grow” --export-filename output.svg

To see all possible action, type on the command line:
inkscape --action-list
Not sure if your example would work. I think the input file must be the last argument in the command line. It is recommended to use the parameter
--batch-process before the action list.


Rmarkdown rticles - MDPI template. How to print your own abbreviations

I am using the MDPI template (from the rticles package), and keen to also use the glossaries packages so I don't have to manually feed all the abbreviation on the appropriate YAML field.
For such, I have loaded the LaTex package glossaries using the header-includes:
\usepackage[acronym, section=section]{glossaries}
after creating several acronyms within the Rmarkdown body, I would be willing to either input the latex commands and have it printed in within the "Abbreviations" section of the template.
Currently, I am able to hack it through the following steps (I am sure there is a better way):
1- keep all the aux files chunk with :
options(tinytex.clean = FALSE)
2- cmd makeglossaries "filename"
3- Raw Latex on Rmarkdown file:
However, I would be keen to know if I could insert something on the YAML and use the MDPI formatting.
Alternatively, I could edit the rticles MDPI template (but I am not sure how).
Any ideas?
Include in YAML:
include-after: glossary.tex
I tried without success, but it seems reasonable that this approach might work with a few modifications

Navigate to the file from output in the terminal - WebStorm

Is it possible to tune WebStorm so that when I have something like this in my terminal window, then I just click on the filename and jump to it.
Not possible using built-in terminal (please vote for IDEA-118566 and IDEA-154439).
Awesome Console plugin might be a solution; but it doesn't support built-in terminal (
there is also Output Link Filter plugin that provides similar functionality, but it looks outdated and (also) doesn't work in built-in terminal
Update (2022): IDEA-118566 is already fixed, links should work. Please note that providing links for particular output needs adding specific logic handing such output. Thus, if you encounter missing links in a particular output, please file a separate issue request describing link output format and steps to reproduce such output.
Webstorm does in fact now have this functionality.
Note that the bug about this functionality being missing (linked in another answer) has been marked as fixed:
It's not quite a single click solution, but what I do, is double click the text so that it auto selects and copies the path, including line and char numbers to clipboard. Then use the shortcut for Goto File.... Hit paste (cmd+v) then Enter and it will take you to the exact location.
For me, the shortcut for Goto File... is cmd+shift+O - you can check your shortcut in the menu Navigate -> File...
You can use the following format to output text in the terminal via console.log and the path will be clickable:
Example with the full path to the file:
at (/home/ubuntu/project/index.js:12:55)
However, if you're running WebStorm with exact file path's project's folder, you can use the following format:
at (./project/index.js:12:55)
I installed Awesome Console plugin and with this plugin, all files and links in the console and terminal will be highlighted and can be clicked. Source code files will be opened in the IDE, other links with the default viewer/browser for this type.
You can jump to files from the terminal with left click
Just select file path (dblclick) & press "shift" twice (search everywhere) & press "enter"...

Link JSCS to autoformat in Webstorm

I'm using JSCS (google) for javascript and also JSHint, However if I autoformat my code with cmd+L it creates a space between function and an opening (. Is there anyway to tell the auto format function to obey to the coding guydes from JSCS?
You can't just tell it to obey this or that standard code style. But you can configure formatting options in Settings/Code Style/javascript. Try Spaces/Before Parentheses options: 'in function declaration', 'in function expression', 'function call parentheses'
Editor > Code Style > JavaScript
You can select Manage and import your JSCS file. This should cover the majority of your needs. Note that if you're just selecting Google from the drop down for your guide, you will need to download Googles JSCS file.

PDFlib first line indent

I using PDFLib as pdf renderer and IDML format from InDesign as input format and my question: is parameter
only possible way how to create in bullet list indent? I have found in CookBookPdfLib, that PDFLib supports LeftIndent but no such property as in InDesign
I mean that if i have multiple lines with one bullet, on the first line i can apply (in InDesign), so called FirstLineIndent, which moves only first line of text after one bullet.
Example of functionality: image.
With PDFLib i have to create this functionality on my own or it is implemented?
you might check out the option "parindent". Check out the PDFlib API reference for details.

Why don't any functions run from the Doctrine 2.0 Command Line Interface (CLI)?

I've recently managed to get the betas of Codeigniter 2.0 and Doctrine 2.0 working together, thanks to the help from this guide:
I have set up the CLI as set out in that guide, but I can't run any commands - I type doctrine and get the menu and list of commands, but then when I type a command like doctrine orm:schema-tool:create it just loads the same screen again with the list of commands. I don't get any error messages or anything.
My application/doctrine.php:
My application/cli-config.php:
If anyone can even give me a clue or point me in the right direction I would be most grateful. I have been trying to get my head around this for a day and a half now :S
Hey, I just got this all working together myself.
One thing, it depends on how you DL'd doctrine to begin with. I DL'd directly, no SVN or GIT in other words.
I ended putting my cli-config.php, doctrine.php and Doctrine.php in "application/tools" dir. "tools" is a dir I just created. It did not exist before.
The current way it's set up with the examples from that link you gave, I think they all need to be in "application/libraries", so if you want to move them to "application/tools" you need to update those paths.
So for example:
require_once CURPATH.'/../config/database.php';
This is saying to go up from 'application\tools' to 'application\config' and get that 'database.php' file.
require_once CURPATH.'/../libraries/Doctrine/Common/ClassLoader.php';
And This is doing the same, except that it is going into "application\libraries\Doctrine\Common" and looking for "ClassLoader.php"
Does that help?
Anyone having this trouble should try two things:
First of all instead of just typing doctrine command make sure you type php doctrine.php command.
Also make sure you have adjusted your system path correctly instead of your user account path.
Once I did both of those things it worked for me fine. Bit confusing though as the first command does work to bring up the list of possibilities, but not when you run any actual command.